We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
In this article we look at the place that China has carved out for itself in the world. Rather than repeating the American mainstream press narratives, we just present the charts, facts and figures and let them do all the talking. China is more than a growing nation. Today it is a predominant nation that is in the process of successfully eclipsing the United States as a global leader.
What I want to do is just present the facts, and let the reader come to their own conclusions.
Reichert and Bognar are clearly on the side of the workers, both American and Chinese, yet their film is no Michael Moore polemic. It's an old-school observational documentary in the very best sense of the term. They don't approach the Fuyao story with a thesis, don't dehumanize the Chinese, don't tell us what to think. Working with 1,200 hours of footage — heroically edited by Lindsay Utz — they have amazing access to a complex economic reality that is touchingly hard on workers.
- Work Cultures Clash When A Chinese Company Reopens An 'American Factory'
I am posting this on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Communist Chinese nation. It’s a really, really big event out here. To quote one of my favorite presidents; “It’s bigly great!“.
A vast majority of Americans have absolutely no clue how advanced China has become.
You don’t need to take my word for it. All you need to do is take a gander at the comments on social media. It’s a recycled bunch of “off the cuff”, dismissive nonsense that has been spewing forth from the mainstream media outlets for the last thirty years.
Many of the comments are all “boiler plate” smug nonsense. A quick word here, a phrase there, a snide comment. No serious discussion aside from “I have an engineering friend that visited China a few years ago and he reported it was a dump.“
If you hop on to any of the American social media platforms, especially (for some reason) the conservative platforms, you will discover such comments as…
“China is 100 years behind”
“All Chinese products are crap”
“China can’t innovate”
“It’s a communist, poor, polluted country”
“It’s infrastructure is collapsing”
…not to forget the specific “issues” that are all boilerplate responses…
“…cross removal on churches…”
“…eating dogs and cats…”
“…Tiananmen square massacre…”
“…ghost cities…”
“…One child policy…”
“…Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps!”
“…Chinese people long for democracy…”
… and, of course, the most popular theme is…
“China’s economy is about to collapse.”
It’s hard to change these opinions, since those people reinforce their biases by gleefully consuming and sharing only anti-China articles.
Anything even remotely positive about China is attacked as “Chinese propaganda.”
CNN reports on killer hornets in China. Yikes! But also places Hong Kong in South America. What is the funniest thing about this is that not one American noticed the geographical error. They were all far too busy worrying about giant zombie-like killer hornets! If I ever come across giant zombie killer hornets, I will write about it. I promise!
The truth is that America media has created an echo chamber that boxes Americans in. It holds them in a state of near constant fear, so that others (often powerful multinational corporations) can manipulate them for profit and personal gain. This is not good. This is quite awful. The reason that this is dangerous, and awful is because…
The American government requires an alert and well-informed citizenry to function properly.
Do a picture / image search for “dogs in china”. One is a United States search engine; Bing. The other is a Chinese search engine; Baidu.
Now look at the difference in the photos found. Big difference indeed.
If you search using American search engines, and American web sites you
will get the idea that the Chinese hates dogs. You would get the idea
that they eat them and treat them brutally.
photo results when using an American search engine (Bing) for the term
“Dogs in China”. Pretty terrible. Eh? The Chinese must really HATE dogs.
Don’t you think?
When the real truth is that the Chinese love dogs like their very own
children. They dress them up in clothes, including socks and shoes.
(Even my dog Shao Pi has sock, shoes, a coat, underwear, sunglasses, a
cap and his very own backpack.) They have hairstyles and perms that they
give the dogs. They groom them in pet salons, and offer them high-end
doggie hotel accommodations, complete with dog-friendly television
shows. It is a completely stark mind-blowing difference.
Yet, you know you would think that the US media would WANT to show
this bizarre behavior to the American public. It is, after all,
newsworthy. But they don’t. Anything that shows China in a positive
light is suppressed.
photo results when you use a Chinese search engine (Baidu) for the
search term “Dogs in China”. You know, the Chinese really love their
dogs and treat them as children.
This ignorance is dangerous
This potent mix of ignorance and hubris is also precisely why western corporations acted like they have towards China. They gladly and voluntarily shared their intellectual property (IP) with their Chinese joint-venture partners. They had nothing to fear from a “back-woods”, “third-rate”, “third world”, “shit hole” country.
So they just gave away their intellectual secrets. The Chinese were “too backward”, “not progressive enough”, a “third world shithole” and would never grow to be competitive.
It's like a 12 year old boy being "edged on" to wrestle with a grizzly bear. He doesn't know any better, and all his "friends" are telling him to "go ahead, you can do it".
But, you know, the grizzly bear won't play. And the boy, in his ignorance, will be literally eaten alive. And the friends, the very ones that edged him on, will scurry for the hills in fear and terror.
Ah. American industry was so strong, so powerful, so invincible. There was nothing that they couldn’t do, and nothing that they were afraid of.
So they gleefully shared American technology and “know how” with their Chinese counterparts.
The American government requires an alert and well-informed citizenry to function properly.
It’s silly in hindsight. The term “forced technology transfer” was invented retroactively, and only after Chinese corporations started threatening western profits.
Huawei has overtaken Apple, Nokia and Ericsson in smartphones, 5G and telecom infrastructure.
BYD manufactures more electric vehicles than Tesla.
Alibaba and Tencent process 50x more mobile payments than the US.
The most valuable (ByteDance) and the most innovative (Meituan) startups are Chinese.
But all this is disguised, camouflaged, hidden or obfuscated by ignorance and a lack of useful comparative measurements. For instance, if you judge the usefulness of a automobile steering wheel by the same characteristics as a buggy-whip, you will end up being misinformed as towards utility, usefulness, and quality.
We are often deceived by our ignorance.
Let’s look at where China is today, where it is heading, and what it means. For ease of convenience, I have grouped the charts by utility and usefulness.
Group [A] Economic Advantage
Here we try to gauge a measure of economic advantage a normal and typical person might have in a given nation. Can people live, eat have babies and families in the nation without undue hardship? This can (potentially) be measured by a nation’s GDP.
In general, the greater the GDP, the greater the advantage the family might have relative to the rest of the world. It’s a reasonably fine general gauge.
In general, the greater the GDP, the greater the advantage the family might have relative to the rest of the world.
It is not, nor should it ever be, a comprehensive indicator of how successful a given nation might be in providing “opportunity” for it’s citizenry. Rather it is a general indicator for predicting relative average familial prosperity geographically on a national basis.
I argue that it is easy to misinterpret the values that the GDP represents. Therefore, it should be considered not as an absolute, but rather as a guideline as to the success of any given nation.
In this regard, it is clear that China is near equals with the United States in GDP ratios with some "wiggle room" in allowances for methodology considerations.
[A1] GDP per capita
We start with the GDP per capita. The good news here for Americans is that the American GDP per capita is untouchable. America has the largest GDP per capita in the world.
PercapitaGDP is a measure of the total output of a country that takes gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country. The percapitaGDP is especially useful when comparing one country to another, because it shows the relative performance of the countries.With the income approach, the GDP of a country is calculated as its national income plus its indirect business taxes and depreciation, as well as its net foreign factor income.
It’s a measure of the NET AVERAGE success of the net average citizen in a specific nation.
It is computed using United States dollars. The rating is based on the amount of United States dollars a nation uses.
Thus, the United States, being the world’s largest user of United States dollars, would of course, have the highest GDP per capita in the world.
GDP per capita is a measure of the NET AVERAGE success of the net average citizen in a given nation. If a nation has a good GDP then the citizens are afforded the ability to start and launch their own business with the resources that they might have on hand.
Of course, this is a general indicator. Some people will be rich and some people will be poor. But the net average person in the target nation would be adequately described by this measurable.
Nations that have very rich individuals and very poor individuals might have a GDP-per-capita somewhere in the middle.
Nations that have an overall good standard of living for everyone (rich and poor) might have a GDP-per-capita somewhere at the top.
Nations that have a generally poor standard of living for the vast bulk of the population would have a GDP-per capita somewhere at the bottom.
The bad news about this indicator is that can be deceiving.
A nation can have a top GDP-per capita rating and still have most of it’s people living in poverty. This can happen when a handful of the ultra-rich controls the vast bulk of the wealth.
In itself, it’s not really useful simply because no nation (aside from the tiniest nations) are truly homogeneous. What is useful, however, is to use it in conjunction with other measurables. Then it becomes a useful tool to help predict future economics of nations.
When it comes to the top national economies globally, although the order may shift around slightly from one year to the next, the key players are usually the same. At the top of the list is the United States of America, which according to Investopedia, has been at the head of the table going all the way back to 1871.
However, as has been the case for a good few years now, China is gaining on the U.S., with some even claiming that China has already overtaken the U.S. as the world’s Number 1 economy.
Some things to watch out for in an over-reliance on the GDP-per-capita charts and tracking…
Calculations on GDP/capita are only valid for nations trading solely in US dollars.
Nations that trade in other currencies (either fully or partially) will pull their GDP-per-capita rating lower than their actual value calculated.
In 2012, nearly eight years ago, China conducted trade with 20% being in the Yuan, and 80% in the USD.
Presently we can expect that the percentage of international trade in the yuan / USD to be much higher in 2019. Thus, this fact alone will render any GDP-per-capita calculation meaningless for a nation such as China that trades in other currencies and commodities.
The GDP-per-capita value assigned for China is deceptively low. It assumes that 100% of national trade is conducted in United States Dollars. When in actuality, China trades in USD, yuan, petrol-dollars, and commodities.
China is #1 in PPP GDP. It is been so since 2014 when it surpassed the US). PPP GDP is another indicator that is useful in measuring geographical “advantage” for families.
United States and China are the two largest economies of the world in both Nominal and PPP method. US is at top in nominal whereas China is at top in PPP since 2014 after overtaking US. Both country together share 40.75% and 34.27% of total world’s GDP in nominal and PPP terms, respectively in 2019. GDP of both country is higher than 3rd ranked country Japan (nominal) and India (PPP) by a huge margin. Therefore, only these two are in competition to become first.
[A3] Nominal GDP
America is #1 in nominal GDP.
China is #2 in nominal GDP ($13.5 trillion in 2018). And it’s as big as the next 4 countries combined! This nominal GDP, as long as it is associated with people who manufacture goods within a nation, can also be a useful indicator.
GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year. In Nominal method, market exchange rates are used for conversion.
United States is largest economy of world at nominal (exchange rate) basis. With economy of around $17.4 trillion, United States holds a 22.53 percent share of global GDP in nominal terms.
GDP of United states is $7039 billion more than second ranked China.
China contributes 13.43% of total world economic output.
Despite loosing $303 billion in 2014, Japan is still at number 3. Japan is now ahead of Germany by $757 billion. Top ten countries are : United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Russia and India.
-Statistic Times
United States and China contributes 35.96% of world’s GDP. Top 3 countries contributes 41.93% of world’s GDP. Top 5 countries shares 50.74% of world’s GDP. Top 10 countries contributes 65.3% of world’s GDP.
However, this can be deceiving. The rebranding of imported products can artificially inflate this value. Which, is exactly what has happened in the United States.
According to this indicator, every iPhone in the United States is manufactured in the United States simply because it is listed as a final good. But, this is not true. Every iPhone is actually manufactured in China. It is then shipped to the USA, stored in warehouses, and sold. The American company profits from this. But no American worker does. The Chinese worker does.
GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
I argue that if you were to subtract the imported final goods from this equation, that the nominal GDP for America would be half of what it is currently listed as. Thus, making China #1 in nominal GDP actual.
Group [B] Exports & Exported Products
A nation that manufactures things is able to provide labor and purpose for it’s citizenry. When people are safe, secure and providing a meaningful role in their community, they tend to be happy and satisfied with their social-economic position.
The export of products and manufactured items is an indicator of the value of the parts so made. This value can fall under one of three characteristics. Either it is of high quality, it is cheap, or it is made quickly.
On every level, China is superior in the manufacture, export, shipping and supply chain management of parts, things and assemblies all over the globe.
[B1] Exports
China is #1 in exports (been so since 2009 when it overtook Germany). This should not be a surprise to anyone.
China’s dominance in trade has been a key driver of this trade metamorphosis and economists at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have put out a report outlining the progress as well as some of the challenges confronting China as the economy continues to evolve.
[B2] Container Traffic
China is #1 in container traffic (40% of global market). This should not be a surprise to anyone.
Infographic on shipping container traffic from China compared to the United States.
[B3] Importation of products
America is the #1 importer of products.
China is the #2 importer of products. ($2.1 trillion) It is behind the United States in this role. Most of the products that China imports originate out of the United States.
This is a measure of the relative health of the consumer market. When people are buying things, the consumer market is healthy. As many raw materials are imported, such as metals, and oil, it is also a reflection of the health of a nations industrial might.
China is the #2 importer of products. ($2.1 trillion) It is behind the United States in this role.
China imports precious metals from Africa, oil and gas from the Middle East, and recyclable trash from the United States.
[B4] Manufacturing Value Added
China is #1 in manufacturing value added (been so since 2010 when China overtook it from the US, which had been #1 for the previous 110 years).
China is the world’s leader in the manufacture of value added parts, components and assemblies.
In layman’s terms, “value added” is the relative value of what you get for your money.
High value added; Movie + fresh buttered popcorn + icy cold soda + wide comfortable reclining seats + VIP discount coupons.
Low value added; Discount matinee movie in an non- air-conditioned theater.
Life is too short for cheap beer.
When a nation starts selling things that are low value added, they will offer generic products, discount products, and reduced value items. Conversely, when a nation sells high value things, they would rely on high quality and brand names to sell the products.
Value AddedInbusiness, thedifferencebetweenthesalepriceandtheproductioncostofaproductistheunitprofit. Ineconomics, thesumoftheunitprofit, theunitdepreciationcost, andtheunitlaborcostistheunitvalueadded. Summingvalueaddedperunitoverallunitssoldistotalvalueadded. Totalvalueaddedisequivalenttorevenuelessoutsidepurchases (ofmaterialsandservices).
- Wikipedia
Group [C] The Health of the National Currency
A healthy currency is one that goes a long way in purchasing things. Gold is considered a healthy currency for just this reason. It tends to always go up in value. Likewise, an unhealthy currency is one that loses value over time. Such as being subject to inflation.
China's currency is healthy. The Chinese government has taken great care in the husbanding of the currency and unlike the United States, did not hand over the financial management of the nations' economy to bankers (like the United States did with the Federal Reserve).
[C1] Foreign Exchange Reserves
China is #1 in foreign exchange reserves (>$3 trillion).
The more foreign exchange reserves a nation has, the greater the stability of it’s currency and it’s banking industry is. A strong forex means it is difficult for the nation to suffer through depressions, downturns and recessions.
Maybe President Trump should of thought about this before he tried to press the tariff issue with the Chinese. Eh?
China has the healthiest forex reserves in the world. The United States has the weakest (and most dangerous levels) of forex reserves, followed by the UK.
Foreign exchange reserves take the form of banknotes, deposits, bonds, treasury bills, and other government securities. Foreign exchange reserves are a nation’s backup funds in case of an emergency, such as a rapid devaluation of its currency.
Foreignexchangereserves (alsocalledforexreservesorFXreserves) arecashandotherreserveassetsheldbyacentralbankorothermonetaryauthoritythatareprimarilyavailabletobalancepaymentsofthecountry, influencetheforeignexchangerateofitscurrency, andtomaintainconfidenceinfinancialmarkets. Reservesareheldinoneormorereservecurrencies, nowadaysmostlytheUnitedStatesdollarandtoalesserextenttheeuro.
- Wikipedia
When you hold the debt of the United States, the USA government must pay you the interest on that debt. It’s a source of income for you.
Holding the debit of an other nation provides numerous benefits for the person holding the debt. One [1] your economy can ride out any fluctuation in the market by the success of another nation. [2] You can control the economy of another nation by buying or selling off your debt.
One of the most common concerns of the government is to earn lots of funds to be able to make everything in the vicinity of their country in its proper order. Due to these, governments are seen typically to have their debt from other countries that they are paying either through the use of their current income as well as the issuance of new bonds. When a country will be doing their debt monetization there is a possibility that the presence of inflation would appear. It is a process wherein the issuance of the debt to be able to finance all its spending and the printing of the money by the central back are observed.
Inflation is greatly connected with the so called quantitative easing in other countries to lessen the governments’ burdens when it comes to their debts. The highest scale of this particular type of condition was seen to be common in the US. They have the so called Federal balance sheet to determine the quantity of their debts from other countries. Federal Reserve will be the one in charge of handling and holding the of every US debt of the country.
-Brandon Gialle
China reclaims title as biggest foreign holder of US debt. The two countries account for more than a third of the total foreign ownership of US Treasury securities. Investors have been closely scrutinizing China’s ownership of Treasuries after the country spent a portion of its foreign exchange reserves last year to defend the renminbi.
Group [D] Global Partner to other Nations
A nation that is friends and supportive to other nations is one that can be relied upon when things go wrong. While the USA has been involved in wars all over the globe, China has been trying to build bridges, assist in economic development and offering educations to the poor around the world.
BeltandRoadInitiative (BRI) China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (一带一路) isanambitiousprogrammetoconnectAsiawithAfricaandEuropevialandandmaritimenetworksalongsixcorridorswiththeaimofimprovingregionalintegration, increasingtradeandstimulatingeconomicgrowth.
- Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
The Belt and Road Initiative is a grand plan to connect Asia with Europe and Africa in a monumental trade and infrastructure network. Aimed at promoting prosperity for countries across the world, it was proposed by the Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013.
China calls it a “modern Silk Road” with plans to build six major economic corridors generating hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Apart from free trade, the plan would provide opportunities for peace and inclusiveness, said President Xi at the forum, adding that old models based on rivalry and diplomatic power games should be abandoned, reported Reuters.
There are various measures of being a good “global neighbor”. Here are some of them…
Rather than fight an endless stream of wars, China has decided that it would be a far better friend than an enemy to other nations. As such they are openly conducting relationships, trade and establishing trade routes so that the world within their sphere can prosper together.
[D1] Primary trading partner with most of the world.
China is the #1 trade partnerfor 130 countries (trade = exports + imports). And for 37 countries, China is also their #1 export destination (meaning, they sell the most goods to China).
In 2017, China major trading partner countries for exports were United States, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Rep. and Vietnam and for imports they were Korea, Rep., Japan, Other Asia, nes, United States and China.
[D2] Contribution to Global Growth
China is the #1 leader in contribution to global GDP growth for the past decade (25-35%, which is twice that of the US). That is, if the world GDP grows by $100, then $25-$35 comes from China.
China is expected to account for fully 73% of total growth of the so-called BRICS grouping of large developing economies.
[D3] Production of Construction Materials
China is by far, #1 in steel, cement, aluminum production (link, link, link). In three years (2012 – 2015), China used more cement than the US did in the entire 20th century (link)!
Check out these graphs that shows just how dominant China is in all these fields…
China dominates the world in the production of steel. No other nation or region of nations comes close.China dominates the world in the production of steel. No other nation or region of nations comes close.China dominates the world in the production of aluminum. No other nation or region of nations comes close.China currently produces over half of the world’s cement. Global cement production is expected to increase from 3.27 billion metric tons in 2010 to 4.83 billion metric tons in 2030. In China, the cement production in 2015 amounted to some 2.31 million tons.If you remember just one thing from this article, it would probably be this infographic.
[D4] China leads the world in the manufacture of automobiles.
China is #1 in manufacture of conventional cars (>26 million per year). In manufacturing, it is always the “large players” that will dominate the industry. They will set the trends, the styles, and the regulations.
How has China become such a dominant economic power? Part of the reason is its booming auto industry. To illustrate, the total number of autos sold last year in China was 24.6 million. This dwarfs total auto sales in the U.S. last year, which hit a record 17.5 million cars and trucks. In addition, SUV sales in China increased a whopping 52% in 2015. China’s auto industry is thriving and should provide stiff competition for U.S. auto manufacturers in the years ahead.
- Forbes
The Chinese automobile sector has experienced rapid growth over the past decade, with China recently becoming the world’s largest producer of automobiles. Given the steel-intensive nature of automobile production, the expansion of China’s automobile sector has seen it become an important end-user of steel. With the number of cars in China still very low relative to its large population, car sales are likely to remain at a high level for the foreseeable future; accordingly, Chinese car makers should remain a significant (and growing) source of demand for steel.
[D5] High-Technology manufacture
China is #2 in hi-tech manufacturing (Yeah, China isn’t just making rubber duckies anymore).
The narrative from the American mainstream media has always been that China can only copy. They cannot innovate.
This should be considered a specious argument as China has fully invented and implemented 5G technology, while American industry is still struggling on developing it.
People! You cannot copy something that hasn’t been invented yet.
5G3GPP's5GlogoIntroduced Late 2018 by the Chinese Huawei, 5Gisthefifthgenerationcellularnetworktechnology. Theindustryassociation3GPPdefinesanysystemusing "5GNR" softwareas "5G", adefinitionthatcameintogeneralusebylate 2018. OthersmayreservethetermforsystemsthatmeettherequirementsoftheITUIMT-2020. 3GPPwillsubmittheir5GNRtotheITU. Itfollows2G, 3Gand4Gandtheirrespectiveassociatedtechnologies.
A global power shift in the technology sector is underway. Decades ago, China was viewed as a mere imitator in the technology world. The international tech community regarded Chinese companies as more likely to copy western products than develop their own innovative ideas.
Group [E] Personal Success
It is the internal yearning of man to improve his lot. That includes his children and the lifestyle of his family. We look at ability to grow as a family in success as well as the ability for companies to grow and succeed. How does China stack up in this regard…
China is catching up fast, and has eclipsed the United States on various levels.
[E1] Billionaires
China is a close #2 in billionaires (about 400 billionaires). But that gap is closing fast.
When it is possible to go from “rags to riches” there is the ability to greatly improve one’s status in life.
China is a close #2 in billionaires (about 400 billionaires). But that gap is closing fast.
[E2] Millionaires
China is #1 in millionaires.
Step aside, American millionaires. Your Asian counterparts are now wealthier than you are. Asian millionaires now control more wealth than their peers in North America, Europe and other regions, according to a new World Wealth Report from Capgemini, a consulting group.
Asian millionaires saw their wealth jump by 9.9% in 2015, while poor performance in the equity markets in the United States and Canada slowed growth in North America to a sluggish 2.3% last year.
Step aside, American millionaires.
Your Asian counterparts are now wealthier than you are.
Asian millionaires now control more wealth than their peers in North America, Europe and other regions, according to a new World Wealth Report from Capgemini, a consulting group.
Asian millionaires saw their wealth jump by 9.9% in 2015, while poor performance in the equity markets in the United States and Canada slowed growth in North America to a sluggish 2.3% last year.
Of course, it is useful to be deceptive in this matter.
If you consider wealth to ONLY be measured in United States Dollars, and not in other currencies, gold, bitcoin, or in property, it would be Americans that would be the wealthiest. For they have the largest piles of money in the USD currency.
Of course, it is useful to be deceptive in this matter. If you consider wealth to ONLY be measured in United States Dollars, and not in other currencies, gold, bitcoin, or in property, it would be Americans that would be the wealthiest. For they have the largest piles of money in the USD currency.
It's sort of like saying that Americans eat the most delicious food in the world simply because America makes the most hamburgers. While not taking into account that there are other kinds of food.
When you try to judge the world on an American scale... USD, your results will be skewed in favor of the United States.
[E3] Stock Market
China is #2 stock market, by market cap (overtook Japan in 2014). Obviously the United States stock market is a major player in stock value and worth.
In 2003, even tiny Switzerland and sparsely populated Canada had larger stock markets than China. And India is coming on strong. It’s now home to 2.6 percent of the world’s total stock market value.
[E4] Fortune 500 Companies
China is #2 in representation in Global Fortune 500 companies. (And, it is actually #1 if Taiwan is included)
TheFortuneGlobal 500, alsoknownasGlobal 500, isanannualrankingofthetop 500 corporationsworldwideasmeasuredbyrevenue. ThelistiscompiledandpublishedannuallybyFortunemagazine. Until 1989, itlistedonlynon-USindustrialcorporationsunderthetitle "International 500" whiletheFortune 500 containedandstillcontainsexclusivelyUScorporations.
- Wikipedia
China is #2 in representation in Global Fortune 500 companies. (And, it is actually #1 if Taiwan is included)
[E5] Agriculture
China is #1 in most agricultural products — production of rice, wheat, potato, beer(!), tea, apple, strawberry, grapes and numerous other grains, vegetables and fruits. (link)
China leads the world in the production of rice.China leads the world in the production of beer.China leads the world in the production of wheat.China leads the world in the production of pork.China leads the world in the production of tea. Sorry Arkansas. You are going to have to tear down all your signs.
Group [F] Poverty and Middle Class
A good indicator on the general health of a nation is the size of it’s middle class. Nations that are stratified with a rich class, and a poor class but have a very small middle class will produce raw data that on the surface looks great, but in reality does not reflect the nation as a whole.
China's middle class is growing and dwarfs that of the West. They are also affluent, tech-savvy and travel internationally.
[F1] The Middle Class Population
China is #1 in Middle Class population (350 million in 2018; and it overtook the US in 2015).
Chinese middle class is huge and growing. It’s already far larger than what is found in the United States.China’s middle class is large and growing.The global pyramid of wealth. It’s all going to Asia. While the middle class in North America shrinks substantially.China has an enormous and growing middle class.The nineteenth century industrial revolution created a substantial Western European and American middle class. Today the same is happening in emerging markets. Over the next two decades, the global middle class is expected to expand by another three billion, from 1.8 billion to 4.9 billion, coming almost exclusively from the emerging world. In Asia alone, 575 million people can already count themselves among the middle class — more than the European Union’s total population,
[F2] Elimination of poverty
=> #1 in poverty elimination (800 million lifted out of extreme poverty)
[F3] On-line and electronic sales
China is #1 in online/e-commerce retail sales (In 2019 it was three times (3x) that of the US).
In the retailing business, it’s fairly common knowledge that China is home to the world’s most prolific online shoppers. Last year almost 419 million mainlanders made purchases via the Web, more than any other country, and they spent more online than consumers elsewhere by a wide margin ($672 billion, nearly twice U.S. online spending in 2015).
If these facts suggest to you that e-commerce in China has matured and growth is running out of steam as the country’s economy slows, think again. China retail consumption in general continues to increase briskly and online shopping in particular continues to boom. Analysts reckon this is due to a combination of potent demographic and cultural trends that show no signs of abating: the growing spending power of upper middle class and affluent households; the coming of age of a generation of college-educated consumers; rising aspirations among hundreds of millions of people in China’s less-developed cities and rural areas; a powerful shift away from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores to mobile e-commerce driven by widespread smartphone adoption.
Will China still be on top at the close of the decade? A recent forecast on worldwide e-commerce sales through 2019 by independent research firm eMarketer says yes, emphatically so.
-China will completely dominate e-commerce.
e-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased 32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China’s total international trade. In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China.China dominates retail e-commerce sales by a significant factor.
[F4] Retail Market
China is #1 in the retail market of the world by 2019 ($5.6 trillion)
By 2018, the Chinese online fashion market is forecast to be larger than that of the USA and Europe combined. This according to the latest report from the Statista Digital Market Outlook. The analysis reveals, with turnover of 126 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, China is already by far the leader for online fashion but by 2018 this turnover is expected to reach 194 billion – eclipsing that of the USA and Europe. The biggest players in China are currently Tmall, JD and VIP.com.
China’s overall share of global luxury goods purchases declined slightly from 31% to 30%. Longer term, China remains an engine of growth for luxury goods as the country’s middle class continues to grow in size and purchasing power. The behavior of Chinese consumers epitomizes a larger global trend: the re-localization of luxury. In 2016, the growth of local luxury purchases exceeded that of tourist purchases by 5 percentage points, the first time that has happened since 2001.The luxury market value on the Chinese mainland is expected to hit 113 billion yuan ($18.07 billion) by the end of the year. Watches are expected to be among the hardest hit categories with a 5 percent drop in market value.
However, Chinese purchases worldwide reached 306 billion yuan with spending abroad rocketing by 31 percent.
More than 60 percent of consumption took place in overseas markets, driven by the depreciation of major foreign currencies, and dynamic overseas travel.
[F6] Luxury Automotive Market
China is #1 in the luxury car market (Example: 400,000 BMW’s manufactured and sold in China in 2017). Any one visiting China can attest to this. Bentley’s and Lamborghini’s are all pretty common in China. But, very rare in the United States.
China represents a significant proportion of market share for luxury brand automobiles.German automakers Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz maintained their lead as the top performers in China’s luxury car market in the first half of 2014 as Mercedes-Benz continues to try to play catch-up to its two main rivals.
[F7] International Tourism
China is #1 in international tourism spending (In 2010, Chinese tourists spent half as much as Americans; and by 2017, China was spending twice as much as the US)
Revenue generated by outbound tourism from China continues to grow in 2018. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) found that spending from Chinese tourists abroad now makes up 21% of all tourism spending. In addition, each Chinese traveler spends on average more per trip than tourists from any other country. The impact of Chinese tourists on the luxury industry is thus remarkable. Retailers, hotels, restaurants and travel brands all need to adapt their products and services if they want to appeal to this new market segment.China’s outbound tourism boom is expected to remain the largest force in the global travel market over the next decade, with Chinese spending reaching US$255.4 billion by 2025.
This was the prediction of a recent report by economic forecasting firm Oxford Economics and credit card company Visa called “Mapping the Future of Global Travel and Tourism,” which says that this number will be the result of an 86 percent increase in Chinese travel spending in the next 10 years. The 2025 prediction will be up from $137 billion spent in 2015, keeping China far at the top of the list as the number one source of cross-border travel spending in the world. The staggering amount is expected to be almost double that of the United States’ second-place $134.1 billion spent by tourists abroad and larger than that of Germany, the UK, and Russia combined.
Group [G] Technology
The future of the world belongs to the nation that can harness, control and wield new and advanced technology. Increasingly it appears that China will wear this mantle.
China is investing in technology, spending money, time and effort towards AI, robotics, space exploration, and medical research. Meanwhile the United States is pushing for diversity improvements, Muslim outreach, and social programs.
China’s startup market had a good year in 2018, with close to 100 technology companies garnering a valuation of more than $1 billion.
Known as unicorns, the companies were led by eCommerce and video streaming services, the Financial Times reported, citing data from Hurun’s ranking of China’s top tech companies.
China’s startup market had a good year in 2018, with close to 100 technology companies garnering a valuation of more than $1 billion.
Known as unicorns, the companies were led by eCommerce and video streaming services, the Financial Times reported, citing data from Hurun’s ranking of China’s top tech companies. According to the report, Hurun, which also produces the annual rich list for China, found there are 186 Chinese tech startups that have valuations of more than $1 billion. In first place is Ant Financial, the digital payments affiliate of Alibaba. Among the video streaming startups, the Financial Times said ByteDance made the list. It runs the Toutiao news video and short video streaming company Douyin.
ByteDance, Tencent-backed short-video app Kuaishou, and Meicai, an online platform for farmers selling vegetables, were ranked the fastest-growing startups, with valuations that jumped 400 percent in 2018, reported the Financial Times. The report noted that internet services, medical and health companies, and education were the fastest growing sectors from a valuation perspective.
Beijing topped the list of cities with the most “unicorn” companies, with 54 startups according to the Hurun Greater China Unicorn Index 2017 released Dec 21.
A unicorn, by definition, is a startup company valued at more than $1 billion. The list surveyed 120 unicorn companies with a total estimated value of more than 3 trillion yuan ($458 billion) in China.
Shanghai took second position with 28 unicorns, and Hangzhou followed Shanghai with 13 unicorns.
Notably, the 13 unicorn companies in Hangzhou have a higher total estimated value than the 28 unicorns in Shanghai combined.
While investors in the West have carefully trimmed their stakes in startups and announced the end of the golden age of unicorns, China’s government-backed venture capital funds have amassed the world’s biggest startup pool, reports Bloomberg.
And it’s enormous—reaching almost 10 times the amount spent by venture capital firms on Chinese startups in 2015: $32.2 billion.
In bid to ease the slowing Chinese economy into a consumer-based rather than heavy industry-focused one, the country reportedly raised about 1.5 trillion yuan, or $231 billion, in state-backed venture funds through 2015, according to Zero2IPO.
That tripled its assets under management to $338 billion. The money, which is almost five times the amount raised by any other venture firm in the world in 2015, comes mostly from tax revenues or state backed loans, and is funneled into some 780 funds across the country.
China's 4G users touches 836 million. China hastheworld'slargest 4G network andisaimingtoadd 2 million 4G basestations, mainlyfortownshipsandvillages, by 2018. Alsobytheendofthefirstquarter, China had 310 millionusersof fixed-line broadband network, andnearly 80 percentofthemusedfiberbroadbandproducts.
-Economic Times
One of the main reasons China is ahead of the US is because of proactive government policies. The CTIA feels so strongly about this it even commissioned another research firm to further investigate the importance of winning at 5G.
“When countries lose global leadership in a generation of wireless, jobs are shed and technology innovation gets exported overseas... Conversely, leading the world in wireless brings significant economic benefits, as the U.S. has seen with its 4G leadership. These are the serious stakes that face American policymakers in the escalating global race to 5G.”
-Roger Entner, Founder of Recon Analytics.
Well you can’t argue with that can you? Here’s the 5G readiness chart according to whatever criteria they used.
Research commissioned by US wireless trade association CTIA reckons China is a bit ahead of Korea, the US and Japan when it comes to 5G readiness. The report, compiled by Analysis Mason, frames 5G as a global race – the implication being that whoever starts doing it in real life first will have a big advantage over everyone else.
China has the highest number of internet users in the world, with over 746 million users. China has a population of over one billion, and a vast internet network that has been expanded in recent years. Chinese internet users have nearly doubled in numbers over the past decade. The strongest increase has been among mobile internet users, who access the internet on smartphones, which is very popular in China.China owns the internet. Compared to the Chinese software companies, Google and Facebook, Twitter and all the rest are all small potatoes
[G5] Smartphone use
China is #1 in smartphones (Chinese brands have 40% of the global market)
China has the largest smartphone penetration in the world.
[G6] Use of solar, wind and hydro power.
China is #1 in solar, wind and hydroelectric power (link)
China has invested heavily in alternative energy sources. This includes solar, wind and hydro technologies.
[G7] Use of electric cars
China is #1 in electric cars – manufacturing and sales (link)
There’s no comparison. China is by far, the world leader in electric vehicles.
[G8] Drones
China is #1 in consumer drones (70% of global market). This is pretty much obvious when you just scan through the names and logos of those people making the drones. Heck! They are mostly Chinese.
China is #1 in consumer drones (70% of global market).
China is #1 in supercomputers (227 out of the 500 supercomputers are Chinese)
China has pulled way ahead of the US in the supercomputers. The share of TOP500 installations in China continues to rise, with the country now claiming 227 systems (45 percent of the total). The number of supercomputers that call the US home continues to decline.
I was talking the other day to a colleague about the phenomenon in Asia, India, Africa and South America taking place with mobile payments and the lack of take-up in the USA. Why is this, I wondered? Then got my answer, although it isn’t a singular factor but a combination of factors.
First, there are many payment methods already deployed and available for most American consumers including cash, check, credit or debit card, PayPal and more. Second, it is not just the choice of payment methods but also the breadth and depth of acceptance. For most US stores, their preferred payment method is cash or card, and that’s pretty much the same in Europe; whilst China’s stores all take QR codes. Third, there has to be a reason for consumers to change their payments behavior and the US has not created any yet; China’s red letter days made the difference when Tencent and Alibaba went head-to-head, and Singles Days and other events since have created the behavioral change. Finally, there has to be scale and support for change, and the USA doesn’t have it as there are too many financial providers with too many different interests. If the USA had Facebook and Amazon offering simple payments in apps, it might have taken off far faster than it has; but the fact that Tencent (800 million users) and Alibaba (540 million) pushed mobile payments hard into the Chinese consumers hands made the transformation easy.
This is why it surprises me that after all the hoo-hah razzamatazz announcements of Apple Pay that it turned out to be such a damp fizz. In fact, I claim it’s one of Apple’s failures. I don’t use it. I have no incentive to use it. I don’t like it. I don’t find it functional. In fact, I hate it.
I realized how much I dislike it when the new iPhone keeps bringing up Siri and Apple Pay rather than opening my apps when I press the home button. Then, when I want Apple Pay to come up, I have no idea how to get it. Then I realized it’s in my wallet, and then I realized the wallet is now just a digital representation of my card.
-Skinners Blog
China leads the world, by far…far… far in command of mobile payments.
Group [H] Infrastructure
A measure of how healthy a nation is can be determined by it’s infrastructure. How many new parks are made? What is the condition of bridges? How is the ease and availability of public transportation? High speed rail, the prices and extent of the lines? Here we can see that China outshines the world in these areas.
Compared to the United States, China has invested such an enormous amount of money and resources into infrastructure that simply dwarfs any efforts by the United States. They are so minuscule that they hardly seem worth mentioning in comparison with China.
[H1] Skyscraper construction
China is #1 in skyscrapers – more than half of all skyscrapers are in China (link)
China is the world leader in skyscraper construction.
China is #1 in high-speed railways or bullet trains (30,000 Km or 18,000 miles)
China leads the world in high speed rail. The value listed for the United States is an estimate. As of 1OCT19, only 15 miles of HST track has been laid down in the United States.
[H3] Global Infrastructure Projects
China is #1 in global infrastructure projects. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) involves 152 countries and international organizations. (link)
Globally, China has been steadily increasing its official finance investments in other countries, but these flows are less concessional than that of other large players like the US. Consistent with speculation in popular media and policy circles, China is making big bets in the infrastructure sector, as the lion’s share of its investments globally between 2000 and 2014 were in energy (US$134.1 billion), transportation and storage (US$88.8 billion), telecommunications projects (US$16.9 billion) and mining, construction and industry (US$ 30.3 billion).
Seven of the top 10 recipients of Chinese “aid” (ODA) were in Africa, but its other official flows (OOF) are more geographically dispersed. Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ghana collectively received US$23.3 billion in official development assistance from China between 2000 and 2014. Africa is less of a priority for China when it comes to its more commercial or diplomatically focused other official financing: Angola is the lone African country in the top ten recipients of Chinese OOF, receiving $13.4 billion.
- China’s financial statecraft: Winning Africa one Yuan at a time?
These survey results tell us that the substantial investments made by China in the infrastructure sector are indeed paying off in increased influence with world leaders. In comparing survey responses from 2014 and 2017, China is rapidly gaining ground when it comes to agenda-setting influence with policymakers in low- and middle-income countries. More on this is still to come, with AidData’s forthcoming publication analyzing the full survey results slated for April 2018.
So, how might we explain China’s rising influence? Money may not buy love, but it does give donors a seat at the table with policymakers in low- and middle-income countries. China holds most sway with leaders from countries that are heavily dependent on its grants and loans.
Beyond money, public diplomacy tools can work together with development assistance to amplify influence with African leaders. For example, China has more influence in countries where leaders had greater interaction with the Chinese Communist Party and less influence in countries that had more leaders educated in the US and a higher number of Fulbright scholars.
In addition to becoming the biggest produced of steel and aluminum, among many other things, the PRC has launched a number of huge infrastructure projects—topped by $25 billion Three Gorges Dam (a project originally dreamed of since imperial days).
But China still remains deeply conservative politically—it remains the only one of the ten major global economies not to be a multi-party democracy.
Under Mao, China sought to export revolution. Today it looks to deploy its massive cash reserves, spreading “soft power” around the globe. Throughout, the PRC insists that it’s pursuing a “peaceful rise” in search of a “harmonious world”.
-China in the 21st Century
Group [I] Science, Research & Development
Scientific development is how a nation can obtain a leadership role in the global economy. When ever a nation has technological leadership, it’s people prosper. This was true for Germany, Japan, and the Untied States. It is now true for China.
[I1] STEM field participation
China is #1 in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) college graduates (4x as many as the US)
With regard to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates, however, according to the OECD, in 2030, if the proportions of STEM graduates continue at 2012 levels, China and India will account for more than 60% of the OECD and G20 STEM graduates. Considering the BRIICS countries as a whole (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa), it is estimated that they will produce three-quarters of the global STEM graduates by 2030. This is a significant shift away from the traditional aerospace manufacturing hubs in North America and Europe.
According to 2018 Science & Engineering Indicators, a report published by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), China has left the U.S. behind to become the largest producer of scientific articles. In 2016, China published more than 426,000 studies, which amounted to 18.6% of the publications indexed in Scopus (Elsevier’s database). The U.S., with 409,000 studies, is now positioned after China.
Over the last few years, the volume of publications in China has increased exponentially; China had been trailing the U.S. with regard to the number of publications. In June 2017, the Chinese National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) and Clarivate Analytics, announced that China ranks third in the world in publishing academic papers that are a result of international collaboration.
-Editage Insights
China’s Scientific dominance is a done deal – Business Insider.
“The US continues to be the global leader in science and technology, but the world is changing,” says Maria Zuber, a geophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. As other nations increase their output, the United States’ relative share of global science activity is declining, says Zuber, who chairs the National Science Board, which oversees the NSF and produced the report. “We can’t be asleep at the wheel.”
The shifting landscape is already evident in terms of the sheer volume of publications: China published more than 426,000 studies in 2016, or 18.6% of the total documented in Elsevier’s Scopus database. That compares with nearly 409,000 by the United States. India surpassed Japan, and the rest of the developing world continued its upward trend.
The international authorities overseeing the creation of a unified standard for 5G mobile technologies are expected to release its initial phase next year and the final phase in 2019, paving the way for a broad roll-out of 5G services by mobile network operators from 2020.
China’s bid to gain a greater share of the intellectual property behind the universal 5G standard would not only increase its global influence, but improve its bargaining power with foreign patent holders and help lower costs for mainland telecoms equipment makers, chip companies and other enterprises in the supply chain.
China is on the cusp of recasting itself as a leading technology innovator from a mere follower in the telecommunications industry, as efforts to develop a global 5G mobile standard near the final stage. “While China has the world’s largest mobile market by subscriber and network size, other countries have dominated mobile technology innovation,” said Jefferies equity analyst Edison Lee. “5G is the opportunity of the century for China.”
China is #1 in Artificial Intelligence (AI) funding, startups and publications (link, link)
Xu runs SenseTime Group Ltd., which makes artificial intelligence software that recognizes objects and faces, and counts China’s biggest smartphone brands as customers. In July, SenseTime raised $410 million, a sum it said was the largest single round for an AI company to date. That feat may soon be topped, probably by another startup in China. The nation is betting heavily on AI.
Money is pouring in from China’s investors, big internet companies and its government, driven by a belief that the technology can remake entire sectors of the economy, as well as national security.
A similar effort is underway in the U.S., but in this new global arms race, China has three advantages: A vast pool of engineers to write the software, a massive base of 751 million internet users to test it on, and most importantly staunch government support that includes handing over gobs of citizens’ data –- something that makes Western officials squirm.
“…Historically, the country has been a lightweight in those regards. It’s suffered through a “brain drain,” a flight of academics and specialists out of the country. “China currently has a talent shortage when it comes to top tier AI experts,” said Connie Chan, a partner at venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.
“While there have been more deep learning papers published in China than the U.S. since 2016, those papers have not been as influential as those from the U.S. and U.K.” But China is gaining ground.
The country is producing more top engineers, who craft AI algorithms for U.S. companies and, increasingly, Chinese ones. Chinese universities and private firms are actively wooing AI researchers from across the globe. Juo, the University of Rochester professor, said top researchers can get offers of $500,000 or more in annual compensation from U.S. tech companies, while Chinese companies will often double that.
Meanwhile, China’s homegrown talent is starting to shine. A popular benchmark in AI research is the ImageNet competition, an annual challenge to devise a visual recognition system with the lowest error rate. Like last year, this year’s top winners were dominated by researchers from China, including a team from the Ministry of Public Security’s Third Research Institute.”
China has shot far ahead of the US on deep-learning patents, 2018 China wants to become a country of innovation, and lead the world in artificial intelligence in 2030 .
China, still derided by many in the West as the “Great Imitator,” is set to become the world’s leading research and development (R&D) spender within about 10 years, according to a report by advisory firm KPMG, which notes that in 2013, China committed $220bn in R&D spending, second globally only to the United States, which is estimated to have spent $424bn. This year, research firm Battelle and R&D Magazine predict in their 2014 Global R&D Funding Forecast that China will spend $284bn, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%, far eclipsing the US’s same-period increase of just one percent.
[I7] Satellites in Orbit / Space
China is #2 in number of satellites in orbit/space (280 satellites as of 2018). In 2018, China became the first country to land on the far side of the moon.
The UCS Satellite Database, compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy group, shows that the United States, as of November 2018, had 830 registered units in orbit. That number almost exceeds the combined total of the rest of the top ten. China follows with 280, and Russia is third with 147.
Just skimming through this article, taking note of the size of China and the sheer number of leadership spots would be enough to make the most skeptical nitwit pause and think.
China is a serious, serious nation that deserves respect.
Those that want to bury their head in the sand and pretend that China is not anything to worry about… that the “Trump Tariffs sent China back 20 years”… and that efforts to “contain” China will work… need to rethink their strategies.
I argue one very simple point. It is a point and theme that I have made time and time again, and I will conclude with it here…
The American government requires an alert and well-informed citizenry to function properly.
Otherwise, the American government (and by extension, the proud American people) will just end up as a footnote in the history books. Heed my words.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Some Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While
there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
We often talk (and complain) about the bad side of the new Orwellian police state that all nations are morphing into. Yet, with all of our moaning, groaning, and complaining we neglect to look at the more positive aspects. No, this is not an article in praise of the Orwellian Police State. Instead, we look at how intense monitoring of enormous populations, using high resolution cameras and 5G networks enable full “real time” tracking of agitators and hooligans. Especially those from another nation. Ones that are intended to destabilize, and cause strife, for global political ends.
In particular, we will look at the tracking (by China) of the United States agitation in the (so called) “Free Democracy” movement in Hong Kong during the Summer of 2019.
Quick Review
The United States under President Donald Trump has been involved in difficult negotiations with China over trade. These negotiations began in 2017, and “heated up” in early Summer of 2019. During the Summer of 2019 mass “Pro Democracy” protests broke out in Hong Kong. The idea, of course, has been to put every type and means of “pressure” on China so that the trade negotiations would fall in favor of the United States.
I covered the Chinese reaction to all this here. The link below opens up into a separate tab so as not to interrupt your viewing pleasure in this article.
These “pressures” included such things as…
Increasing Tariffs on Chinese made products.
Protests and disruptions in Hong Kong.
Asking European Nations to stop or break trade with China.
Financial incentives to other nations.
Pressure on American companies to move back to the USA.
Time will tell just how effective they will all be.
What I do know, as of the time of this writing, at the tail-end of September moving forward into the 70th anniversary of China, the following is true…
[1] International Trade
There is a GLOBAL slowing of all international trade.
International trade, across the board is reduced by 30%.
Companies located in strong pro-USA nations (Australia, NZ, and the UK) are looking for alternative off-shore supply chain operations outside of China. But there just aren’t any.
[2] American Trade With China
China has also surprised Americans with the most complete supply chains in the world. "You need a thousand rubber gaskets? That's the factory next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away. You need that screw made a little bit different? It will take three hours," one former high-ranking Apple executive was quoted as saying in a New York Times report.
- Smaller US companies depend on Chinese supply chain
The clear majority of American companies are staying inside of China. This is out of financial necessity. They do not have the financial means to take on the enormous financial risks to relocate back to the USA.
Those American companies are passing on the tariffs directly to the American consumer (25% direct) or (10% through a “pass through” arrangement).
But all accounts, the tariff situation is hurting American consumers much more than it is hurting China.
Read about the reasons here. Opens in a separate tab.
[3] Cut in American Food Items for Export
The cut in importation of American foodstuffs has resulted in the increase in the price of food. But not in the availability of food. China has food galore and a-plenty.
This goes absolutely against the American media narrative. Which on some websites are even suggesting famine! It’s insane. Ah, but, it’s easy enough to check.
China has spent the last thirty years building up their self-sufficiency in food, technology and vital products. They have not forgotten the mistakes made under Communism under Mr. Mao.
Now, of course, there are all kinds of different cuts of pork. It would be like comparing apples and watermelons if we use different cuts of pork. But, you know what, we work with what we have to work with.
Here is a flier showing one of the more expensive cuts of pork (it’s the Chinese national holiday, after all, ) Never the less, you can clearly see that a pork roast costs 17.8 RMB / half a Kg in October. Where in January (before the trade embargoes) a cheap cut of pork shoulder costs 12.8 RMB / half a Kg.
At which I would like to remind the reader that China is a bacon-loving nation. They love their pork and out-produces pork products that makes America look like teeny-boppers.
China, with it’s enormous population, does not need food imports to exist. China is an enormous breadbasket. Farms exist everywhere. For instance, did you know that China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined.
Yeah. America is a light-weight in pork production.
The Chinese love pork. This is a nation that loves bacon. They love pork chops, and all sorts of pork products.
China does not need any imports of food to feed it’s people. It is self-sufficient.
China feeds 22 percent of the world population with only seven percent of the planet's arable land. Land is heavily utilized for agriculture. Vegetables are planted on road embankments, in traffic triangles and right up the walls of many buildings.
China is the world's top consumer of meat and grain. As it becomes more affluent people consume more meat and cooking oil and this has lead to increased demand for soybeans as an oil source and feed for livestock. China also uses more fertilizer that any other country.
According to United Nations statistics, China's cereal production is the largest in the world. In 2003 China produced 377 million tons, or 18.1 percent of total world production. Its plant oil crops---at 15 million tons in 2003---are a close second to those of the United States and amounted to 12.6 percent of total world production.
Lauren Keane wrote in the Washington Post, “China has a long-standing policy of food self-sufficiency, growing 95 percent of the grain required to feed its people. The country's sheer size means that a major crop failure or other food emergency here could have international ramifications, overwhelming world food markets with sudden demand. "Were China to need to import a large amount of grain, it would have a very dramatic impact on world food prices," said Anthea Webb, director of World Food Program China. [Source:Lauren Keane, Washington Post, May 31, 2010]
-Facts and Details
The idea that China cannot feed it’s people comes from the late
1960’s when the Communist central government failed in the
implementation of policy. Taking advantage of that situation was a SJW
moment known as the Cultural Revolution. It collapsed when the military had to be called into to restore order and control.
[4] Discarding of the United States Dollar
For a full half a century, the world used the USD to conduct international business and trade. This was advantageous for the United States. As the value of the dollar could be artificially propped up as the entire world was using this currency, and it was able to “float” upon the stability of the economies of multiple nations.
Not so any longer. Each time a nation stops using the USD as a currency for international trade, the stability of the USD decreases.
Numerous nations are starting to conduct trade in the Yuan instead of the US Dollar.
Numerous nations are buying up gold and increasing their gold reserves.
America has countered to this by printing more money, and taking on more debt.
Maybe these nations know something that many Americans aren’t.
In the forefront of all these various issues, we have the (so called) “Pro Democracy” movement in HK. This is an effort that is designed to destabilize the region as a way to put pressure on China.
Indeed, Donald Trump himself tweeted to Xi Peng in September that all the protests in HK would end abruptly if China agreed to the USA trade concessions.
How could Donald Trump say that if he wasn't able to make that happen?
The “Pro Democracy Movement”
I covered this subject in great deal elsewhere. If you want to find out who the players are, the stakes involved, the money that changes hands, and the interests of the American “deep state” swamp you can clink on this link below. It opens up in a separate tab so as not to interrupt your reading pleasure here.
In order to put pressure on China, Donald Trump utilized a branch of the CIA known as the National Endowment for Democracy or NED.
This is all well known as the “paper trail” for the funding is public knowledge. Indeed, groups in the coalition reaped hundreds of thousands of dollars from the NED and NDI last year alone.
You know… for “democracy” around the world.
US lawmakers nominate Hong Kong protest leaders for peace prizes and
pump their organizations with money to “promote democracy,” the
demonstrations have begun to spiral out of control.
And the people used to [1] instigate the riots, [2] train the protestors, arrange and [3] organize the newsmen and cameras and [4] teach and instruct the rioters for “soft conflicts” used to [5] provoke violent actions by the HK Police all have LinkedIN profiles.
Don’t you know.
So, even a dweeb like myself can [1] track the funding, [2] see the names and addresses of the agitators, and [3] view where they are and what they are doing in Hong Kong.
Just imagine what the Chinese government can do.
But Hong Kong is not America. It is part of China.
As Americans, especially those who have never stepped foot outside of America, think of other nations, other people and other cities from our point of view. That is to say, we imagine the WORST outside the USA. And never give the other nations any credit for doing certain things well. We just assume that they are all blunder-head nincompoops.
When we think of Hong Kong, we think of New York city.
Night meal in Hong Kong. Yup. It’s pretty much like this. And, yes, I do love it. It’s glorious.
Which is sad.
We should be thinking of Tokyo. We should be thinking of High-Tech (though not nearly as high-tech as Shenzhen), and state of the art. China is advancing in so, so , SO many ways and NONE of it is being reported by the mainstream American media.
We think, maybe that there are a few cameras here and there. We think that maybe the video feeds are being monitored, or that the traffic police are checking things out.
We don’t realize that the entire city is under constant advanced surveillance. And that China knows exactly what is going on in great detail.
Here, we are going to talk about this.
5G networks in all the Chinese cities
In the USA, there is an active program to justify why America is still using obsolete technology. “We don’t want to be irradiated with that dangerous 5G radio waves”, we say to ourselves. “We don’t want our brains cooked”.
Yeah. We heard it all before.
We Americans don’t want or need High Speed Rail. We are just happy with boarding our cattle-car-airlines, and paying the enormous ticket prices. We like doing it. HST has no place in America. Besides we have Amtrak!
Who cares about fluoride in the water? It’s a great way to get rid of the by-products of aluminum production. Fluoride is good for us. It’s modern, don’t you know.
America is great!
And a wall on the border of the USA and Mexico. It’s been three years and America can’t even construct a simple, singular wall. You know you have a problem when illiterate goat-herders in Afghanistan can make a half-decent wall and the great United States can’t even start…
Well, while Americans are justifying living in a nation that is increasingly becoming a “time portal” back to the last century, the rest of the world is advancing at break-neck speed.
Most of Africa has a growing and vibrant middle class, with malls, toll booths, and high speed (5G) internet. The Middle East (outside of the American-sponsored war zones) are all prospering. Check out the photos, for goodness sakes!
America is still stuck in the 1970’s I guess.
You can tell.
People still write checks instead of scan QR codes.
AM radio has the largest listening audience.
Everything comes with a price tag. Nothing is free, including water.
Software still has the same functionality as it did in the 1990’s, only now it has a nicer interface, but you must pay for updates and it auto copies your work “to the cloud” for governmental purposes.
China is different.
They have implemented 5G everywhere. There are cameras everywhere. And instead of paying people to collect welfare, have free healthcare, and protest for more goodies, China puts them to work. They are employed. They build things, clean things, work on things and monitor things.
Yes, and Hong Kong is constantly being monitored.
China is aware of everything.
One of the mysteries that I had was why didn’t the Chinese just “take out” the agitators? I mean, it was public knowledge who they were.
The HK populace are getting increasingly pissed off with the Antifa-style interruptions, and they are actively unmasking (literally) the protester participants. And, of course, everyone knows that everything you do is tracked in China. HK is NOT an exception.
So why not “take out the agitators”?
And then they actually did…
On Wednesday 4SEP19, President Trump reached out to China’s President Xi in a tweet:
“I know President Xi of China very well. He is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a good man in a ‘tough business.’ I have ZERO doubt that if President Xi wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it. Personal meeting? ”
-Donald Trump
So what is Donald Trump saying?
That’s he’s ready to stop the HK protests if Xi Peng negotiates.
Or, perhaps that China can use their military to enter HK.
So.. the Chinese went forth and rounded up all the CIA related NED operatives in Hong Kong.
The video footage was pretty darn dramatic.
It’s all in 5G. You can even count the eyebrow hair on the American CIA agents. The Chinese had everything. From complete transcripts of the CIA instructing the rioters in “soft conflict” designed to provoke a military reaction, to a second by second, “walk through” where Trump advisors worked out planning with the protest leadership.
It’s all there.
Not televised in the USA, though.
Man! The Chinese knew everything!
People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides!
Check out the photo below. Notice the angle of the photo. Taken by an object on a dining room table. (Below belt level.)
it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK
protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with
American presidential aides in the HK Marriot hotel!
This is very very embarrassing. Julie Eadeh, a US diplomat in Hong Kong, was caught meeting HK protest leaders. It would be hard to imagine the US reaction if Chinese diplomat were meeting leaders of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter or Never Trump protesters. pic.twitter.com/JfiU2O2HZq
— Chen Weihua (@chenweihua) August 8, 2019
Of course, this kind of nonsense won’t be tolerated by China.
The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong submitted a formal complaint with the US consulate general, calling on the US …
“to immediately make a clean break from anti-China forces who stir up trouble in Hong Kong, stop sending out wrong signals to violent offenders, refrain from meddling with Hong Kong affairs and avoid going further down the wrong path.”
The Chinese knew everything.
Everything. And they expected the United States to realize (and expect it).
They didn’t.
From the moment that Julie Eadeh stepped foot in Hong Kong, to how many steps she took to the elevator. They knew her heart-beat as she rode in the elevator in the Marriott. They even knew the color of the bra and panties that she wore. (Well, at least that is the current joke on Chinese social media…)
They know everything she said with the young protestors.
Everything. From, promises, various “guarantees”, words of support and hope for assistance. As well as implications and guarantees of a cushy future and financial support in all sorts of ways. Any outsider can clearly see the implied promises under the veneer of political jargon.
Promises of free high-end university schooling .
Promises that they will be backed politically and that they will become the future leaders of HK.
Promises of houses, cars, and lifestyle,
Promises of money, lots and lots of money.
As well as who they are, and what they told her. Then they used “Minority Report” style technology to back-track and see who all the connections and phone calls that the confederates made. They had full conversation records, don’t you know.
The Chinese knew everything.
Of Course the CIA instructed the protestors.
It’s all on video. It’s all recorded in audio, and transcribed in English, Cantonese and Chinese. And then, then… then, plastered all over social media for the Chinese to see. Woo woo. What ever the American media is saying, the videos that the rest of the world watch clearly show that the United States is LYING.
It makes the United States look like some kind of Keystone Kops.
The protestors were instructed by NED to take out cameras and video systems. They were told to use black cans of spray paint.
Yes, but every can of black spray paint purchased in Hong Kong is recorded with a video of the person buying the paint. The Chinese government knows the person who bought the paint, and can make reasonable assumptions on it’s use. (The Chinese do not need to prove intent in a court of law.)
They were instructed to post flyers on the walls, use glue to hold them in place, and make banners.
But, every printer shop is under surveillance. Every one has video cameras installed. They know who ordered the flyers. They even have the PDF artwork in digital file from which the flyers were made. They know who ordered the fliers, when they ordered, who they paid and from which bank account. They also know the moneys that went into that bank account and who deposited the money.
They were instructed to leave their phones at home. And, I am sure that this helped. Maybe.
However, every person in China has a profile of “normal” behavior. If you take your phone with you every day, and then suddenly on a day of protest, you phone is at you house of residence, when the video cameras show you leaving the house, the police pretty much assumes what you are up to.
They were instructed in what to do by the CIA under the assumption that the Chinese are a growing third-world nation. Maybe like Libya or Syria.
They are not treating China like a high-technology version of Japan. They are not treating China like a serious, serious, SERIOUS nation that does not play around.
All of China is wired as a high-technology surveillance center. The larger cities are all wired. The Western cities (Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing) pretty much follow the “London model” of domestic surveillance.
While America has been busy throwing money away …
In “NASA educational programs for elementary schools in the Sudan”.
War after war. Now, eight simultaneous wars.
And 15 miles of rail for a High Speed Train that was never intended to be anything other than a political slush fund to pay off people.
… the Chinese have been spending their money on their nation. Improving the roads, public transport, lines and means of communication, public works, buildings, and public health. Not to mention, planting trees, making parks, and increasing the amount of farmland.
And they are dead serious about it. These Chinese are very, very serious people. Those that oppose or try to siphon away money are seized, arrested and imprisoned by the corruption police.
The Chinese do not mess around.
Thus when the United States tried to use the same “play book” to agitate protests in Hong Kong in the Summer of 2019, the Chinese observed and leveraged that information. Then when the time was ready, they pounced.
Round #1 – China win. USA media oblivious.
I anticipate another series of protests that the Chinese will observe, and then quietly (behind the scenes) squelch. Maybe in the first week of October 2019.
They will do so and the American television viewing public will be confused. They will wonder “what is going on”? Why doesn’t China relent and allow HK to be just like America?
Round #2 – TBD
It’s because the main-steam media (both conservative and progressive) provides a skewed nonsensical narrative. One that has no bearing on the true and actual state of affairs. And that ignorance… will be what ultimately hurts and harms America.
People! Listen up!
America NEEDS a well-informed electorate to function properly. To think that the vast bulk of Chinese citizens, both on the mainland, and in Hong Kong want America “to save them” is ludicrous. Absolutely bovine excrement!
Looking at the big picture, it looks silly…
The truth about the HK pro-democracy movement and the tariff wars.
Just silly. It make the United States look… well… awful.
I cannot predict the future. It has been my experience that the future will always certainly surprise. Anything can happen.
Donald Trump could be impeached.
Joe Biden or some other Marxist could become President.
Anti-gun house-to-house collection efforts might begin in earnest.
The USA could start a war with Iran.
Bacon could be banned all over America so not to offend Muslims.
Taxes could be raised 50% to fight global-warming.
Gender-neutral operations could be mandated in all American elementary schools.
I do not know what is going to happen. I am always taken by surprise, and I haven’t a clue as to what is going to happen in the future. Maybe some more of the old same-old same-old, eh?
The future will surprise…
I never expected “Joe Camel” to be banned in the United States “for the children”. Heck, by law, you had to be at least 16 years old just to be able to buy the cigarettes.
It has certainly surprised me. Time and time again, what I expected to happen, never came true…
I expected the United States to have a full colony on the moon by the year 2000. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that the money would be funneled away for infrastructure investments in Russia! As well as some social re-engineering initiatives in Baltimore, Detroit and San Francisco.
Not just objectively, but socially as well, and on so many levels at that. Don’t you know.
I never expected that 007 James Bond would be replaced with a black woman. Never, in my wildest nightmares. It’s not yet released. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is some kind of transgender LGBT thingy.
The future cannot be predicted. Not by myself. Not by anyone.
I never, in my wildest dreams, expected companies to do away with free coffee and coffee services. That they would expect the employees to “chip in” and pay for the coffee that they would drink at work. Amazing, and completely unexpected!
The future will always surprise.
In the trade front, it’s all in flux. What I really hope for is a strengthening of relationships. I hope for balanced trade without influence by the greedy in Washington D.C. and a chance for American industry to recover from the devastation of the Marxist globalist agenda. I can see it being a win-win for both the USA and China.
Seriously! China is an enormous market. They would pay a premium (+50% more) for “Made in America” products. But that is never going to happen if China matches the Trump tariff scheme. It just will close American companies to the enormous Chinese consumer market.
Right now, and for the last three years, the tariff negotiations have been driven by the Neocon advisors to Trump. They have asked the impossible and set up road-blocks at every turn.
Lai (HK ultra-billionaire) meets with American VP Mike Pence. His goal
is to disrupt the relationship between the United States and China so
that he can have financial and economic advantage in Hong Kong. His
primary and sole goal is to INTERRUPT the relationship between China and
This is actionable disruption, and while it might make some political “hay” in the short term, it will result in some real serious problems in America in the long term.
Trump fired John Bolton. He obviously felt that John Bolton was not
“on the same page” in resolving the issues with China at this time.
As I have previously stated, John Bolton is a war-hawk and a neo-con from the “deep state”. He has opposed every effort that Trump has made to negotiate with China, North Korea, and Iran. In his world view these are all dictatorial nations and America must stand firm in opposing them in every way possible.
Understand that the rest of the world does not think like Americans. They do not watch American media and do not care what Americans think. They will follow nations that seemingly benefit THEM in the future.
They will be selfish. They will work with nations that provide them with benefit.
That being stated, do not make dated assumptions on the inflated capabilities of the United States, and upon the out-of-date ideas about China. I said it once, I said it twice. I will say it again. China is a serious, serious nation. They DO NOT PLAY. We had best start treating them as such.
Do not think that China is not afraid to kill a few people for the greater public good. They will do so in a heart-beat.
Do not judge China under the same criteria that you might judge America. It is like comparing apples to an oak tree.
Chinese Social Media
You do not need to rely on CNN, Fox or Rush Limbaugh for your news. You can [1] watch the videos of the CIA agents getting arrested yourselves. You can [2] read what the “Joe on the streets” thinks about the protests. You can [3] see what is going on in the other side of the world with your own two eyes.
America needs an informed electorate to function properly.
Here’s some links to Chinese social media. Warning, most are banned in the United States. You might need to use a VPN to use them. You do know that the Software moguls in California does not like competition.
I posted this article under “bloggers” in the Free Republic website, and was subsequently banned. I guess they do not like my opinions.
Never the less, immediately afterwards, it turned out the the United States government admitted that everything in this post is true, and that was posted on the well-known Washington Post.
Then they totally blocked me. Erased my 20+ years of articles and comments, and I became a non-person. That’s what “freedom of speech” is on Free Republic. You will conform to the Alt-Right narrative out of Washington DC, or you get destroyed.
Well, I was “killed”, but…
..everything I wrote was accurate, and real. And thus…
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Some Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While
there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Here we discuss the women of Mongolia. How strong, tough, and beautiful they are. We also take a look at how they became that way. For they are who they are because of the strengths and guidance of one singular man; Genghis Khan. As such, we study the environment that forged such strong, fierce and beautiful women.
One of the things that I enjoy about history is looking at it in it’s entirety. That is to say, not just the dates, the places, the battles, and the warriors. But rather the tales of bravery and strife of the people who lived at that time. But, yes, it’s even more than that. You need to understand the culture and society at the time to really obtain a full and accurate impression of what was going on then. Here, in this article, we look at life under the brutal emperor Genghis Khan as a woman. After all, it’s a pretty fascinating subject, don’t you know.
Why women? Well, we pretty much know what it was like as a man; you fought and you died in glorious battle. You died for a man who you admired, and who you looked up to. He was your hero.
Even though Genghis Khan is considered as a bad person in the world due to his brutal activities of killing people; in Mongolia, he was considered as a hero. He brought civilization and law in Mongolia. The leadership of women was very appreciated in his native land.
-Genghis Khan Facts
Men also didn’t tend to live long. It’s sort of like it is today, only back then you also had to contend with [1] illnesses without cures, [2] jealous neighbors who will kill you “just because”, [3] accidents without doctors, and [4] the occasional genocide of your entire tribe.
Ah, it was a truly tough life if you were a man.
Not that being a woman was any better, mind you. It’s just that it was a different time with different problems. Women had to deal with the annual baby, while busily keeping the other kids alive. All the time maintaining the household, budgeting the financing, feeding the family and engaging in family-to-family politics that were often at a “Game of Thrones” level.
Genghis Khan was a hero and a leader to his people. Young boys and men followed him and looked up to him. He was everything they ever dreamed of, and the man that they wanted to emulate.
Here we look at the ruler of the largest empire in the world. We look at the man, and the conservative society that he imposed on his people and on the peoples that he conquered.
Traditional Conservative Society
Now one of the things are is often overlooked in the histories of our past is the society from once they were derived. We just “assume” that they were like our present society, only with different clothing, and bad sanitation. Most people assume that it was almost like our present life, just at a different time.
Not true.
These are “traditional” conservative societies. Not “progressive”, modern, and “liberal” societies formed after the industrial revolution to “modernize” it to keep up with changing events and the “scientific method”.
There are two types of societies;
A traditional society. One that has remained constant for thousands of years.
A Progressive and modern society. One that is subject to change and alterations to fit the times. The oldest progressive society in the world is the “American Society”. It is slightly over one hundred years old.
Over 5000 years of mankind, families and evolution has created a world-wide template on what a traditional society is. That template is a global standard. The men folk engage in hunting, foraging and farming activities and the wife engages in domestic duties. It’s known as a “traditional”, and “conservative” family.
So, nope, you won’t see a shared division of labor.
Genghis Khan. In those days a man must provide for his family. If something were to happen to him, then the family might end up destitute. So it was critically important that the father be strong and tough. Scene is from the movie Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure.
The husband won’t go rushing out the door to ride the horse to McMogel Inc. to clock in, while the wife rides her steed to a nearby village to engage in some urban planning activities. You know, go through the drive-through Yurt to get a Starbucks hot yak milk. It’s not like that. That is a progressive “modern” division of labor for families.
A traditional home is one where the man earnings a place in society for his family, and the woman cares for the home and children. It’s a conservative, and traditional , division of labor.
Now, of course, you the reader, might look askance at me.
It’s not only the division of labor that is different from our modern progressive family lifestyle. It is everything. The man MUST represent the family in the community, hold his own; earn his keep and provide for his family. If he fails, he risks banishment, subjugation, possible slavery and death for him and his family. The stakes are always high in a conservative society.
No slackers are permitted to live in a true conservative society.
(Which is perhaps why the progressive liberals are so Hell-bent on disarming them, in order to achieve their progressive utopia. Eh?)
If Genghis Khan would take a look at Americans today, what would he think? Do you believe that he would be proud and happy that Americans are so healthy, intelligent, smart, hard-working and healthy? Or do you believe that the would consider them weak, soft, pampered and “pushovers”? What would Genghis Khan or any of his 500 wives think?
Traditional Conservative Roles
In a traditional conservative society, there are roles. They are strict. They are easy to understand. They are easy to measure the success or failure of.
For the man, this might mean herding cattle, farming, fishing, or fighting with the local kingly leader. It’s ok for the man, as it leverages his strengths. (Though, not all that great on the wear and tear on his body.)
While the wife tends to the house, manages (and teaches) the kids and provides nutritious meals for the family. It’s always been a very comfortable division of labor and responsibilities.
Thus to understand Genghis Khan, and his treatment of women within that society, you need to understand and recognize that it was a different time, and a different place. It in no way resembles life and our societies today.
Modern American progressives having a discussion on the merits of the improved utopia under Socialist Bernie Sanders. They believe that a true utopia on earth can be obtained through application of modern techniques and a modern society where everyone is the same. Everyone is equal, and everyone is happy. In their world view, they would be just as “equal” as the strongest man, the smartest woman, the fastest runner, or the most attractive (or handsome) person. Simply because they intend to legislate it that way. Under Genghis Khan, however, they would be singled out as slackers and killed. (Maybe tortured first, it depends on their mood at the time.)
The modern progressive lifestyle that came into being during the feudal societies of the “middle ages”, as well that their modern manifestation the Wilsonian modern progressive lifestyle had another 600 years before it started to gain in popularity.
The Mongolian culture that we see today, is a result of things that took place many centuries before Wilsonian / Taft, and FDR “progressive modernization” was even conceived.
This all took place at a time when Men were Men, and Women were Women. Everyone had a role. If you did not fit within that role, you were killed. There was no mercy. Abominations were killed.
It’s all pretty straightforward, don’t you know.
Genghis Khan being offered a Twinkie in the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. While the comedy made humorous enjoyment of history, the fact remains that being a man (or a woman) in those times was no laughing matter. Death came quickly to those not deserving of life (as judged by your peers.) Yikes!
r/K Reproductive Strategy
To understand why the women of Mongolia are strong, tough and equals with men, you must understand the differences in society survival mechanisms. This is known as the r/K reproductive strategy and it affects everything.
Being equal does not mean a comparative measurement of strength.
Equality is self-contained independence within a role-defined framework.
To study this further, please click on the link below. Don’t worry as it opens up in another tab so that you can safely continue reading this article.
Genghis Khan’s rough childhood.
Let’s talk a little bit about the boss.
Genghis Khan was the Emperor of the Mongol Empire. He ruled the country from 1206 up to 1227. He was born on Delüün Boldog in 1162. He died at the age of 65 years old in 1227. The legend stated that he would be a good leader when he grew up since he was born with a blood clot in his clenched fist.
When Genghis Khan was just a child, his father Yesugei was poisoned by a rival tribe, the Tatars, when they sneakily offered him poisoned food.
Expert Tip: Don't eat food given to you by your enemies.
Young Genghis, who had been away, immediately went back home to claim his position as chief of the tribe. But once he arrived he discovered that things had changed. Once his father was gone, his family was blacklisted in his tribe. They decided to kick them out of the tribe, and thus ended up abandoning Genghis’ family instead.
Mongolia is not the place for “diversity” and “equality”. It’s a harsh life, where people must fit in or suffer the consequences.
Genghis Khan had a very rough childhood. His father was killed by an enemy tribe when Genghis was only nine years old. Later, Genghis tribe expelled his mother, so the poor lady had to raise Genghis and six other children on her own.
Needless to say, Mongolia in the 13th century was not the best place for an unprotected woman with seven children. All of Genghis' family suffered a lot from hunger and cold. That made Genghis a real fighter.
He even killed his half-brother Bekhter for not sharing food. Genghis was ten at the time of this dispute. I understand that siblings might be a pain in the rear end sometimes, but killing them is not what normal people do.
It was a clear sign that one hell of a cold-blooded warrior was growing up. Later, Genghis was enslaved by a rival clan, and it only made him hate everyone more. Of course, Genghis escaped the slavery, and the rest is history.
-The Richest
The troubles still weren’t over for the young Genghis. He also ended up being abducted by an enemy clan as a teenager, and had to make an escape to win his freedom. It was what was expected of him as a Mongol.
So, to clarify. After his father was poisoned, and his family banished from the community. The enemies of the family kidnapped him and used his as a slave. Where, of course, they did not treat him well. So he escaped.
Yeah, I’m sure that kind of background would tend to make anyone a little mean and distrustful.
Warrior Culture
If you were born a Mongol, you were a part of the tribe in every facet of its society. This is evident in the fact that the Mongols did not have a word for soldier, as every member of their society was trained to be a part of their collective war-machine, each of them learning to mobilize instantly.
Mongolia was a tough place with harsh weather, and impossible geography. The people that lived there were strong and fierce.
Genghis Khan as a young leader.
He had to work his way up from rock bottom.
He clawed, fought, betrayed, and horrified his enemies. He used his diplomatic skills to build friendships and alliances, and his knowledge of terror and warfare to vanquish his enemies.
In an environment that bred hard men, Genghis was the hardest of them all. Born in 1162 (according to McLynn; other estimates vary from 1155 to 1167), by the age of 14 he had killed his half-brother (and potential rival) in an argument over a fish and had seized back his family’s horses, stolen in a raid.
He married at 16, and when a competing clan abducted and impregnated his wife Borte he assembled a large army to rescue her.
In 1206 he survived a poisoned arrow in his neck, and as reward for a brutally effective military career, a noble council (quriltai) of the Mongolian clans proclaimed Temujin their leader, or ‘Genghis [Chinggis] Khan’ — often translated as ‘Ruler of the Universe’.
But at that point he was just warming up.
He reformed his army, the instrument of conquest, along Manchurian lines in decimal units: ten in a platoon, 100 in a company, 1,000 in a brigade and 10,000 in a division. Their pay was plunder.
The wily Genghis also created a 10,000-strong imperial guard, making the sons of his generals officers in order to guarantee ‘good behaviour’. He unleashed this vast army of over 100,000 across Asia.
McLynn has subtitled his book ‘The Man Who Conquered the World’, but he might have added ‘and Slaughtered Half of It’.
First Genghis subjugated — later all but annihilated — the Tanguts of north-western China, before invading China’s powerful Jin empire in 1211. ‘Like a shark, the Mongol empire had to be in continuous forward motion’ to sustain itself.
By 1213 he was in Peking. The image of Mongolian warriors as fierce horsemen sweeping across the steppe is accurate, but incomplete. When confronted by the truly formidable defences of Peking, Genghis demonstrated great patience and resolve, starving the city into submission in 1215.
The inevitable resulting sack ‘was one of the most seismic and traumatic events in Chinese history’.
- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
He set his self apart by combining skillful leadership in diplomacy and battle. Around 1206, the great assembly of Mongals named him “Genghis Khan” or supreme leader. Khan then proceeded to unite his people together.
The Mongols swift rise to power came from Khan’s dynamic leadership.
Genghis Khan was a leader that demanded excellence from his soldiers, harmony from his families, and obedience from his subjects. He did not accept deviations from the traditions of his society. Nor did he accept any cultural experiments into progressive “modern” society. He ruled firmly with no apologies.
While the Mongol tribes had long renowned as dangerous and troublesome, Khan molded them into a much greater fighting force-disciplined organized, ruthless. He picked his generals from among his sons or trusted allies; he was also an adaptable ruler, and had the ability to learn from other.
Mongol empire expansion over time.
He must have been one of the most ferocious people ever to live on the planet Earth. Genghis marked his reign with blood, feasts, and love of different women. People like Napoleon, Hitler, or Stalin look like amateurs when we compare them to Genghis Khan.
The killed people by the armies of Khan are more than the ones killed by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. It is estimated that army had killed 40 million people.
-My Interesting Facts
Fierce Leadership.
This fierce Mongol knew how to rule, and he successfully did it for many years in the 13th century. There wasn’t a person back in the day, who would not be scared of Genghis Khan’s power. The Mongol Empire conquered all Asia, and no enemy could withstand Genghis Khan and his bloodthirsty army.
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan killed so many Persians (modern day Iranians), that the population of Persia didn’t return to pre-Mongol numbers until the 1900s, nearly 700 years later.
Using his armies, he pushed outward and forward. He went forth and conquered anything in his path. Many cities and nations fell before his armies.
A map of the Mongol Empire expansion under Genghis Khan.
While the Mongols loved to compromise, they were known for their brutal physical power.
From there his armies moved west and targeted Persia in 1219, where the Sultan had, in an act of extreme foolhardiness, deliberately provoked Genghis by shaving off the beards of two of his ambassadors and killing a third. Samarkand, that glorious city on the Silk Road, fell in 1220, despite the defenders’ super-weapon of two dozen war elephants. McLynn dismisses the oft-quoted figure of 50,000 killed there in a single day (note the limited time span), but admits ‘it is clear that the death toll was terrific and unacceptable’.
- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
People believed that one Mongolian man could defeat ten or more warriors of other culture. And that was true.
Genghis Khan proved many times how strong his army was, defeating his enemies against all the odds.
Fighting was part of the Mongol culture. As such, Genghis loved to fight more than anything else.
Most military historians judge that no European force could have stopped the disciplined and innovative Mongolian armies. “Employed against the Mongol invaders of Europe, knightly warfare failed even more disastrously for the Poles at Legnica and the Hungarians at Mohi in 1241”
-Stephen Hicks
That being said, he did a lot of other things in his life as well. It is strange how little we know about Genghis Khan, the greatest Emperor of all time. And he was. His empire was enormous.
A map of the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan amassed the largest contiguous empire the world had yet seen. Only the British Empire, when it included both Canada and Australia, would be larger. Unlike Alexander the great, the Caesars or the Persian emperors, Genghis Khan’s idea of conquest was not to occupy and rule another people, but rather to rape, pillage and destroy everything in his path.
Worse was to come in 1221 — ‘a year to live in infamy’. While Genghis’s other armies had been busy in the east, threatening Tbilisi in Georgia and terrifying the Christian world, Tolui, one of Genghis’s equally reprehensible sons, took Merv (in modern-day Turkmenistan), one of the largest cities in the world.
Promised safety, the citizens surrendered and emerged from behind their walls. Tolui ‘surveyed the masses dolefully gathered with their possessions, mounted a golden chair and ordered mass executions to commence’. They took four days and nights to complete. Genghis’s rotten fruit did not fall far from the tree.
Terror — and the certainty of its visitation — was a major weapon in Genghis’s arsenal: decapitated women, children and even cats and dogs were reputedly displayed. But while the butchery was indeed immense, it is worth questioning its extent on occasion: a depopulated city had little economic value, and imported colonisers could make up only so much of the shortfall.
- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
Mongolia was a very difficult place to live, and thus the people that lived there become fierce and tough. Those in the West were no match for them became soft, and corrupt. They became easy prey for a tough warrior traditional conservative culture of warriors.
His total disregard for human life led to him being utterly feared throughout virtually the entire Eurasian land mass.
And, aside from that, they also were terrible at keeping promises…
Subutai led an army of 20,000 Mongols against a Russian army 4 times its size.
The Mongol rear guard was defeated early in the battle, and so the rest of the horde was forced to retreat. Mstislav the Bold chased down the retreating Mongols with victory in his eyes. His army spread out as they attempted to catch them, a chase which lasted many days. Mstislav spotted Mongols in formation along the Kalka River, and attacked without waiting for reinforcements. With his army in disarray, Mstislav was forced to retreat back to a fortified camp.
He had fallen for a feigned retreat.
Mstislave surrendered to Subutai with the agreement that neither he, nor any of his men would be harmed. They were all slaughtered upon leaving the camp. Luckily, Mstislav managed to escape. Mstislav the Bold, boldly ran away.
Being a woman under Genghis Khan.
When people think of strong women, their first reaction is (perhaps) some kind of cardboard-cutout out of Hollywood. They think of a woman acting like a man, dressing like a man, taking on manly battles and killing other men.
Maybe something like this…
The Hollywood comic-book model of what a strong woman is. To them it is a woman who acts, dresses and behaves like a man.
If you’ve ever actually stopped to think about it, you probably assumed that life was pretty terrible for women under Genghis Khan. And you’d be forgiven for making that assumption. But it’s not true at all.
Most cultures that existed in the distant past have a not-exactly great reputation for treating women with respect and fairness. Thus, why would you think that a dictator of a traditional conservative nomadic society, and one as brutal as Genghis Khan, would be any different?
You may be cool, but you’ll never be as cool as a Mongolian Shepard with a AK-47 and a pet snow leopard.
Most of what you’re about to read will probably be kind of surprising (it will certainly shake many assumptions that one might have regarding traditional conservatism, the role of women in these cultures and societies, and assumptions written down in school textbooks over the last few decades).
The truth is kind of a mixed bag.
Some women fared very well under Genghis Khan while others suffered terribly. But for the most part, the Mongols had some pretty progressive ideas about women’s rights, at least compared to many of the other cultures that existed at the time — Western culture included.
Mongolian women are known for the strength, beauty and intelligence. They are renowned for being excellent mothers and fine housekeepers.
They still had to fit into neatly outlined roles and meet certain expectations, it’s just that they enjoyed a lot of freedom compared to women in other nations around the world.
So here is the truth about it was really like to be female under the reign of the infamous Mongolian conqueror. More or less.
This was one of the most devastating battles in European history. 25% of Hungary’s population was wiped out by after the Mongol incursions.
Half of all liveable places had crumbled, smashed to bits by hordes of Mongols. Losses were heavy on both sides, but the Europeans suffered most. This was the most major battle of the war between Hungary and the Mongolians.
Strong and beautiful Mongolian woman in traditional clothing.
The husband had to obey his wife.
This will shock many people. As it does not fit the narrative of what a traditional conservative family is like. If you listen to the progressive anti-traditional narrative, you would believe that all conservatives have a lifestyle right out of the Handmaids Tale.
The movie the Handmaid’s Tail is a fiction that describes a most horrible world where gender defines a world divided into a slave and a master caste. To many feminists, they actually believe that this is what a traditional conservative society actually looks like. This fiction is nothing more than that. It is an attractive fiction that supports the views of the radical feminists in a progressive modern society.
But there you have it. One hundred years of progressive Marxism has rewritten the narrative to such a point that people become incredulous when exposed to the truth.
In conservative societies, the woman is the boss of the household. Households are run as matriarchal institutions with a paternal head for sociological hierarchy.
Back under Genghis Khan, the women were actually respected in Mongol society. Not only that, but men were expected to listen to the advice of their wives.
In traditional societies the man gives all of his earnings and all of what he creates to his wife. The wife budgets the resources, and helps steer the man to become a leader in their society. It is the traditional conservative role that a woman takes on. This is not unique to Mongolia. It is typical throughout the world.
Khan believed that the children that he left behind were his strength. Therefore, he had a lot of women in his harem. When he died, he had a lot of children.
-My Interesting Facts
The Mongols were brutal fighters, to be sure, but they weren’t barbarians, well at least not in every aspect of their lives. Mongolian women were respected, often served as leaders, and were highly valued members of society.
Check out the very cool Mongolian headdresses. One of the most colorful and original items of Mongolian national dress is the traditional head wear. The Mongolian headdresses differs in shape and purpose.
In fact according to Amonbe, the Mongols believed that a man ought to marry an older woman, because an older woman would have more wisdom than her husband, and would therefore be able to guide him in not making stupid life decisions.
Well, duh! That’s the way it is today in all the traditional conservative societies around the globe. From Poland, Brazil, to Japan, Korea and China.
A woman needs to be strong in Mongolia. Not only to deal with the weather and the climate, but to deal with the dog-eat-dog nature of the society there. A strong woman can inspire and direct her man to behave and act in ways that will bring success to the household.
In fact, no one respected a man who didn’t listen to his wife — it was a sign of immaturity and unmanliness. So just in case you thought that fierce Mongol warrior must also be a brute to the women in his life, well, you’re mistaken.
Genghis Khan was one of the most deeply feared historical figures in the world for a good reason. Historians estimate that Genghis Khan is responsible for over 40 million deaths, and at that time it was equal to 11 percent of the world's population.
For comparison, we can look at World War II, which has put "only" around three percent of the world's population, 60-80 million people, to the graveyard.
What Genghis Khan did is downright scary when we put it in perspective, right? Actually, Genghis Khan's killings are partially responsible for making the climate colder in the 13th century and removing over 700 million tons of CO2 from the planet Earth.
If Genghis Khan were alive today, we would not have to talk about global warming... but we would have to hide if we were not Mongolians. Good thing that even the most powerful cannot resurrect from the dead.
-The Richest
A portrait of a very beautiful Mongolian woman. Her husband would be a very, very lucky man, I’ll tell you what.
Genghis Khan’s courts could tell your husband to be more romantic
When you imagine those early historical relationships between men and women, you probably think about some unsavory things. After all, we all harbor images of cavemen dragging cavewomen around by the hair. At least this is what we are taught in the common American mainstream media. Hey! Anyone else remember the cartoon “The Flintstones”?
A literal comic of a caveman dragging a woman around by the hair.
Throughout history, an awful lot of women got abused by an awful lot of men. But do not think that the majority of cultures were based on this model. They weren’t. If they were, then we would not have societies like we do today. Instead we would have a caste system.
It would be a caste system defined by gender. Where the strongest physically (the men) would subjugate the weaker sex (the women). This would manifest in numerous ways. One of which would be shared communal families, and roving sexual partners, and a society where the women would be more inclined to look good rather than have babies.
It would be a r-reproductive society.
But we know that is not the case, historically at least. Most of the world operates under a K-survival model. It is only in the progressive modern West, where the r-strategy model has taken root.
Thus I find it interesting that r-strategy progressive modern societies promote the notion of a helpless little-waif female, when in reality women are anything BUT helpless.
I knew a guy who stole a friends' wallet. He carried on and on about how the friend needed the money and that everyone should go looking for the wallet.
It is the people who shout loudest about things are usually the ones that are broadcasting their failings, worries, fears, and socially inept behaviors.
A Mongolian woman at a cultural event celebrating their traditions and history.
Mongol women had a lot of control in the home and in the bedroom, too.
In fact, if you were a Mongol woman and your husband wasn’t up to performing his husbandly bedroom duties (having sex on a regular basis, communicating with the wife, and performing his duties in support of the household) you could actually petition the government to intervene.
Imagine going down to the local courthouse and presenting documented evidence of your husband’s romantic failings. There, a community tribunal of other leaders (cut from the same cloth as Genghis Khan, no doubt) would study the issue and demand the man to perform. If he failed, who knows what nasty consequence might await him.
In Mongolian society, there are reasons why the women smile so much.
Mongolian women tend to be strong, and attractive. They will fight fiercely for their husbands and their families. In fact, you would never find them EVER belittling their husbands as is customary in the Untied States. They are fiercely loyal to their men and their family.
Genghis Khan believed a man’s legacy was measured in the children he left behind. That explains the why of the previous fact, but not the how. Who has that much time? Conquering must be easier than it sounds.
It is a man’s duty to perform. Both inside and outside the house. Anything less than that is an insult to Mongolians everywhere.
No foot binding in Mongolia.
Meanwhile in China, south of the Mongol empire, Neo-Confucianism outlined strict rules for female behavior. For instance, women were supposed to be chaste and obedient. This was often taken to the extreme. Where wives should basically exist only to serve their husbands. Well, except when their husbands die. Then they must exist only to serve their husbands’ families because they weren’t supposed to remarry.
Well, the truth is it’s not nearly as bad as all that.
I can’t imagine any Chinese women that I know tolerating that kind of harsh existence. Though, the point is that the Mongolians were far more accepting of parity of strengths between the two sexes. They felt that both the women and the men were equally strong.
Only in different ways.
Beautiful and strong, Mongolian women were the strength that powered and fueled their husbands to go out and forth-wards. They needed that strength. For the women would accompany their husbands on the Mongolian empire building campaigns. And when there were counterattacks or raids, the women would need to fight alongside with their husbands. The weak were not tolerated.
In China, women in the upper classes had their feet bound starting at age six, because a three-inch foot made them a hot item, a four-inch foot made them a good consolation prize, and a five-inch foot … well, women with five-inch feet might as well start on that collection of cats now because spinsterhood is calling.
In Mongolia, women were not having any of that.
Elaborate Mongolian head attire. They wore this attire whether the weather was hot or freezing cold. They were fierce at a level that is unheard of today. That includes the strongest female characters in your contemporaneous Hollywood movies.
So Mongolian women were basically just super-extra awesome and badass and they did not especially want to have tiny feet. Mongolian women were not thought of as subservient trophy wives, either — they were expected to be strong, fierce, and hard-working.
So Mongolian women were basically just super-extra awesome and badass and they did not especially want to have tiny feet. Mongolian women were not thought of as subservient trophy wives, either — they were expected to be strong, fierce, and hard-working.
And when cultures place those kinds of expectations on women, that tends to inform the family dynamic. Women who are strong and fierce can’t also be complacent and subservient.
You would probably call me crazy if I told you that Temüjin is one of the best-known people in history. However, that is true.
You see, Genghis Khan's real name was actually Temüjin, which means “of iron” or “blacksmith.” It is a cool name, but definitely not for a warlord and emperor. So, Temüjin changed his name to Genghis Khan in 1206.
It is for sure that "Khan" is the title, meaning "ruler," but historians are still puzzled about the meaning of "Genghis." Some believe that it translates to English as "ocean," but the more common version is that "Genghis" is a transformation of the Chinese word "Zhèng," which means "right" and "just."
So, ironically Genghis Khan is translated as “the just ruler." If you ask me, the 13th century was a very dark place to live in if people called Genghis Khan, killer of 40 million innocent souls, a just and right person.
-The Richest
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Beautiful Mongolian lass.
Under Genghis Khan, women were the cartmasters
For a nomadic people, their homes were mobile. They mounted them on wheeled houses.
Incursions into Southeast Asia were largely successful, most factions agreed to pay tribute, and only the Invasions into Vietnam and Java failed.
Europe was devastated by the Mongols. They destroyed near enough every major Russian city, and invaded Volga Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary. If rumours spread that the Mongols were coming, then it would cause a mass panic, and some would run to safety.
There was no guaranteed way to defeat the Mongol hordes, they continuously defeated much larger armies, so numerical strength couldn’t protect you.
Mongol conquests would leave once populous and flourishing areas as wastelands, with little to no people, those remaining would be slaves.
In Mongolia during the time of Genghis Khan, the women were in charge of the carts and the men were strictly not allowed to ride in them, unless they were sick. That probably had more to do with the fact that Mongol men were supposed to be excellent horsemen (so they could be excellent warriors and pillagers) and riding in a cart took precious hours away from equestrian practice, but anyway. The carts were the domain of the women, and no men allowed.
Imagine if you were the person in charge of driving and maintaining the family car and also, you could make all your male family members walk. You are in charge. Well, the Mongols mostly rode horses, but you get the idea.
In Mongolia during the time of Genghis Khan, the women were in charge of the carts and the men were strictly not allowed to ride in them, unless they were sick. And, for a Mongolian, it would have to be a pretty serious illness. I’ll tell you what.
In Mongolia, and it continues to this day, the women have a place and a role in society, and so do the men. A traditional conservative family structure is one where the yoke of life is pulled equally by the two members of the household. It’s not a shared responsibility, but rather the man works his strengths and the woman works and controls hers.
That probably had more to do with the fact that Mongol men were supposed to be excellent horsemen (so they could be excellent warriors and pillagers) and riding in a cart took precious hours away from equestrian practice, but anyway. The carts were the domain of the women, and no men allowed.
Mongolian carts weren’t just a way to go back and forth to the grocery store, either, they were one of the most important components of the nomadic lifestyle.
This is in Tibet. What is very interesting is how the Mongolian culture completely overwhelmed the Tibetan culture and their traditional dress and behaviors reflect this fact over 600 years later.
According to the San Diego Tribune, the carts carried the felt tents that the Mongols lived in, and most of their goods and supplies, too. So if the cart drivers decided to go on strike, well, the whole community was in trouble.
Just another great example of “happy wife, happy life.”
Mongolian women wearing the clothing and hair dresses of their family. Which is, of course, handed down from generation to generation via tradition.
Genghis Khan was the most feared human of the 13th century, who could destroy dynasties just by moving his little finger. He created the Mongol Empire all by himself and earned his eternal spot in the history books.
However, a lot of people had to suffer for Genghis Khan to succeed. Oh yes, the Mongolians were known for their horrendous torturing techniques. One of the most popular was pouring molten silver down the throat and ears of a victim.
Genghis Khan also liked bending his enemy's back until the backbone snapped. If that sounds barbaric, skip this next part. So, the Mongols once celebrated victory over Russians in a very bizarre way. They picked all the Russian survivors, dropped them on the ground and put a heavy wooden gate on top of them.
Then, Genghis Khan and the entire Mongol army had a huge banquet on that wooden gate. They ate, drank, and watched how Russians were dying one by one from the suffocation, pressure, and wounds.
-The Richest
Women were expected to do physically demanding tasks
In a nomadic society, you can’t afford to have slackers. There’s just too much work to be done. So that means it there’s no room for anyone who can’t make him or herself useful, women and children included.
Genghis Khan believed in being rewarded for hard work, and operated on a meritocracy over a nepotistic system. Many of his highest ranking officers and generals had earned their way to those positions, instead of simply being born to a particular family.
According to the University of Victoria, Mongolian women were not only expected to shoulder a lot of the responsibility, they were also expected to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
It was the womens’ job to take down and put up the tents, and they had to do it quickly and efficiently.
They were also expected to be able to control the tribes’ often vast herds of animals, and do all that stereotypical women stuff, too, like raising the kids and cooking a meal every night.
So women, as well as men, had the responsibility of doing the sort of work that today we’d probably call heavy manual labor.
It’s really not surprising, then, that Mongolian men had so much respect for women — it’s hard to disrespect someone who’s as hard-working and capable as you are, especially if you’re seeing it with your own eyes every single day.
Mongolian women in a historical Chinese painting.
Women often faced hardship and handled it with grace and fortitude, too. Genghis Khan’s own mother was forced to raise her children on game and wild roots because they’d been abandoned by her tribe after the death of her husband.
That upbringing probably had a lot to do with Genghis’ progressive ideas about women.
Genghis Khan created the first international postal service, allowing people to mail parcels and letters to friends and family in other countries without having to hire specialized couriers. The postal service was similar to the American Pony Express.
If Genghis Khan says “marry my daughter,” you should totally do it
“The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.”
-Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan had four poorly behaved sons, but most of his children were girls. And by most historical accounts, Genghis appears to have valued his daughters just as much as he valued his sons.
In fact, the San Diego Tribune says he once killed a guy who turned down his daughter’s hand in marriage, so yeah. Saying “no” to Genghis Khan was a terrible idea, but it was maybe an even worse idea to say “no” to one of his daughters.
When Genghis Khan tells you to marry his daughter, you had best do it.
Genghis was fond of quoting a proverb at his daughters’ weddings: “If a two-shaft cart breaks the second shaft, the ox cannot pull it. If a two-wheel cart breaks the second wheel, it cannot move.”
If you’re not good at metaphors, understand that Genghis was basically saying that men and women are two essential parts of the cosmic puzzle — without one part, the whole can’t function.
Mongolian father with his fourteen year old daughter going hunting. You see, she hunts using eagles. It’s part of their long running conservative culture.
Of course afterward, he would send the groom off to die on some dangerous military mission in the middle of nowhere, but whatever. It’s what happens to the menfolk. Anyways, it’s a nice thought.
Genghis Khan was tolerant of individual beliefs, encouraging religious freedom amongst his subjects. It didn’t matter who you believed in, because Genghis Khan believed in you.
Marrying one of Genghis Khan’s daughters was maybe a sentence of death
Genghis Khan loved his daughters, but he also pretty clearly loved what they could do for him politically. In fact, he was actually quite clever in arranging marriages for his daughters.
The Mongol were masterful at spreading fear and hate throughout Asia, people feared them, and therefore hated them.
They would rape and pillage entire villages, and torture their victims for fun. Nobles would get it the worst. Spilling noble blood was considered a crime, so they simply crushed them to death, which took many hours.
Mongols would literally dine on top of them, making merry to the sounds of their screams from underneath. The sounds of bodies squelching, and bones snapping didn’t faze them.
But rumours of this execution method struck terror. Fear made them powerful, as people often chose to surrender and pay tribute rather than risk fighting them.
Fourteen year old daughter going hunting with her eagle. Historically, the Mongolians married early and marriages at a (now considered young age) was the norm at the time of the great Genghis Khan. By the time the girl became sixteen she could hunt for herself, care for a full family, give birth and support her man.
Now it’s worth noting that women in Mongol society had the right to refuse marriage if it was to a man they disliked, and that alone was pretty progressive for a society that existed 800 years ago.
Yet for the daughters of Genghis, though, it almost didn’t matter whether or not they disliked their new husband, because they weren’t likely to stay married to him for very long.
According to the Tyee, Genghis would typically choose a royal husband for his daughters, preferably a king from a friendly nation. If the king had other wives, they got the boot, so let's just backpedal a little and say that life was pretty okay for most women living in Genghis Khan's empire but not really for the wives of the kings who actually got along with him.
Anyway, that sucked for the king’s former wives but it kind of actually also sucked for the king, because Genghis would always send his daughters’ new husbands off immediately on some dangerous mission in a Mongol war zone, where he’d almost certainly be killed. Then, Genghis’ daughter would take over the kingdom, thus expanding her father’s already massive empire.
Pretty brilliant, eh?
Here daughter; how would you like France? You’ll need to marry the King, but don’t worry, after a month, I’m going to ship him off to Siberia for a few years to test his loyalty. What do ya say? You want to marry him?
Strong Mongolian women on the move.
Yelu Chucai, one of Genghis Khan’s most trusted advisors, suggested that the Khan tax people instead of just, you know, killing them. This became a cornerstone of Genghis’ conquests.
Genghis Khan was a brutal warlord, but also a generous ruler. He was among the first global leaders to exempt the clergy and the poor from taxation.
Life under Genghis Khan wasn’t great for everyone, though
Living peacefully under Genghis Khan was cool, but what if you were a woman in one of his conquered nations? Well, it wasn’t much different from being a woman in a war zone pretty much anywhere else during that time.
Women, gold, horses, and other objects were considered spoils of war, which meant soldiers got to do pretty much whatever they wanted to do with them, and you don’t have to stretch your imagination too much to figure out what that means.
Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted. For instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe.
Genghis Khan would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one. Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe competition before it was cool.
So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan's women. Rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants.
-The Richest
Contemporaneous Mongolian beauty wearing Western clothing.
On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to be super-extra beautiful, you could be forcibly entered into one of Genghis Khan’s weird beauty pageants.
Girls in Mongolia seem to be a mystery to all but those who have visited these rare lands. These unique girls offer Asian features with larger bodies than most expect.
I was baffled by the women I encountered in Mongolia.
I’d never seen such tall, curvy Asians (well, Indonesian girls are curvy) in all of my travels throughout the region. There was truly something different about the Mongolian girls.
After meeting, greeting, and mating with some of these fine specimens, it finally clicked – these gals were direct descendants of Genghis Khan. I was balls deep in warrior genes, and I can’t lie – the thought of having myself a warrior-blooded baby certainly went through my mind.
-Life around Asia
According to Ancient Origins, once Genghis’ soldiers were done with the pillaging and the abusing, they brought Genghis himself the most beautiful women they’d encountered.
These women alone would be spared from the antics of the conquering army so they could be paraded in front of the man himself. The winner got the honor of becoming one of Genghis Khan’s many wives, which was probably preferable to ending up as the loser, though Ancient Origins doesn’t say what happened to them.
First and foremost, these girls were definitely Asian. Their features were dainty and stunning. However, Mongolian girls did not remind me of Thai girls or Indonesian girls much. They seemed to have a unique mixture to them.
I’d say many of the girls looked maybe 75% Asian with a mixture of Slavic genes, too.
It was incredibly unique and quite sexy. Some guys said they weren’t too into the look, but I loved it! Think a girl who is 2/3rds Asian and a third Russian. How could that not be sexy?!
-Life around Asia
Modern Mongolian beauty.
Evidently, though, women who Genghis deemed not to be up to his standards of beauty were sent off with the soldiers to be abused and then discarded. So yeah, great to be a woman in peacetime Mongolia but when Genghis comes to town you might just want to emigrate to China.
0.5 Percent of all men alive today are believed to have a genetic relation with Genghis Khan. It is estimated that his descendants are 8 percent of men in Asia.
-My Interesting Facts
Genghis Khan liked to romance his enemies’ wives
Genghis Khan wasn’t an especially gracious winner — after he was done with the conquering, he enjoyed abducting his enemies’ wives and either romancing them or brutalizing them, depending on how cool they were with being abducted by Genghis Khan.
Mongolian girls are smart, beautiful, stacked, and feisty. They also can drink you under the table. They are warriors from warrior stock.
In fact in one of his most famous quotes he waxed poetic about the joys of the post-conquering aftermath:
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."
Nice guy, that Genghis.
He wasn’t always content to romance just one woman at a time, either.
According to Ancient Origins, his army commanders were all super-impressed with his manliness because he frequently spent his evenings with multiple women.
While broad shoulders aren’t exactly a good trait on women, the women in Mongolia didn’t get the short end of the stick in other ways.
In fact, I found some of the biggest Asian tits in the world to be in Mongolia. It was fantastic for me, as I’m a boobs man!
There are a number of rain-thin Mongolian girls that have big, natural racks. I was thoroughly impressed. In fact, outside of Indonesia, I haven’t seen bigger tits in an Asian country. The asses here aren’t as amazing as the boobs, but there still above average for Asia.
-Life around Asia
Mongolian Girls sure are beautiful. They are stunners, and it doesn’t matter what kinds of clothes they wear, traditional, Western or none what so ever. They are amazingly attractive.
He wasn’t that into birth control, either, in fact by modern estimates Genghis Khan has roughly 16 million descendants. Now, the study that put forth this hypothesis can’t actually prove that the individual they identified is Genghis Khan, since no one knows where the Mongol leader is buried and therefore they can’t recover any of his DNA.
But this person lived roughly 1,000 years ago in the Mongol Empire and must have had access to a lot of women, and there really aren’t that many people from history that fit that description, so the assumption is pretty sound.
Modern Mongolian women are quite amazing and if you fall in love with them, be prepared to give them everything. They are traditional and conservative and expect the man to give them 100% of what he has. They will accept no less.
When we look at what Genghis Khan achieved with the Mongol Empire, we cannot help but appreciate his mastermind as a warlord. It surely looks like Genghis Khan had three dragons with him just like Khaleesi.
I cannot find any other explanation of Genghis Khan's success. I mean, he defeated Jin Dynasty's one million troops with only 90,000 Mongolians by his side.
Yes, Genghis Khan managed to win a war with ten times fewer troops than his opponent's army. On top of that, he was invading China, so he had to overcome all the "little" problems such as the Great Wall of China. Genghis Khan with his army had destroyed over 500,000 of Chinese troop before getting control of Northern China and Beijing.
The rest of the Chinese army had to surrender to the power of Genghis Khan. Destroying Jin Dynasty is only one of many examples of how great of a warlord Genghis Khan was. Also, he had some brutal and loyal men by his side, and let’s not rule out the dragon theory.
-The Richest
Mrs. Khan got to have a bunch of sister-wives
There was no such thing as monogamy in Genghis Khan’s Mongolia. Men could have multiple wives, but each one would have her own tent where she’d live with her own children, so it’s not like the wives had to hang out and pretend to like each other or anything.
So a man with four wives would travel with his four wives. Each one driving forth a wagon with their housing “kit” and their kids tagging along. When the boys are three, they might be tied to a horse and ride along. So it would appear like a small caravan was moving forward. The man at the lead, and his numerous families tailing along behind.
This is actress Da Na. She plays in the Chinese television play Jin Chai Ying. She is a stunner, now isn’t she. Eh?
According to History on the Net, though, the whole family usually got along pretty well. The idea of jealousy and a need for monogamy are constructs of a modern progressive society. In those days, where warfare, social strife (killings, murders, poisonings, and accidents) often killed the males in society, it was important to maintain large flexible family units. Ones that can band together if things go South quickly.
There is strength in numbers. In today's modern progressive society where we all stare into our portable electronic devices, we feel that we do not need others. That we can survive alone, with maybe our dog or cat as companions. Maybe so. Though, personally I disagree. We need each other and the larger a family is, the stronger it can be.
A man’s first wife was considered his legal wife, so that made things somewhat less complicated from an inheritance perspective.
The children of the first wife got more of his booty when he died, which is a pretty handy rule for a guy like Genghis who had 500 wives and so many children that he probably couldn’t even remember all of their names.
Imagine what his last will and testament would have looked like if he’d had to divide his fortune up equally among them.
"To that one wife who lives on the corner of Mare and Main, you know, the one with the mole on her left ankle who makes a pretty good Mongolian beef and broccoli stir fry but whose name I can't actually remember, I bequeath this one gold coin which is literally all I can afford to give her considering that I have to divide my fortune up equally between like 15,000 people."
Yeah, that never would have worked.
Mongolian Household. It’s like the television show M.A.S.H. they are mobile and they can set up house in a mere couple of minutes.
Physical force is not enough to achieve something as great as Genghis Khan did. Yes, there is no doubt that he is the greatest and most brutal warlord in history, but he was also a very wise man.
In 1201, during a battle, Genghis Khan was shot by an enemy archer. Needless to say, he was not happy about it.
So, after the Mongolian army won the battle, Genghis Khan spent some time looking for the man that shot him. He even pretended that it was not him who got shot, but his horse, so the enemy archer would have the courage to confront Genghis.
An unbelievable thing happened when the archer finally stepped out of the crowd and confessed shooting Genghis Khan. Instead of killing his enemy, Genghis Khan recognized his talent and asked him to join the Mongolian army.
The archer became a great general and loyally served Genghis for many years. That is one of the reasons why Mongol Empire was such a success back in the 13th century.
-The Richest
After her husband died, she was in charge.
There was no expectation of remarriage after your husband died, and so a lot of women didn’t bother to remarry.
If you were the first wife, you basically inherited everything and became head of the household. After that you got to live pretty much autonomously and independently, which is not something that was especially common around the world during that time period.
Because why would they?
If you were the first wife, you basically inherited everything and became head of the household. After that you got to live pretty much autonomously and independently, which is not something that was especially common around the world during that time period.
By contrast, Chinese women of the time were also not expected to remarry (in fact they were discouraged from remarrying), but they had to move in with their dead husbands’ families and basically serve as slave labor for the rest of their lives. So when you think about it, it’s actually pretty shocking that more of them didn’t go pounding on Genghis’ door in the hope of becoming his five hundred and first wife.
Because being left without an inheritance actually sounds way, way better than having to wait on your former in-laws for the rest of your life. But, then again, that’s just me.
After he was done conquering most of Asia, Genghis Khan decided he needed to write some laws. Because he had a reputation to protect, you know, as a fair and rational dude who was not actually hungry for the blood and wives of his enemies.
According to History on the Net, Mongolian women who remained unmarried after their husbands’ deaths were supposedly acting out of loyalty to their lost spouse. But after all, loyalty can only go so far. In Asia, it’s all about the pragmatic. So, let’s face it, the whole freedom, independence, and power thing was probably enough to make just about anyone feel really danged loyal to that dead guy. Yup. And this would be true whether he was a decent husband or not.
Genghis Khan wrote some pretty pro-woman laws later in life
After he was done conquering most of Asia, Genghis Khan decided he needed to write some laws. Because he had a reputation to protect, you know, as a fair and rational dude who was not actually hungry for the blood and wives of his enemies.
Sure, Genghis, whatever you say.
Mongolian women are true beauties.
Anyway, the document Genghis produced with the assistance of his actually-literate advisor Tatatungo was called Yasak. It was designed to help keep the peace in Genghis’ newly conquered lands.
According to Duhaime.org, there are no surviving copies of the Yasak but it was evidently pretty progressive. Well, at least in some areas. Notable was the Yasak’s moratorium against the kidnapping of wives and the selling of women.
Yup. Night-time raids on other villages and communities for the purposes of obtaining wives, slaves, and concubines is hereby ordered to be stopped.
In traditional conservative societies the husband and the wife have roles. They work together and live a K-strategy of survival. This differs from what is found in the more modern progressive societies in the United States and Europe that utilize the r-reproductive strategy for survival.
The Yasak also forbade child soldiers and slavery (or at the very least the slavery of other Mongols). He also specifically prohibited discrimination based on religion. This was true, even if you were from Tibet, or a Muslim! In fact it was one of the first known legal codes that allowed its citizens religious freedom.
The Mongols had a new Khan, Genghis Khan (also Cinggis Khan), born in 1167 by the more simple name of Temügin.
By 1206, he had defeated all his rivals and when they all attended upon him to pay homage, he had a surprise for them.
Illiterate himself, he wanted a consolidated Mongolian state and he knew that this meant law.
So he asked his advisor Tatatungo to come up with the Yasak, a code of law to maintain the peace and order amongst his citizens.
Also known as the Great Law of Genghis Khan, no copy of the Yasak has survived. Indeed, it was only reluctantly that Genghis Khan even tolerated a basic form of script language, and only to allow for a basic administration of his Mongolian dominions.
The Yasak was unique in that it did not pretend to derive its authority from divine revelation, as has Hammurabi’s Code, as well as Jewish and Islamic law.
It was a pretty remarkable document until you get to the stuff about cutting horse thieves in two with a sword and holding marriage celebrations for dead children. You know, other more contemporaneous punishments and activities.
So much for progressive thought.
Mongolian men and women are both fierce, strong and insanely loyal to each other. They are also independently minded and view their family as supreme. They maintain a traditional conservative lifestyle, and will not permit anyone to come between their family.
Anyways, ol’ Genghis Khan was quite the fellow, and he really wanted to make good in the (now decimated) lands that he conquered. Because of this, and the history of his people, the women of Mongolia are what they are today.
I am an American Structural Engineer and spent approximately 1-1/2 years working in Mongolia, and living in UB. I have since moved on to another project in Cape Town, SA, however wanted to comment on perhaps the most accurate article I have read in relation to Mongolian women.
I have additionally worked in several other Asian counties to include Singapore, Hong Kong, China, etc. I hope that you will agree that you cannot even “basically” compare the contemporary Mongolian woman to any other Asians.
BTW, forget the “Asian Height Charts by Country” seen all over the internet – not even close. For example, China, S. Korean and even Japanese women are calculated taller in stature than Mongolian ladies – Not eve close!
When I strolled through Sukhbaatar Square on warm days, it was not uncommon for me to see several Mongolian women 5′7″, 5′8″ even up to 5′10″. What stands out just as much, is that these ladies have shapes and many pronounced bust-lines; mainly due to diet (meat/dairy).
They appear physically to be much stronger built than other Asians. The best way I can explain it, Mongolian women have physical shapes closer to Russian women than they do other Asians.
Another distinguishing factor, many Chinese, Japanese women have very small hands and feet – not Mongolian women who have larger hands/feet. Consider this, for a country of just over 3 million people, Nearly 50% of all top Asian fashion models are from Mongolia.
Battsetseg Turbat for example has been in many famous American commercials to include Budweiser and Apple. This is what surprised me most when I first stepped off the plane upon my arrival to UB. Mongolian women’s height can be deceiving when viewing online photos – the reason is that they have voluptuous shapes to accompany their height.
An additional quality is personality. Mongolian women have big personalities, laugh loudly and not afraid to approach someone they may wish to meet. Additionally, Mongolian women when affronted, do not shy away as do other Asians, however will meet the confrontation head-on 100%. What I have also noticed, when in other parts of Asia, women will almost always give way when an American woman is walking down the sidewalk toward them.
Not in UB – A Mongolian woman will expect the American woman to step aside most every time.
In relation to toughness, Mongolia are second to none. In fact, Mongolian women have very little respect for American women, thinking them soft and spoiled (their words not mine).
All Mongolian women are excellent horsemen, whether raised in the Ger District or city. They are like the land they inhabit, resilient and everlasting.
I remember taking a walk around Sukhbaatar Square with a Mongolian lady I befriended to just enjoy the day . It was in November last year and nearly freezing. I remember she was wearing heels, barely covered up and seemed fine. I was layered to the hilt, still shivering although looked like the Michelin tire man with all my garb.
She must have noticed I was freezing as suggested we walk to Millie’s Espresso to have lunch, drink something warm and relax. These women impressed me as they were able to balance their hardiness with their femininity.
You are correct, there is a slight mix of Slav in most Mongolian ladies, however, does not distract from their Asian appearance. I do not know if I will ever return to Mongolia, however, the Mongolian ladies will have my respect and admiration for life.
-Life Around Asia
The women who lived under the rule of Genghis Khan were strong, independent women that well understood their role, their niche and their lifestyle. They are who they are because they come from a traditional conservative culture where they must implement K-reproductive strategies. I believe that the success of the Mongol “hordes” wouldn’t be possible were it not for the strong support of the women-folk riding side by side with their husbands.
At that I will conclude this adventure into the women of Mongolia.
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in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
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Asians and Nazis are two things that you would think wouldn’t really go together. That is because there just aren’t any well known (in the West) associations between the two. You would assume that there would be no way that they’d fit together to create a single perfect shape.
It’s all about rain clearing the air so that the beautiful day can manifest. It is about war clearing the bad so peace can come about. It is about the woman that complements the man, and the good that comes about from the bad.
Japanese pop boys band dressed in Nazi clothing. They are considered to be very stylish and very popular. Not in the USA, obviously.
In Asia, you won’t find things that you cannot talk about. Things you are forbidden to do. Lifestyles that are considered too odd or strange to show in public. And yes, things that others might find repulsive has a home in Asia. Because being politically correct is often against the law.
Nazi chic is a thing, and yes in Asia (all over Asia, actually) a very popular thing.
Asian Nazi Chic wedding. Notice it is the white colors against the black colors. The man against the woman. The soft of the woman against the steely hard of the man. It’s all about the Yin and the Yang.
Being able to dress as you like, free of anyone or any government telling you otherwise is called freedom.
It’s terribly refreshing, if a bit disturbing.
Asian Nazi fashion. It’s not uncommon to see young people dressing like this and goose-stepping down the streets. No one bats an eye. Though, seeing a “white water buffalo” (American woman) would most certainly invoke stares and snickers of polite laughter and disgust.
Asian Nazi Fashion
Every few years we hear of some incredibly bizarre subculture that startles us away from our comfortable life inside of Starbucks, and McDonalds.
Often it is so unlike what we would find on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, or on Oprah Show.
They would behave, dress and act in ways that we would find absolutely disturbing and outrageous. Ways that are most certainly banned in the more sensible sections of New York City or San Francisco.
A popular Nazi themed dining establishment. I wonder if they have some mustard and good beer?
In the United States and Europe it’s just not a very good idea to don the ornamentation of the Third Reich. Unless you want to send a very specific message, that is: I’m a fascist and antisemitic, and damn proud of it.
Many just can’t wrap their minds around these obscure behaviors.
They argue “there ought to be a law“, and “how dare these people flaunt the unwritten societal rules of behavior“. But they don’t. They just go on living their life, oblivious that others in far-away places like Pasadena, and Martha’s Vineyard are repulsed by their actions.
Meanwhile the Asians are all just smiling inside.
I think that they (deep down inside) love to watch the horror creep on the faces of the elite millennials from their protected cribs in the United States. Maybe it’s kind of a game to them. Like “look what I can do, and you cannot”. Sort of like that.
Nazi themed parade in Thailand. Pretty girls with toy automatic weapons, and Nazi style clothes make up this very popular parade. As they are all very fashionable.
They are living life on their terms. Right or wrong and totally oblivious to who it offends.
It’s called freedom.
Others, living as LGBT, or who identifies as a transgender potato, are just as free to live their life as they see fit. Aren’t they? But most Americans wouldn’t have anything to say about that. Now would they?
They don’t. They are protected. They are privileged.
Nazi themed clothing store in Hong Kong. What? You think that the youths protesting in black and wanting Trump to “liberate them” are being honest? Being a Nazi is high Chic in Hong Kong. It’s ingrained in the culture.
Alternatively, if they want to be a full-functioning male, but enter the ladies room in a middle-school, and it is allowed by the local government, they why should anyone else have a problem with how someone else dresses? Heck, they would be fully supported by the government, the educational establishment, the school board, and the media. You know this is true.
If they want to shit on the sidewalk in San Francisco, well fine and dandy. If they want to wear hats that look like a woman’s neither regions, well then let them.
Asian Nazi fashion themed Asian gal on the public bus.
Live and let live.
Or is that too repulsive a point of view to accept?
People, you cannot pick and choose "types" of freedom. You are either free, or you aren't. It's black and white. Either everyone is free to do as they wish, or no one is.
If you are in a situation where SOME people can do what they wish, while others cannot, then you are on the dangerous Marxist road to the elimination of all freedoms and all liberties. Hey! How about cracking open a history book why won't ya?
America used to be “free”. Free to act as you want. Free to dress as you want. Free to say things that you want. All with full knowledge that someone might be terribly offended by your actions. Yet today, in our society, there are two rules of behavior. They go like this; What I like, is ok. What I don’t like should be banned. It’s what the progressive liberals and their military arms the Antifa and the BLM stand for.
Fashion exists everywhere.
To close our eyes to other cultures, and other ways of doing things is really not smart. If we are so easily offended about such a silly thing as how people dress, then perhaps we really need to take a serious reappraisal of our life. Our priorities are seriously out of wack.
Do you get all upset because the person in the other car is listening to 1970’s era Disco?
Are you furious when you discover that there are no lilac colored doggie collars in Pet-Smart?
Do you totally freak out when your transgender supervisor comes to work wearing bright red lipstick, and eyelashes?
Why not go in and get a hamburger and fries at your local McHitler in Thailand? It’s good eating for sure, and have a nice Bavarian beer with free refills while you are at it.
People! Different places have different cultures and different ways of doing things. If you want to live in your closed and shallow life and be fearful of the world outside of Starbucks, it’s up to you. But, it will hurt you.
We need to accept the fact that different people are different, and different and being different is a GOOD THING. If you don’t believe me, just ask a Chinese person what they thought of the universal-blue clothing that Mr. Mao made everyone wear.
Being different is a good thing.
Nazi clothing, and regalia are all high fashion in Hong Kong. You don’t hear about it in the Americas because you aren’t SUPPOSED to know about it. You are spoon fed what you are to know and nothing else. Remember, the most dangerous propaganda is that propaganda that we want to believe.
People are different. Different is good. It adds color to our life and permits us to view things in a completely new light. Instead of being in an echo chamber where everyone else tells us what we want to hear.
You should not be offended by something as silly as clothing. Really!
Young fashionable men in the Southern Americas. Love the shoes. Don’t you, or are you terribly offended by this as well?
Culture and Fashion
Now this trend in Asia, in the big picture, isn’t really that strange. It certainly isn’t as bad as any other things that many others find offensive. Take the United States for instance. These things are considered normal…
Yet, for all the craziness that Americans take for granted in their own life, they are absolutely horrified by this trend on the other side of the globe.
Fashion can take numerous themes for instance, like this Nazi Angel chick.
To them, this one; this love of Nazi style uniforms, really stands apart.
It is about as politically incorrect that you can get. And many of the PC-crowd in the USA, and Europe are absolutely horrified by it.
Which is really silly. Especially what passes for as “normal” in the United States today. Normal in the United States today…
Halloween costume of a girls being burned at the state, and this offends no one? Yet, someone dresses up in a uniform that is over 75 years old, and everyone loses their collective minds. WTF?
This subculture in Asia is called “Asian Nazis” and it’s basically what it sounds like. It’s a bunch of young kids with an affinity for militarism, anti-semitism and a love for all things Hitler.
It’s sort of like the Obama-worship subculture in the United States. Only not so rabid, and hyper-monitized.
Normal in the United States today…
Obama as a deity for worship. For many, this is a far more repulsive than any act of putting on historical period clothing. This worships… a person as a God. This is an abomination.
America has it’s very own fashions and trends that people in other nations find offensive.
Normal in the United States today…
A woman (I think) of Walmart. This is considered normal, and fashionable in America. Yet in Asia this would be considered to be absolutely revolting and hideous. But in America, this is considered “normal” and acceptable. It is a sign of being free and living a life in liberty with the ability to “do yer own thang”, and what not.
Over the last few decades or two, groups of fashionable young people in Asia have discovered Nazi clothing and paraphernalia.
Apparently, they’ve also decided that “hey, this is pretty stylish, I wanna look like this!” without realizing that they were connecting themselves to the propagators of the Holocaust and, you know, the entire World War II thingy.
Why not a Nazi Barbie doll? It’s all the rage with the youth in Asia.
They don’t know that they are being offensive to Americans and Israelites.
In their world, people are free to live the life as they choose. As long as they are not bothering anyone, they can be themselves. It’s called liberty. It’s called freedom. You all should give it a spin. It’s actually really nice once to get used to the concept of “live and let live“.
This is what happens when you regulate things so that no one is ever offended…
This is what “freedom” is in the United States. You are free to obey others and free not to be offensive. It’s the price you pay for living in a modern progressive utopia.
In Japan, the latest example of this incredibly strange fashion style happened with the pop group Pritz, who performed in public in 2014 while wearing dark clothing and symbols that were unmistakably inspired by the Nazis. Although they apologized and claimed that they didn’t know what they were doing, examples of subtle Nazi love are found in several Asian countries.
In Thailand in 2007, students held a Nazi-themed parade, and another school held an SS sports rally in 2012. At a top Thai university, students painted a giant mural depicting Hitler with other superheroes, while some students delivered the sieg hiel salute. Nazi-themed pop groups are also popular.
In China in 2003, the Chinese retailer Izzue decorated all 14 of their stores with swastikas. After complaints from foreigners (Mostly Americans, and Canadians.), the company’s marketing manager said: ‘This is Hong Kong, and Chinese people are not sensitive about Nazism’. With comments like that, it looks like this bizarre-and somewhat offensive-subculture is here to stay.
In South Korea, there are Nazi-themed bars, and in China, it was fashionable to dress up like Nazi officers for wedding photos. Whether there’s an extreme case of “lost in translation” going on here or whether Asians just think that style takes precedence over historical tragedies, we’re not sure.
It's sort of like how the NFL now has African-American themed anti-white people rally's during the half-time show. No one gets offended, and they just continue without any "push back".
What a time to be alive…!
Yeah, it’s completely crazy.
Nazi cosplaying is taking place all over the continent, too, from Tokyo to Hong Kong, plus parts of China, South Korea and even Burma. There’s even a Tumblr account dedicated to ‘Nazi chic’ (their words, not mine!) called Fun With Asian Nazis.
Asian Nazi fandom on the march in Thailand. This is what freedom and liberty looks like. It is ugly. It is messy and it is offensive. This is what the real deal is. But, of course it will offend the more sensitive in the audience. You know the types, the busybodies that were never spanked as a child in Kindergarten, or the school play-yard bully, or the folk that led a protected life until their first ob in corporate America.
There is but one thing that’s crystal clear: If you’re planning to go abroad, try to leave your offended and outraged pants back home because vacations are for de-stressing, not clawing your eyeballs out in horror.
Get your head out of the sand…
The rest of the world are not encumbered with limits on their behavior. Right or wrong, a limit on a behavior is a restriction on freedom.
These limits, while constructed with the best of intentions, eventually stifle creativity and life. Look at how well it has worked out for North Korea, Stalinist Russia, Modern Iran, and Mr. Mao’s China.
All of them started to place little, simple rules, you known to make life better… for the children.
And while you go about your day-to-day life in the United States, watching the goings on, keep in mind that the rest of the world is living their life oblivious to your problems, and restrictions.
As such, here’s a window to what the rest of the world is like…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
The reactions from Americans
A typical American reaction to this Nazi fashion in Asia.
Asia news site AsiaObscura stumbled across some Korean Nazi cosplayers. Why were they dressed that way? The writer wanted to know. As one of the cosplayers told him: “We’re not racist. We just like the fashion. Really.”
Thai students practicing freedom in a parade much to the disgust and horror of CNN and the NGO’s stationed there. These busybodies wanted to interrupt the parade, but the police threatened them with severe consequences if they did anything to interrupt the festivities.
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might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
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actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
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Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
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because I just don’t care to.
The American civil war set the South on fire. There in the heart of the United States was endless desolation, death, crime, and violence on a very, very personal scale. It tore at the heart of America. In the midst of all this, was an exit of Americans who fled American for a life elsewhere. The confederates that fled the United States didn’t do so to set up a nation where slavery was legal. They went elsewhere to set up a state where they the people had more power than the local government there.
This is their story.
Lost but not defeated. The Confederacy left America and set up shop in Brazil.
History is very interesting, and one of the most interesting things about it is that it is constantly changing. Our reality, our knowledge of history is under constant assault, and under constant revision.
I grew up being taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America, and that the native Indians entered via a Bering Sea “land bridge”. Today, it is pretty well established that there have been numerous explorations of North America by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to the Vikings, and even the Chinese. And as time progresses we have a better understanding that ancient man, those who inhabited North America, had the ability to create boats and sail on the high seas in earnest without fear.
Surprise Discovery That Ancient Tin Ingots Found in Israel Came From England ... the British Isles had developed maritime trade routes with the rest of the world as early as the Bronze Age.
-Ancient Origins
But it’s not just that.
History is being rewritten to fit political narratives. Everything from “Islam is a nation of peace”, to “the Nazi Holocaust did not occur”. Everything is being rewritten. It’s a common theme, this reconstruction of history, and erasure of the past. We see it all the time, in every nation.
From the Taliban (and their friends the) ISIS destroying the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq to the destruction of statues in America and the rewrite of the political narratives for political expediency. It is everywhere. Once the Internet made mass erasure of the past expedient (a re-writable “white board”, if you will), everything has become prone to being erased and a new narrative written over it.
Enter President Obama
"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
-Michelle Obama
Up until 2013, under President Obama, every single textbook and history book in the United States stated that the primary cause of the American Civil War was related to abuses of the tenth amendment. (Don’t believe me? Go visit a used book store, why won’t ya?)
They all were in lock-step with this narrative.
In American political discourse, states' rights are political powers held for the state governments rather than the federal government according to the United States Constitution, reflecting especially the enumerated powers of Congress and the Tenth Amendment.
The enumerated powers that are listed in the Constitution include exclusive federal powers, as well as concurrent powers that are shared with the states, and all of those powers are contrasted with the reserved powers—also called states' rights—that only the states possess.
For political reasons, and to reinforce his base, President Obama (around 2009 through 2014) rewrote history. Changing all internet references to the causes of the American Civil War from “States Rights” to “Slavery”. Today, if you visit any internet website on the causes of the American Civil War, you will discover that the causes are not listed as [1] Slavery, with a selection of [2] other causes that include “States Rights”.
Fun exercise;
Go to Wikipedia "The causes for the Civil War". Then go to the Revision History page. Check out the activity there, and the dates of the changes, as well as where the changes originated from.
This is interesting on numerous levels.
I find it interesting simply because all of the States that joined the Confederacy wrote up “Documents of Succession” that gave their reasons for leaving the United States union. And in those reasons, the top-most, A #1, most important reason was ‘States Rights”.
I mean, it’s RIGHT THERE.
There is no ambiguity there. The documents of succession list the reasons in great detail. (If a bit wordy.)
It’s in black and white.
It’s there, as plain as day. Not to mention that all of the discussions on succession that took place in the State capitals, and in the Federal Senate and Congress clearly state… unequivocally, that they left because the Federal government was interfering on the local and state level.
We won’t get too far into the rewriting discourse. That’s a subject for another time. Anyways, you can read about this rewriting of history and the reasons for it below. Don’t worry, the link opens up in a new tab.
The rights of the people
This is the “States Rights” issue. Where the United States Constitution plainly stated that the Rights of the people shall be held by them, or by their States. Not by the Federal Government.
After all, the PEOPLE created the government. And it must answer to them.
The American Constitution placed the power of the people over that of the government. This is a non-debatable issues, as all; every single document during the founding made this point quite clear and pronounced.
This did not go well in Washington D.C. for absolute power corrupts absolutely. They wanted more power. They wanted centralized power. They wanted it all.
They wanted it so much, that they fought a war over it.
And many, many people died.
Governments are created by citizens. They answer to the people. When they start to ignore them, it is the duty for the citizens to take back their government from the tyrants in power. This will often be very dangerous, bloody and nasty.
“We the people” lost the Civil War
Those who lost, lost everything. They ended up losing the independence of their States, as well as many of their freedoms. They also discovered that they now answered to a singular centralized government located in Washington D.C..
After the American civil war, for the most part, the Bill of Rights was proven to be a sham.
If you negate one enumerated Right, you negate them all. It's only a simple matter of time.
Confederate Soldier.
Then, in 2013 President Obama, in one of his many efforts to rewrite history, started the narrative that the Civil War was fought over slavery. And that most “white people” still wanted slavery and that “white people” should be punished for their “privilege”.
You can see this narrative being reinforced in the mainstream American media, in the universities, and by “diversity officers” in the corporate board rooms.
"I've never owned, or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either. Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots -- and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too -- it was wrong for every one of them. "
-Ted Nugent
An Obama follower (Cashing in on the “community organizer” scam.) instructing “white people” on their privilege…
Rewriting history to demonize a particular demographic is necessary to create “race wars” that lead to democide. This is a very important first step in all genocides. You select a group of people. You demonize them relentlessly. You disarm them. Then you kill them in mass. It is a historical norm, and well documented. In fact, it is almost one of the crowning achievements of the Marxism in the 20th century.
Abruptly and suddenly all historical narratives on the internet were rewritten to embrace this idea. And of course, news, media and academia marched lock-step to promote it.
"Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sew racial divide.
During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee.
They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites."
-L. Todd Wood
Ah. But what of history?
Looking at history as a thinking person…
If the American confederates were so enraptured with slavery, wouldn’t they try to escape from the clutches of the Federal government when it appeared that the war was ending? Wouldn’t they flee with their favorite slaves? Wouldn’t they they relocate elsewhere to promote the core ideas slavery based Confederacy elsewhere?
Well, yes. You would think so.
Only, history tells us a different narrative.
The confederates that fled the United States didn’t do so to set up a nation where slavery was legal. They went elsewhere to set up a state where the people had more power than the government there.
Surprise! It just doesn't fit that "deplorable, Nazi, white privilege" narrative being shoved down our collective throats by the mainstream American media and their handlers the progressive Marxist Democrats.
As such, a study of these people who fled the Confederacy would be able to tell us all a lot about the causes of the American Civil War, and the things that were important to the membership of the Confederacy.
Let’s take a look at that.
The Confederados
Today... even though most of the Confederado descendants, being mainly of mixed race now, have fanned out to other parts of Brazil.
Many of the descendants from the original Confedrados, with the typical Brazilian flair, have an affinity for and carry on the traditions from their homeland; Such as Confederate uniforms and it's flag, southern food and their protestant Baptist religion.
Even though they identify with their past, they do consider themselves loyal Brazilian citizens. Maintaining a headquarters, as well as memorials and museums of their original descendant organization at the Campo center in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste.
Brazil is well-known for being a cultural hub of South American life with its unmatched love for football, its fun and sexy dances like the samba, and its Latin people. It in so many ways, no way resembles anything like the Confederate States of America in the 19th-century South.
The Confederacy is alive and well within Brazil. There a man can be a gentleman, he can smoke a cigar and have a fine glass of XO while addressing young lasses as they stroll along the venue.
So what kind of fiction do we have to invent to combine the two and make them fit together?
The answer is none.
Because that’s exactly what happened in Americana, a municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil. There, the residents call themselves the Confederados. As they are descendants of the 19th-century residents of the Confederate States of America.
The descendants of the Confederate States of America, living as expats in Brazil By studying the Confederatados one can better understand the motivations of people who decided to leave America for another nation.
The Confederados carry on all the cultural artifacts of the Confederacy. This includes the Confederate flag, Confederate army uniforms, and Confederate-style dancing with its own Brazilian flair.
It’s their heritage.
So how did this come to be?
By mid-1865 the American Civil War was over and the South had lost—everything.
It was over.
Her cities and farmland were destroyed, political rights denied, the finest of her husbands, fathers, and sons dead or disabled. With Lincoln dead and Radical Republican revenge on the horizon, the occupied territory of the southern United States did not appear to be a promising place for the foreseeable future.
The Confederados are a proud people with a proud and just heritage. They are thriving and they have embraced Brazilian culture while embracing their history.
Can you visualize what it must have been like?
Can you, really?
After the Civil War, many families from the old South were left landless and destitute. They probably hated living under a conquering army of Yankees.
Brazilian emperor Dom Pedro II realized this group of disenchanted Americans could be a solution to one of his problems: how to develop the sparsely-settled areas of his country. He was especially interested in developing the cultivation of cotton, a crop well-known to the former Confederates. He provided incentives to people who knew how to raise cotton, offering land at twenty-two cents an acre with four years credit and passage to Brazil for thirty Yankee dollars. Each family was encouraged to bring a tent, light-weight furniture, farming supplies and seeds, and provisions to last six months.
Dom Pedro II sent recruiters into Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas in search of experienced cotton farmers for his country. Many southerners saw this as their only option for happiness, to build a community with southern values in the jungle of Brazil. They would become known as the Confederados.
Imagine today, in today’s polarized society. When the members of the OTHER political party gains the upper-hand and are Hell-bent on running things their way. Would you be willing to stay?
Would YOU?
Out-of-touch and insane liberal Rep. Maxine Waters has been in the hot seat over her calls for violence. Has she learned? Nope! In a recent interview, she demanded more liberals go after conservatives. he continued, “And I’m hopeful that even Democrats having seen the kind of outpouring of protests over 700 incidences of protests this weekend, seeing that they will be more forceful, more confrontational and more prepared to push back on this administration. I think that the people are showing them, this-this is what they would have us do.” [Source: Breitbart]
Given this level of politicized violence, a life as a second-rate citizen, and all your livelihood destroyed, with a Federally sanctioned attack on your culture, many Southerners decided to leave.
And so they did.
They skedaddled.
See ya! Bye!
The descendants of the expats of the Confederacy have embraced heir history, their heritage and their cuture without shame of sadness. They never had to endure the century of having their culture and their society belittled and made fun of.
Some resettled out west, others even relocated in the North, and some went as far as friendly England. But the most popular destination for expatriate Confederates was a country further south: Brazil, where summer is perpetual and the harvest year-round.
The colonists were ecstatic about what they saw, and one wrote back to the Mobile Daily Register:
“I have sugar cane, cotton, pumpkins, squash, five kinds of sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, cornfield peas, snap beans, butter beans, ochre [probably okra], tomatoes and fine chance at tobacco. I have a great variety of fruits on my place. I have made enough to live well on and am better pleased than other.”
Time to leave.
When the Civil War ended in 1865, many Southerners felt that they no longer fit in the United States. As such, they decided to go to a place where they could find cheap land to build new lives.
The Confederados all dressed up to reenact their history, their heritage and their society. When the Confederacy lost, they did not bow down to a tyrannical Federal government. They left. Today they are thriving, while their families who stayed behind now lives a life that is dictated out of Washington D.C. instead of locally managed.
In 1865, the Civil War ended with a Confederate loss and the Union abolishing slavery. The bloody conflict caused more than 600,000 military casualties and nearly depleted the Southern economy.
The North disbanded the Confederate army and began a period known as the Reconstruction. It wasn’t exactly welcomed in the South, and some decided to leave the United States for somewhere else.
-The Vintage News
Though General Robert E. Lee discouraged them from leaving, around 20,000 Southerners set sail for Brazil, the only time in American history where people left the country in large numbers for another one.
Square dances, Southern hospitality and fine Southern cooking are all traditions that are maintained and embraced inside of Brazil.
Accounts vary on how many left.
They vary from 10,000 to 20,000 families. We know that at a minimum of 10,000 boarded ships and went by sea. Those that took trains, or wagons down through Mexico are much more difficult to track.
Nor, do we do not know what happened to many of them. Obviously some died due to illness and sickness in the harsh tropics. Some just moved on elsewhere, and ended up in Argentina, and other South American nations. We do know that some of those who went to Brazil eventually sailed back to the US eventually. Well, because building a new life is surprisingly hard.
Today, we know that 94 of the original American families remained as their “blood lines” and “family names” are all predominant in the Americanized communities. These families became rich from growing cotton and sugarcane.
They are also the people from whom the modern-day Confederados are descended.
At least one shipload of Southerners docked in the port of Belém, set sail down the Amazon River and survived on berries and monkey meat, but perished from malaria. The only community of Confederates that survived was the group that got to the place they called Americana, which they chose because it most closely paralleled their home in Georgia.”
-News Punch
The saying “The South will Rise Again!” isn’t a fiction. It really has risen again. It rose in a place where there was liberty and freedom. And where talented Americans could thrive – Brazil.
They balkanized Brazil.
Those that arrived refused to integrate.
This group refused to learn Portuguese, built Baptist churches and their own schools, and made their own traditional meals like biscuits and gravy, pecan pie, and black-eyed peas. They believed that their ways of the Confederacy and their Southern lifestyle was superior to anything found in Brazil at the time.
Over the last 100 years, the original Confederate bloodlines were slowly diluted, resulting in today’s part-Spanish, part-Confederate descendants who speak mostly Portuguese but also speak English with a Southern drawl.
Brazil Welcomes the Confederacy
When the Confederacy was defeated in the US Civil War, Emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil, a staunch ally of the Confederate cause, welcomed Confederate soldiers and sympathizers wishing to start a new life.
Thousands of Southerners, motivated by a hate of the wartime enemy and an instinctive urge to preserve Southern cultural values, flocked to Brazil.
They moved to a climate that in many ways resembled the American South. They moved to a place where they were permitted to keep their society, their culture and their heritage. They moved to a place where they were accepted as themselves.
Proud to be Confederate. Proud of their lifestyle. Proud of their heritage. Proud of their lifestyle.
“The Confederados, despite the usual problems of colonization, thrived in an environment that had defeated many settlers before them. Americana became an image of the antebellum period of the American south. Many of the first Baptist churches in Brazil were started there. They built public schools and provided education for their female children, something that was rare in Brazil. They flew the Confederate flag and enjoyed the traditional southern meals of biscuits and gravy, black-eyed peas and, of course, grits.The settlers had very European names like Stonewall and Butler. They would bake pecan pies, have debutante balls, and sing southern hymns. Only recently was the Confederate flag removed from the city’s crest. In 1906, US Secretary of State Elihu Root made a quick stop in Americana, but had little to say to the expatriates. Root later told his biographer that he left Americana weepy and had told the Confederados they’d never be welcome in the United States again.”
-News Punch
There was nothing random about the Southerners’ choice.
At the war’s end Emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil, a Mason, began an extensive recruitment campaign. He did this primarily among his fellow Masonic brothers. He offered quite a bit. Indeed, he offered the world’s leading cotton-growing experts (American Southerners) some of the best cotton-growing land at twenty-two cents an acre, hoping to boost his own country’s developing economy.
Brazil Confederados showing the American stars and Bars with great pride.
The South’s most respected Robert E. Lee and other leaders throughout the South urged Southerners to resist the offers. They did not want to see a “brain drain” dilute the “strength of the South”. Indeed, the South had lost too many of her best men already.
Defeated and rejected in their own land, however, many Southerners responded to the warm welcome extended by the Brazilians, and Dom Pedro’s plan worked to the good of both parties.
Waves of Confederate immigrants
Over the next two decades as many as 20,000 Confederate refugees relocated to Brazil. We know that some of them eventually returned to the United States while others succumbed to deadly tropical disease. But several thousand brave pioneers remained permanently, not only forging a new life in a strange land but succeeding in it and making valuable contributions to their new country.
Proud Brazilian Confederados. They are the descendants of the expats who fled America over States Rights when the Federal government became far too large and trampled their lifestyle.
In 1866 an ex-senator from Alabama, Colonel William Norris, became the first American settler in Brazil. He purchased land near the Quilombo River in the state of São Paulo.
The William Hutchinson Norris from Alabama served in the Alabama Legislature as a member of the House of Representatives and later as a State Senator during the 1830's and 1840's...In 1861 he was the Grand Master of Masons in Alabama. No record has yet been found of him having served in the military during the Civil War period, or in any other period. During the 1820's he did serve in a Militia Unit in Wilcox County dealing with the Indians.
It should be noted that 6 of his sons served in the War and they were James Reece Norris, Robert Cicero, Francis Johnson, Henry Clay, Samuel Leonidas and Benjamin Harrison Norris. All except Francis Johnson Norris migrated to Brazil with the rest of the family. James Reece, Benjamin and Samuel returned to this country after several years in Brazil.
- The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Archive
A year later many more Americans followed. They came to settle in or near the “Norris colony” and in other areas throughout Brazil.
The Confederacy is alive and well in Brazil. Only they call it the Confederados.
When new arrivals saw 100% returns on their first two-year cotton plantings, the success stories brought new waves of Southerners fleeing worsening conditions (Please reference “Carpetbaggers & Scalawags“) back home.
In 1875 the Brazilian government built a railway station near Norris’s settlement—one hundred cars were needed to haul the popular watermelon crop alone in the late 1800’s—and the village that grew up around it soon became known popularly as Villa dos Americanos, “Town of the Americans.”
Confederados keeping their society and history alive. They are the only ones doing it. In America the South was lost and crumbled under the weight of the “new reformation” under the federal government.
Some of the families that settled
Many citizens of the Confederacy disappeared from public records at the end of the Civil War or soon thereafter. Of course, record keeping was spotty at best in the turmoil that followed the defeat of the Confederacy. If you can’t find your relatives during that time, you might be tempted to say, “Oh well, he (or she) probably died in the war.”
Don’t be so sure.
In 1868, a number of families from former Confederate states in the South fled the Reconstruction policies for Brazil. They settled in various regions of the country but, within a few years, concentrated near the current towns of Americana and Santa Barbara, Sao Paulo State.
These settlements were approximately 100 miles inland from the city of Sao Paulo. The family of Colonel William H. Norris was the first to arrive from Alabama. His son Robert C. Norris and daughter-in-law Martha Temperance [Patti] Steagall as well as his own daughter Angela Norris accompanied the Colonel, but son Saunders Norris remained at the family home of Mt. Pleasant, Alabama, 40 miles northeast of Mobile.
Robert Cicero Norris
Robert Cicero Norris was the son of Col. William Hutchison Norris. He was born in Perry County, Ala., March 7, 1837. His boyhood days were spent in Dallas County, Ala. From 1850 to 1856 he was a student at Fulton Academy, one of the best educational institutions of the State. Having finished the course there, he studied law under his father, though not intending to practice this profession; but he wished to inform himself concerning the laws of the country.
At the age of twenty he taught in a public school for a year, and then he went to Brundidge, Ala., where he studied medicine under Dr. J.H. Dewberry as preceptor. He matriculated in the Mobile Medical College (now University of Alabama). On January 28, 1861, his studies were interrupted when he went with other volunteers under Capt. Theodore O'Hara to Pensacola to seize the navy yards. He then returned to his studies.
On July 3, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, 15th Alabama Regiment, and went to Fort Mitchell for organization, and from there to Virginia, where his regiment served in Stonewall Jackson's brigade. In 1862 he was made sergeant major, serving in this capacity until 1864, and acted as adjutant much of the time. He was later assigned to Company A, 60th Alabama Regiment, and promoted to first lieutenant. In an engagement on Hatcher's Run he was captured and sent as a prisoner to Fort Delaware, where he was kept until June 17, 1865.
He arrived at his old home in Alabama on the 5th of July. During the four years' service he was wounded three times. He served in many battles and skirmishes, including Front Royal, Port Republic, Harper's Ferry, Cross Keys, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Brown's Ferry, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Courthouse, Second Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Darbytown Road, and Williamsburg Road.
At the end of 1865 he traveled to Brazil and settled in Villa Americana, State of Sao Paulo, being the first American to settle in that section of the country. Afterwards a flourishing American colony was established there. He returned to the Mobile in 1890 to study medicine. After completing his studies, he rejoined his wife and their 10 children in Brazil, where he established a successful practice. He retired from active life in 1911.
He was made a Mason in 1858 in the Fulton Lodge, Dallas County. In Brazil he took an active part in organizing a lodge, A.Y.M., in Santa Barbara, of which he was Senior Warden for two years, afterwards being elected to the position of Grand Master, which he held until his death. Dr. Robert C. Norris departed this life on May 14, 1913.
- see CONFEDERATE VETERAN, November 1913, Vol. 21, No. 11
Martha Temperance Steagall
Martha Temperance Steagall was born on February 4, 1850 in Union City, Obion County, Tennessee. She was the daughter of Henry Farrar Steagall and Delia Elizabeth (Peck) Steagall. She relocated with the rest of her family and her husband Robert C. Norris to Brazil in 1867. She and her husband had two daughters, Kennie and Julia and a son Robert Clay Norris. She died on September 16, 1933 in Washington, D.C.
- Special Collections & Archives Department Homepage
Robert Clay Norris
Robert Clay Norris was born January 5, 1872 in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He studied dentistry in Sao Paulo and assisted in the practice of Dr. I. G. Baumgardner before his untimely death on December 10, 1906. He married Ana Candida Escobar 1895 in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Special Collections & Archives Department Homepage
John Ridley Bufird
Prior to relocating to the American Civil War, John Ridley Buford was a resident of Eufaula, Alabama. He enlisted in April 1862, at Eufaula, Alabama and was appointed Sergeant in Captain Reuben Koulb's Battery of the Barbour Alabama Light Artillery. He was transferred on November 6, 1864, with the rank of private to the Eufaula Battery of Alabama Light Artillery. He was in St. Mary's Hospital at Union Springs, Alabama from September 29,1864, until November 6, 1864. Buford took part in the battles of Kentucky Campaign, Hood's Tennessee Campaign, and Chickamauga, and was paroled at Meridian, Mississippi, on May 10, 1865. At his parole, he listed his residence as Eufaula. In late February of 1867, Buford
moved to Santa Barbara, Brazil where he farmed tobacco. He was alive in 1913 at age of 72.
- Special Collections & Archives Department Homepage
While the Confederates that moved to Brazil came from all over the South, it does seem like the most notable ones originated out of Alabama for some reason. Curious.
I wonder why.
Alabama in one picture.
At the opening of the twentieth century officials adopted the name Villa Americana, and today the city begun by Confederate Americans, with a population of over 200,000, is called simply “Americana.”
A small town soon formed, and a train station was built when the first railroad line was constructed through the area in 1875. The train station was officially named “Villa da Estação de Santa Bárbara” (Santa Bárbara Station Town), but the nearby town became popularly known as “Villa dos Americanos” (Town of the Americans). The town was later officially named Americana.
Americana is still home to about 20,000 direct descendants of these original Southern planters. Though, Italian immigrants quickly moved in and eventually outnumbered them. However, there may be as many as ten times that number distributed all over, and throughout, all of Brazil.
Southern manners, gestures, and society is maintained and living well within Brazil. The expats who left the United States Confederacy set up a life inside of Brazil to maintain their culture and way of life.
The colonies remained a cloistered community for years to come. The Confederate refugees married among themselves and spoke only English. They also invested in separate schools, churches, and cemeteries, importing priests and teachers from the United States.
The colonists founded the first Baptist Church in Brazil, together with the Campo Cemetery in which members of the Protestant religion were buried, according to their tradition.
Alison Jones, who was a third-generation descendant of the original settlers, described her experience growing up in such an environment to the Seattle Times in a 1995 interview: “I remember when I was 4 years old, I was lost in a textile factory and I couldn’t tell the people anything because I only spoke English. I didn’t learn Portuguese until I started school.”
-The Vintage News
They are in their fifth and sixth generations now.
On the whole, despite English-sounding names and lingering Southern accents for some, these down-stream Confederados think, look, and act like other Brazilians.
Young Confederados keeping their history, their society, and their traditions alive.
New waves of immigrants settled in and near Americana, notably large numbers of Italians and Germans in the 1880s. The families intermarried over the years, and today Americana’s population is described as a mixture of Luso-Afro-Brazilians (Luso meaning Portuguese) and immigrants, mainly Italian, Portuguese, German, and Arabic. The name of Americana still survives, and because of intermarriages, almost all of today’s citizens of the area can claim some Confederados ancestry. Indeed, English (with a southern accent) is the unofficial second language of the area and is still spoken by many in the area.
Today Americana is a city of 120,000 people. The ties to the old South live on. Festa Confederada is a celebration that takes place in the cemetery where the old Confederates are buried. The food served includes southern fried chicken, vinegar pie, chess pie, and biscuits. Banjos are played and Confederate songs are sung. The men wear Confederate uniforms, and the women dress in pink and blue and wear matching ribbons in their hair. The festival often looks like scenes from “Gone With the Wind.”
Though, you know, holding on to heritage and traditions is a good thing. Today in the Untied States we have forgotten many traditions and our heritage. Instead, we have replaced our history with pale versions.
Instead of eating fine home cooked meals, we eat progressive and modern fake-meat at McDonald’s. Instead of having a good home made baked pie, we get a mocha caramel latte smoothy from Starbucks. Instead of having home-made sweet-potato pie, we eat a Oreo cookie from the local 7-11.
I think we are missing out.
Pecan pie done right. We have lost things that used to matter to us, and what made our lives special and important.
The conventional (Obama era) narrative is that the Confederacy was all about slavery. The idea was that the Civil War was all about “white people” desirous of having and owning slaves. That is the causes of the American Civil War they say. They argue that a war needed to be fought not only to “free the slaves” but to teach a lesson to all those “white people” who have the deplorable notion that slavery can be institutionalized.
If this narrative is what is being portrayed as the reason, history says otherwise.
Of the 20,000 confederate immigrant families, only four people owned slaves.
Four People.
This held true, even though slavery was legal in Brazil. As well as legal in almost all of South America at that time.Why didn’t the survivors of the Confederacy create an expat Confederacy with slavery?
Why didn’t they?
It’s strange, and doesn’t fit the progressive liberal Obama-era narrative.
This has been born out by the work of Alcides Gussi, an independent researcher of the State University of Campinas, Sao Paolo. Who claims that only four families actually owned slave labor, with a total number of 66 slaves, in the period between 1868 to 1875.
Some cases were recorded in which the freed slaves decided to accompany their former masters. Most notable was the story of Steve Watson. Watson went to Brazil, together with Judge Dyer of Texas, his former owner, who assigned him to be an administrator of a sawmill. At one point, Dyer decided to return to the U.S., due to a combination of homesickness and financial failure. He left all his property in Brazil to Watson.
Judith McKnight Jones, a great-granddaughter of one of the original American settlers, tried to explain the reasons for her family’s departure from Texas during the migration to the Seattle Times:
“They came here because they felt that their ‘country’ had been invaded and their land confiscated. To them, there was nothing left there. So, they came here to try to re-create what they had before the war. I grew up listening to the stories. They were angry and bitter. When they talked about it, moving here, the war, leaving their homes, it was always a very sore subject for them.”
-The Vintage News
Proud to be a Confederado. How many Americans can be so open and brazen about their history, their society and their heritage? Not many. That’s why the confederates fled the United States. They yearned for Freedom and Liberty.
The Festa Confederada
Once a year, however, at the Festa Confederada, the South rises in their blood to celebrate their heritage.
The correct name for the celebration is FEsta Confederada (FIEsta is Spanish, not Portuguese): http://festaconfederada.com.br/.
Proud descendants, most of mixed races, fly the Confederate flag—there is no racial stigma attached to it in Brazil.
Some pretty Confederate lasses doing and living well inside Brazil.
Women deck out as Southern belles, complete with hoop skirts, while the men don uniforms of Confederate gray, dance with the girls, and drink over the War.
On the menu are Southern fried chicken, chess pie, and mouth-watering biscuits; “Dixie” plays in the background. Were it not for the Portuguese being spoken by participants, an observer might imagine himself in Mississippi or Alabama of a hundred and fifty years ago.
Southern belles of the Confederacy living fine and well in Brazil.
The meeting ground is Campo Cemetery near neighboring Santa Barbara d’Oeste, where most of their ancestors are buried. Confederados built the cemetery, near the first Presbyterian church in Brazil, when Catholics would not permit space for Protestant burial in their own churchyards.
An imposing memorial, boasting the stars-and-bars of the Confederate battle flag, stands in the middle of the cemetery, bearing the names of the early Confederados, the great-great-grandfathers and grandmothers of those who sing and dance and remember the land their families used to call home.
Indeed, to this day, throughout towns in Brazil, the Confederacy and Southern US culture is celebrated annually. It is done so by the many thousands of descendants of these Americans, known locally as Confedorados. Now, after six or seven generations, many of whom now have non-white and African heritage.
The expats of the descendants of the American Confederacy are living well and good in Brazil.
Square dances are held, and confederate flags are flown proudly. Any racial connotations are long lost and remain tied to American special-interest groups fighting for political supremacy. Meanwhile, the Confederados maintain their society, one of many, amid the sea of racial diversity in Brazil.
The Confederados pay tribute to their history and their culture, deep within the forests of Brazil. For in many ways, it well resembled their homeland in Georgia and Mississippi.
Some Links for further study…
You can learn more about this settlement and the families who lived there by starting online. Auburn University has a large Confederados Collection; a guide to the collection may be found at http://www.lib.auburn.edu/archive/find-aid/958.htm.
A web site of the history of the Confederados may be found at http://www.confederados.com.br/. This web site also contains a list of Confederados families.
Much more information may be found in The Confederados: Old South Immigrants in Brazil,
a book by by Cyrus B. Dawsey (Editor), James M. Dawsey (Editor),
Michael L. Conniff (Foreword), & 9 more, available on Amazon at http://goo.gl/8IOgcs.
And now for my opinion…
Finally, my take on Obama rewriting history so that myself and others like me can be erased for our “white privilege” and a new Marxist society can be built upon our salted graves…
My relatives were too busy struggling with a potato blight in Ireland , and having to get drawn into servitude to escape it, and enslavement by the Russians in Poland. Don’t know about that, do you? It doesn’t fit the desired political narrative. Yeah. Just like your pampered baby who cries when it tosses it’s food on the floor. Life is hard. Get over it.
Get. Over. It.
What I opine about is not about the things that I personally experienced regarding the American Civil War. As I have no experiences, have you? Nope. The American Civil War ended a long, long time ago. Everyone who participated in it is now DEAD. They are dead. Long, long dead. If you did dig them up, you will see rotting flesh and foul odors.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This is a great short story from Ray Bradbury from his collection of short stories titled "R is for Rocket". This story is short, and nice, and is presented here in full text for easy reading. It concerns a man who was born with large green wings, who somehow lost his way in life, and how (with the help of his children) was reborn again.
Uncle Einar
“It will take only a minute,” said Uncle Einar’s sweet wife.
“I refuse,” he said. “And that takes but a second.”
“I’ve worked all morning,” she said, holding to her slender back, “and you won’t help? It’s drumming for a rain.”
“Let it rain,” he cried, morosely. “I’ll not be pierced by lightning just to air your clothes.”
“But you’re so quick at it.”
“Again, I refuse.” His vast tarpaulin wings hummed nervously behind his indignant back.
She gave him a slender rope on which were tied four dozen fresh-washed clothes. He turned it in his fingers with distaste. “So it’s come to this,” he muttered, bitterly. “To this, to this, to this.” He almost wept angry and acid tears.
“Don’t cry; you’ll wet them down again,” she said. “Jump up, now, run them about.”
“Run them about.” His voice was hollow, deep, and terribly wounded. “I say: let it thunder, let it pour!”
“If it was a nice, sunny day I wouldn’t ask,” she said, reasonably. “All my washing gone for nothing if you don’t. They’ll hang about the house — “
That did it. Above all, he hated clothes flagged and festooned so a man had to creep under on the way across a room. He jumped up. His vast green wings boomed. “Only so far as the pasture fence!”
Whirl: up he jumped, his wings chewed and loved the cool air. Before you’d say Uncle Einar Has Green Wings he sailed low across his farmland, trailing the clothes in a vast fluttering loop through the pounding concussion and backwash of his wings!
Back from the trip, he sailed the clothes, dry as popcorn, down on a series of clean blankets she’d spread for their landing.
“Thank you!” she cried.
“Gahh!” he shouted, and flew off under the apple tree to brood.
Uncle Einar’s beautiful silk-like wings hung like sea-green sails behind him, and whirred and whispered from his shoulders when he sneezed or turned swiftly. He was one of the few in the Family whose talent was visible. All his dark cousins and nephews and brothers hid in small towns across the world, did unseen mental things or things with witch-fingers and white teeth, or blew down the sky like fire-leaves, or loped in forests like moon-silvered wolves. They lived comparatively safe from normal humans. Not so a man with great green wings.
Not that he hated his wings. Far from it! In his youth he’d always flown nights, because nights were rare times for winged men! Daylight held dangers, always had, always would; but nights, ah, nights, he had sailed over islands of cloud and seas of summer sky. With no danger to himself. It had been a rich, full soaring, an exhilaration.
But now he could not fly at night.
On his way home to some high mountain pass in Europe after a Homecoming among Family members in Mellin Town, Illinois (some years ago) he had drunk too much rich crimson wine. “I’ll be all right,” he had told himself, vaguely, as he beat his long way under the morning stars, over the moon-dreaming country hills beyond Mellin Town. And then — crack out of the sky —
A high-tension tower.
Like a netted duck! A great sizzle! His face blown black by a blue sparkler of wire, he fended off the electricity with a terrific back-jumping percussion of his wings, and fell.
His hitting the moonlit meadow under the tower made a noise like a large telephone book dropped from the sky.
Early the next morning, his dew-sodden wings shaking violently, he stood up. It was still dark.
There was a faint bandage of dawn stretched across the east. Soon the bandage would stain and all flight would be restricted. There was nothing to do but take refuge in the forest and wait out the day in the deepest thicket until another night gave his wings a hidden motion in the sky.
In this fashion he met his wife.
During the day, which was warm for November first in Illinois country, pretty young Brunilla Wexley was out to udder a lost cow, for she carried a silver pail in one hand as she sidled through thickets and pleaded cleverly to the unseen cow to please return home or burst her gut with unplucked milk. The fact that the cow would have most certainly come home when her teats really needed pulling did not concern Brunilla Wexley. It was a sweet excuse for forest-journeying, thistle-blowing, and flower chewing; all of which Brunilla was doing as she stumbled upon Uncle Einar.
Asleep near a bush, he seemed a man under a green shelter.
“Oh,” said Brunilla, with a fever. “A man. In a camp-tent.”
Uncle Einar awoke. The camp-tent spread like a large green fan behind him.
“Oh,” said Brunilla, the cow-searcher. “A man with wings.”
That was how she took it. She was startled, yes, but she had never been hurt in her life, so she wasn’t afraid of anyone, and it was a fancy thing to see a winged man and she was proud to meet him. She began to talk. In an hour they were old friends, and in two hours she’d quite forgotten his wings were there. And he somehow confessed how he happened to be in this wood.
“Yes, I noticed you looked banged around,” she said. “That right wing looks very bad. You’d best let me take you home and fix it. You won’t be able to fly all the way to Europe on it, anyway. And who wants to live in Europe these days?”
He thanked her, but he didn’t quite see how he could accept.
“But I live alone,” she said. “For, as you see, I’m quite ugly.”
He insisted she was not.
“How kind of you,” she said. “But I am, there’s no fooling myself. My folks are dead, I’ve a farm, a big one, all to myself, quite far from Mellin Town, and I’m in need of talking company.”
But wasn’t she afraid of him? he asked.
“Proud and jealous would be more near it,” she said. “May I?” And she stroked his large green membraned veils with careful envy. He shuddered at the touch and put his tongue between his teeth.
So there was nothing for it but that he come to her house for medicaments and ointments, and my! what a burn across his face, beneath his eyes! “Lucky you weren’t blinded,” she said. “How’d it happen?”
“Well. . .” he said, and they at her farm, hardly noticing they’d walked a mile, looking at each other.
A day passed, and another, and he thanked her at her door and said he must be going, he much appreciated the ointment, the care, the lodgings. It was twilight and between now, six o’clock, and five the next morning, he must cross an ocean and a continent. “Thank you; good-bye,” he said, and started to fly off in the dusk and crashed right into a maple tree.
“Oh!” she screamed, and ran to his unconscious body.
When he waked the next hour he knew he’d fly no more in the dark again ever; his delicate night-perception was gone. The winged telepathy that
had warned him where towers, trees, houses and hills stood across his path, the fine clear vision and sensibility that guided him through mazes of forest, cliff, and cloud, all were burnt forever by that strike across his face, that blue electric fry and sizzle.
“How?” he moaned softly. “How can I go to Europe? If I flew by day, I’d be seen and — miserable joke — maybe shot down! Or kept for a zoo perhaps, what a life that’d be! Brunilla, tell me, what shall I do?”
“Oh,” she whispered, looking at her hands. “We’ll think of something. . . .”
They were married.
The Family came for the wedding. In a great autumnal avalanche of maple, sycamore, oak, elm leaf they hissed and rustled, fell in a shower of horse chestnut, thumped like winter apples on the earth, with an overall scent of farewell-summer on the wind they made in their rushing. The ceremony? The ceremony was brief as a black candle lit, blown out, and smoke left still on the air. Its briefness, darkness, upside-down and backward quality escaped Brunilla, who only listened to the great tide of Uncle Einar’s wings faintly murmuring above them as they finished out the rite. And as for Uncle Einar, the wound across his nose was almost healed and, holding Brunilla’s arm, he felt Europe grow faint and melt away in the distance.
He didn’t have to see very well to fly straight up, or come straight down. It was only natural that on this night of their wedding he take Brunilla in his arms and fly right up into the sky.
A farmer, five miles over, glanced at a low cloud at midnight, saw faint glows and crackles.
“Heat lightning,” he observed, and went to bed.
They didn’t come down till morning, with the dew.
The marriage took. She had only to look at him, and it lifted her to think she was the only woman in the world married to a winged man. “Who else could say it?” she asked her mirror. And the answer was: “No one!”
He, on the other hand, found great beauty behind her face, great kindness and understanding. He made some changes in his diet to fit her thinking, and was careful with his wings about the house; knocked porcelains and broken lamps were nerve-scrapers, he stayed away from them. He changed his sleeping habits, since he couldn’t fly nights now anyhow. And she in turn fixed chairs so they were comfortable for his wings, put extra padding here or took it out there, and the things she said were the things he loved her for. “We’re in our cocoons, all of us. See how ugly I am?” she said. “But one day I’ll break out, spread wings as fine and handsome as you.”
“You broke out long ago,” he said.
She thought it over. “Yes,” she had to admit. “I know just which day it was, too. In the woods when I looked for a cow and found a tent!” They laughed, and with him holding her she felt so beautiful she knew their marriage had slipped her from her ugliness, like a bright sword from its case.
They had children. At first there was fear, all on his part, that they’d be winged.
“Nonsense, I’d love it!” she said, “Keep them out from under foot.”
“Then,” he exclaimed, “they’d be in your hair!”
“Ow!” she cried.
Four children were born, three boys and a girl, who, for their energy, seemed to have wings. They popped up like toadstools in a few years, and on hot summer days asked their father to sit under the apple tree and fan them with his cooling wings and tell them wild starlit tales of island clouds and ocean skies and textures of mist and wind and how a star tastes melting in your mouth, and how to drink cold mountain air, and how it feels to be a pebble dropped from Mt. Everest, turning to a green bloom, flowering your wings just before you strike bottom!
This was his marriage.
And today, six years later, here sat Uncle Einar, here he was, festering under the apple tree, grown impatient and unkind; not because this was his desire, but because after the long wait, he was still unable to fly the wild night sky; his extra sense had never returned. Here he sat despondently, nothing more than a summer sun-parasol, green and discarded, abandoned for the season by the reckless vacationers who once sought the refuge of its translucent shadow. Was he to sit here forever, afraid to fly by day because someone might see him? Was his only flight to be as a drier of clothes for his wife, or a fanner of children on hot August noons? His one occupation had always been flying Family errands, quicker than storms. A boomerang, he’d whickled over hills and valleys and like a thistle, landed. He had always had money; the Family had good use for their winged man! But now? Bitterness! His wings jittered and whisked the air and made a captive thunder.
“Papa,” said little Meg.
The children stood looking at his thought-dark face.
“Papa,” said Ronald. “Make more thunder!”
“It’s a cold March day, there’ll soon be rain and plenty of thunder,” said Uncle Einar.
“Will you come watch us?” asked Michael.
“Run on, run on! Let papa brood!”
He was shut of love, the children of love, and the love of children. He thought only of heavens, skies, horizons, infinities, by night or day, lit by star, moon, or sun, cloudy or clear, but always it was skies and heavens and horizons that ran ahead of you forever when you soared. Yet here he was, sculling the pasture, kept low for fear of being seen.
Misery in a deep well!
“Papa, come watch us; it’s March!” cried Meg. “And we’re going to the Hill with all the kids from town!”
Uncle Einar grunted. “What hill is that?”
“The Kite Hill, of course!” they all sang together.
Now he looked at them.
Each held a large paper kite, their faces sweating with anticipation and an animal glowing. In their small fingers were balls of white twine. From the kites, colored red and blue and yellow and green, hung caudal appendages of cotton and silk strips.
“We’ll fly our kites!” said Ronald. “Won’t you come?”
“No,” he said, sadly. “I mustn’t be seen by anyone or there’d be trouble.”
“You could hide and watch from the woods,” said Meg. “We made the kites ourselves. Just because we know how.”
“How do you know how?”
“You’re our father!” was the instant cry. “That’s why!”
He looked at his children for a long while. He sighed. “A kite festival, is it?”
“Yes, sir!”
“I’m going to win,” said Meg.
“No, I’m!” Michael contradicted.
“Me, me!” piped Stephan.
“Wind up the chimney!” roared Uncle Einar, leaping high with a deafening kettledrum of wings. “Children! Children, I love you dearly!”
“Father, what’s wrong?” said Michael, backing off.
“Nothing, nothing, nothing!” chanted Einar. He flexed his wings to their greatest propulsion and plundering. Whoom! they slammed like cymbals. The children fell flat in the backwash! “I have it, I have it! I’m free again! Fire in the flue! Feather on the wind! Brunilla!” Einar called to the house. His wife appeared. “I’m free!” he called, flushed and tall, on his toes. “Listen, Brunilla, I don’t need the night anymore! I can fly by day! I don’t need the night! I’ll fly every day and any day of the year from now on! — but I waste time, talking. Look!”
And as the worried members of his family watched, he seized the cotton tail from one of the little kites, tied it to his belt behind, grabbed the twine ball, held one end in his teeth, gave the other end to his children, and up, up into the air he flew, away into the March wind!
And across the meadows and over the farms his children ran, letting out string to the daylit sky, bubbling and stumbling, and Brunilla stood back in the farmyard and waved and laughed to see what was happening; and her children marched to the far Kite Hill and stood, the four of them, holding the ball of twine in their eager, proud fingers, each tugging and directing and pulling. And the children from Mellin Town came running with their small kites to let up on the wind, and they saw the great green kite leap and hover in the sky and exclaimed:
“Oh, oh, what a kite! What a kite! Oh, I wish I’d a kite like that! Where, where did you get it!”
“Our father made it!” cried Meg and Michael and Stephen and Ronald, and gave an exultant pull on the twine and the humming, thundering kite in the sky dipped and soared and made a great and magical exclamation mark across a cloud!
The End
Fictional Story Related Index
This is an index of full text reprints of stories that I have
read that influenced me when I was young. They are rather difficult to
come by today, as where I live they are nearly impossible to find. Yes,
you can find them on the internet, behind paywalls. Ah, that’s why all
those software engineers in California make all that money. Well, here
they are FOR FREE. Enjoy reading them.
Movies that Inspired Me
Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
My Poetry
Art that Moves Me
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here is a great selection of fantastic, easy to make, and fun family sit-down meals for dinner. This post discusses “real” American food. Not “American fast food”, which it seems (to everyone outside of the USA) is what Americans eat all the time. We do not. We eat something else, something all together different. We eat tasty, aromatic and tasty delicious food. Don’t you know.
Hey! It’s true!
In our homes, with our families, we “break bread” with love, happiness, care and concern. We eat healthy, fine and delicious food. We share the events of the day, and we laugh and cry as the day’s events are presented. We are not alone. We are part of a bigger identity.
Fast food does not represent America. It is an off-shoot of the “modern” progressive-reality that was thrust upon the shoulders of America. We have been dealing with it since 1913, and it’s only been recently that we have decided to shake it off.
It's like coffee. Most Americans do not drink Starbucks coffee daily. Many do, but not most. Coffee is a deeply personal thing with most Americans.
American food, like coffee is a very unique and special treat. Something that does NOT resemble the monetized versions available to the rest of the world.
Here we talk about “dinner time”. That most special and sacred time of the day for many (but not all) Americans. It was the time when a family would take off their soiled work clothes, put aside their school book bags, and sit down together for a fine, nutritious meal. One that was (traditionally) cooked with care and love by the woman of the house.
Delicious meal at dinner time, where the entire family comes together to share the events of the day and spend happy times together.
Ah, but times have changed. Oh, maybe so. But not inherently. Americans are still Americans. You cannot change who we are on the inside. We are social beings that value our time together with loved ones. Most especially with our families.
Americans are still capable of love for their families.
Yes. I do know all about the injection of “modern progressiveness” into the American culture back in 1913. I am quite cognizant on how it altered and deformed American cultures and resulted in almost all of the problems that America experiences today.
Yes. I know.
How many Americans eat dinner. They eat alone, mostly fast food, or easily prepared meals, staring in front of a televisions set or computer screen.
I know, it used to be, back in the days leading up to the 1970’s and the destruction of the American family, everyone would have a “sit down” “typical” American meal. (The link opens up in another tab.)
I also know how this tradition pretty much was under assault, and how the death blow smashed it to pieces in the 1970’s. Ah, yes, you can thank President Wilson for that as well. The Federal Reserve put a death-grip strangle hold on the American family.
This is the world that all that modern progressiveness wrought.
This is the world that all that modern progressiveness wrought. It starts at youth. It consists of eating cheap, easy to make meals, in front of mindless electronic media.
This tradition pretty much ended during the 1970’s when families had to split apart to earn enough to make ends meet. Thus, a progressive (or “enlightened”) reality took hold; also known as “everyone forage for themselves”, or “meals by yellow-sticky notes on the refrigerator”.
It goes by other terms as well, as (the) fast-food television binge, or the creation of “easy and cheap meals”.
It’s what living a “progressive” life is all about. It’s about money. It’s about making ends meet. It’s about keeping up with the Joneses. It’s about living a life that matches the expectations shown in television, movies, and social media.
it’s all one big lie.
If we’re too busy to have dinner as a family regularly, we may want to re-examine our priorities.
We probably are too busy. Period.
While our smartphones and devices have brought us closer to the rest of humanity, it is the family that will stick with us through thick and thin.
It is simply amazing that something as simple as eating together as a family may bring manifold benefits to all family members. Family meals are for nourishment, comfort and support. As we nourish our body, we nourish our family relationships.
After all, food is better eaten with the people we love!
- Eating together helps families bond
It’s sad.
Oh you don’t know what I am talking about, eh? You think it’s an accident that tomatoes today taste like cardboard and are filled with water? You think it was an accident, or just the way it’s always been. Oh no. It’s what happens when modern, progressive scientists re-engineer society to make it “better”.
Click on the link (it opens up in a different tab) for easy browsing…
Here’s a picture of the “modern, progressive lifestyle” that many Americans have had to confront. Sad…
It’s how NOT to raise a family.
How not to raise a family. Mother is not cooking delicious meals. She is working at home and teaching her daughter to do the same. Father is scrounging in the kitchen and teaching his son to forage. No family togetherness. No family group discussions. No sharing, and no joy. It’s stress. It’s the progressive lifestyle you all!
All these progressives, with their modern (well meaning intentions) have totally wrecked the world. Look at the pollution. Look at the family life. Look at what it takes to get ahead. It’s not an accident people!
How NOT to eat a family meal. You face each other, not electronic media. You share the time, and you talk to each other. This kind of life, where everyone is off and alone in their own individual worlds is a progressive lie brought forth by President Wilson.
However, do not be distressed. A rising percentage of Americans are revitalizing the old-fashioned “sit down” formal dinner time meals. It’s making a much needed comeback. And I, I for one, think that this trend is glorious!
What is better than delicious food? What is better than fine tasty drink and friends and family to share the day’s events with? Heck! It sure beats looking that the latest posts on Facebook, watching a cat video on You-tube, or reading the “news” on your Google feed.
It’s people. It”s feeling. It’s emotions. It’s sharing our life with others, and that is absolutely wonderful.
Family meals done right…
Family meals done right. Both parents are present. Everyone is smiling and talking and fine love-cooked food is presented in happy friendliness.
This is great, and people (!) this post discusses what they would be eating during all of this.
My in-laws
It has gradually dawned on me that no one (outside of the United States) has any idea what Americans eat. They think, and they really do believe this, that all that Americans eat are hamburgers and Pizza.
You laugh.
But, it’s true!
While there is a certain degree in truth to that, it’s not actually true. When I was growing up, we rarely had pizza or hamburgers. That was something that was reserved to eat “outside” of the home. Or, alternatively, something we would have at a Cub Scout cookout, or at a baseball game. It wasn’t a formal sit down meal food.
Home cooked food was tastier, healthier, cheaper, and was served in a communal setting where we all faced each other. We weren’t staring into a television set, a laptop, or a cell phone. We faced each other.
Face to face.
With delicious food, with the fine aromas wafting towards us.
American style dinner done right! The entire family is together, sharing a fine home-cooked meal and being together.
Now, I am in China.
My in-laws know nothing about the American household lifestyle. All they know is what they watch on the television show “Friends”, or The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
But, you know, my family was more like Mayberry RFD than Cheers.
This has come down to the point where my father-in-law brought groceries home from the market today. He passed them on to the women folk to cook, and he proudly displayed a McDonalds bag with a cold chicken sandwich and wilted french-fries for me to consume. He beamed with pride. (Obviously “virtue signalling” to me that he cared about me and my culture.)
Central Perk. The six main protagonists frequently visited Central Perk throughout the series. It is situated in New York City’s Greenwich Village, in the same apartment block as Monica’s apartment. It was where they spent much of their free time conversing. There are 97 steps away from Chandler and Joey’s apartment as Joey counts in The One With George Stephanopoulos.
Ah! Is that how the rest of the world thinks of Americans? As some kind of comic book character. One devoid of emotion, a crisply packaged collection of cheap food in bright colorful plastic wrappings?
He was so proud, and he wanted to show me how he was thinking of me and supportive of me. Thank’s Pop. But, you know, I do like other things…
And thus this post came into being.
The meals
“The table is where we mark milestones, divulge dreams, bury hatchets, make deals, give thanks, plan vacations and tell jokes. It’s also where children learn the lessons that families teach: Manners, co-operation, communication, self-control values. Following directions. Sitting still. Taking turns. It’s where we make up and make merry. It’s where we live, between bites.”
-Eating together helps families bond
So, here’s a list of some fine and delicious American food.
Please take note that different families make things differently. Some will have different sides and fixings, while others might want to add some regional fare. Thus, this list is JUST a guideline, and it is NOT complete.
Family meals are very special. They help build the family togetherness, and provide a safe place for community, family and love.
Finally, one more thing. Eating food is a social event. It is meant to be shared with friends and family. These people are the most important people in our (individual) world. Treat them special. Enjoy a fine meal with them and share the time with a fellowship of togetherness and happy discussion.
My friends Dana and John perfectly practice what the Rev. Jack King referred to as "scruffy hospitality." Their kitchen is small. The wood cabinets are dark and a few decades old. Spices and jars for sugar and flour line the countertops because there's nowhere else to put them. A tall, round table shoved in a corner has mismatched bar stools crammed around it.
The sliding glass doors in the kitchen lead to a back deck with a well-used chiminea, an outdoor table and a large variety of chairs and cushions, many of them bought at yard sales. We circle the chairs around the chiminea on weekend nights during all four seasons, whenever Dana and John put out a simple call out through text or Facebook that says, "Fire tonight!"
There will always be food, but like the bar stools and deck chairs, the food is mismatched. Our hosts provide some food; John may have the urge to make jalapeño poppers or Dana may put together some version of salsa with whatever's fresh from the garden, but there's not a formally prepared meal. Everyone just brings something. It's perfectly acceptable — encouraged even — to bring odds and ends of foods that need to get used up. I often bring wedges of cheese that have already been cut into or half a baguette to slice up and toast to dip in hummus. Everyone brings a little something to drink. And it's a glorious feast.
This kitchen and deck won't be featured in Better Homes and Gardens anytime soon, but maybe they should be. They are two of the most hospitable spaces I know. By opening up their home as-is, Dana and John are the most gracious hosts I know. I almost wrote "by opening up their home with its imperfections," but that's not accurate.
Their home is perfect — just like it is.
-Mother Nature Network
Now, to the meals…
The thing about steak is that you can get it all over the world. From Thailand, to China, to Argentina, to Singapore. It is a global meal. It’s also on the expensive side. So, most American families only eat steak on special occasions.
Typically is it grilled on an outside grill. This will be true if it is hot out like in July, or in the dead of Winter. It will also be cooked to perfection by the Man of the House.
A delicious American steak meal with baked potatoes and melted (fully salted) butter. I do love the XO/ VSOP in the glass with ice in the background. Ah, now this is what I call a fine family dinner.
There are all sorts of cuts of steak that can be chosen. My family would often cook porterhouse, T-bone or Filet Minion. Sides would often consist of corn, a salad, (baked) potatoes, and rolls.
American-style Spaghetti Meal
This is one of the most popular American family meals in America. It is cheap, easy to make, and delicious.
American style spaghetti dinner meal.
It often consists of home-made meatballs, on a spaghetti sauce that is made all day in a big tureen on the stove. Sides include salad, garlic bread, a vegetable (corn, greens, green beans, or broccoli), and (of course) graded Parmesan cheese.
Baked Lasagna
This meal is related to the spaghetti meal in that they both originated from Italian American families. Lasagna takes more work to make, and thus is not as common, though it is always very popular.
Baked Lasagna that is often served in American homes for dinner.
It’s a delicious meal that is a cross between wide noodles, meat, cheese and all sorts of spices within a very tasty delicious sauce. Oh, and it does go well with a fine bottle of wine and some nice crunchy Italian bread.
Fried Catfish
This meal is regional to the “Deep South”. It is commonly found in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. The fish is cut in fillets, breaded, and deep fried. It is eaten in generous quantities. Along with sides of okra, corn, picked tomatoes, Cole slaw and hush puppies (a kind of deep fried bread).
Deep fried catfish meal with a side of cole slaw and sauce.
I had no idea it existed until I moved to Mississippi. Then I immediately fell in love with it. Well, it and the “Southern style” mint sweetened iced tea.
(Baked) Friday Fish
As a Catholic, I was raised to have fish on Fridays. Thus, every Friday, without exception, we would eat fish. This changed in the 1970’s when the Catholic church embraced a more “progressive” rule to keep up with the times. Instead of eating fish, the Catholic church-goes would fill their minds with good happy and positive things.
Yeah. I’m sure it worked… for a week or two.
In general, the fish would be obtained from the frozen section in the local supermarket. Most Americans do not live on the Ocean, and thus have (out of necessity) obtain frozen deep-sea fish. (Or go fishing in the rivers and lakes.)
Baked fish done American style for a wonderful American dinner meal.
The fish would be baked in the oven, and served with a lemon squeeze. Sides would often consist of rice, asparagus, broccoli or peas.
One more thing. American fish are usually de-boned. It is a very rare thing to serve fish with the bones still in place.
Pork Roast
This is a fine wonderful meal that is generally common on the weekends because it takes some time to cook. In general, it is cooked for a long time so that the meat is tender and delicious.
American style baked pork roast.
It is often served with mashed potatoes, or rice. Sides would include salad, vegetables such as corn, green beans, and cauliflower. Bread and butter would tend to round out the meal.
Pork Chops
Pork chops are a MAJOR American love. Just about every American loves this iconic dish. (Unless you are one of those progressive Marxists that only eat tofu, and avocado milkshakes in Starbucks in the upscale sections of the American metropolis network.)
I started my first love of pork-chops when I was a toddler. My parents would often give me a bone or two to gum while I sat in the highchair. Ah. Good times. Good times.
American style pork chops meal.
it is often served with apple sauce, a salad, and some rice or scalloped potatoes. Delicious!
The first time that my Chinese wife tasted American style pork chops was in Pago Pago in American Samoa. She fell in love with the dish. She never tasted anything so absolutely delicious. In many ways it is similar to the Chinese cooked pork, but is cooked thin, almost like bacon. Yum!
A fantastic dinner plate of thin well cooked American style pork chops along with some wonderful mashed potatoes.
Baked Whole Chicken meal
Everyone, all over the world, enjoys eating chicken.
Studies have shown time and again that eating together has many benefits beyond nutritional purposes for everyone concerned, especially for our teens and tweens.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, New York, reported that children who eat at least five times a week with their family are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol and substance dependencies, and tend to perform better academically than their peers who frequently eat alone or away from home.
In addition, the more frequent teens have dinner with their parents, the more likely they are to report talking to their parents about what’s going on in their lives.
According to research by Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, teens who eat at the family table more often are more likely to show fewer signs of depression and feel that their family is more supportive, compared with teens who dine less often at home.
You are probably convinced now that having dinner together as a family is a good thing for your teens and tweens. It is, in fact, life-changing!
-Eating together helps families bond
This is a baked whole chicken meal.
It is pretty much common all over the world, though there are regional differences. My father’s mother would cook it with bacon on top in the oven. While my mother’s mother would cook it in a pan of water and cook until all the water evaporated. Leaving it crunchy on the outside but super tender inside.
It can be served with just about anything. In my family it is usually served with apple sauce, a tomato salad, rolls, and rice.
American style baked whole chicken.
Americans usually remove the head, and the feet before serving. This differs substantially from what you would find, say, in China where everything is served intact.
Turkey Meal
Of course, the Thanksgiving meal is famous around the world. Not so much for the history behind it, or the use during Thanksgiving or Christmas, but rather for the enormous size of the bird that accompanies the meal.
Cooking together as a family. There is nothing finer than including your family in things that everyone loves. Teach your children how to cook and enjoy delicious food.
The dinner table is the best place to tell stories, and kids who know their family stories are more resilient and feel better about themselves. Most inspiring are lemonade-from-lemon stories, stories about adversity where a lesson is learned, or negative events that transform into something good.
Stories help us make sense of the world, and they help kids connect to something bigger than themselves. Tell stories about yourself and other family members when they were the same age as your children. Tell stories about romance, first jobs, immigration, how names were chosen, a childhood pet, a favorite recipe or kitchen disaster.
Of course, in America we would have a fine central meal that would revolve around the main turkey bird. It would be a baked, roasted or cooked turkey with all the traditional fixings of mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and steamed cabbage and the like.
But, here, we are going to address the “other” turkey meals that the family eats during the rest of the week.
Hot turkey sandwich.
This can be anything from turkey soup, to hot turkey sandwiches, to turkey casseroles. In my family, we would always have hot turkey sandwiches on plain white bread with turkey gravy over everything and the rest of the vegetables as sides.
If you are very busy, a hot chicken sandwich is perhaps the simplest of meals to make. You get some frozen french fries, a bottle or can of instant chicken gravy and some chicken breasts with a loaf of white bread.
You pop the french fries in the oven.
You cook up the chicken on the skillet or in boiling water.
You microwave the gravy.
Then make sandwiches and pour the gravy over everything. Super simple, and very special. The kids will love it!
Oh, don’t forget the gravy over the french fries. It’s what completes the meal. Outstanding!
Chicken legs
This is a “stand alone meal”. It’s super easy to make, and lends itself for a quick meal for the working man, or friends to enjoy over some icy cold beers.
You just take a package of frozen chicken legs. You put it on a tray and pop it in the oven. Before you know it, you’ve got tons of baked chicken legs that you can eat with just about any side. It’s quick, fast and super easy.
Delicious American style baked chicken legs.
You can add honey, or bread crumbs or any other treatments (such as bacon) to make the taste really “pop” out. Try it.
Chicken wings
You can also cook chicken wings the same way as you cook the chicken legs. Only in America there is an added dip that is often used. It is typically dipped in Ranch or Blue Cheese salad dressing for the most wondrous taste.
Rituals like dinner, which punctuate a world that often feels frenzied and out of control, are good for adults, too. Knowing that one part of your day is going to unfold in basically the same way, day after day, is comforting.
So, I'm ringing the dinner bell and inviting you and your family to come to the table. Dinner is more than a feeding station. Food will bring the family to the table, but it's the conversation and stories that keeps us there. In an hour, you can create comfort, fun, play and meaningful conversation—one meal at a time.
- Anne K. Fishel, Ph.D., author of "Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids,"
Baked American style chicken wings served with a fine ranch or blue cheese dressing for dipping.
Meat Loaf
Dinner is the best indicator of how kids will fare in adolescence. The more frequently kids eat dinner with their families, the better they do in school, and the less likely they are to become sexually active, suffer depression, get involved with drugs or alcohol, or consider suicide.
Maybe because families who eat together talk more, which helps them stay connected and build better relationships. Also, it could be because parents who show up to eat with their teens and tweens are more likely to express their love constructively in other ways, in the form of both attention and supervision.
Maybe because families who offer kids more structure are more likely to keep kids attending to their homework as well as out of trouble. Maybe because dinner transforms individual family members into a “group”, which gives parents more clout to rival the power of the peer group.
Or maybe because children, even more than the rest of us, need something to count on every day – the tangible security of belonging and being nurtured that is represented by the ritual of sharing food with those we love.
To quote clinical psychologist and parenting coach Dr Laura Markham: “Whatever the reason, family dinner is a pretty easy insurance policy to build into our home life.”
-Eating together helps families bond
There are few things as iconic as American meatloaf. It’s as American as baseball, apple pie, and keg parties. It is a rare person, indeed, who has never had a meatloaf dinner.
Very few things beat a fine delicious meatloaf dinner. In fact it is great with beer. Try it!
Meatloaf is a very simple meal that is made out of ground beef, eggs, bread and ketchup. You mix the entire mess together and pop it into the oven and let it cook. Then take it out and eat with mashed potatoes, peas and carrots and some bread. Yum!
Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwich
Now, this meal isn’t so much a dinner meal as it is an iconic American lunch meal. And, make no mistake. It is iconic.
A fine and delicious, easy to prepare meal- tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches.
Among the most lasting and powerful traditions in family life is one that seems to have more influence than almost any other – the family meal. Recalling your favorite family experiences usually leads to thinking of such times as the weekly Sunday meal, family mealtimes during Thanksgiving or other holidays, or a Saturday morning breakfast with Mom or Dad.
Why are family meals so powerful?
Sharing a family meal provides an experience that touches all of our senses – sight, touch, taste, smell and listening to warm laughter or good conversation. Family meals help provide a regular, consistent opportunity to create a shared experience that is meaningful and offers a sense of belonging to all. Research has shown that regular and meaningful family meals offer a large variety of benefits to children and parents.
- The Big Benefits of Family Meals
Eating a nice bowl of tomato soup and dipping a really nice grilled cheese sandwich into the soup is a far wonderful thing to do. My memories of this most fantastic and simple meal have always been pleasant. They have been about friends and family and home.
American style tomato soup with a fine grilled cheese sandwich.
In general you cannot get a tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich outside of the household environment. So my memories are, of course, about family and friends.
Chicken Noodle Soup
Scruffy hospitality means you’re not waiting for everything in your house to be in order before you host and serve friends in your home. Scruffy hospitality means you hunger more for good conversation and serving a simple meal of what you have, not what you don’t have. Scruffy hospitality means you’re more interested in quality conversation than the impression your home or lawn makes. If we only share meals with friends when we’re excellent, we aren’t truly sharing life together.
Now, chicken noodle soup is a global food. Heck! You can even find it in China. Though it is made slightly different. I personally like the American version and I particularly like it with chicken breast, fresh celery, and delicious large carrots cut at an angle.
Delicious chicken noodle soup with egg noodles.
We would make the soup in a large tureen on the stove, and then cook the noodles separately. (Sometimes we would cook rice.) Though, always separately. Egg noodles were always the noodles of choice. In particular Klusky’s noodles.
We would then eat it with white bread and butter.
Eggs and bacon
This meal is actually known as “bacon and eggs”. It’s a (for certain) breakfast meal, but it is so easy to make and cheap that it can be made at any time. It’s just fantastic as a dinner if need be. You just MUST makes sure that the bacon is crunchy crisp. Wimpy and fatty bacon isn’t bacon, it’s something obscene. Ugh!
A nice bacon and eggs meal showing bacon cooked properly, toast that is toasted properly and “sunny side up” eggs. Delicious!
Family meals offer the opportunity to connect with each other, communicate about family happenings, and give each other time and attention. While families are encouraged to share meals, not every meal has to be a sit-down dinner extravaganza. The most important thing about family meals is to make them frequent, fun and family-centered.
Couples or families will benefit more from family meals if they occur more frequently during the week. Typically, research suggests that more than half of families with children in the United States share a meal five or more times a week. A concern, however, is that 30 percent to 35 percent of families often eat less than three meals a week together, which means less time for connecting and communicating. Changes in family life, such as the increase in dual-earner families and the rise in single-parent families, may make eating together frequently more difficult for families. Families, however, should try to set aside regular and consistent family meal opportunities to eat together as often as possible.
Fun also is part of the recipe for a happy family mealtime. Parents and other adults should try to avoid making mealtime a disciplinary occasion when children are reprimanded or given lectures. Instead, save such conversations for a time away from the dinner table, and focus instead on being together in a positive way.
A family-centered mealtime means limiting distractions, especially the TV or computer. Turn such things off at mealtime and use strategies to engage each family member in conversation.
- The Big Benefits of Family Meals
Enjoy the time with your children. Teach them the joys of cooking, as well as the fun of eating together. Make it fun. Make games of food prep. make planning meals and buying groceries and adventure. Teach them budgets planning and how to select things at a grocery sore. Show them how different spices work together. You can do this!–
Eating “Mexican”
Now, I do hope that no one is offended. But, you know, I didn’t have my first burrito and taco until after I left the Navy.
I had no idea how delicious Mexican food was until later when I was training for my role within MAJestic at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center outside of Ridgecrest, California. There, I fell in love with a restaurant chain known as “Del Taco”. Later on, when in Corpus Christi, Texas I ended up getting my first tastes of authentic Mexican food.
I never looked back.
A wonderful and delicious burrito with sides of rice, refried beans and a mysterious but delicious salad.
Now there are so many different kinds of “Mexican food”, that it would take a complete website to even start to list them all. For now, just realize that, for me, we would just (in general) say “let’s eat Mexican”. And we would go procure some refried beans (don’t know how to make ours from scratch), some wraps, salsa, and make up burritos or taquitos.
Tacos and fixins’
In a more traditional Spanish, Mexican or SA (Spanish-American) family, the meals are communal with multiple plates where a person can build and construct their own dinner creations. There might be a plate of cut up tomatoes, one of peppers, a bowl of rice, and one of ground beef, and another bowl of cut up lettuce.
These meals are all very easy to make and fun to eat, not to mention very delicious.
A fine Mexican themed spread for the family.
“Families should be encouraged to make the family meal more of a priority and to try to have at least four family meals per week. It is often easiest for families to eat dinner together, but other mealtimes work as well. Meals can be simple with shared mealtime responsibility among family members.
Teaching children the enjoyment of cooking and having them involved in mealtime preparation develop skills they can use for a lifetime. Shared meals can also be extended to friends and neighbors to build a stronger sense of community and help with meal preparation.
… Regular family meals are key components of family life that may make a difference in the lives of children and parents.”
-Story, M., and Neumark-Sztainer, D. A perspective on family meals: Do they matter? Nutrition Today, 40 (6), 261-266; 2005 .
Oh, and don’t forget the special corn spread that make eating an ear of corn, super special!!!
Mexican corn spread for eating the corn in a very special delicious way.
“Backyard” Hamburgers
Of course, you can always get a hamburger at any millions of chain fast food restaurants. But we are not talking about that here. We are talking about the family ritual of making home-made hamburgers for family consumption.
Fine delicious home-cooked and home-grilled hamburgers in the back yard is a staple of American family life.
Making your own hamburgers is very American. It’s a tradition and it is reserved for special occasions. In other words, it’s not a typical dinner meal. Instead it is a meal that is used to meals with extended-family and friends. Thus, it is usually cooked and takes place on weekends and holidays.
Home made – backyard grilled – hamburgers do not resemble fast food hamburgers. They are completely different all together.
You know, hamburgers are not a typical American dinner meal. They are reserved for lunches or other special occasions. However, when the occasion calls for it, home-made hamburgers just cannot be beat. Go “home style” nothing else ever comes close.
Hotdogs (With Sauerkraut)
This is a very simple but unique meal. You simply buy a package of hotdogs and a can of sauerkraut. You put the hotdogs in the bottom of a pan, and cover them with the can of sauerkraut. They cook easily and quickly. Then for dinner you eat kraut-dogs with mustard and perhaps horseradish.
This is a very simple but unique meal. You simply buy a package of hotdogs and a can of sauerkraut.
If you have young kids, nothing will make them happier than a meal of hotdogs. You know, you don’t need to have baked beans with it, but if you wanted to you could add some black beans, and some cut up onions as well. Make it a special meal. Your family will love you for it.
Kraut-dog with fine delicious mustard. Your kids would love you for this wonderful meal. You can serve scalloped potatoes, potato salad or corn. Oh, and don’t forget the beer. Make sure it is icy and chilled.
If you’re not into health or family, consider that eating home-cooked meals is also cheaper.
A sample estimate finds that a family of 4 could save nearly $40 a week, per person, by simply shifting meals into the house. You’ll be saving money while your kid is getting Bs and not picking up a drug habit. That’s a win all around.
But the best part about getting together for dinner is that it becomes ingrained in a family’s tradition if you start the habit early. While eating with a little kid may feel chaotic and not very beneficial, know that every dinner at the table removes you even further from a dystopian hellscape. And that can only be a good thing.
Sauerkraut gets a bad rap! Condiments for hot dogs go deep and wide, but generally sauerkraut gets overlooked. Is it preparation, is it the word “sauer” gets misconstrued?
“Home made” Pizza
Yes. Pizza is not a normal dinner meal. That is, of course, except when it is a home-made, home style pizza. Oh yeah baby!
What to do when your 8-year old nephew comes to visit? Make pizza, of course! It’s not just eating dinner that can be a social event, but also cooking the dinner can be an adventure as well.
My mother, God bless her soul, bought me a cookbook when I was younger, and one of the first things that I did was learn how to make pizzas from scratch.
I experimented on the bread dough. I experimented on the sauce. I experimented on the cheese and the toppings. I even discovered that broccoli (cut up very fine and added to the sauce) was an amazing complement to a fine well-made home-style pizza.
Making real pizzeria style pizza at home has always been very tough to do. The reason has been it’s not possible to get a home oven to the same temperature as a commercial pizza oven, but that doesn’t matter. There are all sorts of tricks to make really delicious pizzas using a normal typical household stove.
Oh, do what we do in my family. We make the dough, the sauce and the topping and freeze them. Then pull them out and allow them to defrost and throw together a really quick meal. Delicious.
Roast Mutton
When I first had kids, I ended up entertaining a lot less, partly because of the mess in the house that I no longer had time to deal with.
Then one day, a woman I very much admired said something so simple. She said whenever someone was coming to her home — a home with five children in it — and she started to worry about how her home looked, she would stop and think: "Are they coming to see me, or are they coming to see my home?" It occurred to her that someone who would have a problem with her home looking like a family of seven lived in it wasn't really someone's opinion she cared about.
I'd love to say I embraced that wisdom immediately, but I didn't. Slowly, though, I have let go of some of the crazy things I believed must happen before people entered my front door. The first thing I let go was the upstairs. Over the years, I've became more relaxed.
Next, I didn't dust. Nobody said a word, and they came back again.
I didn't plan the entire meal around foods I could prepare ahead of time so my kitchen could be spotless when my guests arrived. Friends jumped in the kitchen and helped me finish making dinner, and we had fun.
-Mother Nature Network
Mutton? Yes, you bet. No, it’s not an overly common meat in the United States. When I was growing up, we ate i maybe about four times a year. But still, it’s a find meat and lends itself to some very delicious meals.
Delicious lamb chops. It’s outrageously delicious. Ask the butcher to trim the fat cap (the thick sheet of fat on the outside of each rack) but to leave a thin layer of fat. Some butchers like to “French” the ribs, trimming away the meat between the rib ends to leave the bone exposed, but this meat is tasty and should be left in place. Ask the butcher to cut between the ribs to make a total of 16 single-rib chops.
One of the most important things any dad can do for his kids is to show up for dinner. It really is that simple.
Research from the Journal of Adolescent Healthshows that the more frequent the family dinners, the higher the positive impact they have. “When clients ask me what the most important aspect of family meals are I answer, ‘Making them happen!’” says pediatric dietitian Melanie Silverman. “These meals provide the structure and sense of community that young children need and crave during their development.”
The benefits are well documented.
First, there’s the educational component. Research published in New Directions for Child and Adolescent Developmentfound that mealtime conversation boosts vocabulary even more than books. According to the findings, children between the ages of three and five learned some 1,000 rare words at the dinner table compared to the 143 rare words from parents reading storybooks aloud.
Curried mutton over rice. This simple meal was one of my favorites growing up as a child. My mother would make it and give us some chutney to add as a topping to it. I loved it.
Pigs in a blanket (Stuffed Cabbage)
This is a very common “American” food, even though it originated outside of the States. Most American families have learned how to make this tasty and delicious meal. Being from Pittsburgh, everyone made and ate this most wonderful of foods.
No summer cookout is complete without a tray of stuffed cabbages! Tender cabbage leaves stuffed with rice, seasoned ground meats and a rich tomato sauce make this the perfect summer comfort food. Plus these freeze beautifully!
This dish, God this dish brings back so many childhood memories that I literally sat here for 30 minutes in a daze just remembering some of them. Like there was the time we were harvesting cabbages from our garden and we each got to pick a single plant that we were in charge of to take care of. Whoever grew the biggest cabbage won. The prize was Mom would cook our favorite dessert to go with her famous stuffed cabbages. That summer I ended up winning. This cabbage was so huge that I couldn’t lift it. I know I have a picture of me trying to hold it on my lap. I’ll dig it out to share the pic once my arm is better.
Then there are the countless memories where our kitchen was soooooooooooooo hot (we didn’t have AC growing up and we only had window fans) and Mom had 3 large canning pots on the stove with boiling water making hundreds of stuffed cabbages. I can still remember that hot cabbage smell and hot/wet air in the kitchen. Dad would use the tongs to pull out the leaves, put them in the colander and my Mom, sister and I would each trim the stems.
- Mom’s Classic Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Where I come from Pigs in a Blanket are cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and meat. You may also know them Halupkies. Traditionally these cabbage leaves are stuffed with rice and ground pork, beef or a combination of both meats.
Pittsburgh, a melting pot of nationalities, drew a large percentage of its population from Central European, Eastern European, and Balkan countries, and those influences can be seen in local cuisines that are still popular today. One traditional dish that has remained popular over the last century and is still a staple at many Pittsburgh area dinner tables is the famous stuffed cabbage.
The stuffed cabbage roll (also known as pigs in a blanket) is a dish consisting of a mixture of beef, rice, and seasonings, hand wrapped in cooked cabbage leaves, and topped with a tomato sauce. Many in the area still refer to the “hunky handgranades” by their ethinic names: Golabki (Poland), Holubky (Czech Republic and Slovakia), Golubtsy (Russia) Balandėliai (Lithuania) , Halubcy (Belarus), Holubtsi (Ukraine).
-Conrad Catering
Yeah, I know that this is a regional from from Pittsburgh, but this is my blog and I am the one writing this. If you don’t like it, then you can write your own blog.
I happen to like these stuffed cabbage rolls, and yes, they are referred to a “pigs in a blanket”, not the hotdogs wrapped in the Pillsbury instant roll dough.
Now depending on where you grew up or even what your background is you either called these Stuffed Cabbages, Pigs in a Blanket or Halupkies. The only real ingredient difference I’ve found between these is the use of either all beef or the omittance of rice and usage of potatoes instead.
Hey! And here’s a recipe for you all. See how easy it is to make!
Pigs In A Blanket (cabbage rolls) #SundaySupper
Oh and while I am at it, let’s take a look at how families work… the division of labor and how you can eat delicious meals all the time and not be stressed out over it. Yes, there is a way.
It’s called having a “traditional conservative family“, as opposed to a “progressive modern contemporaneous family”. You can read my propaganda on this issue and the importance in parenting and family budgeting. The link below opens up in a separate tab for later reading for you all.
Hey! If you love your children enough. Spend TIME with them. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
Stuffed peppers
This meal is similar to the stuffed cabbage, only they are stuffed in peppers and use a slightly different mix of spices. Never the less, they too are easy to make and super delicious.
Stuffed Bell Peppers are easy to make and everyone loves them! We fill these with a mixture of beef and sausage but you can use one or the other (or even ground turkey if you prefer) and I sometimes replace the rice with Cauliflower Rice. While I used green peppers in this recipe, any color bell pepper (red/yellow/orange) will work just fine.
When choosing the color of pepper for your Stuffed Peppers recipe, it will depend on your personal taste preference. Green peppers are a bit more zesty and definitely less sweet than red, yellow or orange. Green peppers in this recipe really compliment the flavors in the beef, sausage, tomato-rice mixture.
One of the cool things with many home-made American foods is that they lend themselves to batch creation, and then freezing for later for a quick and easy delicious healthy family sit-down meal.
“The truth is that our weeknights are pretty packed with sports practice, piano lessons, and homework, along with what can seem like the never-ending demands of my job,” says Sun Basket’s executive chef, Justine Kelly.
“It’s challenging, but I make a point to have dinner with my daughter every night. Also, one thing we always make time for is Sunday supper at my sister’s house. My parents come and my daughter gets to spend time with her cousins. It’s a highlight of our week.”
There are few things finer than spending time with family and food. You can spend it with friends and pets as well. The smells, the creativity, and the environment together is far better than a movie, or a video game. Food and friendships equal paradise. make sure that you get your children involved early on.
Yes, you definitely can freeze
Stuffed Peppers and they are a great make-ahead meal! You will need to
bake them first, then you can either freeze them individually or
together in a baking dish. To re-heat, simply thaw in the fridge
overnight and bake in a 350°F oven until heated through.
Delicious and wonderful city chicken being cooked on a skillet. It’s a fine and wonderful meal that is cheap, easy to make and delicious. It also goes great with just about any vegetable side dish. Oh, and do not forget the nice frosty beer.
If you grew up in the North or Midwest regions of the country, you may be familiar with a dish called City Chicken, either as a mainstay in your weeknight supper rotations or a favorite comfort food.
For many people it is a mystery. No one ever really understands what it was, why it had that name, and why they couldn’t find any recipes for it in cookbooks.
You won’t find a recipe for City Chicken in the poultry section of a cookbook because, well, it isn’t poultry.
Known as a Depression Era recipe, cubes of veal and pork are threaded onto a skewer in order to create a faux drumstick. Seasoned and breaded, then fried or baked, this was a popular and delicious way to “fake” a poultry dinner.
I love this photo. Cooking in the kitchen with friends and family. The dinner meal is an ideal opportunity for friends and family to get together and share fun, talk and drink.
But why would you have to fake chicken?
Prior to the 1940’s, everyone wanted a chicken on the dinner table, yet surprisingly it was very expensive, even more so than pork and veal. Thus, we have the invention of “fake” chicken. Also known by the more common name of “city chicken”.
With roots in both Pittsburgh and Cleveland, where Polish and Ukrainian immigrant communities have strong presences (and found more scarcely in other Great Lakes-area cities like Detroit and Buffalo), city chicken got its start in the Depression era, when chicken was scarce and more expensive. Made then with pork, veal, or a combination of the two, the meats were cubed and then threaded onto skewers, then breaded to create a drumstick-like shape to better resemble chicken.
Delicious city chicken. It goes great with rice, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, or a fine spinach or maybe some cabbage. Oh, and don’t you dare forget that nice icy beer. Eh?
Spend time with friends.
Eat well.
Talk, laugh. Drink.
Enjoy your moments together.
Hygge is the idea that helps Denmark regularly rate as one of the happiest countries in the world — Danes have regularly been some of the most joyful in the world for over 40 years that the U.S. has been studying them — despite long, dark winters.
Loosely translated at "togetherness," and "coziness," though it's not a physical state, it's a mental one. According to VisitDenmark (the country's official tourism site): "The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family — that’s hygge too. And let’s not forget the eating and drinking — preferably sitting around the table for hours on end discussing the big and small things in life." Hygge's high season is winter, and Christmas lights, candles galore, and other manifestations of warmth and light, including warm alcoholic beverages, are key to the concept.
Still a little confused and wondering how you could cultivate hygge in your life? This Danish NPR commenter sums up some specifics: "Hygge is a deep sense of cosy that can originate from many different sources. Here is a good example from my life : a cloudy winter Sunday morning at the country house, fire in the stove and 20 candles lit to dispel the gloom. My husband, puppy and I curled up on our sheepskins wearing felt slippers, warm snuggly clothes and hands clasped around hot mugs of tea. A full day ahead with long walks on the cold beach, back for pancake lunch, reading, more snuggling, etc.
This is a very hyggligt day." Now that sounds do-able, doesn't it?
- 7 cultural concepts we don't have in the U.S.
A fine young budding master chef. Check out all the things he is learning. Check out that he is in the kitchen with family. Check out how intent he is on what he is doing. Not only that! But, he will be able to eat his creation. How absolutely wonderful!
Ah. Chili. My mother always would make a big stiff tureen of chili on the stove in the Winter. Then when anyone would come over to visit, we would make up a fresh pot of coffee and give them a bowl of chili and some rice.
Delicious and wonderful home cooked, home made, chili with love. It is one of the most popular American foods and can be found all over the United States. You can find chili in California, in Texas, and in Massachusetts. Chili is a very popular meal that also lends itself to other meals as well.
Over the years I have developed my very own versions of this simple and delicious food. In fact, it is super easy to make in China. You just use a Hunan spice packet for the Chili mix.
In general, I like to eat it over white rice. Though, I do have friends that prefer Doritos, or other kinds of chips. They also like to add graded yellow or cheddar cheese on top. While I like to crunch up saltines and cheese. I will tell you what, it is fantastic with icy cold beer. It is a fantastic meal.
Delicious and wonderful home cooked, home made, chili with love. It is one of the most popular American foods and can be found all over the United States. You can find chili in California, in Texas, and in Massachusetts. Chili is a very popular meal that also lends itself to other meals as well. Oh, and never forget that chili goes good with an icy cold beer. Make sure that the chili is hot, and the beer is cold. For it is a cold bowl of chili when love let’s you down. Don’t you know.
Oh, and you can also have fresh ears of corn on the side, maybe a salad or even Oreo cookies if you would like.
“When adults are talking, putting their napkins in their laps, and eating a variety of foods, they are teaching the young children at the table how to be human,” says Silverman.
“Meals are a multi-sensory classroom with emotional, physical, and developmental benefits.” The most important part of the puzzle? To simply make family meal-time happen.
Chili can be made using a wide range of ingredients. You can even make an all vegetarian chili if you wish. Personally, I just can’t see the point. As humans are carnivorous creatures as designed by God. But there you have it. If you want to do your thang – go ahead. I’m not judging. Just saying.
Stuffed Pork-chops
You know that pork-chops are great. How about stuffed pork-chops? OMG!
The chops are typically made with pork chops that are 1 1/4- to 2-inches thick. Look for chops that are already secured with twine or toothpicks that prevent the stuffing from falling out. All you have to do is pick them up, bring them home and preheat your oven or grill to cook up delicious stuffed pork chops. Baked or Roasted Stuffed Pork Chops.
-How to Cook Stuffed Pork Chops From a Grocery Store
It’s exactly like you would expect. It’s a thicker cut of pork chops. Only you slice the chops and in that slice you stuff it with stuff. Usually, right out of the (store bought) box of stuffing.
Who doesn’t like pork? Well, aside from the religious, and those on the fringe? Savory and delicious tasty home made American-style pork chops. It’s a very easy and delicious meal that anyone can make.
This is a nice little meal that I discovered while I was in High School. A girl that I was handing out with at the time introduced me to a little “hole in the wall” establishment off a side street in Butler, PA. I immediately fell in love with them.
You know the type of place—where the big loud guy behind the counter works fast and furious, takes your order (you better know what you want!) and barks back “Sausage, Peppers, and Onions!” to the guys on the line, and within minutes you have a huge roll in your hands, loaded with more sausage and peppers with onions than you think you can possibly eat.
But eat you do, because that sausage and peppers with onions are so so good. And then you have a food coma for the rest of the afternoon, and you eat steamed broccoli for dinner because after that lunch, you just don’t need much for dinner. Yum!
Here is a most delicious Italian sausage meal. The sausage is slow cooked in a crock pot for four hours or so with Italian spaghetti sauce, some peppers and onions, and then removed and placed on a freshly baked hard roll. It i a most excellent family lunch, but makes a wonder dinner when paired with a bowl of creamy soup. Yum!
Funny thing, though. My mother never made them. She did not like sweet Italian sausages. She never could see the point of it. Why buy sweet Italian sausages when you could buy kielbasi instead?
Well, I disagreed. I happen to love this meal.
What Kind of Sausage and Peppers to Use?
This dish is typically made with a several different colors of bell peppers—usually one green, one red, and one either yellow, orange, or purple. That said, use whatever color bell peppers you like! If you don’t like a color, skip it and just use more of another color.
As for sausages, in this recipe we are using a combination of sweet and hot Italian sausages, but if you want a milder dish, use only the sweet sausages and reduce the amount of chili pepper flakes in the recipe. Likewise, if you would like it spicier, use all hot sausages and/or bump up the amount of chili pepper flakes.
How to Store, Keep, and Freeze
Once cooked, the sausage, peppers, and onions will easily keep for 3 to 4 days in the fridge, but you can also freeze it for up to 3 months. Just defrost it in the fridge overnight and reheat in a saucepan over low heat, or pop it in a saucepan with a little bit of water or oil, over low heat, until completely warmed through.
A very fantastic and tasty Italian sausage sandwich on a fine fresh hard crunchy roll and is best served hot. You do want to drink and wash it down with a nice icy beer. A local beer is always best. Don’t you know.
Four Steps to Make the Most of a Meal
Being there may be the most important part of family meal-time, but there are still a few things you can do to make the conversation all the more fruitful.
1. Have a ritual.
Answer the same question every evening when you sit down to eat to give your kid something to prepare for and see how the answers shift over time with their changing perspective. A few examples: “What are you thankful for?” or “What were the peak (best part) and pit (worst part) of your day?”
2. Play games.
Challenge your kids and encourage fun and creativity by asking them questions like, “What were the three craziest things you saw today?” or “If you were an animal, which would you want to be and why?”
3. Skip the TV dinner.
Do your best to turn off the TV, put phones away, and negate any distractions that can take away from your time to talk. “Family meals should be pleasant, fun, and technology free to optimize the experience,” Silverman says.
4. Get everyone involved.
This is a time where the whole family chips in to come together. Ask your kids to wash veggies or set the table. “I’m a big fan of teaching children to cook,” Silverman says. “Their own home kitchen is the perfect place to start learning how to prepare healthy meals.” One of the easiest ways to teach them skills in the kitchen is for them to try their hand (with adult supervision) at one of the healthy, ready-to-make meals from Sun Basket.
Such a satisfying combo! Italian sausages cooked with bell peppers, sweet onions, crushed tomatoes, and garlic. Served on a hoagie roll or over pasta or polenta. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Sausage and peppers with onions. This is one of those classic Italian-American street food, lunch cart dishes.
Oh, yes. Do not forget.
Food cooked, is food to eat. Don’t stand there yapping! Make yourself a sandwich and pour yourself a beer. have a good time you all!
Another fine example of a home-made-Italian sausage sandwich. I’ll bet you won’ be able to get this in a fast food restaurant.
Beef Tips and Rice
And no, it’s not Chinese.
This is one of those wonderful meals that I will always treasure. For some reason, and I do not know why, I always remember the relaxing time after I ate this meal. When we are all sitting at the table talking and enjoying our after-dinner coffee in demitasse cups..
Delicious and wonderful beef tips and rice. The perfect meal for a fine active household. It actually goes great with iced tea. Did you know that?
Around the south, just about all the local mom-and-pop style
restaurants feature Beef Tips with Rice and Gravy on their menu. It’s
an old diner favorite that is also usually one of the cheaper menu
choices because it can take a somewhat tougher cut of beef, slow simmer
it to make it tender and, then serve it up with a large portion of rice
and gray to cut costs.
Some people like to eat the beef tips and rice in a soup bowl, or a shallow bowl. I, myself, think that a fine dinner plate is the best. But, it’s all up to you all.
Its so versatile in that it tastes great when served over rice, over mashed potatoes or, even over noodles.
Busy family hints...
Here’s a really simple recipe that just needs about an hour to slow simmer before its ready to serve. You can take advantage of some cheaper cuts of beef anytime you find them on sale and, whip up some great Southern comfort food that can be served with rice, mashed potatoes or even noodles. It’s your choice.
Stew beef works very well for this recipe or, you can use eye of round steak like we did. You can even go all out and make it with a finer cut like Ribeye steak. The really great part is, whatever you find on sale, can probably be used to make our Beef Tips. Buy it while its on sale, freeze it and have it ready for a quick and easy lunch, dinner or Sunday dinner. I think you’ll like it about any time of the day.
-Taste of Southern
It certainly looks like a Chinese dish. Perhaps it is because many Chinese dishes follow the same formula. Except that they use a different sauce, different selection of spices and a different cut of meat. Thus this dish is a uniquely American dish and it is deserving of your attention as a wonderful entree to provide to your friends and family.
Salisbury steak
For the longest time my mother would make Salisbury steaks and they would be tough. They would be chewy and needed to be cut into tiny cubes to digest.
Then, I met a girl from Zambia.
Again, it might seem like this Salisbury steak meal is Chinese. But no. It’s not. It’s as American as Football cheer-leading squads and Saturday nights in the GTO. It’s different in that the gravy, the meat and the way of cooking the meal differs substantially from what is present in China. That’s neither good nor bad, it’s just the way it is. Live the difference!
When we lived together, she was able to make the most delicious Salisbury steaks that I have ever eaten. They were nothing sort of amazing. She said that there was nothing to it, but I disagree. Some people just have a natural affinity and skill at certain things, and she was just amazing in the kitchen.
"One of the simplest and most effective ways for parents to be engaged in their teens' lives is by having frequent family dinners,"
- Joseph Califano Jr., chairman and president of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA).
Salisbury steak can be served on a bed of rice, or with noodles. Heck, you can even serve it with potatoes, whether mashed or in any of the other delicious forms possible.
You might wonder just how a family can afford all this. Well, it’s no mystery. You can EASILY afford these meals provided you set your familial household to operate traditionally. It’s not at all what is promoted in the mainstream media, and perhaps it’s time to take a good hard long look at the assumptions that our parents made, and the sacrifices they made to become “progressive” and “enlightened”.
You can click on the link below. It opens up into a new fresh tab so that your browsing in this article will not be interrupted.
Shepard’s Pie
Now my first experience with “Shepard’s Pie” was in the school cafeteria. My mother tended not to make it at home. She felt that it was too simple a dish to make. More plebeian, I would guess.
A fine Shepard’s pie. Nope. You will not find this in a fast food restaurant. Though, you could possibly discover it in a British or Irish pub.
Old Fashioned Chicken and Dumplings is a family favorite meal that is both comforting and delicious! Chicken and dumplings is a dish that consists of a chicken cooked in water, with the resulting chicken broth being used to cook the dumplings by boiling. A dumpling—in this context—is a biscuit dough, which is a mixture of flour, shortening, and liquid. The dumplings are either rolled out flat, dropped or formed into a ball.
Chicken and Dumplings. A fine, fine American meal.
This chicken and dumplings recipe is created from scratch including the tender dumplings and juicy chicken in an easy homemade broth. Combine chicken, onion, carrots and celery in a large pot. Season to taste.
In 2007, the average household spent $3,465 on meals at home, and $2,668 on meals away from home, according to the national Consumer Expenditure Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Per meal, that’s about $8 per meal outside of the home, and only about $4.50 per each meal made in your own kitchen.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Potatoes with onions and eggs
Eating family dinners is associated with healthy dietary food patterns. A 2000 survey found that the nine to 14-year-olds who ate dinner with their families most frequently consumed more fruits and vegetables and less soda and fried foods. Their diets also had higher amounts of many key nutrients, like calcium, iron, and fiber. Matthew W. Gillman, MD, the survey’s lead researcher, noted that family dinners allow for both "discussions of nutrition [and] provision of healthful foods."
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
This meal is representative of a very simple meal that I once cooked for a friend. She had to work and we offered to baby-sit her kids for her. The thing was that the poor kids weren’t eating right. They didn’t eat all day. And there was nothing in the kitchen. I mean, the entire kitchen was empty except for some onions, potatoes and a few eggs.
Here’s what you do.
Potatoes and onions, a very fast and super cheap meal to make in a pinch.
You cut up the potatoes and the onions. Put in in a skillet with salt, pepper and butter. let it cook. The house will be filled with this wondrous aroma. Then you remove the potatoes and onions. And cook the eggs int he same pan. The kids will love it.
Meals need not be expensive. You just need to be a little creative.
Round Steak
Easy Crock Pot Round Steak recipe is quick to throw together, cooks all
day and produces a delicious beef and gravy dinner waiting for you when
you get home.
A fine and delicious round steak. There are so many ways to cook this steak. It is up to the family cook to pick one and see how it turns out. In any event, this meal is most certainly a pleaser. Everyone will enjoy the meal.
As my parents were partially of Polish decent and from Pittsburgh, the idea of eating perogies was as natural as learning how to put on socks. We all ate this most wonderful of meals.
Though my relatives always made perogies out of meats, vegetables and fruits, personally I never got a chance to eat the sweet versions. My siblings and my cousins always gobbled up the fruit versions. Leaving me with the more “unpopular” perogies.
A perogie is a Polish-American version of a Chinese dumpling. Only it is often filled with mashed potatoes, and cheese, and fried with onions in the Shanghai style.
No worries though. They now have ballooned up to the size of whales. While I have maintained my thin and trim lines. LOL.
Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta “pillow.”.
Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta "pillow.". The dish is wildly popular outside of Italy, and can be readily found in fresh and frozen form in most Western supermarkets.
-Wise Geek
Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta “pillow.”. The dish is popular outside of Italy, and can be readily found in fresh and frozen form in most Western supermarkets.
Beef Stroganoff
Beef Stroganoff. My mother used to make this with egg noodles. As did all my aunties. It’s a Pittsburgh thing, I guess.
This wonderful meal consists of juicy beef smothered in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Beef Stroganoff is a crowd favourite that tastes like a slow cooked stew but is on the table in 30 minutes! Beef Stroganoff – a timeless retro classic!!
Beef Stroganoff. Juicy beef smothered in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Beef Stroganoff is a crowd favorite that tastes like a slow cooked stew but is on the table in 30 minutes! Beef Stroganoff – a timeless retro classic!!
If you have a demanding job, finding time to eat with your family may actually leave you feeling less stressed. In 2008, researchers at Brigham Young University conducted a study of IBM employees and found that sitting down to a family meal helped working moms reduce the tension and strain from long hours at the office.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Cold-cut Spread
This isn’t really a dinner so much as it is a tradition. What we would do at my mother’s family and with her parents and relatives would be to have a “cold cut spread”. It’s just simply a layout allowing the person to make their own sandwiches at will.
This is also known as a “cold platter”. It is a very cheap and easy way to make a meal spread without any cooking.
Sandwich spreads are some of the best make ahead meals. When your family is in and out of the house, eating at different times and with different appetites, having these delicious and nutritious spreads in the fridge is like money in the bank. And make-ahead sandwich spreads are the perfect answer to feeding your family when it’s just too hot to cook.
Turkey, ham and salami cold cuts are all at home on a sandwich—but these deli meats can be used in many other ways. We like to add thin strips of salami to pasta carbonara and cheesy frittata, smoked turkey to spaghetti and thinly-sliced chicken to spinach salad. One of our favorite deli meats is high quality pastrami—there are few sandwiches more delicious (or iconic) than a Reuben. Piled high on rye bread with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing, it’s a New York deli classic.
The average restaurant meal has as much as 60% more calories than a homemade meal. Combine the fact that portions served in restaurants are continuing to expand with that fact that when we’re presented with more food, we’re more likely to eat more food, and it becomes clear that eating at home is simply healthier. When families eat together, young children are less likely to be overweight or obese because these children are eat regular, nutritious, home cooked meals, and also help in making or serving those meals.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Sausage and (Hominy) Grits
A favorite of my mother. She would routinely cook this meal on every Tuesday once she settled into retirement. It’s a thing that she loved to do, but which I had no inking of why.
This is a full meal ready to go. The underrated hominy takes in the flavor of the roasted sausages; spinach cooked with garlic and chili flakes makes a perfect green addition to the plate. Seconds, please!
Research examining 5,000 teenagers has shown that when children eat with their parents regularly, they are more likely to be emotionally strong and have better mental health.
Teens who ate regular family meals were also more likely to be adjusted, have good manners and communication skills.
This effect is not restricted to the children - mothers who ate with their families often were also found to be happier and less stressed as compared to mothers who did not.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Nothing says Pittsburgh better than Kielbasa.
Polish kielbasa is traditionally made from ground pork. Some commercial variations of kielbasa are made from ground turkey, but these aren’t authentic. Garlic, along with pimentos and ground cloves, are the predominant seasonings.
What sets kielbasa apart from other members of the sausage family is its coarse texture, heady garlic flavor and classic Polish preparation – it’s traditionally not smoked or lightly smoked at best. Smoked sausage, on the other hand, is cooked and then smoked. Often, artificial smoke “flavors” are added as well. Because they’re fully cooked, you can eat smoked sausages cold or warmed. Other varieties include Italian mortadella, Cajun andouille, German bratwurst, bologna and hot dogs. Smoked sausage can be made from ground pork, turkey, beef or a combination of meats — and they can include any variation of seasonings.
Serve kielbasa warm, grilled or boiled, along with other traditional Polish sides such as pierogies — potato dumplings — pickled cucumbers and buckwheat groats. You can also cook kielbasa with eggs, use it for sandwiches, include in soups, stews and casseroles or serve with a side of vegetables.
Nothing says Southern Louisiana food like gumbo: A thick stew-like soup of meat, okra, and Creole and Cajun seasonings. But its history—and even its essential ingredients and method of preparation—is widely disputed.
A most delicious seafood gumbo. This is the food of New Iberia, you all. It is outstanding and wonderful. You have not lived until you have eaten some seafood gumbo.
Historians generally agree that its existence is first documented at the beginning of the 19th century. And the thickeners commonly used in many gumbo recipes (filé powder, okra, and gumbo roux—don’t worry, we explain all of these) give clues to its Choctaw Native American, West African, and French roots.
Regardless of its disputed origins and the myriad ways it’s prepared, it’s an essential, treasured part of New Orleans, Louisiana Creole and Cajun culture, and we’re here to break it down for you: what gumbo is, what ingredients to use, and how to make different types, from sausage to chicken to seafood gumbo.
Gumbo is a stew popular in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and is the official state cuisine. Gumbo consists primarily of a strongly-flavored stock, meat or shellfish, a thickener, and what Louisianians call the "Holy Trinity" of vegetables, namely celery, bell peppers, and onions. Gumbo is often categorized by the type of thickener used, whether okra or filé powder.
A most excellent dish, seafood gumbo has the makings of great times. All you need to do is add friends, beer and some fine music. Just bring yourself. And… of course… be yourself.
While both gumbo and jambalaya are mainstays of Cajun and Creole cooking, they’re both distinct dishes with different methods of prep. While gumbo is typically enjoyed as a rich, flavorful soup, sometimes served spooned over rice, jambalaya is similar to Spanish paella:
The rice is usually cooked with the protein (usually some mix of chicken, seafood, and/or sausage) along with the stock, seasonings, and veggies in one large ready-to-serve skillet. Creole Jambalaya may include tomatoes, while Cajun typically does not.
Studies have proven that there’s a significant link between family dinners and academic performance.
A report by CASA found that teens who have between five and seven family dinners per week were twice as likely to report receiving mostly A’s and B’s in school, compared to those teens who have fewer than three family dinners per week.
In addition, only 9% of teens who ate frequently with their families did poorly in school, according to the report.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Many people would eat Gumbo as a stand alone dish, I would prefer to eat it as a soup with a fine sandwich nearby (and an icy beer). I have a write up or post about this. It is below. You can click on it and it will open up in another tab so that this article can be finished.
Hey! Here’s a great bowl of gumbo. Wouldn’t you just love to have one yourself?
A bowl of fine delicious gumbo with shrimp and okra. Yum!
Gumbo is usually distinguished by what is used to thicken
it—typically okra, filé powder, a roux, or some combination of the
three. The name “gumbo” is also speculated to come from the name of the
traditional bases: either from the word kingombo, a West African Bantu
word for okra, or from kombo, the Choctaw Native American word for filé
powder, an essential spice.
Filé powder: Filé
powder is dried crushed leaves from Sassafras, a plant native to the
Southeastern U.S. The powder is usually added at the end of the recipe
to thicken and season the gumbo and can usually be found in a
well-stocked supermarket or spice store.
Used either fresh or dried, okra is one of the most common thickening
agents of gumbo and gives it its distinctive taste and flavor—it’d be
difficult to find a recipe for gumbo that doesn’t make copious use of
okra. Traditionally, when okra is out of season, dried okra can be used
Shrimp and okra gumbo, showing and illustrating how the okra is to be cut and added to this fine, and tasty gumbo dish.
Roux: Derived from French cooking, gumbo roux is much darker than the mildly toasted roux used in classical French cuisine. It’s made by toasting flour in fat such as butter until it’s golden brown, but many gumbo roux recipes call for a roux that is “chocolate-colored,” “mahogany,” or even “close to burnt”, and they’re typically made with oil instead of butter.
Some gumbo roux that can be obtained off the internet. Thus providing delicious Gumbo just about anywhere in the world.
“Holy Trinity”: Similar to mirepoix, (carrot, onion,
and celery) the “Holy Trinity” is the base of much of Creole and Cajun
cooking—bell pepper, onions, and celery is used to start many gumbo
recipes. Depending on the recipe, shallots, garlic, and parsley can also
be included in this essential blend.
The Trinity that is used in Gumbo.
Oh my Goodness! This is a long post!
I am so, so very sorry. However, I will have to wrap up this post leaving out so many, many delicious dinner suggestions.
For the purposes of brevity, let’s tack on the following as “honorable mentions”. All of which are delicious and deserving of their own place in the spot-light.
Clam bake
Cobb Salad
Baked Ham
Oyster Stew
Deviled Crabs
Deviled eggs
Pulled Chicken
Lox and bagels
Baked Turkey
Family participation. Cooked and served with love and attention. No television. No cell phones. No games. No apps. Just people.
Talking. Eating. Being together. What’s not to love?
Eating meals together has the potential to strengthen family bonds as it provides a daily time for the whole family to be together.
For younger children, routine family meals can provide a sense of security and a feeling of belonging in the family.
Older children and teenagers, too, prefer eating together as a family. In a recent Columbia University study, 71% of teenagers said they consider talking, catching-up, and spending time with family members as the best part of family dinners.
- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Meals are to be shared. Share some food with others. It’s not expensive, but the time and the friendships are the most valuable things that you can have. Share your food. Share your time. Share your life.
With others.
This kitchen may not be picture-perfect, but it’s the perfect place for an authentic evening. (Special tanks to the Mother Nature Network).
A life lived alone is a life unlived.
Meals are to be shared. Share some food with others. It’s not expensive, but the time and the friendships are the most valuable things that you can have. Share your food. Share your time. Share your life.
Oh, yeah!
A family DOES NOT NEED two incomes. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, is more important than spending time together. Live cheaper. Live frugally. Spend more time together. One person budgets and tends to the family. The other member labors and gives everything to the family. This system works.
Give it a whirl. You might be surprised how well it works out.
For you other expats out there…
This post is designed for you to show your relatives what “American food” is, and what it is not.
This is NOT American food…
All Americans have eaten a McDonald’s meal, but fast food is not family meal fare. It is not healthy and does not lend itself for communal meals and togetherness.
American “fast food” is a progressive invention to assist the “modern enlightened” person to cope in a stress-filled automated reality where the needs of the group come before the needs of the individual.
Tired of having to work two jobs to make ends meet. Well welcome to the new modern progressive reality ushered in by Wilson and FDR.
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within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
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actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
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Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
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This article travels into details on how the multi-world “theory” operates upon the canvas of a universal reality. We look at the moment-by-moment method of how we exist within the multi-world universe. (In other words.) We look at the mechanism in detail.
Of course, it is going to be an awfully strange “trip”. As our actual reality does not resemble anything like everyone assumes it is.
Of course, this is from the point of view of an "operator". (If you want to eject the MAJestic mantle and look in the fascinating world of the mathematics behind all this, please by my guest.)
Here, we discuss the mechanism from which a soul would choose to live a particular life as a human. Yeah. I get it, it’s a very deep subject. It enters the realm of the religious and the spiritual. But, you know what, it need not be.
When you look at things objectively, you see that things HAVE to be this way, as described.
The topographic model.
We discuss this MWI as a topographic mapped surface from which we can extrapolate probability potential.
Now, there are many, many ways to illustrate the MWI. This is only one such method. It is the method that I was introduced to, and the one that I have come to accept as “normal”.
One of the most radical and important ideas in the history of physics came from an unknown graduate student who wrote only one paper, got into arguments with physicists across the Atlantic as well as his own advisor, and left academia after graduating without even applying for a job as a professor.
Hugh Everett’s insight was as simple as it was brilliant: accept the Schrödinger equation.
Both of those parts of the final superposition are actually there. But they can’t interact with each other; what happens in one branch has no effect on what happens in the other. They should be thought of as separate, equally real worlds. This is the secret to Everettian quantum mechanics.
This method or display is something that is often “behind the scenes” when the pilot arranges a slide, and the calibration of destination coordinates are locked in.
I suppose most people can live without it.
However, in my case, I discovered that it was useful to determine just how “far out” a slide can manifest, and whether or not a “deep dive” will manifest. (I said “useful”, not necessary.)
As far as any kind of practical application, I would hazard a guess that there wouldn’t be any need to anyone to know about this. It’s just a useful way of better understanding how the MWI works.
The idea of multiple-world lines, the MWI and the physics of this entire matter is NOT accepted by the general pubic, or (even) agreed to by many physicists. To them it is unproven theory that doesn’t make sense in the Judaeo-Christrian world-view.
But, seriously folks. You do not have to believe anything. It’s your reality. That’s fine.
We are always free to believe what ever we want. We adjust to our surroundings and key up our behaviors based upon our observation and our interactions with others, and the objects adjacent to us. However strange the MWI appears, it adequately and efficiently describes hour our consciousness interacts with our physical reality.
Now, for the “fresh slap of reality”.
The organization that I was part of from May 1981 through to May 2006 utilized technologies based upon this “theory”. Our government built machinery based on this “theory”. As well as using the machines (so constructed) for their own purposes.
I can positively affirm that the technologies and the machinery worked.
By the time I started to use the more primitive versions of the machinery (May 1981), it was well understood that the technology was very, very mature.
I refer to the "primitive" version to be a fixed transport portal. In this narrative, and post, I discuss my role as a "dimensional anchor" using a much more advanced version of technology.
In many ways, it's sort of explaining how a microwave works to a snail. Most of what I have to say will be gibberish to most readers who have absolutely no reference points to anchor upon.
I was an “operator” of numerous such technologies.
This is my overview of how the MWI actually manifests from the point of view of an “operator” or a “participant” utilizing the MWI-based technologies. It is based on [1] my extrapolation of experiences, [2] knowledge and [3] my exposure to various types of advanced technology.
If you do not want to hear what I have to say, you can leave.
The traditional view of the universe. many people are handicapped by this traditional view, and thus have a very difficult time understanding a totally and wholly different viewpoint and understanding of the universe and how to navigate it. It is sort of like trying to learn to sail, but not believing that there is a thing called “wind”.
Quick Overview
Before we begin, here’s a quick review for all of you guys who just fell onto this post from out of the “blue”.
Most people have a really crap-tastic idea of what the MWI or multiple world-line theory is. They just cannot visualize it for the life of themselves. They have no idea what to think, or how it would manifest.
They come up with visualizations such as this…
Contemporaneous visualization of the MWI.
One major hurtle…
The problem with all these contemporaneous visualizations is that the artist, philosopher, or scientist does not isolate the concept of consciousness from that of a physical person. It is assumed, and defaulted to one and the same identical thing. When in fact, they are entirely two separate things.
Everyone assumes that all those people around us also possess a consciousness. We assume they are also like us; that they have an active consciousness and an associated soul as well.
We make this assumption based on our interactions with them.
They appear, to us to be fully actuated and in possession of a soul and consciousness. We argue here that the appearance of something does not equate to the de facto possession of something.
There are differences between [1] a “consciousness”, [2] a “physical body”, and [3] a “person”. For our purposes, a person is someone with an active consciousness. Most people think that all three things are just different names for the same thing. They are not.
The differences between a person, a consciousness and a physical body when discussing the MWI, or multiple world-line theory.
Most laymen, and many scientists do not understand this simple fact. They assume that everyone is a “person”. That we share our universe with other people who all have internal “consciousnesses”.
We do not.
We are a consciousness. Not a physical body.
Instead we are consciousness, that inhabits a physical body, forming a person. (As in the picture above.) We then occupy a reality.
In this reality, we are surrounded with physical bodies, but none of them possess a consciousness. Instead they appear to have a consciousness simply because of how they interact with us. This interaction of these others is how the soul obtains experiences and thus grows and advances in the quantum sphere.
Within our reality, we are the only one that is in possession of a consciousness. Everyone else is just a shadow version of themselves. In reality they (too) inhabit their own reality elsewhere, where they too are alone and surrounded by the quantum shadows of others.
Thus, our universe is comprised with a near infinite number of world-line realities. Many are empty, and some contain a consciousness which is inhabiting a body to obtain experiences with. Our universe, thus looks something a little like this…
This is how the universe actually is, and exists within the MWI. It is a place where consciousness travels the infinite world-lines alone, and interacts with shadow equivalents of other people, persons and things.
Why this is important.
If you want to know the “secrets of the universe” then you will need to forget everything you learned in school and college. For all of it is based on assumptions that are rock-hard, firm, fixed and imputable.
Most of it is really, really incorrect. For our “reality” is not what everyone thinks.
We do not “share” our universe with others.
We live alone in our universe.
Everyone else are “shadow copies” of their true forms.
These “shadow copies” are other people acting and living as if they were to share our universe. They are what could possibly exist and manifest. Not that they actually do manifest.
What it looks like is NOT the way it is.
We all think that there is just one universe, and one Earth, and it is populated by all of us together. That we share the earth with each other and that we are all equal and are in the same time-line.
All these assumptions are wrong.
We believe that we share our universe with others. No. Instead we share this universe with “versions” of other people. These versions are constructs that interacts with our consciousness while we exist within our reality world-line.
We do not share our universe with others.
Not. Even. Close.
Instead, we occupy a universe alone. We do not share it with anyone. Oh, yes, it does appear that we share it, but we really do not.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with us.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with
They are but quantum shadows of the possibility of interaction.
In Plato’s classic Allegory of the Cave, a group of people living in a cave have a very false view of the world because the only thing they can see is the shadows on a wall. Plato was trying to teach his students that the philosopher must see beyond the shadows to the reality that is projecting them, but what exactly is that reality.
The reality that Plato wanted his students to see is not the physical form of the object casting the shadow, those physical objects are just another level of shadows! The world of matter is the shadow world, the world of illusion, the world of deception. It is not at all what it appears to be because our physical eyes, and other physical senses, can sense only the shadows called matter so we are deceived into believing that it is real. That is not to say that matter is not real. Matter is real just as the shadow of a tree is real, but the shadow is not the tree and matter is not true reality.
-Cosolargy International
To understand this please note.
We are not a physical body. We are soul.
Now, do not be offended.
This does not at all mean that there is no love, that there isn’t a thing called togetherness. That there isn’t all the physical, emotional and spiritual relationships that we have with others. Do not be silly. Of course they exist.
What changes is the understanding of what a physical body is.
Instead of one (and only one) physical body that your consciousness inhabits, there is an infinite number of physical bodies. Each one within a unique and separate world-line.
You, as consciousness, moves in and out of all these other bodies of yours through thought.
This is what a person really is. We are multi-dimensional beings with a singular consciousness. We (as consciousness) move in and out of the MWI world-lines entering similar physical bodies associated with our consciousness.
This is also true for the entire rest of the universe. Everyone else also possesses bodies such as this. Your dog has this kind of body. Your cat has this kind of body. In fact, the felines are actually quite cognizant of this ability.
We are NOT a physical body. We are soul that manifests a consciousness within our reality.
Knowing and realizing this, makes some of the passages in the religious books far more reasonable, and easier to understand. It doesn’t matter if it is the Koran, or the Bible. Understanding the way the universe works, and truly works, adds a far greater understanding to the wisdom that resides inside of these great works.
The soul creates a “consciousness” that it places in a “container”. This container is a “world-line”. Our “universe” is a near infinite number of world-lines.
We are placed here for our consciousness to obtain experiences.
We navigate in and out of the world-lines though our thoughts. Our rate of travel (in general) is (for most humans) about 4 Hz. Or, four cycles per second. (Four world-lines each second.)
There are different rates of travel, and different species travel the MWI at different speeds. In general, the rate of travel is proportional to the operational speed of the brain. This of course varies.
If you dull your brain to such a degree that your brain is slower, then you will not travel the MWI as fast as others would. And you might find your life slowly "falling behind" that of others.
We are consciousness. We “rent” a physical body for a fleeting moment of time.
Our reality is NOT shared. Instead our consciousness occupies a singular world-line. It is a momentary event.
We (our consciousness) migrate between momentary world-lines through our thoughts.
This movement is known as “the arrow of time”.
The best way that I can introduce the reader to this “radical” understanding of how our universe actually works, is to use the “movie projector theory”.
Movie Projector theory for the MWI.
is an illustration of what time actually is. Time does not exist. It is
a perception that our consciousness has as it moves and weaves in and
out of different world-lines. Here we use an old-fashioned movie reel
projector to help illustrate this understanding.
Thus, the idea of the actual way things work is really, really, REALLY different than what everyone assumes or believes. The difference is so stark, that many researchers are handicapped in their understanding of reality. Ah, but it need not be that way.
Come on! You can well understand the movie projector analogy, can’t you?
If you can, well good for you! Award yourself a gold star.
The Movie Projector Theory in more detail…
The problem with that analogy (and it is a really good analogy), that that it does not take into account the individual frame selection in the film role. For in actual contemporaneous movies, it is the movie producer that selects the individual frames, and the person just sits back and watches the movie.
In reality, it is more like an entire bank of projectors, and we (as soul) selects the movie that interests us.
In this model, we have numerous movie projectors, all running simultaneously (at the same entropy)… Ah! At the same time.
We can “jump into” any scene portrayed by any of the movie projectors at will. We just look at the projected images.
Instead of a producer selecting the frames in a film and arranging the movie, and content, the soul consciousness does this instead. Using the movie projector analogy, it is similar to being in a room with multiple movie projectors all running similar films simultaneously. You, as consciousness, can decide which movie to watch. The further away the movie projector is from the movie that you are currently watching, the more effort is required.
The further away the movie projector is from us, the harder it is to watch that movie. So we must watch closer movies (momentarily) and then “edge our way” closer to the movie projector that we are interested in.
Most people, sadly, do not do this. They allow the movie projectors to operate randomly and they find themselves watching movies that they may not really care for.
How it manifests
So, using this film / movie projector analogy further it is exactly how our consciousness selects the “life experience” that we obtain. Each frame in a given movie reel is a world line. They are all playing about simultaneously, and our consciousness selects the world-lines to occupy by hopping from frame to frame. (World-line to world-line.)
By selecting each frame in a given movie, we can navigate within the movie, or even “jump” to another completely different movie all together. It is all dependent upon our thoughts, or the navigation of our consciousness.
Our soul decides the very first frame, and the very first movie reel that we will enter. However, it is our consciousness that decides how to make the best of our life, and how to navigate within the framework that is provided to us by the divine.
Nearby movie projectors are nearly identical to the one that we are viewing at the moment. Their divergence from our “present reality” is often very small.
As we move further and further away to more distant movie projectors the divergence gets larger and larger and larger.
This is why it doesn’t seem like we are moving from one world-line to the next. It seems smooth, seamless and transparent. That is because the deviance in nearby world-line (projectors) is very, very small.
Our thoughts select the world-line…
In reality, the “film spool” (a collection of “frames”) is known as the “life experience” of a given consciousness as it takes on a life.
It is a record of our travels in and out of different world-lines. Where a “world-line” is represented as a frame within the movie reel.
The individual “frames” that are selected, are chosen by the thoughts of the consciousness that inhabits the body. We migrate to things that we think about. We migrate to what we think about.
Not necessarily what we might desire. It is what occupies our thoughts most of the time. (So shut off that stupid manipulative television, why don’t ya!)
For all its popularity, Facebook isn’t without its share of scandals. In the latest one, details came out of an experiment conducted on 700,000 Facebook users over the period of a single week in 2012. News feeds were manipulated to contain positive or negative news and content, then users were monitored to see if the change made them use more positive or negative words in their status updates.
And it worked—people’s status updates showed a change in emotion that went along with the kind of news that they were exposed to.
The term used was “emotional contagion,” and it confirms something pretty frightening.
According to the study, people don’t even have to be physically around another person in a bad mood to absorb the negativity into themselves—negativity can be “caught” just from looking at a computer screen.
There doesn’t need to be a personal, emotional connection for emotional contagion to happen.
Not surprisingly, the study has brought up a number of disturbing questions, and it’s now being investigated by organizations like the Information Commissioner’s Office in Dublin. Those questioning the ethics of the study state that it’s nothing less than psychological manipulation. As if that’s not shady enough, Facebook users were unaware that they were having their emotions and moods manipulated through another party controlling just what was popping up in their news feeds.
-List verse
I am hungry, but what do I want to eat? It is our thoughts, coupled with our memories and yearnings that help us decide what actions to take.
So what to do? Eat a bowl of dog food, or have a nice tasty delicious pizza? Decisions. Decisions. It is our thoughts that determine which world-lines to occupy, and for most people, they just go with the flow and end up with whatever is provided to them.
No two thoughts are the same…
One of the problems that people need to come to grips with is that thoughts are not equal. Thoughts are “weighed”. Each thought is different. And thus each thought has a different degree in influence in world-line selection.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures. For instance, consider the scenario of you being hungry and desirous of eating a fine New York style pizza. Now your enjoyment at eating that pizza will depend on your emotions at the time. Obviously you won’t be able to enjoy it if you were angry, now would you? Our emotions, our memories our physical health and other factors all work together to influence our world-line navigation ability.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.
These thoughts are comprised of “levels of influence”.
Duration of thinking about something.
Emotional attachments with the thoughts.
Prior memories of similar events.
Prior physical experiences.
The thoughts of the people (shadow consciousnesses) around you.
Cultural variances, needs and desires.
Mass thought manipulation (Have you been paying attention to the news lately?)
One’s inherent belief system.
Ah, no two thoughts are equal. They have a “weighed” value or influence factor. Further, they are also modified by other thoughts by other “shadow consciousnesses” (Individual proxy consciousnesses that share a given reality.)
Think about it. It has to be this way, or else an obsessed person should be able to have their dreams manifest quite easily. But, the truth is that they don't. That is because of a slew of factors. One of which is the "level of influence" that a thought is given within a given world-line.
One of the most important and significant factors in thought-directed world-line selection is one’s inherent belief system.
Consider the cow.
One mighty big cow.
Let's use the cow analogy.
For instance, you might be starving, and ready to die of starvation.
A typical American would not have any qualms with butchering a cow and eating steak. A Hindu would not, and would rather die than kill a cow. A vegetarian might be against eating it, but would not have any qualms drinking it's milk.
Our actions are determined, in large part, by our belief systems.
It is our deepest belief systems that have the greatest influences in our thoughts.
It is our deepest thoughts and core belief systems that have the greatest influence in thought direction and world-line selection. For no two people are the same.
This is a very important subject, and I will cover it later on. For now, let’s look at things simply. Consider that all thoughts are simple, unique and they can easily select the “frames” or world-lines that the consciousness will migrate to.
The actual “landscape” of the MWI as viewed by the individual consciousness.
Imagine a “road map” of nearby world-lines.
Now, what would it look like? What would it resemble? How would we be able to take into account all the different variables that are constantly shifting and changing all around us?
Obviously, it would have a form of sorts.
It would have (as an illustration) globes representing a given “world-line” (or “frame” in the movie using the analogy above). It would also have lines. The lines would represent a path of migration. Which is the most probable paths for a consciousness to take when moving from one world-line to another.
Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.
Now, this is a pretty good analogy as far as it describes the path that a consciousness would take. However, this analogy ignores the world-lines that are not taken. And in general, there a millions or much larger numbers of world-lines that are constantly ignored.
So a better way of mapping this procedure is to do so in a three dimensional framework.
Moving away from the movie projector analogy and mapping it upon a three-dimensional grip, it might look something a little like this. With the positions of the world-lines geographically positioned relatively to the pathways as a function of the intrinsic value of the particular world-line.
The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. This map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.
However, it would not look so much like a cluster of grapes, or bubbles on a foamy sea of bath water. No.
It turns out that the highest probability pathway forms a kind of sheet or flat surface when plotted in the three dimensions.
If you end up plotting everything, you can't make out heads or tails of the map. It's just this one big mess. But, if you plot the pathways that have the greatest probability of travel, it simplifies immensely.
Instead of a cluster of grapes, it would look a little like a mesh or a grid. With the points being world-lines, and the lines connecting the points as the shortest distance to that world-line.
Now, if you take a step away from this “map” of “world-lines” and their lines of “high-probability” consciousness transfer it might start looking a little like this. Where you would see a “surface” of “highest probability” pathways, with the relative ease of travel and the strength of character needed to traverse affecting the heights and valleys of the apparent surface.
How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths might look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates. It forms hills, valleys and “mountains”. This surface is the “geography” of the world-line transition map. Each possible destination world-line would have a different value of “potential”. Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.
The “surface” that this map forms is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of consciousness movement from one world-line node to another.
Going above the surface indicates a strength of will over the combined strength of inertia of a given world-line.
Going below the surface indicates a weak strength of will and a consciousness being overwhelmed by the inherent inertia of a given world-line.
Moving to the left upon the mapped surface indicates more freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
Moving to the right upon the mapped surface indicates less freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
The topographic map display is a useful tool in understanding the hurtles and trials that one needs to endure to travel forth on the MWI.
The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.
However, the rate of travel is fast…
The thing is, however, that the rate of travel through each world-line in the MWI is quite fast. It is around four world-lines per second. (For some people it is much, much higher.) Thus, for any topographic map to be of any use, it will have to have to exist on a much larger scale than what is presented here.
As such, the individual world-lines would appear as tiny pixels, and for the map to be of any use, it should describe a travel duration in terms of weeks rather than seconds. This means that the map would look like a smooth gradient rather than an array of “floating”globes.
MWI geometric map showing an array of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time. As the resolution increases the similarity to geologic topographic maps increases. Often these maps resemble landscapes and other recognizable surfaces.
Mapping the surface.
Here, we are going to take a look at the way the landscape actually looks from the point of view of an individual consciousness. It is NOT simple and flat. It is undulating with all sorts of “nearby” world-lines that the thoughts can select and migrate towards.
In general, it might look something along these lines…
The general topography of the MWI.
In reality, this topographical map is much more complex and complicated. However, I was able to (functionally) navigate it using a sort of simple 3d understanding, and that understanding is one that I will provide here. Yes, these are my conventions distilled and illustrated as a teaching aide.
Here we look at it is the substantially simplified version that I am accustomed to using.
The meanings and purposes in the three-dimensional topographical portrayal.
Now because this is a very simplified diagrammatic representation, numerous variables are incorporated in the “X’ and “Z” axes. (Not to mention the entropy axis “Y”.) In general, as I understand it, the characteristics of the “X’ and “Y” axes are an algebraic sum of the inverses of the individual contributions to the axes elements.
OK. I know that I lost you. Just think of it as a sum average of all your thoughts.
Internal Influences
Internal influences should be understood as the ultimate result of comparative thought-driven MWI transitions by the given consciousness.
Suppose the mind has a wide selection of thoughts. Everything from anger at a spouse, to frustration at work, and influences in the news, to a loving thoughts related to romance. All these thoughts will work together to generate a (singular) "value" on this axis.
But, it is more than that. It is also the weighed value and the intensity of the thoughts, coupled with the apparent carry-over duration longevity of the thoughts as a person migrates in and through the other world-lines.
Let's keep it simple.
Look, if you drop a slice of pizza in the middle of a muddy road, would you [1] pick it up, wipe the mud off the pizza, and eat it. or [2] say "heck with that", and leave the pizza in the mud as a lost cause.
For most people, they would give up and abandon the slice of pizza.
The amount of mud is far too distracting to enjoy the slice of pizza. That is that way this system works. For if you abandon the slice, like most people would, your would occupy a world-line on the surface of the undulating map.
If however, against all probability and convention, you decided to eat the slice, you might be above or below the surface, depending on other factors.
Here’s an example.
Let’s suppose that you are a simple fellow and you have five things going on in your life.
A spouse that wants a divorce.
A boss who is hinting on firing you.
A yearning for a club sandwich and an ice cold beer.
A pet that loves you and is very loyal.
Memories of fishing with your father.
In this example, some of the items would have more emotion attached to it that others. While other issues might be better at controlling your emotions and directing your thoughts. While still others might be able to erase the thoughts completely (if for a short period of time).
You might be an emotional wreck and your thoughts would manifest a life that would reflect your thoughts.
As an aside, drugs and other stimuli can also influence thoughts and behaviors. All of these complexities can alter the navigational ability on the MWI.
There is no way to judge which thoughts or issues affecting the thoughts would have the greatest influence on the person because it is their deepest internal core belief systems that would result in how the world-lines would manifest.
Charlie Sheen’s Public Meltdown in 2011
All that one can assume is that all the factors would be weighted together and balanced though the core belief systems of the soul / consciousness. This would influence the momentary section of the next world-line.
Is it no wonder that when things start going wrong, that they often end up spiraling out of control?
External influences should be considered the inherent inertia that comes with a given world-line.
Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state. Once you have a bowling ball sitting on the floor, it is a little difficult to get it to move. However, once you get it moving, it's hard to slow down.
That difficulty... getting it started to move, and stopping it from moving... is what is known as inertia.
For our purposes it is the accumulated influences of the “shadow thoughts” of those (non-consciousness) apparent beings that share a given destination world-line. These are all the physical and non-physical influences that would affect the thoughts of a consciousness while it is in a given world-line.
You see, there can only be one consciousness per world-line. All those other "people" that we share the world-line with are actually "shadows". They are the bodies and representation of other consciousness were they to share the reality with us. As such, not only are their physical being present with us, but also their thoughts, dreams, desires and urges as well.
A "shadow" is a person that we share the specific world-line with.
However no consciousness inhabits their body. Their actual consciousness is off in another reality. We are observing their 'shadow" or a portrayal of how they would behave, act and think were they to share our reality with us.
The arrow of time.
With this being understood, a consciousness… a person might experience world-line travel at a rate of around 4 Hz, and visit numerous world-lines in any given instance. Thus the “arrow of time” might look something like this…
The topography of the MWI showing the apparent “arrow of time”.
Thus in this simplified diagram showing the geography of the MWI you (the reader) can see [1] how the passage of time manifests, [2] how your thoughts can alter and change the “X” vector component, and [3] how a given world-line can influence the path direction via a “Z” axis vector. You will also notice that the “arrow of time” [4] moves along the direction of decreasing entropy.
A measure of the amount of disorder in a system. Entropy increases as the system's temperature increases. For example, when an ice cube melts and becomes liquid, the energy of the molecular bonds which formed the ice crystals is lost, and the arrangement of the water molecules is more random, or disordered, than it was in the ice cube. We can assume that in a macrocosmic universe, that it can be best represented as time.
The migration process.
Our consciousness moves from one physical body in one world-line to another in a different world-line. For most humans, most of the time, the rate of travel is around four world-lines per second.
Expert hint;
If you are using "the power of intention" to manifest your reality, what you are doing is focusing on a destination world line. If you track your success or failure in this effort, you will discover the amount of time it will take for your intentions to manifest.
If it took 6 months, then that means that you had to pass through 62,208,000 (more or less) world lines to arrive at your destination world-line.
Figure around 10 million world-line transitions per month.
The way that consciousness is able to move in and out of the various world lines is though wave propagation behavior.
While it is a given world-line, the consciousness occupies the body in the particle form.
While the consciousness moves from one world-line to another, it is no longer occupying a body. It is thus in a wave form.
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer). Here we can see that the two apparently different states are one and the same thing, depending on the point of view of the observer.
This all happens rather quickly. In most people, mostly the rate of travel from one world-line to another is around 4Hz. For most humans our brains have a difficult time observing the changes in these movements. So we think that we are living in one singular world-line that we share with others.
Here is a gif that kind of illustrates the point, and the system at work here.
Wave and particle duality and illustration.
The entry process
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. Our consciousness naturally exists in the wave form.
However, the moment it “crashes through” into a fabricated world-line reality, it changes form. It becomes a particle. It’s a natural process.
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. The consciousness takes on the particle form in order to operate the physical body and exist within a reality or world-line reality. Otherwise, it operates in wave form outside of the body.
MAJestic operations (slides and dives)
The thing is, if you are in MAjestic, and are engaged in the role like I was in, your visualization of the MWI mapping would be quite different. I was often not allowed, or permitted, to live a “normal” life per my capabilities. ‘
Instead I was often pulled off my life track and immersed within a completely different reality.
One of the reasons why it sucked to be me.
And this is what it was like.
An illustration, by using map topography of the MWI to describe what a slide was like. It took me to a completely different series of world-lines that were way, way off the probability curves of a “normal” consciousness migration vector. In the instance shown, you can see that I was living a normal life on the MWI for a few seconds (figure four world-lines per second) and then boom! a slide would occur and I would be located way, way off my accustomed world-line.
For, by nature of my role, I would not follow the surface as described within the topography. I would be involved in slides and dives… including a few “deep dives”.
Thus, my dives and slides would deviate way off from the mapped surface geometry. It would render the understanding of this visualization quite differently.
A “slide” or a “dive” will transform your reality substantially. Often it will be wholly unrecognizable. Your body would be wholly immersed in the new reality, but your mind will not, nor will your memories.
Coordinates and vector tracking
Most certainly there were the manual coordinates that I would navigate (somewhat) with, but that really didn’t tell me much except upon what I felt. And that <redacted>.
Does the speedometer in the car have meaning if you do not know how long a mile is, or can tell the difference from air traveling at 10 miles/hour compared to 100 miles/hour?
Unless you have a comparative understanding of a value, the numerical values will hold no meaning.
For example...
Do you know (you the reader), know how big 25 mm is? If I were to tell you to get me a stack of sliced Lorraine Swiss cheese 25 mm high, would you know how big the stack would be?
(It's about an inch tall.)
The point is that unless you can associate some meaning with a alpha numerical value, it in itself will hold no meaning to you.
The good thing was that<redacted>, and as such I was able to track my movement. Though the understanding of it was quite different from what any other person would understand.
The automatic slides brought forth by the pilot, and the artifice were visually observed in the form of glyphs. Not numbers. These objects would pop into my visual sight clear enough and I could easily ignore, or discard the information as I felt. Which, for the most part, I did.
When you get a "blue plate special" in a restaurant with a small twig of parsley on the side, what do you do with the parsley? Do you eat it? Hold it up and study it? Or, are you like me, and ignore it and discard it?
When you get a “blue plate special” in a restaurant with a small twig of parsley on the side, what do you do with the parsley? Do you eat it? Hold it up and study it? Or, are you like me, and ignore it and discard it?
These however, made little sense to me, being cycles, circles and symbols. What did make sense was the multi-layered navigation “console” or (more aptly) vision on what was transpiring. This <redacted>. At least in manual mode, I could understand the alpha numerical numbers, if not exactly the purposes.
Anyways, I will cover all this in another post / article.
For now, let’s just simply say that for me (and the others in my role) we had a map that included multiple surface topography. (Let’s not get too involved in how we were able to “see” and access this map. It’s stuff for another long sequence of posts.)
The pilot would navigate my slides way off the “normal” topographic map, and I would enter into other realities that were quite removed from the map. I would be able to observe this in the form of different surface topography lying on top of each other.
Recording of our “migration path”.
All of this was recorded on yet another kind of visual map. However, let it be completely understood that it was absolutely confusing to me and looked more like patterned wallpaper of extreme complexity than anything else. I could not, in any way, understand it.
This post describes how I was able to track and understand what I was going through as I experienced the MWI for MAJestic. The organization, via the <redacted> took me to different versions of our earth for the purposes of the prevention of world-line clustering in a manner that would be problematic.
This post describes what it was like for me going through this, and how I was able to understand what was going on.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Utilizing Intention
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
"We discovered that if you want to monetize a blog you need to be getting about 100,000 hits a day! "
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Sunday had a call with President Donald Trump about gun control legislation. According to a statement from Democratic leadership, universal background checks are a non negotiable that must be included in any proposal Trump moves forward with.
People! A “universal background check” is a violation of the 4th amendment. Yeah, I know. It’s already violated left and right and every which way that you can think of. Indeed, the entire 16th amendment is a blatant violation of the 4th amendment on it’s face.
Fourth Amendment - Search and Seizure
Amendment Text | Annotations
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And for all of you who are confused about the second amendment…
Second Amendment - Bearing Arms
Amendment Text | Annotations
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
All of this is silly.
The United States stopped being the land of the free the moment the 12th amendment was ratified. Good-by Republic. Hello to mob rule and manipulation by oligarchs. It’s just dying a long, slow death. That’s the way it is, and any protests from myself or others just fall on deaf ears. No one wants to hear all this. They want their feudal society, and us rabble had just better accept our place within that model.
From what I see, they are not giving up on this. They will push and push and push until something snaps. Though, I think that they have no fucking idea just how bad the snap will be. You have over three decades of rage built up inside of conservative patriots. They will not give any quarter.
And that, boys and girls, is the way it is.
About the picture, splash above…
Cambodian troops before they were disarmed by Pol Pot in 1970. Socialist Marxist Communist Pol Pot came to power in Cambodia in 1970. These troops were government military forces who were told by their leadership to hand in their weapons to the new government. They complied. They listened. They turned in their weapons. Every one of them were then systematically killed. Not one survived.
Not one person survived once they turned in their firearms to the new government. Not. One.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This is the full text of the story "R is for Rocket" by Ray Bradbury. It is not only a classic, but it is also a story that held particular meaning to me. For it was how I felt about my dreams to become that mystical "Spacemen". For us, back then, those of us who were "bitten by the bug" of space travel were fixated and driven by the one singular goal... to leave the Earth and explore "Outer Space".
I hope that you, the reader, will find this lovely story as wondrous as I have. Please enjoy it, and again, many thanks to the great master Ray Bradbury for composing this masterpiece.
R is for Rocket
There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go. . . .
Yet we were boys and liked being boys and lived in a Florida town and liked the town and went to school and fairly liked the school and climbed trees and played football and liked our mothers and fathers. . . .
But some time every hour of every day of every week for a minute or a second when we thought on fire and stars and the fence beyond which they waited . . . we liked the rockets more.
The fence. The rockets.
Every Saturday morning . . .
The guys met at my house.
With the sun hardly up, they yelled until the neighbors were moved to brandish paralysis guns out their ventilators I commanding the guys to shut up or they’d be frozen statues for the next hour and then where would they be?
Aw, climb a rocket, stick your head in the main-jet! the kids always yelled back, but yelled this safe behind our garden I fence. Old Man Wickard, next door, is a great shot with the para-gun.
This one dim cool Saturday morning I was lying in bed thinking about how I had flunked my semantics exam the day before at formula-school, when I heard the gang yelling below. It was hardly 7 a.m. and there was still a lot of fog roaming in off the Atlantic, and only now were the weather-control vibrators at each corner starting to hum and shoot out rays to get rid of the stuff; I heard them moaning soft and nice.
I padded to the window and stuck my head out.
“Okay, space-pirates! Motors off!”
“Hey!” shouted Ralph Priory. “We just heard, there’s a new schedule today! The Moon Job, the one with the new XL3 motor, is cutting gravity in an hour!”
“Buddha, Muhammad, Allah, and other real and semi-mythological figures,” I said, and went away from the window so fast the concussion laid all the boys out on my lawn.
I zippered myself into a jumper, yanked on my boots, clipped my food-capsules to my hip-pocket, for I knew there’d be no food or even thought of food today, we’d just stuff with pills when our stomachs barked, and fell down the two-story vacuum elevator.
On the lawn, all five of the guys were chewing their lips, bouncing around, scowling.
“Last one,” said I, passing them at 5000 mph, “to the monorail is a bug-eyed Martian!”
On the monorail, with the cylinder hissing us along to Rocket Port, twenty miles from town — a few minutes ride — I had bugs in my stomach. A guy fifteen doesn’t get to see the big stuff often enough, mostly every week it was the small continental cargo rockets coming and going on schedule. But this was big, among the biggest . . . the Moon and beyond. . . .
“I’m sick,” said Priory, and hit me on the arm.
I hit him back. “Me, too. Boy, ain’t Saturday the best day in the week!?”
Priory and I traded wide, understanding grins. We got along all Condition Go. The other pirates were okay. Sid Rossen, Mac Leslyn, Earl Marnee, they knew how to jump around like all the kids, and they loved the rockets, too, but I had the feeling they wouldn’t be doing what Ralph and I would do some day. Ralph and I wanted the stars for each of us, more than we would want a fistful of clear-cut blue-white diamonds.
We yelled with the yellers, we laughed with the laughers, but at the middle of it all, we were still, Ralph and I, and the cylinder whispered to a stop and we were outside yelling, laughing, running, but quiet and almost in slow motion, Ralph ahead of me, and all of us pointed one way, at the observation fence and grabbing hold, yelling for the slowpokes to catch up, but not looking back for them, and then we were all there together and the big rocket came out of its plastic work canopy like a great interstellar circus tent and moved along its gleaming track out toward the fire point, accompanied by the gigantic gantry like a gathering of prehistoric reptile birds which kept and preened and fed this one big fire monster and led it toward its seizure and birth into a suddenly blast-furnace sky.
I quit breathing. I didn’t even suck another breath it seemed until the rocket was way out on the concrete meadow, followed by water-beetle tractors and great cylinders bearing hidden men, and all around, in asbestos suits, praying-mantis mechanics fiddled with machines and buzzed and cawwed and gibbered to each other on invisible, unhearable radiophones, but we could hear it all, in our heads, our minds, our hearts.
“Lord,” I said at last.
“The very good Lord,” said Ralph Priory at my elbow.
The others said this, too, over and over.
It was something to “good Lord” about. It was a hundred years of dreaming all sorted out and chosen and put together Ito make the hardest, prettiest, swiftest dream of all. Every line was fire solidified and made perfect, it was flame frozen, and lice waiting to thaw there in the middle of a concrete prairie, ready to wake with a roar, jump high and knock its silly fine great head against the Milky Way and knock the stars down in a full return of firefall meteors. You felt it could kick the Coal Sack Nebula square in the midriff and make it stand out of the way.
It got me in the midriff, too — it gripped me in such a way I knew the special sickness of longing and envy and grief for lack of accomplishment. And when the astronauts patrolled the field in the final silent mobile-van, my body went with them in their strange white armor, in their bubble-helmets and insouciant pride, looking as if they were team-parading to a magnetic football game at one of the local mag-fields, for mere practice. But they were going to the Moon, they went every month now, and the crowds that used to come to watch were no longer there, there was just us kids to worry them up and worry them off.
“Gosh,” I said. “What wouldn’t I give to go with them. What wouldn’t I give.”
“Me,” said Mac, “I’d give my one-year monorail privileges.”
“Yeah. Oh, very much yeah.”
It was a big feeling for us kids caught half between this morning’s toys and this afternoon’s very real and powerful fireworks.
And then the preliminaries got over with. The fuel was in the rocket and the men ran away from it on the ground like ants running lickety from a metal god — and the Dream woke up and gave a yell and jumped into the sky. And then it was gone, all the vacuum shouting of it, leaving nothing but a hot trembling in the air, through the ground, and up our legs to our hearts. Where it had been was a blazed, seared pock and a fog of rocket smoke like a cumulus cloud banked low.
“It’s gone!” yelled Priory.
And we all began to breathe fast again, frozen there on the ground as if stunned by the passing of a gigantic paralysis gun.
“I want to grow up quick,” I said, then. “I want to grow up quick so I can take that rocket.”
I bit my lips. I was so darned young, and you cannot apply for space work. You have to be chosen. Chosen.
Finally somebody, I guess it was Sidney, said:
“Let’s go to the tele-show now.”
Everyone said yeah, except Priory and myself. We said no, and the other kids went off laughing breathlessly, talking, and left Priory and me there to look at the spot where the ship had been.
It spoiled everything else for us — that takeoff.
Because of it, I flunked my semantics test on Monday.
I didn’t care.
At times like that I thanked Providence for concentrates. When your stomach is nothing but a coiled mass of excitement, you hardly feel like drawing a chair to a full hot dinner. A few concen-tabs swallowed, did wonderfully well as substitution, without the urge of appetite.
I got to thinking about it, tough and hard, all day long and late at night. It got so bad I had to use sleep-massage mechs every night, coupled with some of Tschaikovsky’s quieter music to get my eyes shut.
“Good Lord, young man,” said my teacher, that Monday at class. “If this keeps up I’ll have you reclassified at the next psych-board meeting.”
“I’m sorry,” I replied.
He looked hard at me. “What sort of block have you got? I It must be a very simple, and also a conscious, one.”
I winced. “It’s conscious, sir; but it’s not simple. It’s multi-tentacular. In brief, though — it’s rockets.”
He smiled. “R is for Rocket, eh?”
“I guess that’s it, sir.”
“We can’t let it interfere with your scholastic record, though, young man.”
“Do you think I need hypnotic suggestion, sir?”
“No, no.” He flipped through a small tab of records with my name blocked on it. I had a funny stone in my stomach, just lying there. He looked at me. “You know, Christopher, you’re king-of-the-hill here; head of the class.” He closed his eyes and mused over it. “We’ll have to see about a lot of other things,” he concluded. Then he patted me on the shoulder.
“Well — get on with your work. Nothing to worry about.”
He walked away.
I tried to get back to work, but I couldn’t. During the rest of the day the teacher kept watching me and looking at my tab-record and chewing his lip. About two in the afternoon he dialed a number on his desk-audio and discussed something with somebody for about five minutes.
I couldn’t hear what was said.
But when he set the audio into its cradle, he stared straight at me with the funniest light in his eyes.
It was envy and admiration and pity all in one. It was a little sad and it was much of happiness. It had a lot in it, just in his eyes. The rest of his face said nothing.
It made me feel like a saint and a devil sitting there.
Ralph Priory and I slid home from formula-school together early that afternoon. I told Ralph what had happened and he frowned in the dark way he always frowns.
I began to worry. And between the two of us we doubled and tripled the worry.
“You don’t think you’ll be sent away, do you, Chris?”
Our monorail car hissed. We stopped at our station. We got out. We walked slow. “I don’t know,” I said.
“That would be plain dirty,” said Ralph.
“Maybe I need a good psychiatric laundering, Ralph. I can’t go on flubbing my studies this way.”
We stopped outside my house and looked at the sky for a long moment. Ralph said something funny.
“The stars aren’t out in the daytime, but we can see ’em, can’t we, Chris?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Darn rights.”
“Well stick it together, huh, Chris? Blast them, they can’t take you away now. We’re pals. It wouldn’t be fair.”
I didn’t say anything because there was no room in my throat for anything but a hectagonal lump.
“What’s the matter with your eyes?” asked Priory.
“Aw, I looked at the sun too long. Come on inside, Ralph.”
We yelled under the shower spray in the bath-cubicle, but our yells weren’t especially convincing, even when we turned on the ice-water.
While we were standing in the warm-air dryer, I did a lot of thinking. Literature, I figured, was full of people who fought battles against hard, razor-edged opponents. They pitted brain and muscle against obstacles until they won out or were themselves defeated. But here I was with hardly a sign of any outward conflict. It was all running around in spiked boots inside my head, making cuts and bruises where no one could see them except me and a psychologist. But it was just as bad.
“Ralph,” I said, as we dressed, “I got a war on.”
“All by yourself?” he asked.
“I can’t include you,” I said. “Because this is personal. How many times has my mother said, ‘Don’t eat so much, Chris, your eyes are bigger than your stomach?'”
“A million times.”
“Two million. Well, paraphrase it, Ralph. Change it to ‘Don’t see so much, Chris, your mind is too big for your body.’ I got a war on between a mind that wants things my body can’t give it.”
Priory nodded quietly. “I see what you mean about its being a personal war. In that case, Christopher, I’m at war, too.”
“I knew you were,” I said. “Somehow I think the other kids’ll grow out of it. But I don’t think we will, Ralph. I think we’ll keep waiting.”
We sat down in the middle of the sunlit upper deck of the house, and started checking over some homework on our formula-pads. Priory couldn’t get his. Neither could I. Priory put into words the very thing I didn’t dare say out loud.
“Chris, the Astronaut Board selects. You can’t apply for it. You wait.”
“I know.”
“You wait from the time you’re old enough to turn cold in the stomach when you see a Moon rocket, until all the years go by, and every month that passes you hope that one morning a blue Astronaut helicopter will come down out of the sky, land on your lawn, and that a neat-looking engineer will ease out, walk up the rampway briskly, and touch the bell.
“You keep waiting for that helicopter until you’re twenty-one. And then, on the last day of your twentieth year you drink and laugh a lot and say what the heck, you didn’t really care about it, anyway.”
We both just sat there, deep in the middle of his words. We both just sat there. Then:
“I don’t want that disappointment, Chris. I’m fifteen, just like you. But if I reach my twenty-first year without an Astronaut ringing the bell where I live at the ortho-station, I — “
“I know,” I said. “I know. I’ve talked to men who’ve waited, all for nothing. And if it happens that way to us, Ralph, well — we’ll get good and drunk together and then go out and take jobs loading cargo on a Europe-bound freighter.”
Ralph stiffened and his face went pale. “Loading cargo.”
There was a soft, quick step on the ramp and my mother was there. I smiled. “Hi, lady!”
“Hello. Hello, Ralph.”
“Hello, Jhene.”
She didn’t look much older than twenty-five, in spite of having birthed and raised me and worked at the Government Statistics House. She was light and graceful and smiled a lot, and I could see how father must have loved her very much when he was alive. One parent is better than none. Poor Priory, now, raised in one of those orthopedical stations. . . .
Jhene walked over and put her hand on Ralph’s face. “You look ill,” she said. “What’s wrong?”
Ralph managed a fairly good smile. “Nothing — at all.”
Jhene didn’t need prompting. She said, “You can stay here I tonight, Priory. We want you. Don’t we, Chris?”
“Heck, yes.”
“I should get back to the station,” said Ralph, rather feebly, I observed. “But since you asked and Chris here needs help on his semantics for tomorrow, I’ll stick and help him.”
“Very generous,” I observed.
“First, though, I’ve a few errands. I’ll take the ‘rail and be back in an hour, people.”
When Ralph was gone my mother looked at me intently, then brushed my hair back with a nice little move of her fingers.
“Something’s happening, Chris.”
My heart stopped talking because it didn’t want to talk any more for a while. It waited.
I opened my mouth, but Jhene went on:
“Something’s up somewhere. I had two calls at work today. One from your teacher. One from — I can’t say. I don’t want to say until things happen — “
My heart started talking again, slow and warm.
“Don’t tell me, then, Jhene. Those calls — “
She just looked at me. She took my hand between her two soft warm ones. “You’re so young, Chris. You’re so awfully young.”
I didn’t speak.
Her eyes brightened. “You never knew your father. I wish you had. You know what he was, Chris?”
I said, “Yeah. He worked in a Chemistry Lab, deep underground most of the time.”
And, my mother added, strangely, “He worked deep under the ground, Chris, and never saw the stars.”
My heart yelled in my chest. Yelled loud and hard.
“Oh, Mother. Mother — “
It was the first time in years I had called her mother.
When I woke the next morning there was a lot of sunlight in the room, but the cushion where Priory slept when he stayed over, was vacant. I listened. I didn’t hear him splashing in the shower-cube, and the dryer wasn’t humming. He was gone.
I found his note pinned on the sliding door.
“See you at formula at noon. Your mother wanted me to do some work for her. She got a call this morning, and said she needed me to help. So long. Priory.”
Priory out running errands for Jhene. Strange. A call in the early morning to Jhene. I went back and sat down on the cushion.
While I was sitting there a bunch of the kids yelled down on the lawn-court. “Hey, Chris! You’re late!”
I stuck my head out the window. “Be right down!”
“No, Chris.”
My mother’s voice. It was quiet and it had something funny in it. I turned around. She was standing in the doorway behind me, her face pale, drawn, full of some small pain. “No, Chris,” she said again, softly. “Tell them to go on to formula without you — today.”
The kids were still making noise downstairs, I guess, but I didn’t hear them. I just felt myself and my mother, slim and pale and restrained in my room. Far off, the weather-control vibrators started to hum and throb.
I turned slowly and looked down at the kids. The three of them were looking up, lips parted casually, half-smiling, semantic-tabs in their knotty fingers. “Hey — ” one of them said. Sidney, it was.
“Sorry, Sid. Sorry, gang. Go on without me. I can’t go to formula today. See you later, huh?”
“Aw, Chris!”
“No. Just — Just go on without me, gang. I’ll see you.”
I felt numb. I turned away from their upturned, questioning faces and glanced at the door. Mother wasn’t there. She had gone downstairs, quietly. I heard the kids moving off, not quite as boisterously, toward the monorail station.
Instead of using the vac-elevator, I walked slowly downstairs. “Jhene,” I said, “where’s Ralph?”
Jhene pretended to be interested in combing her long light hair with a vibro-toothed comb. “I sent him off. I didn’t want him here this morning.”
“Why am I staying home from formula, Jhene?”
“Chris, please don’t ask.”
Before I could say anything else, there was a sound in the air. It cut through the very soundproofed wall of the house, and hummed in my marrow, quick and high as an arrow of glittering music.
I swallowed. All the fear and uncertainty and doubt went away, instantly.
When I heard that note, I thought of Ralph Priory. Oh Ralph, if you could be here now. I couldn’t believe the truth of it. Hearing that note and hearing it with my whole body and soul as well as with my ears.
It came closer, that sound. I was afraid it would go away. But it didn’t go away. It lowered its pitch and came down outside the house in great whirling petals of light and shadow and I knew it was a helicopter the color of the sky. It stopped humming, and in the silence my mother tensed forward, dropped the vibro-comb and took in her breath.
In that silence, too, I heard booted footsteps walking up the ramp below. Footsteps that I had waited for a long time.
Footsteps I was afraid would never come.
Somebody touched the bell.
And I knew who it was.
And all I could think was, Ralph, why in heck did you have to go away now, when all this is happening? Blast it, Ralph, why did you?
The man looked as if he had been born in his uniform. It fitted like a second layer of salt-colored skin, touched here and there with a line, a dot of blue. As simple and perfect a uniform as could be made, but with all the muscled power of the universe behind it.
His name was Trent. He spoke firmly, with a natural round perfection, directly to the subject.
I stood there, and my mother was on the far side of the room, looking like a bewildered little girl. I stood listening.
Out of all the talking I remember some of the snatches:
“. . . highest grades, high IQ. Perception A-1, curiosity Triple-A. Enthusiasm necessary to the long, eight-year educational grind. . . .”
“Yes, sir.”
“. . . talks with your semantics and psychology teachers — “
“Yes, sir.”
“. . . and don’t forget, Mr. Christopher . . .”
Mister Christopher!
“. . . and don’t forget, Mr. Christopher, nobody is to know you have been selected by the Astronaut Board.”
“No one?”
“Your mother and teacher know, naturally. But no other person must know. Is that perfectly understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Trent smiled quietly, standing there with his big hands at his sides. “You want to ask why, don’t you? Why you can’t tell your friends? I’ll explain.
“It’s a form of psychological protection. We select about ten thousand young men each year from the earth’s billions. Out of that number three thousand wind up, eight years later, as spacemen of one sort or another. The others must return to society. They’ve flunked out, but there’s no reason for everyone to know. They usually flunk out, if they’re going to flunk, in the first six months. And it’s tough to go back and face your friends and say you couldn’t make the grade at the biggest job in the world. So we make it easy to go back.
“But there’s still another reason. It’s psychological, too. Half the fun of being a kid is being able to lord it over the other guys, by being superior in some way. We take half the fun out of Astronaut selection by strictly forbidding you to tell your pals. Then, we’ll know if you wanted to go into space for frivolous reasons, or for space itself. If you’re in it for personal conceit — you’re damned.
If you’re in it because you can’t help being in it and have to be in it — you’re blessed.”
He nodded to my mother. “Thank you, Mrs. Christopher.”
“Sir,” I said. “A question. I have a friend. Ralph Priory. He lives at an ortho-station — “
Trent nodded. “I can’t tell you his rating, of course, but he’s on our list. He’s your buddy? You want him along, of course. I’ll check his record. Station-bred, you say? That’s not good. But — we’ll see.”
“If you would, please, thanks.”
“Report to me at the Rocket Station Saturday afternoon at five, Mr. Christopher. Meantime: silence.”
He saluted. He walked off. He went away in the helicopter into the sky, and Mother was beside me quickly, saying, “Oh, Chris, Chris,” over and over, and we held to each other and whispered and talked and she said many things, how good this was going to be for us, but especially for me, how fine, what an honor it was, like the old old days when men fasted and took vows and joined churches and stopped up their tongues and were silent and prayed to be worthy and to live well as monks and priests of many churches in far places, and came forth and moved in the world and lived as examples and taught well. It was no different now, this was a greater priesthood, in a way, she said, she inferred, she knew, and I was to be some small part of it, I would not be hers any more, I would belong to all the worlds, I would be all the things my father wanted to be and never lived or had a chance to be. . . .
“Darn rights, darn rights,” I murmured. “I will, I promise I will . . .”
I caught my voice. “Jhene — how — how will we tell Ralph? What about him?”
“You’re going away, that’s all, Chris. Tell him that. Very simply. Tell him no more. He’ll understand.”
“But, Jhene, you —”
She smiled softly. “Yes, I’ll be lonely, Chris. But I’ll have my work and I’ll have Ralph.”
“You mean . . .”
“I’m taking him from the ortho-station. He’ll live here, when you’re gone. That’s what you wanted me to say, isn’t it, Chris?”
I nodded, all paralyzed and strange inside.
“That’s exactly what I wanted you to say.”
“He’ll be a good son, Chris. Almost as good as you.”
“He’ll be fine!”
We told Ralph Priory. How I was going away maybe to school in Europe for a year and how Mother wanted him to come live as her son, now, until such time as I came back. We said it quick and fast, as if it burned our tongues. And when we finished, Ralph came and shook my hand and kissed my mother on the cheek and he said:
“I’ll be proud. I’ll be very proud.”
It was funny, but Ralph didn’t even ask any more about why I was going, or where, or how long I would be away. All he would say was, “We had a lot of fun, didn’t we?” and let it go at that, as if he didn’t dare say any more.
It was Friday night, after a concert at the amphitheater in the center of our public circle, and Priory and Jhene and I came home, laughing, ready to go to bed.
I hadn’t packed anything. Priory noted this briefly, and let it go. All of my personal supplies for the next eight years would be supplied by someone else. No need for packing.
My semantics teacher called on the audio, smiling and saying a very brief, pleasant good-bye.
Then, we went to bed, and I kept thinking in the hour before I lolled off, about how this was the last night with Jhene and Ralph. The very last night.
Only a kid of fifteen — me.
And then, in the darkness, just before I went to sleep, Priory twisted softly on his cushion, turned his solemn face to me, and whispered, “Chris?” A pause. “Chris. You still awake?” It was like a faint echo.
“Yes,” I said.
A pause.
He said, “You’re — You’re not waiting any more, are you, Chris?”
I knew what he meant. I couldn’t answer.
I said, “I’m awfully tired, Ralph.”
He twisted back and settled down and said, “That’s what I thought. You’re not waiting any more. Gosh, but that’s good, Chris. That’s good.”
He reached out and punched me in the arm-muscle, lightly.
Then we both went to sleep.
It was Saturday morning. The kids were yelling outside. Their voices filled the seven o’clock fog. I heard Old Man Wickard’s ventilator flip open and the zip of his para-gun, playfully touching around the kids.
“Shut up!” I heard him cry, but he didn’t sound grouchy. It was a regular Saturday game with him. And I heard the kids giggle.
Priory woke up and said, “Shall I tell them, Chris, you’re not going with them today?”
“Tell them nothing of the sort.” Jhene moved from the door. She bent out the window, her hair all light against a ribbon of fog. “Hi, gang! Ralph and Chris will be right down. Hold gravity!”
“Jhene!” I cried.
She came over to both of us. “You’re going to spend your Saturday the way you always spend it — with the gang!”
“I planned on sticking with you, Jhene.”
“What sort of holiday would that be, now?”
She ran us through our breakfast, kissed us on the cheeks, and forced us out the door into the gang’s arms.
“Let’s not go out to the Rocket Port today, guys.”
“Aw, Chris — why not?”
Their faces did a lot of changes. This was the first time in history I hadn’t wanted to go. “You’re kidding, Chris.”
“Sure he is.”
“No, he’s not. He means it,” said Priory. “And I don’t want to go either. We go every Saturday. It gets tiresome. We can go next week instead.”
“Aw . . .”
They didn’t like it, but they didn’t go off by themselves. It was no fun, they said, without us.
“What the heck— we’ll go next week.”
“Sure we will. What do you want to do, Chris?”
I told them.
We spent the morning playing Kick the Can and some games we’d given up a long time ago, and we hiked out along some old rusty and abandoned railroad tracks and walked in a small woods outside town and photographed some birds and went swimming raw, and all the time I kept thinking — this is the last day.
We did everything we had ever done before on Saturday. All the silly crazy things, and nobody knew I was going away except Ralph, and five o’clock kept getting nearer and nearer.
At four, I said good-bye to the kids.
“Leaving so soon, Chris? What about tonight?”
“Call for me at eight,” I said. “We’ll go see the new Sally Gibberts picturel”
“Cut gravity!”
And Ralph and I went home.
Mother wasn’t there, but she had left part of herself, her smile and her voice and her words on a spool of audio-film on my bed. I inserted it in the viewer and threw the picture on the wall. Soft yellow hair, her white face and her quiet words:
“I hate good-byes, Chris. I’ve gone to the laboratory to do some extra work. Good luck. All of my love. When I see you again — you’ll be a man.”
That was all.
Priory waited outside while I saw it over four times. “I hate good-byes, Chris. I’ve gone . . . work. . . . luck. All . . . my love. . . .”
I had made a film-spool myself the night before. I spotted it in the viewer and left it there. It only said good-bye.
Priory walked halfway with me. I wouldn’t let him get on the Rocket Port monorail with me. I
just shook his hand, tight, and said, “It was fun today, Ralph.”
“Yeah. Well, see you next Saturday, huh, Chris?”
“I wish I could say yes.”
“Say yes anyway. Next Saturday — the woods, the gang, the rockets, and Old Man Wickard and his trusty para-gun.”
We laughed. “Sure. Next Saturday, early. Take — Take care of our mother, will you, Priory?”
“That’s a silly question, you nut,” he said.
“It is, isn’t it?”
He swallowed. “Chris.”
“I’ll be waiting. Just like you waited and don’t have to wait any more. I’ll wait.”
“Maybe it won’t be long, Priory. I hope not.”
I jabbed him, once, in the arm. He jabbed back.
The monorail door sealed. The car hurled itself away, and Priory was left behind.
I stepped out at the Port. It was a five-hundred-yard walk down to the Administration building. It took me ten years to walk it.
“Next time I see you you’ll be a man — “
“Don’t tell anybody — “
“I’ll wait, Chris — “
It was all choked in my heart and it wouldn’t go away and it swam around in my eyes.
I thought about my dreams. The Moon Rocket. It won’t be part of me, part of my dream any longer. I’ll be part of it.
I felt small there, walking, walking, walking.
The afternoon rocket to London was just taking off as I went down the ramp to the office. It shivered the ground and it shivered and thrilled my heart.
I was beginning to grow up awfully fast.
I stood watching the rocket until someone snapped their heels, cracked me a quick salute.
I was numb.
“C. M. Christopher?”
“Yes, sir. Reporting, sir.”
“This way, Christopher. Through that gate.”
Through that gate and beyond the fence . . .
This fence where we had pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go . . .
This fence where had stood the boys who liked being boys who lived in a town and liked the town
and fairly liked school and liked football and liked their fathers and mothers . . .
The boys who some time every hour of every day of every week thought on fire and stars and the fence beyond which they waited. . . . The boys who liked the rockets more.
Mother, Ralph, I’ll see you. I’ll be back.
And, walking, I went beyond the fence.
The End
What an absolutely wonderful story.
It means a lot to me.
And people, that's exactly how it was like for me to leave university as an Aerospace Engineer and enter NAS, NASC Pensacola Florida as an AOCS Aviation Office Candidate.
I well remember arrival at the airport and proceeding to the lobby where there was this enormously huge arrow pointing to this ridiculously tiny phone set in the wall. Telling me to pick up the phone and call the base.
Fictional Story Related Index
This is an index of full text reprints of stories that I have
read that influenced me when I was young. They are rather difficult to
come by today, as where I live they are nearly impossible to find. Yes,
you can find them on the internet, behind paywalls. Ah, that’s why all
those software engineers in California make all that money. Well, here
they are FOR FREE. Enjoy reading them.
Movies that Inspired Me
Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
My Poetry
Art that Moves Me
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
A mathematician discovers that his formulas predict that an important new power station poses an extremely grave risk to humanity, and he must convince others of the danger.
- William E. Emba
FOREWORDLIFE-LINE, MISFIT, LET THERE BE LIGHT, ELSEWHEN, PIED PIPER, IF THIS GOES ON—, REQUIEM, THE ROADS MUST ROLL, COVENTRY, BLOWUPS HAPPEN—for eleven months, mid March 1939 through mid February 1940, I wrote every day . . . and that ended my bondage; BLOWUPS HAPPEN paid off the last of that pesky mortgage—eight years ahead of time.BLOWUPS HAPPEN was the first of my stories to be published in hard covers, in Groff Conklin's first anthology, The Best of Science Fiction, 1946. In the meantime there had been World War II, Hiroshima, The Smyth Report—so I went over my 1940 manuscript most carefully, correcting some figures I had merely guessed at in early 1940.This week I have compared the two versions, 1940 and 1946, word by word—there isn't a dime's worth of difference between them . . . and I now see, as a result of the enormous increase in the art in 33 years, more errors in the '46 version than I spotted in the '40 version when I checked it in '46.I do not intend ever again to try to update a story to make it fit new art. Such updating can't save a poor story and isn't necessary for a good story. All of H. G. Wells' SF stories are hopelessly dated . . . and they remain the best, the most gripping science fiction stories to be found anywhere. My Beyond This Horizon (1941) states that H. sapiens has forty-eight chromosomes, a "fact" that "everybody knew" in 1941. Now "everybody knows" that the "correct" number is forty-six. I shan't change it.The version of "Blowups Happen" here following is exactly, word for word, the way it was first written in February 1940.
“Put down that wrench!”
The man addressed turned slowly around and faced the speaker. His expression was hidden by a grotesque helmet, part of a heavy, leaden armor which shielded his entire body, but the tone of voice in which he answered showed nervous exasperation.
“What the hell’s eating on you, Doc?” He made no move to replace the tool in question.
They faced each other like two helmeted, arrayed fencers, watching for an opening. The first speaker’s voice came from behind his mask a shade higher in key and more peremptory in tone. “You heard me, Harper. Put down that wrench at once, and come away from that ‘trigger.’ Erickson!”
A third armored figure came around the shield which separated the uranium bomb proper from the control room in which the first two stood. “Whatcha want, Doc?”
“Harper is relieved from watch. You take over as engineer-of-the-watch. Send for the standby engineer.”
“Very well.” His voice and manner were phlegmatic as he accepted the situation without comment. The atomic engineer whom he had just relieved glanced from one to the other, then carefully replaced the wrench in its rack.
“Just as you say, Dr. Silard—but send for your relief, too. I shall demand an immediate hearing!” Harper swept indignantly out, his lead-sheathed boots clumping on the floor plates.
Dr. Silard waited unhappily for the ensuing twenty minutes until his own relief arrived. Perhaps he had been hasty. Maybe he was wrong in thinking that Harper had at last broken under the strain of tending the most dangerous machine in the world—an atomic power plant. But if he had made a mistake, it had to be on the safe side—slips must not happen in this business; not when a slip might result in the atomic detonation of two and a half tons of uranium.
He tried to visualize what that would mean, and failed. He had been told that uranium was potentially forty million times as explosive as TNT. The figure was meaningless that way. He thought of it, instead, as a hundred million tons of high explosive, two hundred million aircraft bombs as big as the biggest ever used. It still did not mean anything. He had once seen such a bomb dropped, when he had been serving as a temperament analyst for army aircraft pilots. The bomb had left a hole big enough to hide an apartment house. He could not imagine the explosion of a thousand such bombs, much less a hundred million of them.
Perhaps these atomic engineers could. Perhaps, with their greater mathematical ability and closer comprehension of what actually went on inside the nuclear fission chamber—the “bomb”—they had some vivid glimpse of the mind-shattering horror locked up beyond that shield. If so, no wonder they tended to blow up—
He sighed. Erickson looked up from the linear resonant accelerator on which he had been making some adjustment. “What’s the trouble, Doc?”
“Nothing. I’m sorry I had to relieve Harper.”
Silard could feel the shrewd glance of the big Scandinavian. “Not getting the jitters yourself, are you, Doc? Sometimes you squirrel sleuths blow up, too—”
“Me? I don’t think so. I’m scared of that thing in there—I’d be crazy if I weren’t.”
“So am I,” Erickson told him soberly, and went back to his work.* * *
The accelerator’s snout disappeared in the shield between them and the bomb, where it fed a steady stream of terrifically speeded up subatomic bullets to the beryllium target located within the bomb itself. The tortured beryllium yielded up neutrons, which shot out in all directions through the uranium mass. Some of these neutrons struck uranium atoms squarely on their nuclei and split them in two. The fragments were new elements, barium, xenon, rubidium—depending on the proportions in which each atom split. The new elements were usually unstable isotopes and broke down into a dozen more elements by radioactive disintegration in a progressive chain reaction.
But these chain reactions were comparatively unimportant; it was the original splitting of the uranium nucleus, with the release of the awe-inspiring energy that bound it together—an incredible two hundred million electron-volts—that was important—and perilous.
For, while uranium isotope 235 may be split by bombarding it with neutrons from an outside source, the splitting itself gives up more neutrons which, in turn, may land in other uranium nuclei and split them. If conditions are favorable to a progressively increasing reaction of this sort, it may get out of hand, build up in an unmeasurable fraction of a microsecond into a complete atomic explosion—an explosion which would dwarf the eruption of Krakatoa to popgun size; an explosion so far beyond all human experience as to be as completely incomprehensible as the idea of personal death. It could be feared, but not understood.
But a self-perpetuating sequence of nuclear splitting just under the level of complete explosion was necessary to the operation of the power plant. To split the first uranium nucleus by bombarding it with neutrons from the beryllium target took more power than the death of the atom gave up. In order that the output of power from the system should exceed the power input in useful proportion it was imperative that each atom split by a neutron from the beryllium target should cause the splitting of many more.
It was equally imperative that this chain of reactions should always tend to dampen, to die out. It must not build up, or the entire mass would explode within a time interval too short to be measured by any means whatsoever.
Nor would there be anyone left to measure it.* * *
The atomic engineer on duty at the bomb could control this reaction by means of the “trigger,” a term the engineers used to include the linear resonant accelerator, the beryllium target, and the adjacent controls, instrument board, and power sources. That is to say, he could vary the bombardment on the beryllium target to increase or decrease the power output of the plant, and he could tell from his instruments that the internal reaction was dampened—or, rather, that it had been dampened the split second before. He could not possibly know what was actually happening now within the bomb—subatomic speeds are too great and the time intervals too small. He was like the bird that flew backward; he could see where he had been, but he never knew where he was going.
Nevertheless, it was his responsibility, and his alone, not only to maintain the bomb at a high input-output efficiency, but to see that the reaction never passed the critical point and progressed into mass explosion.
But that was impossible. He could not be sure; he could never be sure.
He could bring to the job all of the skill and learning of the finest technical education, and use it to reduce the hazard to the lowest mathematical probability, but the blind laws of chance which appear to rule in subatomic action might turn up a royal flush against him and defeat his most skillful play.
And each atomic engineer knew it, knew that he gambled not only with his own life, but with the lives of countless others, perhaps with the lives of every human being on the planet. Nobody knew quite what such an explosion would do. The most conservative estimate assumed that, in addition to destroying the plant and its personnel completely, it would tear a chunk out of the populous and heavily traveled Los Angeles-Oklahoma Road City a hundred miles to the north.
That was the official, optimistic viewpoint on which the plant had been authorized, and based on mathematics which predicted that a mass of uranium would itself be disrupted on a molar scale, and thereby rendered comparatively harmless, before progressive and accelerated atomic explosion could infect the entire mass.
The atomic engineers, by and large, did not place faith in the official theory. They judged theoretical mathematical prediction for what it was worth—precisely nothing, until confirmed by experiment.
But even from the official viewpoint, each atomic engineer while on watch carried not only his own life in his hands, but the lives of many others—how many, it was better not to think about. No pilot, no general, no surgeon ever carried such a daily, inescapable, ever-present weight of responsibility for the lives of other people as these men carried every time they went on watch, every time they touched a vernier screw or read a dial.
They were selected not alone for their intelligence and technical training, but quite as much for their characters and sense of social responsibility. Sensitive men were needed—men who could fully appreciate the importance of the charge intrusted to them; no other sort would do. But the burden of responsibility was too great to be borne indefinitely by a sensitive man.
It was, of necessity, a psychologically unstable condition. Insanity was an occupational disease.* * *
Dr. Cummings appeared, still buckling the straps of the armor worn to guard against stray radiation. “What’s up?” he asked Silard.
“I had to relieve Harper.”
“So I guessed. I met him coming up. He was sore as hell—just glared at me.”
“I know. He wants an immediate hearing. That’s why I had to send for you.”
Cummings grunted, then nodded toward the engineer, anonymous in all-inclosing armor. “Who’d I draw?”
“Good enough. Squareheads can’t go crazy—eh, Gus?”
Erickson looked up momentarily and answered, “That’s your problem,” and returned to his work.
Cummings turned back to Silard and commented: “Psychiatrists don’t seem very popular around here. O.K.—I relieve you, sir.”
“Very well, sir.”
Silard threaded his way through the zigzag in the tanks of water which surrounded the disintegration room. Once outside this outer shield, he divested himself of the cumbersome armor, disposed of it in the locker room provided, and hurried to a lift. He left the lift at the tube station, underground, and looked around for an unoccupied capsule. Finding one, he strapped himself in, sealed the gasketed door, and settled the back of his head into the rest against the expected surge of acceleration.
Five minutes later he knocked at the door of the office of the general superintendent, twenty miles away.
The power plant proper was located in a bowl of desert hills on the Arizona plateau. Everything not necessary to the immediate operation of the plant—administrative offices, television station and so forth—lay beyond the hills. The buildings housing these auxiliary functions were of the most durable construction technical ingenuity could devise. It was hoped that, if Der Tag ever came, occupants would stand approximately the chance of survival of a man going over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
Silard knocked again. He was greeted by a male secretary. Steinke. Silard recalled reading his case history. Formerly one of the most brilliant of the young engineers, he had suffered a blanking out of the ability to handle mathematical operations. A plain case of fugue, but there had been nothing that the poor devil could do about it—he had been anxious enough with his conscious mind to stay on duty. He had been rehabilitated as an office worker.
Steinke ushered him into the superintendent’s private office. Harper was there before him, and returned his greeting with icy politeness. The superintendent was cordial, but Silard thought he looked tired, as if the twenty-four-hour-a-day strain was too much for him.
“Come in, Doctor, come in. Sit down. Now tell me about this. I’m a little surprised. I thought Harper was one of my steadiest men.”
“I don’t say he isn’t, sir.”
“He may be perfectly all right, but your instructions to me are not to take any chances.”
“Quite right.” The superintendent gave the engineer, silent and tense in his chair, a troubled glance, then returned his attention to Silard. “Suppose you tell me about it.”
Silard took a deep breath. “While on watch as psychological observer at the control station I noticed that the engineer of the watch seemed preoccupied and less responsive to stimuli than usual. During my off-watch observation of this case, over a period of the past several days, I have suspected an increasing lack of attention. For example, while playing contract bridge, he now occasionally asks for a review of the bidding, which is contrary to his former behavior pattern.
“Other similar data are available. To cut it short, at 3:11 today, while on watch, I saw Harper, with no apparent reasonable purpose in mind, pick up a wrench used only for operating the valves of the water shield and approach the trigger. Irelieved him of duty and sent him out of the control room.”
“Chief!” Harper calmed himself somewhat and continued: “If this witch doctor knew a wrench from an oscillator, he’d know what I was doing. The wrench was on the wrong rack. I noticed it, and picked it up to return it to its proper place. On the way, I stopped to check the readings!”
The superintendent turned inquiringly to Dr. Silard.
“That may be true. Granting that it is true,” answered the psychiatrist doggedly, “my diagnosis still stands. Your behavior pattern has altered; your present actions are unpredictable, and I can’t approve you for responsible work without a complete checkup.”
General Superintendent King drummed on the desk top and sighed. Then he spoke slowly to Harper: “Cal, you’re a good boy, and, believe me, I know how you feel. But there is no way to avoid it—you’ve got to go up for the psychometricals, and accept whatever disposition the board makes of you.” He paused, but Harper maintained an expressionless silence. “Tell you what, son—why don’t you take a few days leave? Then, when you come back, you can go up before the board, or transfer to another department away from the bomb, whichever you prefer.” He looked to Silard for approval, and received a nod.
But Harper was not mollified. “No, chief,” he protested. “It won’t do. Can’t you see what’s wrong? It’s this constant supervision. Somebody always watching the back of your neck, expecting you to go crazy. A man can’t even shave in private. We’re jumpy about the most innocent acts, for fear some head doctor, half batty himself, will see it and decide it’s a sign we’re slipping. Good grief, what do you expect?” His outburst having run its course, he subsided into a flippant cynicism that did not quite jell. “O.K.—never mind the straitjacket; I’ll go quietly. You’re a good Joe in spite of it, chief,” he added, “and I’m glad to have worked under you. Good-bye.”
King kept the pain in his eyes out of his voice. “Wait a minute, Cal—you’re not through here. Let’s forget about the vacation. I’m transferring you to the radiation laboratory. You belong in research, anyhow; I’d never have spared you from it to stand watches if I hadn’t been short on Number One men.
“As for the constant psychological observation, I hate it as much as you do. I don’t suppose you know that they watch me about twice as hard as they watch you duty engineers.” Harper showed his surprise, but Silard nodded in sober confirmation. “But we have to have this supervision. Do you remember Manning? No, he was before your time. We didn’t have psychological observers then. Manning was able and brilliant. Furthermore, he was always cheerful; nothing seemed to bother him.
“I was glad to have him on the bomb, for he was always alert, and never seemed nervous about working with it—in fact, he grew more buoyant and cheerful the longer he stood control watches. I should have known that was a very bad sign, but I didn’t, and there was no observer to tell me so.
“His technician had to slug him one night. He found him dismounting the safety interlocks on the trigger. Poor old Manning never pulled out of it—he’s been violently insane ever since. After Manning cracked up we worked out the present system of two qualified engineers and an observer for every watch. It seemed the only thing to do.”
“I suppose so, chief,” Harper mused, his face no longer sullen, but still unhappy. “It’s a hell of a situation just the same.”
“That’s putting it mildly.” King rose and put out his hand. “Cal, unless you’re dead set on leaving us, I’ll expect to see you at the radiation laboratory tomorrow. Another thing—I don’t often recommend this, but it might do you good to get drunk tonight.”* * *
King had signed to Silard to remain after the young man left. Once the door was closed he turned back to the psychiatrist. “There goes another one—and one of the best. Doctor, what am I going to do?”
Silard pulled at his cheek. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “The hell of it is, Harper’s absolutely right. It does increase the strain on them to know that they are being watched—and yet they have to be watched. Your psychiatric staff isn’t doing too well, either. It makes us nervous to be around the bomb—the more so because we don’t understand it. And it’s a strain on us to be hated and despised as we are. Scientific detachment is difficult under such conditions; I’m getting jumpy myself.”
King ceased pacing the floor and faced the doctor. “But there must be some solution—” he insisted.
Silard shook his head. “It’s beyond me, Superintendent. I see no solution from the standpoint of psychology.”
“No? Hm-m-m. Doctor, who is the top man in your field?”
“Who is the recognized Number One man in handling this sort of thing?”
“Why, that’s hard to say. Naturally, there isn’t any one leading psychiatrist in the world; we specialize too much. I know what you mean, though. You don’t want the best industrial-temperament psychometrician; you want the best all-around man for psychoses nonlesional and situational. That would be Lentz.”
“Go on.”
“Well—he covers the whole field of environmental adjustment. He’s the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically. He actually worked under Korzybski himself, when he was a young student—it’s the only thing he’s vain about.”
“He did? Then he must be pretty old; Korzybski died in— What year did he die?”
“I started to say that you must know his work in symbology—theory of abstraction and calculus of statement, all that sort of thing—because of its applications to engineering and mathematical physics.”
“That Lentz—yes, of course. But I had never thought of him as a psychiatrist.”
“No, you wouldn’t, in your field. Nevertheless, we are inclined to credit him with having done as much to check and reduce the pandemic neuroses of the Crazy Years as any other man, and more than any man left alive.”
“Where is he?”
“Why, Chicago, I suppose. At the Institute.”
“Get him here.”
“Get him down here. Get on that visiphone and locate him. Then have Steinke call the port of Chicago, and hire a stratocar to stand by for him. I want to see him as soon as possible—before the day is out.” King sat up in his chair with the air of a man who is once more master of himself and the situation. His spirit knew that warming replenishment that comes only with reaching a decision. The harassed expression was gone.
Silard looked dumbfounded. “But, Superintendent,” he expostulated, “You can’t ring for Dr. Lentz as if he were a junior clerk. He’s . . . he’s Lentz.“
“Certainly—that’s why I want him. But I’m not a neurotic clubwoman looking for sympathy, either. He’ll come. If necessary, turn on the heat from Washington. Have the White House call him. But get him here at once. Move!” King strode out of the office.* * *
When Erickson came off watch he inquired around and found that Harper had left for town. Accordingly, he dispensed with dinner at the base, shifted into “drinkin’ clothes,” and allowed himself to be dispatched via tube to Paradise.
Paradise, Arizona, was a hard little boom town, which owed its existence to the power plant. It was dedicated exclusively to the serious business of detaching the personnel of the plant from their inordinate salaries. In this worthy project they received much cooperation from the plant personnel themselves, each of whom was receiving from twice to ten times as much money each pay day as he had ever received in any other job, and none of whom was certain of living long enough to justify saving for old age. Besides, the company carried a sinking fund in Manhattan for their dependents; why be stingy?
It was said, with some truth, that any entertainment or luxury obtainable in New York City could be purchased in Paradise. The local chamber of commerce had appropriated the slogan of Reno, Nevada, “Biggest Little City in the World.” The Reno boosters retaliated by claiming that, while any town that close to the atomic power plant undeniably brought thoughts of death and the hereafter, Hell’s Gates would be a more appropriate name than Paradise.
Erickson started making the rounds. There were twenty-seven places licensed to sell liquor in the six blocks of the main street of Paradise. He expected to find Harper in one of them, and, knowing the man’s habits and tastes, he expected to find him in the first two or three he tried.
He was not mistaken. He found Harper sitting alone at a table in the rear of DeLancey’s Sans Souci Bar. DeLancey’s was a favorite of both of them. There was an old-fashioned comfort about its chrome-plated bar and red leather furniture that appealed to them more than did the spectacular fittings of the up-to-the-minute places. DeLancey was conservative; he stuck to indirect lighting and soft music; his hostesses were required to be fully clothed, even in the evening.
The fifth of Scotch in front of Harper was about two thirds full. Erickson shoved three fingers in front of Harper’s face and demanded, “Count!”
“Three,” announced Harper. “Sit down, Gus.”
“That’s correct,” Erickson agreed, sliding his big frame into a low-slung chair. “You’ll do—for now. What was the outcome?”
“Have a drink. Not,” he went on, “that this Scotch is any good. I think Lance has taken to watering it. I surrendered, horse and foot.”
“Lance wouldn’t do that—stick to that theory and you’ll sink in the sidewalk up to your knees. How come you capitulated? I thought you planned to beat ’em about the head and shoulders, at least.”
“I did,” mourned Harper, “but, cripes, Gus, the chief is right. If a brain mechanic says you’re punchy, he has got to back him up and take you off the bomb. The chief can’t afford to take a chance.”
“Yeah, the chief’s all right, but I can’t learn to love our dear psychiatrists. Tell you what—let’s find us one, and see if he can feel pain. I’ll hold him while you slug ‘im.”
“Oh, forget it, Gus. Have a drink.”
“A pious thought—but not Scotch. I’m going to have a martini; we ought to eat pretty soon.”
“I’ll have one, too.”
“Do you good.” Erickson lifted his blond head and bellowed, “Israfel!”
A large, black person appeared at his elbow. “Mistuh Erickson! Yes, suh!”
“Izzy, fetch two martinis. Make mine with Italian.” He turned back to Harper. “What are you going to do now, Cal?”
“Radiation laboratory.”
“Well, that’s not so bad. I’d like to have a go at the matter of rocket fuels myself. I’ve got some ideas.”
Harper looked mildly amused. “You mean atomic fuel for interplanetary flight? The problem’s pretty well exhausted. No, son, the stratosphere is the ceiling until we think up something better than rockets. Of course, you could mount the bomb in a ship, and figure out some jury rig to convert its radiant output into push, but where does that get you? One bomb, one ship—and twenty years of mining in Little America has only produced enough pitchblende to make one bomb. That’s disregarding the question of getting the company to lend you their one bomb for anything that doesn’t pay dividends.”
Erickson looked balky. “I don’t concede that you’ve covered all the alternatives. What have we got? The early rocket boys went right ahead trying to build better rockets, serene in the belief that, by the time they could build rockets good enough to fly to the Moon, a fuel would be perfected that would do the trick. And they did build ships that were good enough—you could take any ship that makes the antipodes run, and refit it for the Moon—if you had a fuel that was sufficiently concentrated to maintain the necessary push for the whole run. But they haven’t got it.
“And why not? Because we let ’em down, that’s why. Because they’re still depending on molecular energy, on chemical reactions, with atomic power sitting right here in our laps. It’s not their fault—old D. D. Harriman had Rockets Consolidated underwrite the whole first issue of Antarctic Pitchblende, and took a big slice of it himself, in the expectation that we would produce something usable in the way of a concentrated rocket fuel. Did we do it? Like hell! The company went hog-wild for immediate commercial exploitation, and there’s no fuel yet.”
“But you haven’t stated it properly,” Harper objected. “There are just two forms of atomic power available—radioactivity and atomic disintegration. The first is too slow; the energy is there, but you can’t wait years for it to come out—not in a rocketship. The second we can only manage in a large mass of uranium. There you are—stymied.”
Erickson’s Scandinavian stubbornness was just gathering for another try at the argument when the waiter arrived with the drinks. He set them down with a triumphant flourish. “There you are, suh!”
“Want to roll for them, Izzy?” Harper inquired.
“Don’ mind if I do.”
The Negro produced a leather dice cup, and Harper rolled. He selected his combinations with care and managed to get four aces and a jack in three rolls. Israfel took the cup. He rolled in the grand manner with a backward twist to his wrist. His score finished at five kings, and he courteously accepted the price of six drinks. Harper stirred the engraved cubes with his forefinger.
“Izzy,” he asked, “are these the same dice I rolled with?”
“Why, Mistuh Harper!” The Negro’s expression was pained.
“Skip it,” Harper conceded. “I should know better than to gamble with you. I haven’t won a roll from you in six weeks. What did you start to say, Gus?”
“I was just going to say that there ought to be a better way to get energy out of—”
But they were joined again, this time by something very seductive in an evening gown that appeared to have been sprayed on her lush figure. She was young, perhaps nineteen or twenty. “You boys lonely?” she asked as she flowed into a chair.
“Nice of you to ask, but we’re not,” Erickson denied with patient politeness. He jerked a thumb at a solitary figure seated across the room. “Go talk to Hannigan; he’s not busy.”
She followed his gesture with her eyes, and answered with faint scorn: “Him? He’s no use. He’s been like that for three weeks—hasn’t spoken to a soul. If you ask me, I’d say that he was cracking up.”
“That so?” he observed noncommittally. “Here”—he fished out a five-dollar bill and handed it to her—”buy yourself a drink. Maybe we’ll look you up later.”
“Thanks, boys.” The money disappeared under her clothing, and she stood up. “Just ask for Edith.”
“Hannigan does look bad,” Harper considered, noting the brooding stare and apathetic attitude, “and he has been awfully standoffish lately, for him. Do you suppose we’re obliged to report him?”
“Don’t let it worry you,” advised Erickson. “There’s a spotter on the job now. Look.” Harper followed his companion’s eyes and recognized Dr. Mott of the psychological staff. He was leaning against the far end of the bar, and nursing a tall glass, which gave him protective coloration. But his stance was such that his field of vision included not only Hannigan, but Erickson and Harper as well.
“Yeah, and he’s studying us as well,” Harper added. “Damn it to hell, why does it make my back hair rise just to lay eyes on one of them?”
The question was rhetorical; Erickson ignored it. “Let’s get out of here,” he suggested, “and have dinner somewhere else.”
DeLancey himself waited on them as they left. “Going so soon, gentlemen?” he asked, in a voice that implied that their departure would leave him no reason to stay open. “Beautiful lobster thermidor tonight. If you do not like it, you need not pay.” He smiled brightly.
“Not sea food, Lance,” Harper told him, “not tonight. Tell me—why do you stick around here when you know that the bomb is bound to get you in the long run? Aren’t you afraid of it?”
The tavernkeeper’s eyebrows shot up. “Afraid of the bomb? But it is my friend!”
“Makes you money, eh?”
“Oh, I do not mean that.” He leaned toward them confidentially. “Five years ago I come here to make some money quickly for my family before my cancer of the stomach, it kills me. At the clinic, with the wonderful new radiants you gentlemen make with the aid of the bomb, I am cured—I live again. No, I am not afraid of the bomb, it is my good friend.”
“Suppose it blows up?”
“When the good Lord needs me, He will take me.” He crossed himself quickly.
As they turned away, Erickson commented in a low voice to Harper, “There’s your answer, Cal—if all us engineers had his faith, the bomb wouldn’t get us down.”
Harper was unconvinced. “I don’t know,” he mused. “I don’t think it’s faith; I think it’s lack of imagination—and knowledge.”* * *
Notwithstanding King’s confidence, Lentz did not show up until the next day. The superintendent was subconsciously a little surprised at his visitor’s appearance. He had pictured a master psychologist as wearing flowing hair, an imperial, and having piercing black eyes. But this man was not very tall, was heavy in his framework, and fat—almost gross. He might have been a butcher. Little, piggy, faded-blue eyes peered merrily out from beneath shaggy blond brows. There was no hair anywhere else on the enormous skull, and the apelike jaw was smooth and pink. He was dressed in mussed pajamas of unbleached linen. A long cigarette holder jutted permanently from one corner of a wide mouth, widened still more by a smile with suggested unmalicious amusement at the worst that life, or men, could do. He had gusto.
King found him remarkably easy to talk to.
At Lentz’s suggestion the superintendent went first into the history of the atomic power plant, how the fission of the uranium atom by Dr. Otto Hahn in December, 1938, had opened up the way to atomic power. The door was opened just a crack; the process to be self-perpetuating and commercially usable required an enormously greater mass of uranium than there was available in the entire civilized world at that time.
But the discovery, fifteen years later, of enormous deposits of pitchblende in the old rock underlying Little America removed that obstacle. The deposits were similar to those previously worked at Great Bear Lake in the arctic north of Canada, but so much more extensive that the eventual possibility of accumulating enough uranium to build an atomic power plant became evident.
The demand for commercially usable, cheap power had never been satiated. Even the Douglas-Martin sunpower screens, used to drive the roaring road cities of the period and for a myriad other industrial purposes, were not sufficient to fill the ever-growing demand. They had saved the country from impending famine of oil and coal, but their maximum output of approximately one horsepower per square yard of sun-illuminated surface put a definite limit to the power from that source available in any given geographical area.
Atomic power was needed—was demanded.
But theoretical atomic physics predicted that a uranium mass sufficiently large to assist in its own disintegration might assist too well—blow up instantaneously, with such force that it would probably wreck every man-made structure on the globe and conceivably destroy the entire human race as well. They dared not build the bomb, even though the uranium was available.
“It was Destry’s mechanics of infinitesimals that showed a way out of the dilemma,” King went on. “His equations appeared to predict that an atomic explosion, once started, would disrupt the molar mass inclosing it so rapidly that neutron loss through the outer surface of the fragments would dampen the progression of the atomic explosion to zero before complete explosion could be reached.
“For the mass we use in the bomb, his equations predict a possible force of explosion one seventh of one percent of the force of complete explosion. That alone, of course, would be incomprehensibly destructive—about the equivalent of a hundred and forty thousand tons of TNT—enough to wreck this end of the State. Personally, I’ve never been sure that is all that would happen.”
“Then why did you accept this job?” inquired Lentz.
King fiddled with items on his desk before replying. “I couldn’t turn it down, Doctor—I couldn’t. If I had refused, they would have gotten someone else—and it was an opportunity that comes to a physicist once in history.”
Lentz nodded. “And probably they would have gotten someone not as competent. I understand, Dr. King—you were compelled by the ‘truth-tropism’ of the scientist. He must go where the data is to be found, even if it kills him. But about this fellow Destry, I’ve never liked his mathematics; he postulates too much.”
King looked up in quick surprise, then recalled that this was the man who had refined and given rigor to the calculus of statement. “That’s just the hitch,” he agreed. “His work is brilliant, but I’ve never been sure that his predictions were worth the paper they were written on. Nor, apparently,” he added bitterly, “do my junior engineers.”
He told the psychiatrist of the difficulties they had had with personnel, of how the most carefully selected men would, sooner or later, crack under the strain. “At first I thought it might be some degenerating effect from the hard radiation that leaks out of the bomb, so we improved the screening and the personal armor. But it didn’t help. One young fellow who had joined us after the new screening was installed became violent at dinner one night, and insisted that a pork chop was about to explode. I hate to think of what might have happened if he had been on duty at the bomb when he blew up.”
The inauguration of the system of constant psychological observation had greatly reduced the probability of acute danger resulting from a watch engineer cracking up, but King was forced to admit that the system was not a success; there had actually been a marked increase in psychoneuroses, dating from that time.
“And that’s the picture, Dr. Lentz. It gets worse all the time. It’s getting me now. The strain is telling on me; I can’t sleep, and I don’t think my judgment is as good as it used to be—I have trouble making up my mind, of coming to a decision. Do you think you can do anything for us?”
But Lentz had no immediate relief for his anxiety. “Not so fast, superintendent,” he countered. “You have given me the background, but I have no real data as yet. I must look around for a while, smell out the situation for myself, talk to your engineers, perhaps have a few drinks with them, and get acquainted. That is possible, is it not? Then in a few days, maybe, we’ll know where we stand.”
King had no alternative but to agree.
“And it is well that your young men do not know what I am here for. Suppose I am your old friend, a visiting physicist, eh?”
“Why, yes—of course. I can see to it that the idea gets around. But say—” King was reminded again of something that had bothered him from the time Silard had first suggested Lentz’s name—”may I ask a personal question?”
The merry eyes were undisturbed.
“Go ahead.”
“I can’t help but be surprised that one man should attain eminence in two such widely differing fields as psychology and mathematics. And right now I’m perfectly convinced of your ability to pass yourself off as a physicist. I don’t understand it.”
The smile was more amused, without being in the least patronizing, nor offensive. “Same subject, symbology. You are a specialist; it would not necessarily come to your attention.”
“I still don’t follow you.”
“No? Man lives in a world of ideas. Any phenomenon is so complex that he cannot possibly grasp the whole of it. He abstracts certain characteristics of a given phenomenon as an idea, then represents that idea as a symbol, be it a word or a mathematical sign. Human reaction is almost entirely reaction to symbols, and only negligibly to phenomena. As a matter of fact,” he continued, removing the cigarette holder from his mouth and settling into his subject, “it can be demonstrated that the human mind can think only in terms of symbols.
“When we think, we let symbols operate on other symbols in certain, set fashions—rules of logic, or rules of mathematics. If the symbols have been abstracted so that they are structurally similar to the phenomena they stand for, and if the symbol operations are similar in structure and order to the operations of phenomena in the real world, we think sanely. If our logic-mathematics, or our word-symbols, have been poorly chosen, we do not think sanely.
“In mathematical physics you are concerned with making your symbology fit physical phenomena. In psychiatry I am concerned with precisely the same thing, except that I am more immediately concerned with the man who does the thinking than with the phenomena he is thinking about. But the same subject, always the same subject.”
“We’re not getting anyplace, . . . Gus.” Harper put down his slide rule and frowned.
“Seems like it, Cal,” Erickson grudgingly admitted. “Damn it, though—there ought to be some reasonable way of tackling the problem. What do we need? Some form of concentrated, controllable power for rocket fuel. What have we got? Power galore in the bomb. There must be some way to bottle that power, and serve it out when we need it—and the answer is someplace in one of the radioactive series. I know it.” He stared glumly around the laboratory as if expecting to find the answer written somewhere on the lead-sheathed walls.
“Don’t be so down in the mouth about it. You’ve got me convinced there is an answer; let’s figure out how to find it. In the first place the three natural radioactive series are out, aren’t they?”
“Yes—at least we had agreed that all that ground had been fully covered before.”
“O.K.; we have to assume that previous investigators have done what their notes show they have done—otherwise we might as well not believe anything, and start checking on everybody from Archimedes to date. Maybe that is indicated, but Methuselah himself couldn’t carry out such an assignment. What have we got left?”
“Artificial radioactives.”
“All right. Let’s set up a list of them, both those that have been made up to now, and those that might possibly be made in the future. Call that our group—or rather, field, if you want to be pedantic about definitions. There are a limited number of operations that can be performed on each member of the group, and on the members taken in combination. Set it up.”
Erickson did so, using the curious curlicues of the calculus of statement. Harper nodded. “All right—expand it.”
Erickson looked up after a few moments, and asked, “Cal, have you any idea how many terms there are in the expansion?”
“No—hundreds, maybe thousands, I suppose.”
“You’re conservative. It reaches four figures without considering possible new radioactives. We couldn’t finish such a research in a century.” He chucked his pencil down and looked morose.
Cal Harper looked at him curiously, but with sympathy. “Gus,” he said gently, “the bomb isn’t getting you, too, is it?”
“I don’t think so. Why?”
“I never saw you so willing to give up anything before. Naturally you and I will never finish any such job, but at the very worst we will have eliminated a lot of wrong answers for somebody else. Look at Edison—sixty years of experimenting, twenty hours a day, yet he never found out the one thing he was most interested in knowing. I guess if he could take it, we can.”
Erickson pulled out of his funk to some extent. “I suppose so,” he agreed. “Anyhow, maybe we could work out some techniques for carrying on a lot of experiments simultaneously.”
Harper slapped him on the shoulder. “That’s the ol’ fight. Besides—we may not need to finish the research, or anything like it, to find a satisfactory fuel. The way I see it, there are probably a dozen, maybe a hundred, right answers. We may run across one of them any day. Anyhow, since you’re willing to give me a hand with it in your off-watch time, I’m game to peck away at it till hell freezes.”* * *
Lentz puttered around the plant and the administration center for several days, until he was known to everyone by sight. He made himself pleasant and asked questions. He was soon regarded as a harmless nuisance, to be tolerated because he was a friend of the superintendent. He even poked his nose into the commercial power end of the plant, and had the mercury-steam-turbogenerator sequence explained to him in detail. This alone would have been sufficient to disarm any suspicion that he might be a psychiatrist, for the staff psychiatrists paid no attention to the hard-bitten technicians of the power-conversion unit. There was no need to; mental instability on their part could not affect the bomb, nor were they subject to the man-killing strain of social responsibility. Theirs was simply a job personally dangerous, a type of strain strong men have been inured to since the jungle.
In due course he got around to the unit of the radiation laboratory set aside for Calvin Harper’s use. He rang the bell and waited. Harper answered the door, his antiradiation helmet shoved back from his face like a grotesque sunbonnet. “What is it?” he asked. “Oh—it’s you, Dr. Lentz. Did you want to see me?”
“Why, yes and no,” the older man answered. “I was just looking around the experimental station, and wondered what you do in here. Will I be in the way?”
“Not at all. Come in. Gus!”
Erickson got up from where he had been fussing over the power leads to their trigger—a modified cyclotron rather than a resonant accelerator. “Hello.”
“Gus, this is Dr. Lentz—Gus Erickson.”
“We’ve met,” said Erickson, pulling off his gauntlet to shake hands. He had had a couple of drinks with Lentz in town and considered him a “nice old duck.” “You’re just between shows, but stick around and we’ll start another run—not that there is much to see.”
While Erickson continued with the setup, Harper conducted Lentz around the laboratory, explaining the line of research they were conducting, as happy as a father showing off twins. The psychiatrist listened with one ear and made appropriate comments while he studied the young scientist for signs of the instability he had noted to be recorded against him.
“You see,” Harper explained, oblivious to the interest in himself, “we are testing radioactive materials to see if we can produce disintegration of the sort that takes place in the bomb, but in a minute, almost microscopic, mass. If we are successful, we can use the power of the bomb to make a safe, convenient, atomic fuel for rockets.” He went on to explain their schedule of experimentation.
“I see,” Lentz observed politely. “What metal are you examining now?”
Harper told him. “But it’s not a case of examining one element—we’ve finished Isotope II with negative results. Our schedule calls next for running the same test on Isotope V. Like this.” He hauled out a lead capsule, and showed the label to Lentz, who saw that it was, indeed, marked with the symbol of the fifth isotope. He hurried away to the shield around the target of the cyclotron, left open by Erickson. Lentz saw that he had opened the capsule, and was performing some operation on it in a gingerly manner, having first lowered his helmet. Then he closed and clamped the target shield.
“O.K., Gus?” he called out. “Ready to roll?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Erickson assured him, coming around them. They crowded behind a thick metal shield that cut them off from direct sight of the setup.
“Will I need to put on armor?” inquired Lentz.
“No,” Erickson reassured him, “we wear it because we are around the stuff day in and day out. You just stay behind the shield and you’ll be all right. It’s lead—backed up by eight inches of case-hardened armor plate.”
Erickson glanced at Harper, who nodded, and fixed his eyes on a panel of instruments mounted behind the shield. Lentz saw Erickson press a push button at the top of the board, then heard a series of relays click on the far side of the shield. There was a short moment of silence.
The floor slapped his feet like some incredible bastinado. The concussion that beat on his ears was so intense that it paralyzed the auditory nerve almost before it could be recorded as sound. The air-conducted concussion wave flailed every inch of his body with a single, stinging, numbing blow. As he picked himself up, he found he was trembling uncontrollably and realized, for the first time, that he was getting old.
Harper was seated on the floor and had commenced to bleed from the nose. Erickson had gotten up; his cheek was cut. He touched a hand to the wound, then stood there, regarding the blood on his fingers with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Are you hurt?” Lentz inquired inanely. “What happened?”
Harper cut in. “Gus, we’ve done it! We’ve done it! Isotope V’s turned the trick!”
Erickson looked still more bemused. “Five?” he said stupidly. “But that wasn’t Five; that was Isotope II. I put it in myself.”
“You put it in? I put it in! It was Five, I tell you!”
They stood staring at each other, still confused by the explosion, and each a little annoyed at the bone-headed stupidity the other displayed in the face of the obvious. Lentz diffidently interceded.
“Wait a minute, boys,” he suggested. “Maybe there’s a reason—Gus, you placed a quantity of the second isotope in the receiver?”
“Why, yes, certainly. I wasn’t satisfied with the last run, and I wanted to check it.”
Lentz nodded. “It’s my fault, gentlemen,” he admitted ruefully. “I came in and disturbed your routine, and both of you charged the receiver. I know Harper did, for I saw him do it—with Isotope V. I’m sorry.”
Understanding broke over Harper’s face, and he slapped the older man on the shoulder. “Don’t be sorry,” he laughed; “you can come around to our lab and help us make mistakes any time you feel in the mood. Can’t he, Gus? This is the answer, Dr. Lentz; this is it!”
“But,” the psychiatrist pointed out, “you don’t know which isotope blew up.”
“Nor care,” Harper supplemented. “Maybe it was both, taken together. But we will know—this business is cracked now; we’ll soon have it open.” He gazed happily around at the wreckage.* * *
In spite of Superintendent King’s anxiety, Lentz refused to be hurried in passing judgment on the situation. Consequently, when he did present himself at King’s office, and announced that he was ready to report, King was pleasantly surprised as well as relieved. “Well, I’m delighted,” he said. “Sit down, Doctor, sit down. Have a cigar. What do we do about it?”
But Lentz stuck to his perennial cigarette and refused to be hurried. “I must have some information first. How important,” he demanded, “is the power from your plant?”
King understood the implication at once. “If you are thinking about shutting down the bomb for more than a limited period, it can’t be done.”
“Why not? If the figures supplied me are correct, your output is less than thirteen percent of the total power used in the country.”
“Yes, that is true, but you haven’t considered the items that go into making up the total. A lot of it is domestic power, which householders get from sunscreens located on their own roofs. Another big slice is power for the moving roadways—that’s sunpower again. The portion we provide here is the main power source for most of the heavy industries—steel, plastics, lithics, all kinds of manufacturing and processing. You might as well cut the heart out of a man—”
“But the food industry isn’t basically dependent on you?” Lentz persisted.
“No. Food isn’t basically a power industry—although we do supply a certain percentage of the power used in processing. I see your point, and will go on and concede that transportation—that is to say, distribution of food—could get along without us. But, good heavens, Doctor, you can’t stop atomic power without causing the biggest panic this country has ever seen. It’s the keystone of our whole industrial system.”
“The country has lived through panics before, and we got past the oil shortage safely.”
“Yes—because atomic power came along to take the place of oil. You don’t realize what this would mean, Doctor. It would be worse than a war; in a system like ours, one thing depends on another. If you cut off the heavy industries all at once, everything else stops, too.”
“Nevertheless, you had better dump the bomb.” The uranium in the bomb was molten, its temperature being greater than twenty-four hundred degrees centigrade. The bomb could be dumped into a group of small containers, when it was desired to shut it down. The mass in any one container was too small to maintain progressive atomic disintegration.
King glanced involuntarily at the glass-inclosed relay mounted on his office wall, by which he, as well as the engineer on duty, could dump the bomb, if need be. “But I couldn’t do that—or rather, if I did, the plant wouldn’t stay shut down. The Directors would simply replace me with someone who would operate the bomb.”
“You’re right, of course.” Lentz silently considered the situation for some time, then said, “Superintendent, will you order a car to fly me back to Chicago?”
“You’re going, Doctor?”
“Yes.” He took the cigarette holder from his face, and, for once, the smile of Olympian detachment was gone completely. His entire manner was sober, even tragic. “Short of shutting down the bomb, there is no solution to your problem—none whatsoever!
“I owe you a full explanation.” Lentz continued, at length. “You are confronted here with recurring instances of situational psychoneurosis. Roughly, the symptoms manifest themselves as anxiety neurosis or some form of hysteria. The partial amnesia of your secretary, Steinke, is a good example of the latter. He might be cured with shock technique, but it would hardly be a kindness, as he has achieved a stable adjustment which puts him beyond the reach of the strain he could not stand.
“That other young fellow, Harper, whose blowup was the immediate cause of your sending for me, is an anxiety case. When the cause of the anxiety was eliminated from his matrix, he at once regained full sanity. But keep a close watch on his friend, Erickson—
“However, it is the cause, and prevention, of situational psychoneurosis we are concerned with here, rather than the forms in which it is manifested. In plain language, psychoneurosis situational simply refers to the common fact that, if you put a man in a situation that worries him more than he can stand, in time he blows up, one way or another.
“That is precisely the situation here. You take sensitive, intelligent young men, impress them with the fact that a single slip on their part, or even some fortuitous circumstance beyond their control, will result in the death of God knows how many other people, and then expect them to remain sane. It’s ridiculous—impossible!”
“But, good heavens, Doctor, there must be some answer! There must!” He got up and paced around the room. Lentz noted, with pity, that King himself was riding the ragged edge of the very condition they were discussing.
“No,” he said slowly. “No. Let me explain. You don’t dare intrust the bomb to less sensitive, less socially conscious men. You might as well turn the controls over to a mindless idiot. And to psychoneurosis situational there are but two cures. The first obtains when the psychosis results from a misevaluation of environment. That cure calls for semantic readjustment. One assists the patient to evaluate correctly his environment. The worry disappears because there never was a real reason for worry in the situation itself, but simply in the wrong meaning the patient’s mind had assigned to it.
“The second case is when the patient has correctly evaluated the situation, and rightly finds in it cause for extreme worry. His worry is perfectly sane and proper, but he cannot stand up under it indefinitely; it drives him crazy. The only possible cure is to change the situation. I have stayed here long enough to assure myself that such is the condition here. Your engineers have correctly evaluated the public danger of this bomb, and it will, with dreadful certainty, drive all of you crazy!
“The only possible solution is to dump the bomb—and leave it dumped.”
King had continued his nervous pacing of the floor, as if the walls of the room itself were the cage of his dilemma. Now he stopped and appealed once more to the psychiatrist. “Isn’t there anything I can do?”
“Nothing to cure. To alleviate—well, possibly.”
“Situational psychosis results from adrenaline exhaustion. When a man is placed under a nervous strain, his adrenal glands increase their secretion to help compensate for the strain. If the strain is too great and lasts too long, the adrenals aren’t equal to the task, and he cracks. That is what you have here. Adrenaline therapy might stave off a mental breakdown, but it most assuredly would hasten a physical breakdown. But that would be safer from a viewpoint of public welfare—even though it assumes that physicists are expendable!
“Another thing occurs to me: If you selected any new watch engineers from the membership of churches that practice the confessional, it would increase the length of their usefulness.”
King was plainly surprised. “I don’t follow you.”
“The patient unloads most of his worry on his confessor, who is not himself actually confronted by the situation, and can stand it. That is simply an ameliorative, however. I am convinced that, in this situation, eventual insanity is inevitable. But there is a lot of good sense in the confessional,” he added. “It fills a basic human need. I think that is why the early psychoanalysts were so surprisingly successful, for all their limited knowledge.” He fell silent for a while, then added, “If you will be so kind as to order a stratocab for me—”
“You’ve nothing more to suggest?”
“No. You had better turn your psychological staff loose on means of alleviation; they’re able men, all of them.”
King pressed a switch and spoke briefly to Steinke. Turning back to Lentz, he said, “You’ll wait here until your car is ready?”
Lentz judged correctly that King desired it and agreed. Presently the tube delivery on King’s desk went ping! The Superintendent removed a small white pasteboard, a calling card. He studied it with surprise and passed it over to Lentz. “I can’t imagine why he should be calling on me,” he observed, and added, “Would you like to meet him?”
Lentz read:
THOMAS P. HARRINGTON captain (mathematics) united states navy
director u.s. naval observatory
“But I do know him,” he said. “I’d be very pleased to see him.”
Harrington was a man with something on his mind. He seemed relieved when Steinke had finished ushering him in, and had returned to the outer office. He commenced to speak at once, turning to Lentz, who was nearer to him than King. “You’re King? . . . Why, Dr. Lentz! What are you doing here?”
“Visiting,” answered Lentz, accurately but incompletely, as he shook hands. “This is Superintendent King over here. Superintendent King—Captain Harrington.”
“How do you do, Captain—it’s a pleasure to have you here.”
“It’s an honor to be here, sir.”
“Sit down?”
“Thanks.” He accepted a chair and laid a briefcase on a corner of King’s desk. “Superintendent, you are entitled to an explanation as to why I have broken in on you like this—”
“Glad to have you.” In fact, the routine of formal politeness was an anodyne to King’s frayed nerves.
“That’s kind of you, but— That secretary chap, the one that brought me in here, would it be too much to ask you to tell him to forget my name? I know it seems strange—”
“Not at all.” King was mystified, but willing to grant any reasonable request of a distinguished colleague in science. He summoned Steinke to the interoffice visiphone and gave him his orders.
Lentz stood up and indicated that he was about to leave. He caught Harrington’s eye. “I think you want a private palaver, Captain.”
King looked from Harrington to Lentz and back to Harrington. The astronomer showed momentary indecision, then protested: “I have no objection at all myself; it’s up to Dr. King. As a matter of fact,” he added, “it might be a very good thing if you did sit in on it.”
“I don’t know what it is, Captain,” observed King, “that you want to see me about, but Dr. Lentz is already here in a confidential capacity.”
“Good! Then that’s settled. I’ll get right down to business. Dr. King, you know Destry’s mechanics of infinitesimals?”
“Naturally.” Lentz cocked a brow at King, who chose to ignore it.
“Yes, of course. Do you remember theorem six and the transformation between equations thirteen and fourteen?”
“I think so, but I’d want to see them.” King got up and went over to a bookcase. Harrington stayed him with a hand.
“Don’t bother. I have them here.” He hauled out a key, unlocked his briefcase, and drew out a large, much-thumbed, loose-leaf notebook. “Here. You, too, Dr. Lentz. Are you familiar with this development?”
Lentz nodded. “I’ve had occasion to look into them.”
“Good—I think it’s agreed that the step between thirteen and fourteen is the key to the whole matter. Now, the change from thirteen to fourteen looks perfectly valid—and would be, in some fields. But suppose we expand it to show every possible phase of the matter, every link in the chain of reasoning.”
He turned a page and showed them the same two equations broken down into nine intermediate equations. He placed a finger under an associated group of mathematical symbols. “Do you see that? Do you see what that implies?” He peered anxiously at their faces.
King studied it, his lips moving. “Yes . . . I believe I do see. Odd . . . I never looked at it just that way before—yet I’ve studied those equations until I’ve dreamed about them.” He turned to Lentz. “Do you agree, Doctor?”
Lentz nodded slowly. “I believe so. . . . Yes, I think I may say so.”
Harrington should have been pleased; he wasn’t. “I had hoped you could tell me I was wrong,” he said, almost petulantly, “but I’m afraid there is no further doubt about it. Dr. Destry included an assumption valid in molar physics, but for which we have absolutely no assurance in atomic physics. I suppose you realize what this means to you, Dr. King?”
King’s voice was dry whisper. “Yes,” he said, “yes— It means that if that bomb out there ever blows up, we must assume that it will go up all at once, rather than the way Destry predicted—and God help the human race!”
Captain Harrington cleared his throat to break the silence that followed. “Superintendent,” he said, “I would not have ventured to call had it been simply a matter of disagreement as to interpretation of theoretical predictions—”
“You have something more to go on?”
“Yes and no. Probably you gentlemen think of the Naval Observatory as being exclusively preoccupied with ephemerides and tide tables. In a way you would be right—but we still have some time to devote to research as long as it doesn’t cut into the appropriation. My special interest has always been lunar theory.
“I don’t mean lunar ballistics,” he continued. “I mean the much more interesting problem of its origin and history, the problem the younger Darwin struggled with, as well as my illustrious predecessor, Captain T. J. J. See. I think that it is obvious that any theory of lunar origin and history must take into account the surface features of the Moon—especially the mountains, the craters, that mark its face so prominently.”
He paused momentarily, and Superintendent King put in: “Just a minute, Captain—I may be stupid, or perhaps I missed something, but—is there a connection between what we were discussing before and lunar theory?”
“Bear with me for a few moments, Dr. King,” Harrington apologized. “There is a connection—at least, I’m afraid there is a connection—but I would rather present my points in their proper order before making my conclusions.” They granted him an alert silence; he went on:
“Although we are in the habit of referring to the ‘craters’ of the Moon, we know they are not volcanic craters. Superficially, they follow none of the rules of terrestrial volcanoes in appearance or distribution, but when Rutter came out in 1952 with his monograph on the dynamics of vulcanology, he proved rather conclusively that the lunar craters could not be caused by anything that we know as volcanic action.
“That left the bombardment theory as the simplest hypothesis. It looks good, on the face of it, and a few minutes spent throwing pebbles into a patch of mud will convince anyone that the lunar craters could have been formed by falling meteors.
“But there are difficulties. If the Moon was struck so repeatedly, why not the Earth? It hardly seems necessary to mention that the Earth’s atmosphere would be no protection against masses big enough to form craters like Endymion or Plato. And if they fell after the Moon was a dead world while the Earth was still young enough to change its face and erase the marks of bombardment, why did the meteors avoid so nearly completely the great dry basins we call lunar seas?
“I want to cut this short; you’ll find the data and the mathematical investigations from the data here in my notes. There is one other major objection to the meteor-bombardment theory: the great rays that spread from Tycho across almost the entire surface of the Moon. It makes the Moon look like a crystal ball that had been struck with a hammer, and impact from outside seems evident, but there are difficulties. The striking mass, our hypothetical meteor, must be small enough to have formed the crater of Tycho, but it must have the mass and speed to crack an entire planet.
“Work it out for yourself—you must either postulate a chunk out of the core of a dwarf star, or speeds such as we have never observed within the system. It’s conceivable but a farfetched explanation.”
He turned to King. “Doctor, does anything occur to you that might account for a phenomenon like Tycho?”
The Superintendent grasped the arms of his chair, then glanced at his palms. He fumbled for a handkerchief, and wiped them. “Go ahead,” he said, almost inaudibly.
“Very well then.” Harrington drew out of his briefcase a large photograph of the Moon—a beautiful full-Moon portrait made at Lick. “I want you to imagine the Moon as she might have been sometime in the past. The dark areas we call the ‘seas’ are actual oceans. It has an atmosphere, perhaps a heavier gas than oxygen and nitrogen, but an active gas, capable of supporting some conceivable form of life.
“For this is an inhabited planet, inhabited by intelligent beings, beings capable of discovering atomic power and exploiting it!”
He pointed out on the photograph, near the southern limb, the lime-white circle of Tycho, with its shining, incredible, thousand-mile-long rays spreading, thrusting, jutting out from it. “Here . . . here at Tycho was located their main power plant.” He moved his fingers to a point near the equator and somewhat east of meridian—the point where three great dark areas merged, Mare Nubium, Mare Imbrium, Oceanus Procellarum—and picked out two bright splotches surrounded, also, by rays, but shorter, less distinct, and wavy. “And here at Copernicus and at Kepler, on islands at the middle of a great ocean, were secondary power stations.”
He paused, and interpolated soberly: “Perhaps they knew the danger they ran, but wanted power so badly that they were willing to gamble the life of their race. Perhaps they were ignorant of the ruinous possibilities of their little machines, or perhaps their mathematicians assured them that it could not happen.
“But we will never know—no one can ever know. For it blew up and killed them—and it killed their planet.
“It whisked off the gassy envelope and blew it into outer space. It blasted great chunks off the planet’s crust. Perhaps some of that escaped completely, too, but all that did not reach the speed of escape fell back down in time and splashed great ring-shaped craters in the land.
“The oceans cushioned the shock; only the more massive fragments formed craters through the water. Perhaps some life still remained in those ocean depths. If so, it was doomed to die—for the water, unprotected by atmospheric pressure, could not remain liquid and must inevitably escape in time to outer space. Its life-blood drained away. The planet was dead—dead by suicide!”
He met the grave eyes of his two silent listeners with an expression almost of appeal. “Gentlemen . . . this is only a theory, I realize . . . only a theory, a dream, a nightmare . . . but it has kept me awake so many nights that I had to come tell you about it, and see if you saw it the same way I do. As for the mechanics of it, it’s all in there in my notes. You can check it—and I pray that you find some error! But it is the only lunar theory I have examined which included all of the known data and accounted for all of them.”
He appeared to have finished. Lentz spoke up. “Suppose, Captain, suppose we check your mathematics and find no flaw—what then?”
Harrington flung out his hands. “That’s what I came here to find out!”
Although Lentz had asked the question, Harrington directed the appeal to King. The Superintendent looked up; his eyes met the astronomer’s, wavered and dropped again. “There’s nothing to be done,” he said dully, “nothing at all.”
Harrington stared at him in open amazement. “But good God, man!” he burst out. “Don’t you see it? That bomb has got to be disassembled—at once!”
“Take it easy, Captain.” Lentz’s calm voice was a spray of cold water. “And don’t be too harsh on poor King—this worries him even more than it does you. What he means is this: We’re not faced with a problem in physics, but with a political and economic situation. Let’s put it this way: King can no more dump the bomb than a peasant with a vineyard on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius can abandon his holdings and pauperize his family simply because there will be an eruption some day.
“King doesn’t own that bomb out there; he’s only the custodian. If he dumps it against the wishes of the legal owners, they’ll simply oust him and put in someone more amenable. No, we have to convince the owners.”
“The President could do it,” suggested Harrington. “I could get to the President—”
“No doubt you could, through the Navy Department. And you might even convince him. But could he help much?”
“Why, of course he could. He’s the President!”
“Wait a minute. You’re Director of the Naval Observatory; suppose you took a sledge hammer and tried to smash the big telescope—how far would you get?”
“Not very far,” Harrington conceded. “We guard the big fellow pretty closely.”
“Nor can the President act in an arbitrary manner,” Lentz persisted. “He’s not an unlimited monarch. If he shuts down this plant without due process of law, the Federal courts will tie him in knots. I admit that Congress isn’t helpless but—would you like to try to give a congressional committee a course in the mechanics of infinitesimals?”
Harrington readily stipulated the point. “But there is another way,” he pointed out. “Congress is responsive to public opinion. What we need to do is to convince the public that the bomb is a menace to everybody. That could be done without ever trying to explain things in terms of higher mathematics.”
“Certainly it could,” Lentz agreed. “You could go on the air with it and scare everybody half to death. You could create the damnedest panic this slightly slug-nutty country has ever seen. No, thank you. I, for one, would rather have us all take the chance of being quietly killed than bring on a mass psychosis that would destroy the culture we are building up. I think one taste of the Crazy Years is enough.”
“Well, then, what do you suggest?”
Lentz considered shortly, then answered: “All I see is a forlorn hope. We’ve got to work on the Board of Directors and try to beat some sense into their heads.”
King, who had been following the discussion with attention in spite of his tired despondence, interjected a remark: “How would you go about that?”
“I don’t know,” Lentz admitted. “It will take some thinking. But it seems the most fruitful line of approach. If it doesn’t work, we can always fall back on Harrington’s notion of publicity—I don’t insist that the world commit suicide to satisfy my criteria of evaluation.”
Harrington glanced at his wristwatch—a bulky affair—and whistled. “Good heavens!” he exclaimed. “I forgot the time! I’m supposed officially to be at the Flagstaff Observatory.”
King had automatically noted the time shown by the Captain’s watch as it was displayed. “But it can’t be that late,” he had objected. Harrington looked puzzled, then laughed.
“It isn’t—not by two hours. We are in zone plus-seven; this shows zone plus-five—it’s radio-synchronized with the master clock at Washington.”
“Did you say radio-synchronized?”
“Yes. Clever, isn’t it?” He held it out for inspection. “I call it a telechronometer; it’s the only one of its sort to date. My nephew designed it for me. He’s a bright one, that boy. He’ll go far. That is”—his face clouded, as if the little interlude had only served to emphasize the tragedy that hung over them—”if any of us live that long!”
A signal light glowed at King’s desk, and Steinke’s face showed on the communicator screen. King answered him, then said, “Your car is ready, Dr. Lentz.”
“Let Captain Harrington have it.”
“Then you’re not going back to Chicago?”
“No. The situation has changed. If you want me, I’m stringing along.”* * *
The following Friday, Steinke ushered Lentz into King’s office. King looked almost happy as he shook hands. “When did you ground, Doctor? I didn’t expect you back for another hour or so.”
“Just now. I hired a cab instead of waiting for the shuttle.”
“Any luck?”
“None. The same answer they gave you: ‘The Company is assured by independent experts that Destry’s mechanics is valid, and sees no reason to encourage an hysterical attitude among its employees.'”
King tapped on his desk top, his eyes unfocused. Then, hitching himself around to face Lentz directly, he said, “Do you suppose the Chairman is right?”
“Could the three of us—you, me and Harrington—have gone off the deep end—slipped mentally?”
“You’re sure?”
“Certainly. I looked up some independent experts of my own, not retained by the Company, and had them check Harrington’s work. It checks.” Lentz purposely neglected to mention that he had done so partly because he was none too sure of King’s present mental stability.
King sat up briskly, reached out and stabbed a push button. “I am going to make one more try,” he explained, “to see if I can’t throw a scare into Dixon’s thick head. Steinke,” he said to the communicator, “get me Mr. Dixon on the screen.”
“Yes, sir.”
In about two minutes the visiphone screen came to life and showed the features of Chairman Dixon. He was transmitting, not from his office, but from the board room of the Company in Jersey City. “Yes?” he said. “What is it, Superintendent?” His manner was somehow both querulous and affable.
“Mr. Dixon,” King began, “I’ve called to try to impress on you the seriousness of the Company’s action. I stake my scientific reputation that Harrington has proved completely that—”
“Oh, that? Mr. King, I thought you understood that that was a closed matter.”
“But, Mr. Dixon—”
“Superintendent, please! If there were any possible legitimate cause to fear, do you think I would hesitate? I have children, you know, and grandchildren.”
“That is just why—”
“We try to conduct the affairs of the company with reasonable wisdom and in the public interest. But we have other responsibilities, too. There are hundreds of thousands of little stockholders who expect us to show a reasonable return on their investment. You must not expect us to jettison a billion-dollar corporation just because you’ve taken up astrology! Moon theory!” He sniffed.
“Very well, Mr. Chairman.” King’s tone was stiff.
“Don’t take it that way, Mr. King. I’m glad you called—the Board has just adjourned a special meeting. They have decided to accept you for retirement—with full pay, of course.”
“I did not apply for retirement!”
“I know, Mr. King, but the Board feels that—”
“I understand. Good-by!”
“Mr. King—”
“Good-by!” He switched him off, and turned to Lentz. “‘—with full pay,'” he quoted, “which I can enjoy in any way that I like for the rest of my life—just as happy as a man in the death house!”
“Exactly,” Lentz agreed. “Well, we’ve tried our way. I suppose we should call up Harrington now and let him try the political and publicity method.”
“I suppose so,” King seconded absentmindedly. “Will you be leaving for Chicago now?”
“No,” said Lentz. “No . . . I think I will catch the shuttle for Los Angeles and take the evening rocket for the antipodes.”
King looked surprised, but said nothing. Lentz answered the unspoken comment. “Perhaps some of us on the other side of the Earth will survive. I’ve done all that I can here. I would rather be a live sheepherder in Australia than a dead psychiatrist in Chicago.”
King nodded vigorously, “That shows horse sense. For two cents, I’d dump the bomb now and go with you.”
“Not horse sense, my friend—a horse will run back into a burning barn, which is exactly not what I plan to do. Why don’t you do it and come along? If you did, it would help Harrington to scare ’em to death.”
“I believe I will!”
Steinke’s face appeared again on the screen. “Harper and Erickson are here, chief.”
“I’m busy.
“They are pretty urgent about seeing you.”
“Oh . . . all right,” King said in a tired voice. “Show them in. It doesn’t matter.”
They breezed in, Harper in the van. He commenced talking at once, oblivious to the Superintendent’s morose preoccupation. “We’ve got it, chief, we’ve got it—and it all checks out to the umpteenth decimal!”
“You’ve got what? Speak English.”
Harper grinned. He was enjoying his moment of triumph, and was stretching it out to savor it. “Chief, do you remember a few weeks back when I asked for an additional allotment—a special one without specifying how I was going to spend it?”
“Yes. Come on—get to the point.”
“You kicked at first, but finally granted it. Remember? Well, we’ve got something to show for it, all tied up in pink ribbon. It’s the greatest advance in radioactivity since Hahn split the nucleus. Atomic fuel, chief, atomic fuel, safe, concentrated, and controllable. Suitable for rockets, for power plants, for any damn thing you care to use it for.”
King showed alert interest for the first time. “You mean a power source that doesn’t require the bomb?”
“The bomb? Oh, no. I didn’t say that. You use the bomb to make the fuel, then you use the fuel anywhere and anyhow you like, with something like ninety-two percent recovery of the energy of the bomb. But you could junk the mercury-steam sequence, if you wanted to.”
King’s first wild hope of a way out of his dilemma was dashed; he subsided. “Go ahead. Tell me about it.”
“Well—it’s a matter of artificial radioactives. Just before I asked for that special research allotment, Erickson and I—Dr. Lentz had a finger in it, too—found two isotopes of a radioactive that seemed to be mutually antagonistic. That is, when we goosed ’em in the presence of each other they gave up their latent energy all at once—blew all to hell. The important point is, we were using just a gnat’s whisker of mass of each—the reaction didn’t require a big mass like the bomb to maintain it.”
“I don’t see,” objected King, “how that could—”
“Neither do we, quite—but it works. We’ve kept it quiet until we were sure. We checked on what we had, and we found a dozen other fuels. Probably we’ll be able to tailormake fuels for any desired purpose. But here it is.” Harper handed King a bound sheaf of typewritten notes which he had been carrying under the arm. “That’s your copy. Look it over.”
King started to do so. Lentz joined him, after a look that was a silent request for permission, which Erickson had answered with his only verbal contribution, “Sure, Doc.”
As King read, the troubled feeling of an acutely harassed executive left him. His dominant personality took charge, that of the scientist. He enjoyed the controlled and cerebral ecstasy of the impersonal seeker for the elusive truth. The emotions felt in the throbbing thalamus were permitted only to form a sensuous obligato for the cold flame of cortical activity. For the time being, he was sane, more nearly completely sane than most men ever achieve at any time.
For a long period there was only an occasional grunt, the clatter of turned pages, a nod of approval. At last he put it down.
“It’s the stuff,” he said. “You’ve done it, boys. It’s great; I’m proud of you.”
Erickson glowed a bright pink and swallowed. Harper’s small, tense figure gave the ghost of a wriggle, reminiscent of a wire-haired terrier receiving approval. “That’s fine, chief. We’d rather hear you say that than get the Nobel Prize.”
“I think you’ll probably get it. However”—the proud light in his eyes died down—”I’m not going to take any action in this matter.”
“Why not, chief?” Harper’s tone was bewildered.
“I’m being retired. My successor will take over in the near future; this is too big a matter to start just before a change in administration.”
“You being retired! What the hell! Why?“
“About the same reason I took you off the bomb—at least, the Directors think so.”
“But that’s nonsense! You were right to take me off the bomb; I was getting jumpy. But you’re another matter—we all depend on you.”
“Thanks, Cal—but that’s how it is; there’s nothing to be done about it.” He turned to Lentz. “I think this is the last ironical touch needed to make the whole thing pure farce,” he observed bitterly. “This thing is big, bigger than we can guess at this stage—and I have to give it a miss.”
“Well,” Harper burst out, “I can think of something to do about it!” He strode over to King’s desk and snatched up the manuscript. “Either you superintend the exploitation or the company will damn well get along without our discovery!” Erickson concurred belligerently.
“Wait a minute.” Lentz had the floor. “Dr. Harper, have you already achieved a practical rocket fuel?”
“I said so. We’ve got it on hand now.”
“An escape-speed fuel?” They understood his verbal shorthand—a fuel that would lift a rocket free of the Earth’s gravitational pull.
“Sure. Why, you could take any of the Clipper rockets, refit them a trifle, and have breakfast on the Moon.”
“Very well. Bear with me—” He obtained a sheet of paper from King and commenced to write. They watched in mystified impatience. He continued briskly for some minutes, hesitating only momentarily. Presently he stopped and spun the paper over to King. “Solve it!” he demanded.
King studied the paper. Lentz had assigned symbols to a great number of factors, some social, some psychological, some physical, some economical. He had thrown them together into a structural relationship, using the symbols of calculus of statement. King understood the paramathematical operations indicated by the symbols, but he was not as used to them as he was to the symbols and operations of mathematical physics. He plowed through the equations, moving his lips slightly in unconscious subvocalization.
He accepted a pencil from Lentz and completed the solution. It required several more lines, a few more equations, before the elements canceled out, or rearranged themselves, into a definite answer.
He stared at this answer while puzzlement gave way to dawning comprehension and delight.
He looked up. “Erickson! Harper!” he rapped out. “We will take your new fuel, refit a large rocket, install the bomb in it, and throw it into an orbit around the Earth, far out in space. There we will use it to make more fuel, safe fuel, for use on Earth, with the danger from the bomb itself limited to the operators actually on watch!”
There was no applause. It was not that sort of an idea; their minds were still struggling with the complex implications.
“But, chief,” Harper finally managed, “how about your retirement? We’re still not going to stand for it.”
“Don’t worry,” King assured him. “It’s all in there, implicit in those equations, you two, me, Lentz, the Board of Directors—and just what we all have to do to accomplish it.”
“All except the matter of time,” Lentz cautioned.
“You’ll note that elapsed time appears in your answer as an undetermined unknown.”
“Yes . . . yes, of course. That’s the chance we have to take. Let’s get busy!”* * *
Chairman Dixon called the Board of Directors to order. “This being a special meeting, we’ll dispense with minutes and reports,” he announced. “As set forth in the call we have agreed to give the retiring superintendent three hours of our time.”
“Mr. Chairman—”
“Yes, Mr. Thornton?”
“I thought we had settled that matter.”
“We have, Mr. Thornton, but in view of Superintendent King’s long and distinguished service, if he asks a hearing, we are honor bound to grant it. You have the floor, Dr. King.”
King got up and stated briefly, “Dr. Lentz will speak for me.” He sat down.
Lentz had to wait till coughing, throat clearing and scraping of chairs subsided. It was evident that the board resented the outsider.
Lentz ran quickly over the main points in the argument which contended that the bomb presented an intolerable danger anywhere on the face of the Earth. He moved on at once to the alternative proposal that the bomb should be located in a rocketship, an artificial moonlet flying in a free orbit around the Earth at a convenient distance—say, fifteen thousand miles—while secondary power stations on earth burned a safe fuel manufactured by the bomb.
He announced the discovery of the Harper-Erickson technique and dwelt on what it meant to them commercially. Each point was presented as persuasively as possible, with the full power of his engaging personality. Then he paused and waited for them to blow off steam.
They did. “Visionary—” “Unproved—” “No essential change in the situation—” The substance of it was that they were very happy to hear of the new fuel, but not particularly impressed by it. Perhaps in another twenty years, after it had been thoroughly tested and proved commercially, and provided enough uranium had been mined to build another bomb, they might consider setting up another power station outside the atmosphere. In the meantime there was no hurry.
Lentz patiently and politely dealt with their objections. He emphasized the increasing incidence of occupational psychoneurosis among the engineers and grave danger to everyone near the bomb even under the orthodox theory. He reminded them of their insurance and indemnity-bond costs, and of the “squeeze” they paid State politicians.
Then he changed his tone and let them have it directly and brutally. “Gentlemen,” he said, “we believe that we are fighting for our lives—our own lives, our families and every life on the globe. If you refuse this compromise, we will fight as fiercely and with as little regard for fair play as any cornered animal.” With that he made his first move in attack.
It was quite simple. He offered for their inspection the outline of a propaganda campaign on a national scale, such as any major advertising firm should carry out as matter of routine. It was complete to the last detail, television broadcasts, spot plugs, newspaper and magazine coverage and—most important—a supporting whispering campaign and a letters-to-Congress organization. Every businessman there knew from experience how such things worked.
But its object was to stir up fear of the bomb and to direct that fear, not into panic, but into rage against the Board of Directors personally, and into a demand that the government take action to have the bomb removed to outer space.
“This is blackmail! We’ll stop you!”
“I think not,” Lentz replied gently. “You may be able to keep us out of some of the newspapers, but you can’t stop the rest of it. You can’t even keep us off the air—ask the Federal Communications Commission.” It was true. Harrington had handled the political end and had performed his assignment well; the President was convinced.
Tempers were snapping on all sides; Dixon had to pound for order. “Dr. Lentz,” he said, his own temper under taut control, “you plan to make every one of us appear a blackhearted scoundrel with no other thought than personal profit, even at the expense of the lives of others. You know that is not true; this is a simple difference of opinion as to what is wise.”
“I did not say it was true,” Lentz admitted blandly, “but you will admit that I can convince the public that you are deliberate villains. As to it being a difference of opinion—you are none of you atomic physicists; you are not entitled to hold opinions in this matter.
“As a matter of fact,” he went on callously, “the only doubt in my mind is whether or not an enraged public will destroy your precious power plant before Congress has time to exercise eminent domain and take it away from you!”
Before they had time to think up arguments in answer and ways of circumventing him, before their hot indignation had cooled and set as stubborn resistance, he offered his gambit. He produced another layout for a propaganda campaign—an entirely different sort.
This time the Board of Directors was to be built up, not torn down. All of the same techniques were to be used; behind-the-scenes feature articles with plenty of human interest would describe the functions of the company, describe it as a great public trust, administered by patriotic, unselfish statesmen of the business world. At the proper point in the campaign, the Harper-Erickson fuel would be announced, not as a semi-accidental result of the initiative of two employees, but as the long-expected end product of years of systematic research conducted under a fixed policy growing naturally out of their humane determination to remove forever the menace of explosion from even the sparsely settled Arizona desert.
No mention was to be made of the danger of complete, planet-embracing catastrophe.
Lentz discussed it. He dwelt on the appreciation that would be due them from a grateful world. He invited them to make a noble sacrifice and, with subtle misdirection, tempted them to think of themselves as heroes. He deliberately played on one of the most deep-rooted of simian instincts, the desire for approval from one’s kind, deserved or not.
All the while he was playing for time, as he directed his attention from one hard case, one resistant mind, to another. He soothed and he tickled and he played on personal foibles. For the benefit of the timorous and the devoted family men, he again painted a picture of the suffering, death and destruction that might result from their well-meant reliance on the unproved and highly questionable predictions of Destry’s mathematics. Then he described in glowing detail a picture of a world free from worry but granted almost unlimited power, safe power from an invention which was theirs for this one small concession.
It worked. They did not reverse themselves all at once, but a committee was appointed to investigate the feasibility of the proposed spaceship power plant. By sheer brass Lentz suggested names for the committee and Dixon confirmed his nominations, not because he wished to, particularly, but because he was caught off guard and could not think of a reason to refuse without affronting the colleagues.
The impending retirement of King was not mentioned by either side. Privately, Lentz felt sure that it never would be mentioned.
It worked, but there was left much to do. For the first few days after the victory in committee, King felt much elated by the prospect of an early release from the soul-killing worry. He was buoyed up by pleasant demands of manifold new administrative duties. Harper and Erickson were detached to Goddard Field to collaborate with the rocket engineers there in design of firing chambers, nozzles, fuel stowage, fuel metering and the like. A schedule had to be worked out with the business office to permit as much power of the bomb as possible to be diverted to making atomic fuel, and a giant combustion chamber for atomic fuel had to be designed and ordered to replace the bomb itself during the interim between the time it was shut down on Earth and the later time when sufficient local, smaller plants could be built to carry the commercial load. He was busy.
When the first activity had died down and they were settled in a new routine, pending the shutting down of the bomb and its removal to outer space, King suffered an emotional reaction. There was, by then, nothing to do but wait, and tend the bomb, until the crew at Goddard Field smoothed out the bugs and produced a space-worthy rocketship.
They ran into difficulties, overcame them, and came across more difficulties. They had never used such high reaction velocities; it took many trials to find a nozzle shape that would give reasonably high efficiency. When that was solved, and success seemed in sight, the jets burned out on a time-trial ground test. They were stalemated for weeks over that hitch.
Back at the power plant Superintendent King could do nothing but chew his nails and wait. He had not even the release of running over to Goddard Field to watch the progress of the research, for, urgently as he desired to, he felt an even stronger, an overpowering compulsion to watch over the bomb lest it—heart-breakingly!—blow up at the last minute.
He took to hanging around the control room. He had to stop that; his unease communicated itself to his watch engineers; two of them cracked up in a single day—one of them on watch.
He must face the fact—there had been a grave upswing in psychoneurosis among his engineers since the period of watchful waiting had commenced. At first, they had tried to keep the essential facts of the plan a close secret, but it had leaked out, perhaps through some member of the investigating committee. He admitted to himself now that it had been a mistake ever to try to keep it secret—Lentz had advised against it, and the engineers not actually engaged in the changeover were bound to know that something was up.
He took all of the engineers into confidence at last, under oath of secrecy. That had helped for a week or more, a week in which they were all given a spiritual lift by the knowledge, as he had been. Then it had worn off, the reaction had set in, and psychological observers had started disqualifying engineers for duty almost daily. They were even reporting each other as mentally unstable with great frequency; he might even be faced with a shortage of psychiatrists if that kept up, he thought to himself with bitter amusement. His engineers were already standing four hours in every sixteen. If one more dropped out, he’d put himself on watch. That would be a relief, to tell himself the truth.
Somehow, some of the civilians around about and the nontechnical employees were catching on to the secret. That mustn’t go on—if it spread any farther there might be a nationwide panic. But how the hell could he stop it? He couldn’t.
He turned over in bed, rearranged his pillow, and tried once more to get to sleep. No soap. His head ached, his eyes were balls of pain, and his brain was a ceaseless grind of useless, repetitive activity, like a disk recording stuck in one groove.
God! This was unbearable! He wondered if he were cracking up—if he already had cracked up. This was worse, many times worse, than the old routine when he had simply acknowledged the danger and tried to forget it as much as possible. Not that the bomb was any different—it was this five-minutes-to-armistice feeling, this waiting for the curtain to go up, this race against time with nothing to do to help.
He sat up, switched on his bed lamp, and looked at the clock. Three thirty. Not so good. He got up, went into his bathroom, and dissolved a sleeping powder in a glass of whiskey and water, half and half. He gulped it down and went back to bed. Presently he dozed off.* * *
He was running, fleeing down a long corridor. At the end lay safety—he knew that, but he was so utterly exhausted that he doubted his ability to finish the race. The thing pursuing him was catching up; he forced his leaden, aching legs into greater activity. The thing behind him increased its pace, and actually touched him. His heart stopped, then pounded again. He became aware that he was screaming, shrieking in mortal terror.
But he had to reach the end of that corridor; more depended on it than just himself. He had to. He had to! He had to!
Then the sound hit him, and he realized that he had lost, realized it with utter despair and utter, bitter defeat. He had failed; the bomb had blown up.* * *
The sound was the alarm going off; it was seven o’clock. His pajamas were soaked, dripping with sweat, and his heart still pounded. Every ragged nerve throughout his body screamed for release. It would take more than a cold shower to cure this case of the shakes.
He got to the office before the janitor was out of it. He sat there, doing nothing, until Lentz walked in on him, two hours later. The psychiatrist came in just as he was taking two small tablets from a box in his desk.
“Easy . . . easy, old man,” Lentz said in a slow voice. “What have you there?” He came around and gently took possession of the box.
“Just a sedative.”
Lentz studied the inscription on the cover. “How many have you had today?”
“Just two, so far.”
“You don’t need a sedative; you need a walk in the fresh air. Come, take one with me.”
“You’re a fine one to talk—you’re smoking a cigarette that isn’t lighted!”
“Me? Why, so I am! We both need that walk. Come.”
Harper arrived less than ten minutes after they had left the office. Steinke was not in the outer office. He walked on through and pounded on the door of King’s private office, then waited with the man who accompanied him—a hard young chap with an easy confidence to his bearing. Steinke let them in.
Harper brushed on past him with a casual greeting, then checked himself when he saw that there was no one else inside.
“Where’s the chief?” he demanded.
“Gone out. Should be back soon.”
“I’ll wait. Oh—Steinke, this is Greene. Greene—Steinke.”
The two shook hands. “What brings you back, Cal?” Steinke asked, turning back to Harper.
“Well . . . I guess it’s all right to tell you—”
The communicator screen flashed into sudden activity, and cut him short. A face filled most of the frame. It was apparently too close to the pickup, as it was badly out of focus. “Superintendent!” it yelled in an agonized voice. “The bomb—”
A shadow flashed across the screen, they heard a dull smack, and the face slid out of the screen. As it fell it revealed the control room behind it. Someone was down on the floor plates, a nameless heap. Another figure ran across the field of pickup and disappeared.
Harper snapped into action first. “That was Silard!” he shouted, “In the control room! Come on, Steinke!” He was already in motion himself.
Steinke went dead-white, but hesitated only an unmeasurable instant. He pounded sharp on Harper’s heels. Greene followed without invitation, in a steady run that kept easy pace with them.
They had to wait for a capsule to unload at the tube station. Then all three of them tried to crowd into a two-passenger capsule. It refused to start, and moments were lost before Greene piled out and claimed another car.
The four-minute trip at heavy acceleration seemed an interminable crawl. Harper was convinced that the system had broken down, when the familiar click and sigh announced their arrival at the station under the bomb. They jammed each other trying to get out at the same time.
The lift was up; they did not wait for it. That was unwise; they gained no time by it, and arrived at the control level out of breath. Nevertheless, they speeded up when they reached the top, zigzagged frantically around the outer shield, and burst into the control room.
The limp figure was still on the floor, and another, also inert, was near it. The second’s helmet was missing.
The third figure was bending over the trigger. He looked up as they came in, and charged them. They hit him together, and all three went down. It was two to one, but they got in each other’s way. The man’s heavy armor protected him from the force of their blows. He fought with senseless, savage violence.
Harper felt a bright, sharp pain; his right arm went limp and useless. The armored figure was struggling free of them.
There was a shout from somewhere behind them, “Hold still!”
Harper saw a flash with the corner of one eye, a deafening crack hurried on top of it, and re-echoed painfully in the restricted space.
The armored figure dropped back to his knees, balanced there, and then fell heavily on his face. Greene stood in the entrance, a service pistol balanced in his hand.
Harper got up and went over to the trigger. He tried to reduce the dampening adjustment, but his right hand wouldn’t carry out his orders, and his left was too clumsy. “Steinke,” he called, “come here! Take over.”
Steinke hurried up, nodded as he glanced at the readings, and set busily to work.* * *
It was thus that King found them when he bolted in a very few minutes later.
“Harper!” he shouted, while his quick glance was still taking in the situation. “What’s happened?”
Harper told him briefly. He nodded. “I saw the tail end of the fight from my office—Steinke!” He seemed to grasp for the first time who was on the trigger. “He can’t manage the controls—” He hurried toward him.
Steinke looked up at his approach. “Chief!” he called out. “Chief! I’ve got my mathematics back!“
King looked bewildered, then nodded vaguely, and let him be. He turned back to Harper. “How does it happen you’re here?”
“Me? I’m here to report—we’ve done it, chief!”
“We’ve finished; it’s all done. Erickson stayed behind to complete the power-plant installation on the big ship. I came over in the ship we’ll use to shuttle between Earth and the big ship, the power plant. Four minutes from Goddard Field to here in her. That’s the pilot over there.” He pointed to the door, where Greene’s solid form partially hid Lentz.
“Wait a minute. You say that everything is ready to install the bomb in the ship? You’re sure?”
“Positive. The big ship has already flown with our fuel—longer and faster than she will have to fly to reach station in her orbit; I was in it—out in space, chief! We’re all set, six ways from zero.”
King stared at the dumping switch, mounted behind glass at the top of the instrument board. “There’s fuel enough,” he said softly, as if he were alone and speaking only to himself; “there’s been fuel enough for weeks.”
He walked swiftly over to the switch, smashed the glass with his fist, and pulled it.
The room rumbled and shivered as two and a half tons of molten, massive metal, heavier than gold, coursed down channels, struck against baffles, split into a dozen streams, and plunged to rest in leaden receivers—to rest, safe and harmless, until it could be reassembled far out in space.
AFTERWORDDecember 1979, exactly 40 years after I researched BLOWUPS HAPPEN (Dec. '39): I had some doubt about republishing this because of the current ignorant fear of fission power, recently enhanced by the harmless flap at Three Mile Island. When I wrote this, there was not a full gram of purified U-235 on this planet, and no one knew its hazards in detail, most especially the mass and geometry and speed of assembly necessary to make "blowups happen." But we now know from long experience and endless tests that the "tons" used in this story could never be assembled—no explosion, melt-down possible, melt-down being the worst that can happen at a power plant; to cause U-235 to explode is very difficult and requires very different design. Yes, radiation is hazardous BUT—RADIATION EXPOSURE Half a mile from Three-Mile plantduring the flap 83 milliremsAt the power plant 1,100 milliremsDuring heart catheterization for angiogram 45,000 millirems—which I underwent 18 months ago. I feel fine.
The End
Fictional Story Related Index
This is an index of full text reprints of stories that I have
read that influenced me when I was young. They are rather difficult to
come by today, as where I live they are nearly impossible to find. Yes,
you can find them on the internet, behind paywalls. Ah, that’s why all
those software engineers in California make all that money. Well, here
they are FOR FREE. Enjoy reading them.
Movies that Inspired Me
Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
My Poetry
Art that Moves Me
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here, in this article, we look at the United States involvement with HK. We [1] study how the United States uses Hong Kong to exert pressure on China for trade and geopolitical advantage. We also [2] take a look at the various people “behind the scenes” that are pushing for American involvement, for their own personal gain. Finally, [3] we study the role that the American media plays that the stereotypes that they cultivate in order to manipulate Americans. This is perhaps the most comprehensive overview of the USA / China involvement in Hong Kong that you will find on the internet.
For starters, you the reader should recognize that global politics are often complicated, and convoluted. People will say one thing and then do the other. That there are forces, all with their own agendas, manipulating, jockeying, and vying for positions of power and advantage. All of this takes place on a canvas that is painted by the media. Often, a picture that doesn’t at all resemble what is actually going on behind the scene.
Or has everyone forgotten the "Trump is going to prison for conspiring with Russia to steal the election" narrative from the mainstream media from 20016 though to 2019?
The HK / USA / China issue is typical in geo-political posturing. It is like an onion. It really is.
You look at the onion, and you see the outside as portrayed to you. Much like how you observe the news media reporting. Then, you peel away the first layer. There you see the actions, and turmoil behind the scene. Your eyes will often burn. Because the truth what is going on was unknown to you. You then peel away the second layer, and find out just how deep all this goes.
You continue deeper and deeper.
You peel each layer away, one by one. And then finally you reach the true truth of the matter and take a good hard look at what is involved. In this particular situation, there are nine (x9) levels or layers of this “onion”. Ah, yes, and in this article we will investigate each one.
The HK – China – USA “free democracy” protests during 2019, and their complexity relative to the comparison to that of the layers of skin in an onion.
Here, we will proceed forward and address this issue in all of it’s complexity. We will move forward from the outside inward, and study each layer in relative detail.
The layers in this issue are;
News media reporting and bias.
Constructed and cultivated stereotypes.
The actual physical events.
The people who caused the events.
The people who are driving the events forward and pushing.
The people who provide financial support, training, and logistics.
The rise of the risks involved.
Reactions and the casualties of war.
The root effects; the trade relationships between the USA, HK and China.
As such, we will begin here…
News media reporting and bias.
President Donald Trump tweeted on August 13 that he “can’t imagine why” the United States has been blamed for the chaotic protests that have gripped Hong Kong.
Donald Trump doesn’t understand how anyone could link the Summer of 2019 HK riots with the Summer of 2019 Trade Wars with China.
Trump’s befuddlement might be believable considering [1] the carefully managed narrative of the US government. As well as [2] the mainstream American media apparatus. Yeah, I get it. Even VP Mike Pence repeats this ludicrous narrative. But come on! Do you really think that the world believes this? After Syria? After Libya?
What? You think that the Chinese will believe that you are sincere?
This GIF pretty much sums up how it looks like to the rest of the world…
I am shocked! Shocked! That there is a connection between the Summer of 2019 HK riots and the Summer of 2019 trade wars.
I believe that the Hong Kong protest is influenced by the US.
The rioters are well-trained, organized and commanded, knowing what to do and when to do it, they have a united uniform, they know where the cameras are and they know how to disable them, they know how to fight against tear gas.
The violent protests are not simply targeting the extradition law amendment bill, but also aiming to throw Hong Kong into disarray, to drag down the SAR government.
- Ty Yang (Hong Kong , China)
You think that they do not have informants? You think that HK is independent and immune from Chinese mainland observation? You think China doesn’t have cameras, video surveillance, wiretaps on telephones, and are not monitoring their insurgents?
Of course they are. And of course, they know full well what is going on. They know.
Keep your hands off Hong Kong!
US has no authority to lecture China on our own sovereign territory. How can US warmongers like Mike Pence even have the legitimacy to talk about HK, when the US is still illegally militarily occupying Syria with their US bases. Syria gave no permission for the US to build bases in Syria. How can the US think they have any god-given right to smack to China?
- MrBudha888 (China)
And we shouldn’t take their (apparent) lack of action on these matters as a weakness. Instead, we should consider it with the upmost caution. They do not make decisions based on what they see on CNN. They make their decisions off other criteria.
So it would be the height of follow to assume that the Chinese are simpletons, backwards, inept, and foolish. They are not. They know the game, and how it is played. They have over 5000 years of political intrigue, and they most certainly will not base their decisions off of what they see on the news.
The suspicion of US manipulation behind the scenes is gaining traction in the online world.
The US has gained notoriety for using subterfuge to interfere with other sovereignty's affairs.
It's not like the world is oblivious to that.
- Joseph Kuan (US)
This reporting has been very “black and white”.
They report that the protests are some kind of organic “pro-democracy” expression of young idealistic grassroots youth. That they only want “freedom”, American style “democracy”, and a “slice of the American pie”. They just do not want to be considered Chinese, and they certainly don’t want anything to do with mainland China.
Oh. If only it were TRUE…
The protests have been staged and arranged for an American audience, because that is the insurgents’ primary funding source.
However, a look beneath the surface of this oversimplified, made-for-television script reveals the truth.
It’s all a stack of cards. It’s all an illusion. It’s all a manipulation. It’s all a line and nonsense. And the Chinese are all well-aware of this.
US is everywhere in other countries' affairs! What a joke!
Nothing will distract China from focusing on economic development and raising the standard of living for the 1.4 billion Chinese people.
The US should do the same, concentrating its resources and energy to improve American people's lives. There is so much more to be desired for the most advanced country of the world.
- Miyya Z (China)
The truth is that there is a small but extremely vocal and well-funded, ferociously anti-Chinese network behind the demonstrations. They hate China. They really, seriously do.
But, it’s more than just hating China.
They hate America as well. They also hate Britain. They are so filled with hate that you would think that they were members of the American terrorist groups Antifa, and BLM. I mean, after all, they look like them, they act like them, and they use the exact same strategies as their American counterparts, the Antifa.
What? You think the Antifa and BLM love America? That’s what you think?
When a masked radical is shouting and screaming at you and is telling you that they want you hurt, tortured, and killed, you should believe them. The mainland Chinese are listening to them, and as a result they are amassing military forces in the event that things spiral out of control.
But they will cover up and hide their hate. Most of the time they will put on masks and pretend to be something else. They will act nice and courteous, and seem and appear reasonable. Anything to obtain their goals.
Frangfang (Hong Kong, China)
The US is linking the current situation in Hong Kong to the US-China trade negotiations, using Hong Kong as leverage to pressure compromise from China. Such 'bargaining', in essence using Hong Kong as a 'trading chip', would be a gross insult to the Hong Kong people.
And their goals are simple ones. It’s what every dictator and tyrant wants. They want their own fiefdom; they want Hong Kong as their own, and then they want to join the rest of the world as global oligarchs.
And America plays along.
Jimmy Lai (HK ultra-billionaire) meets with American VP Mike Pence. His goal is to disrupt the relationship between the United States and China so that he can have financial and economic advantage in Hong Kong. His primary and sole goal is to INTERRUPT the relationship between China and America.
This network has been cultivated, funded, and trained with the help of millions of dollars from the US government. (Read on to see the funding amounts, the agencies, the American officials involved, and other particulars.) Not to mention a particularly vocal progressive globalist Washington-linked local Hong Kong media tycoon. (Jimmy Lai with dreams of his own nation, and a near religious cult of followers.)
Constructed and cultivated stereotypes.
The way that the events are portrayed in Hong Kong is to fit the appetite for the American news-consuming audience. In particular, to appeal to the emotions of two especially and diametrically opposed groups;
The Progressive, Liberal Democrat Marxists.
The Traditional, Conservative Republicans.
The protests in HK are staged to pander to the American consumer. They are designed most especially to trigger emotional responses from Americans. This is most especially true when the protestors sang the Star Spangled Banner. I ask the reader this, how many of you can sing the Chinese national anthem?
Let’s start with the appeals to the liberal democrat progressive Marxists in America. Look at the progressive media show DemocracyNow! (DN!) as one example. It is a prominent media outlet on the “progressive” end of the spectrum. They have been quite busy “reporting” on all the protests in Hong Kong. They report on them as if they are part and parcel of the same kinds of Antifa and BLM protests in the United States. So, of course, they would report on everything. Right?
From April through August 28, there have been 25 brief accounts (“headlines” as DN! calls them, each amounting to a few paragraphs) of the events in Hong Kong and 4 features, longer supposedly analytic pieces, on the same topic. Transcripts of the four features are here, here, here and here.
Democracy Now! is an hour-long American TV, radio and internet news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman, who also acts as the show’s executive producer, and Juan González. The show, which airs live each weekday at 08:00 ET, is broadcast on the internet and by over 1,400 radio and television stations worldwide.
There is not a single mention of [1] possible US involvement or the meetings of the various leaders of the protest movement with [2] Pompeo, [3] Bolton, [4] Pence, or [5] the “Political Counselor” of the US Hong Kong consulate. It’s almost like they ignore the news that doesn’t fit their narrative. Imagine that!
And this silence on US meddling is true not only of most progressive commentators but also most conservatives.
On the Left when someone cries “Democracy,” many forget all their pro-peace sentiment. And similarly on the Right when someone cries “Communism,” anti-interventionism too often goes down the tubes.
In fact on its August 12 program, DN! managed a story taking a swipe at Russia right next to the one on Hong Kong – and DN! was in the forefront of advancing the now debunked and disgraced Russiagate Conspiracy Theory.
Amy Goodman is an American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, and author. Her investigative journalism career includes coverage of the East Timor independence movement and Chevron Corporation’s role in Nigeria. Since 1996, she has been the main host of Democracy Now!, a progressive global news program broadcast daily on radio, television and the Internet.
Yes, on the other side of the political spectrum, is an appeal to American conservatives.
Protesters in Hong Kong waving the American flag and singing the American National anthem as they advocate for democracy. Wow! pic.twitter.com/CKyFstud22
— Kaya Jones (@KayaJones) August 12, 2019
Displays of pro-American “jingoism” in the streets of Hong Kong have been like catnip for the international traditional conservative right. Conservatives LOVE to hear that people are throwing down the chains of Marxist socialism and embracing liberty and freedom. Even though they are actually calling for “democracy”, instead.)
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is an American radio talk show host and conservative political commentator. He resides in Palm Beach, Florida, where he broadcasts The Rush Limbaugh Show. According to December 2015 estimates by Talkers Magazine, Limbaugh has a cume of around 13.25 million unique listeners, making his show the most listened-to American radio station.
Conservative Joey Gibson
Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson recently appeared at an anti-extradition protest in Hong Kong, live-streaming the event to his tens of thousands of followers.
A month earlier, Gibson was seen roughing up antifa activists alongside ranks of club wielding fascists.
In Hong Kong, the alt-right organizer marveled at the crowds. “They love our flag here more than they do in America!” Gibson exclaimed as marchers passed by, flashing him a thumbs up sign while he waved the Stars and Stripes.
In Hong Kong, Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson marveled at the crowds. “They love our flag here more than they do in America!” .
Personally, I like to refer to these narratives a “two dimensional”, “black and white”, “cardboard cutouts”. It’s a simplified narrative useful for emotional manipulation of large groups of simple-minded people.
Boris and Natasha are card-board cut-outs (a two dimensional portrayal) of Russian Communists during the 1960’s and into the 1970’s.
The actual physical events.
Throughout the summer of 2019 the world has watched as protests shook Hong Kong.
A man in Taiwan murdered his girlfriend and then fled to Hong Kong. The Taiwan government wanted HK to extradite him to face justice. To facilitate this (and other similar cases), an extradition bill was proposed and about to be signed, when suddenly all Hell broke loose.
It turned out that (apparently, out of the blue), a large number of Hong Kong residents didn't like the idea of being forcibly extradited to another country to face legal charges.
As early as April they began as peaceful demonstrations which peaked in early June, with hundreds of thousands, in protest of an extradition bill.
That bill would have allowed Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China, to return criminals to Taiwan, mainland China or Macau for crimes committed there – after approval by multiple layers of the Hong Kong judiciary.
In other words, if you commit a crime in Taiwan and flee to Hong Kong, the Hong Kong police would no longer provide you with a safe-haven. They would return you back to the Taiwan where you committed the crime.
Ai! This was considered an assault in "freedom" and "liberty".
Protestors in Hong Kong protesting the passage of the extradition bill.
In the wake of those enormous nonviolent demonstrations, Carrie Lam, CEO of Hong Kong, “suspended” consideration of the extradition bill, a face-saving ploy. To make sure she was understood, she declared it “dead.”
The large rallies, an undeniable expression of the peaceful will of a large segment of the Hong Kong population had won an impressive victory. The unpopular extradition bill was slain.
But that was not the end of the story.
The protests continued.
Carrie Lam, CEO of HK, meets with Xi Peng the President of Mainland China.
They… continued.
They continued, even after their goals were met.
They continued, even after the head of the HK government admitted to bowing down to the demands of the protestors. Yes, it’s true. A smaller segment continued the protests. (The Hong Kong police at one point estimated 4,000 hard core protesters.)
They pressed on with other demands, beginning with a demand that the bill be “withdrawn,” not simply “suspended.” Well, it's all a matter of terminology. By “suspension” is every bit as terminal as death by “withdrawal.” The most recent news confirms that Corrie Lam has now formally withdrawn the bill.
But even at that, the protests are continuing by this group of hard-core radicals.
They still continued to protest.
The people who initiated, inflamed or caused the events.
On the surface, it seems very simple. An extradition bill was up for ratification. Protests against the ratification were initiated, and the bill was withdrawn. Victory, right?
Radical elements are pushing for more protests. These are violent protests, and they pull at the heartstrings of American democrats who can see their faces behind the black-hoods and face masks of the protestors, as well as American conservatives who get "goosebumps" when they see their American flags being waved along side for calls for freedom and democracy.
Who are the public people who are getting everyone all riled up and agitated on both sides of this issue (oh, yes, there are two sides to this issue. Even though the mainstream America only shows one side.)?
As the summer passed, two iconic photos presented us with two human faces that captured two crucial features of the ongoing protests; they were not shown widely in the West. They are, apparently, not considered to be “newsworthy” enough for the American viewing public.
Fu Guohao
First, Fu Guohao, a reporter for the Chinese mainland newspaper, Global Times, was attacked, bound and beaten by the radical protesters. This occurred during their takeover of the Hong Kong International Airport.
FuGuohao, a reporter for the Global Times, a nationalistic Communist Party-run newspaper, has become an overnight sensation. He is being hailed as a hero on Chinese social media after he was tied up and beaten by protesters as Tuesday’s demonstrations at Hong Kong’s airport descended into violence.
- Chinese Reporter Assaulted at Hong Kong Airport
Fu Guohao, reporter of Chinese media Global Times website, is tied by protesters during a mass demonstration at the Hong Kong international airport, in Hong Kong, China, August 13, 2019. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
When police and rescuers tried to free him, the protesters blocked them and also attempted to block the ambulance that eventually bore him off to the hospital.
Protestors fought the police.
Protestors blocked the ambulance.
Protestors bound, taunted and tortured Mr. Fu Guohao.
The photos and videos of this ugly sequence were seen by netizens across the globe even though given scant attention in Western media.
Where were the stalwart defenders of the press in the US as this happened? As one example, DemocracyNow! (DN!) was completely silent as was the rest of the US mainstream media.
Fu’s beating came after many weeks when the protesters threw up barriers to stop traffic; blocked closure of subway doors, in defiance of commuters and police, to shut down mass transit; sacked and vandalized the HK legislature building; assaulted bystanders who disagreed with them; attacked the police with Molotov cocktails; and stormed and defaced police stations.
The protestors seem to be trying to provoke mainland China to take action. However, HK is standing firm and allowing the protestors a great deal of leeway in their actions and damage.
Fu’s ordeal and all these actions shown in photos on Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, a paper leaning to the side of protesters, gave the lie to the image of these “democracy activists” as young Ghandis of East Asia.
The South China Morning Post is based in Hong Kong and its readership is concentrated there so it has to have some reasonable fidelity in reporting events; otherwise it loses credibility – and circulation.
Similarly, much as the New York Times abhorred Occupy Wall Street, it could not fail to report on it.
Joshua Wong
A younger generation of political HK activists emerged during the 2014 Occupy Central protests with a new brand of localized politics. It is a brand that appealed to the American conservative (anti-Chinese) Right.
Joshua Wong was just 17 years old when the Umbrella Movement took form in 2014. After emerging in the protest ranks as one of the more charismatic voices, he was steadily groomed as the pro-West camp’s teenage poster child.
Joshua Wong meets with Sen. Marco Rubio (R) in Washington on May 8, 2017
Wong received lavish praised in Time magazine, Fortune, and Foreign Policy as a “freedom campaigner,” and became the subject of an award-winning Netflix documentary called “Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower.”
Unsurprisingly, these puff pieces have overlooked Wong’s ties to the United States government’s regime-change apparatus. For that is what he is. He is the face of the American conservative foreign branch.
For instance, National Endowment for Democracy’s National Democratic Institute (NDI) maintains a close relationship with Demosistō, the political party Wong founded in 2016 with fellow Umbrella movement alumnus Nathan Law.
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a U.S. non-profit soft power organization that was founded in 1983 with the stated goal of promoting democracy abroad. It is funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress in the form of a grant awarded through the United States Information Agency (USIA). It is an American agency that obtains funds directly from the American federal government.
National Endowment for Democracy’s National Democratic Institute (NDI)
To find out a little bit more about this “shadowy” and “well funded” machine for causing protests, turmoil, and discord in other nations, read this…
It’s a bit long. You can skim over it, or ignore it as you wish. It’s just some really interesting background information on how front organizations, funded by the United States government, can be used to create proxy protests, and turmoil for American geo-political advantage.
“They’re meddling in our politics!” That’s the war cry of outraged Clintonites and neocons, who seem to think election interference is something that Russians do to us and we never, ever do to them.
But meddling in other countries has been a favorite Washington pastime ever since William McKinley vowed to “Christianize” the Philippines in 1899, despite the fact that most Filipinos were already Catholic. Today, an alphabet soup of U.S. agencies engage in political interference virtually around the clock, everyone from USAID to the VOA, RFE/RL to the DHS—respectively the U.S. Agency for International Development, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and the Department of Homeland Security. The last maintains some 2,000 U.S. employees in 70 countries to ensure that no one even thinks of doing anything bad to anyone over here.
Then there is the National Endowment for Democracy, a $180-million-a-year government-funded outfit that is a byword for American intrusiveness. The NED is an example of what might be called “speckism,” the tendency to go on about the speck in your neighbor’s eye without ever considering the plank in your own (see Matthew 7 for further details). Prohibited by law from interfering in domestic politics, the endowment devotes endless energy to the democratic shortcomings of other countries, especially when they threaten American interests.
In 1984, the year after it was founded, it channeled secret funds to a military-backed presidential candidate in Panama, gave $575,000 to a right-wing French student group, and delivered nearly half a million dollars to right-wing opponents of Costa Rican president Oscar Arias—because Arias had refused to go along with our anti-communist policy in Central America.
A year later, it gave $400,000 to the anti-Sandinista opposition in Nicaragua and then another $2 million in 1988. It used its financial muscle in the mid-1990s to persuade a right-wing party to draw up a “Contract with Slovakia” modeled on Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America; persuaded free marketeers to do the same in Mongolia; gave nearly $1 million to Venezuelan rightists who went on to mount a short-lived putsch against populist leader Hugo Chavez in 2002; and then funded anti-Russian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko in Ukraine in 2005, and the later anti-Russian coup there in 2014.
What all this had to do with democracy is unclear, although the NED’s role in advancing U.S. imperial interests is beyond doubt. Rather than “my country right or wrong,” its operating assumption is “my country right, full stop.” If Washington says Leader X is out of line, then the endowment will snap to attention and fund his opponents.
If it says he’s cooperative and well-behaved, meaning he supports free markets and financial deregulation and doesn’t dally with any of America’s military rivals, it will do the opposite. It doesn’t matter if, like Putin, the alleged dictator swept the last election with 63.6 percent of the vote and was declared the “clear” winner by the European Union and the U.S. State Department. If he’s “expanding [Russia’s] influence in the Middle East,” as NED President Carl Gershman puts it, then he’s a “strongman” and an “autocrat” and must go.
America’s own shortcomings meanwhile go unnoticed. Meanwhile, the NED, as it nears the quarter-century mark, is a bundle of contradictions: a group that claims to be private even though it is almost entirely publicly funded, a group that says democracy “must be indigenous” even though it backs U.S.-imposed regime change, a group that claims to be “bipartisan” but whose board is packed with ideologically homogeneous hawks like Elliott Abrams, Anne Applebaum, and Victoria Nuland, the latter of whom served as assistant secretary of state during the coup in Ukraine.
Historically speaking, the NED feels straight out of the early 1980s, when Washington was struggling to overcome “Vietnam Syndrome” in order to rev up the Cold War. The recovery process began with Ronald Reagan declaring at his first inaugural, “The crisis that we are facing today [requires] our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds, to believe that together with God’s help we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. After all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans.”
The U.S. was apparently not just a nation, but something like a religion as well. Additional input for the new NED in 1983 came from spymaster William Casey, CIA director from 1981 to 1987, who, after the intelligence scandals of the 70s, had swung around to the view that certain covert operations were better spun off into what the British call a “quango,” a quasi-non-government organization. “Obviously we here should not get out in front in the development of such an organization,” he cautioned, “nor do we wish to appear to be a sponsor or advocate.” It was a case of covert backing for an overt turn.
Others who helped lay the groundwork were:
Neoconservative ideologue Jeane Kirkpatrick, Reagan’s ambassador to the UN, famous for her argument that “traditional authoritarian governments” should be supported against “revolutionary autocracies” because they are “less repressive” and whose UN aide Carl Gershman would become NED president and serves to this day.
Human rights Democrats who believe that America’s job is to enforce democratic standards throughout the world, however idiosyncratic and self-serving they may be Old-fashioned pluralists who maintained that the power to succeed existed in different groups’ working separately toward a common goal, in this case, spreading democracy abroad .
The result was an ideologically lethal package that assumed whatever Americans did was democratic because God is on our side, that old-fashioned CIA skullduggery was passé, and that the time had come to switch to more open means. “We should not have to do this kind of work covertly,” Gershman later explained. “We saw that in the 60s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.”
In the interests of pluralism, the NED adopted a quadripartite structure with separate wings for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO, the GOP, and the Democrats, each working separately yet somehow together.
Pluralism helped tamp down debate and also shore up support on Capitol Hill. Liberal Democrats were initially skeptical due to the NED’s neocon tilt. Michigan Congressman John Conyers Jr. tried to kill it in 1985, and The Nation magazine complained a few years later that the group served as little more than “a pork barrel for a small circle of Republican and Democratic party activists, conservative trade unionists, and free marketeers who use endowment money to run their own mini State Department.”
But when the House voted unexpectedly to defund the agency in 1993, beneficiaries sprang to its defense. Major-league pundits like George Will, David Broder, and Abe Rosenthal “went into overdrive,” according to The Nation, as did the heavy hitters of the Washington Post editorial page. Vice President Walter Mondale, a member of the NED board of directors, worked the phones along with Lane Kirkland, George Meany’s successor as head of the AFL-CIO.
Ronald Reagan wrote a letter, while Senators Richard Lugar, Orrin Hatch, and John McCain pitched in as well. So did prominent liberals like Paul Wellstone, John Kerry, Tom Harkin, Ted Kennedy, and Carol Moseley-Braun. These people normally couldn’t bear to be in the same with one another, but they were of one mind when it came to America’s divine right to intervene in other nations’ affairs.
The anti-NED forces didn’t stand a chance. Twenty-five years later, the endowment is again under attack, although this time from the right.
Gershman started the ball rolling when, in October 2016, he interrupted his busy pro-democracy schedule to dash off a column in the Washington Post accusing Russia of using “email hackers, information trolls and open funding of political parties to sow discord” and of “even intervening in the U.S. presidential election.” Since there was no question whom Russia was intervening for, there was no doubt what the article amounted to: a thinly veiled swipe at a certain orange-haired candidate.
Never one to forget a slight, Trump got his revenge last month by proposing to slash the NED budget by 60 percent. The response was the same as in 1993, only more so. Uber-hawk Senator Lindsey Graham pronounced the cut “dead on arrival,” adding: “This budget destroys soft power, it puts our diplomats at risk, and it’s going nowhere.”
Gershman said it would mean “sending a signal far and wide that the United States is turning its back on supporting brave people who share our values,” while Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin moaned that the administration was guilty of an “assault on democracy promotion.” The ever-voluble Democratic Congresswoman Nita Lowey accused the administration of “dismantling an agency that advances critical goals.”
“The work our government does to promote democratic values abroad is at the heart of who we are as a country,” added Senator John McCain. America is democracy, democracy is America, and, as history’s first global empire, the U.S. has an unqualified right to do unto others what others may not do unto the U.S. Only a “Siberian candidate,” “a traitor,” or “a Russian stooge” could possibly disagree.
- The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy by Daniel Lazare
Julie Eadeh
In August, a candid photo surfaced of Wong and Law meeting with Julie Eadeh, the political counselor at the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong, raising questions about the content of the meeting and setting off a diplomatic showdown between Washington and Beijing.
Julie Eadeh
People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides!
People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides in the HK Marriot hotel!
This is very very embarrassing. Julie Eadeh, a US diplomat in Hong Kong, was caught meeting HK protest leaders. It would be hard to imagine the US reaction if Chinese diplomat were meeting leaders of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter or Never Trump protesters. pic.twitter.com/JfiU2O2HZq
— Chen Weihua (@chenweihua) August 8, 2019
Of course, this kind of nonsense won’t be tolerated by China.
The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong submitted a formal complaint with the US consulate general, calling on the US “to immediately make a clean break from anti-China forces who stir up trouble in Hong Kong, stop sending out wrong signals to violent offenders, refrain from meddling with Hong Kong affairs and avoid going further down the wrong path.”
The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong submitted a formal complaint with the US consulate general, calling on the US “to immediately make a clean break from anti-China forces who stir up trouble in Hong Kong, stop sending out wrong signals to violent offenders, refrain from meddling with Hong Kong affairs and avoid going further down the wrong path.”
So the United States wants to get involved in Chinese affairs.
Well, then be prepared for some “push back”. The pro-Beijing Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao doxxed Eadeh. They published personal details about Eadeh, including the names of her children and her address.
But, Washington, D.C. is not used to “push back”.
State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus lashed out, accusing the Chinese government of being behind the leak but offering no evidence. “I don’t think that leaking an American diplomat’s private information, pictures, names of their children, I don’t think that is a formal protest, that is what a thuggish regime would do,”she said at a State Department briefing.
Totally ignoring the already issued formal protest from China.
State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus lashed out, accusing the Chinese government of being behind the leak but offering no evidence. “I don’t think that leaking an American diplomat’s private information, pictures, names of their children, I don’t think that is a formal protest, that is what a thuggish regime would do,” she said at a State Department briefing.
Aside from the official American government protests bout the doxxing, the leaked Mariott photo underscored the close relationship between Hong Kong’s pro-West movement and the US government.
There is ample proof that the United States government has been coaching, and supporting the protests in Hong Kong.
Since the 2014 Occupy Central protests that vaulted Wong into prominence, he and his peers have been assiduously cultivated by the elite Washington institutions to act as the faces and voices of Hong Kong’s burgeoning anti-China movement.
This has continued a pace.
In September 2015, Wong, Martin Lee, and University of Hong Kong law professor Benny Tai Lee were honored by Freedom House, a right-wing soft-power organization that is heavily funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and other arms of the US government.
In September 2015, Wong, Martin Lee, and University of Hong Kong law professor Benny Tai Lee were honored
by Freedom House, a right-wing soft-power organization that is heavily
funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and other arms of the US
Freedom House
Just days after Trump’s election as president in November 2016, Wong was back in Washington to appeal for more US support. “Being a businessman, I hope Donald Trump could know the dynamics in Hong Kong and know that to maintain the business sector benefits in Hong Kong, it’s necessary to fully support human rights in Hong Kong to maintain the judicial independence and the rule of law,” he said.
Wong’s visit to Washington DC provided occasion for the Senate’s two most aggressively neoconservative members, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton, to introduce the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act,”.
Wong’s visit provided occasion for the Senate’s two most aggressively neoconservative members, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton, to introduce the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act,” which would “identify those responsible for abduction, surveillance, detention and forced confessions, and the perpetrators will have their US assets, if any… frozen and their entry to the country denied.”
Marco Rubio
Tom Cotton
Wong was given the “royal carpet treatment”. He was then taken on a junket of elite US institutions including the right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank and the newsrooms of the New York Times and Financial Times. He then held court with Rubio, Cotton, Pelosi, and Sen. Ben Sasse.
Heritage Foundation
Nancy Pelosi
Ben Sasse
Wong was given the “royal carpet treatment”. He was then taken on a junket of elite US institutions including the right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank and the newsrooms of the New York Times and Financial Times. He then held court with Rubio, Cotton, Pelosi, and Sen. Ben Sasse.
In September 2017, Rubio, Ben Cardin, Tom Cotton, Sherrod Brown, and Cory Gardner signed off on a letter to Wong, Law and fellow anti-China activist Alex Chow, praising them for their “efforts to build a genuinely autonomous Hong Kong.” The bipartisan cast of senators proclaimed that “the United States cannot stand idly by.”
Ben Cardin
Sherrod Brown
Cory Gardner
Rubio and his colleagues nominated the trio of Wong, Law, and Chow for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.
A year later, Rubio and his colleagues nominated the trio of Wong, Law, and Chow for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.
Honored to have met Joshua Wong, a student leader who led a big protest demanding universal suffrage in Hong Kong. pic.twitter.com/sSb46j7zIX
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) November 18, 2015
Washington’s support for the designated spokesmen of the “retake Hong Kong movement” was supplemented with untold sums of money from US regime-change outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and subsidiaries like the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to civil society, media and political groups.
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Washington’s support for the designated spokesmen of the “retake Hong Kong movement” was supplemented with untold sums of money from US regime-change outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and subsidiaries like the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to civil society, media and political groups.
As journalist Alex Rubinstein reported, the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, a key member of the coalition that organized against the now-defunct extradition law, has received more than $2 million in NED funds since 1995.
Other groups in the coalition reaped hundreds of thousands of dollars from the NED and NDI last year alone.
While US lawmakers nominate Hong Kong protest leaders for peace prizes and pump their organizations with money to “promote democracy,” the demonstrations have begun to spiral out of control.
The people who are driving the events.
25th August 2019 – (Hong Kong) The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has funded the 2014 Occupy Central in the past but many have begun to wonder if the Americans did indeed have a hand in the latest anti-extradition protests in Hong Kong. Numerous meetings between pro-democracy political activists, representatives from NED and top government officials have left us wondered if NED has funded the frontline protesters .
We have mentioned earlier in our previous article that, there are in principle two factions of protesters, the genuine protesters (90%) and the frontline protesters (10%). Only the 10% frontline protesters are potentially funded by the Americans as the mass of Hong Kong protesters fit naturally into their agenda.
What is NED? NED is a U.S. non-profit soft power organization that was founded in 1983 with the stated goal of promoting democracy abroad. In principle, NED is a grant-making foundation, distributing funds to private non-governmental organisations for promoting democracy abroad. NED does not directly fund any political party, as this is forbidden by law. According to NED, it funds election monitoring and also civic education about voting, such as student-led “get-out-the-vote” campaigns.
However, according to American Conservative, in 1984, the year after it was founded, it channeled secret funds to a military-backed presidential candidate in Panama, gave US$575,000 to a right-wing French student group, and delivered nearly half a million dollars to right-wing opponents of Costa Rican president Oscar Arias—because Arias had refused to go along with our anti-communist policy in Central America.
- Is United States involved in the current civil unrest in Hong Kong via its National Endowment for Democracy (NED)?
The protesters’ stated goals remain vague. No one now knows what exactly they are protesting for.
HK Riot police can only take so much violence before some serious accidents will occur.
Joshua Wong, one of the most well known figures in the movement, has since put forward a call for the Chinese government to [1] “retract the proclamation that the protests were riots,” and [2] restated the consensus demand for universal suffrage.
Wong is a bespectacled 22-year-old who has been trumpeted in Western media as a “freedom campaigner,” promoted to the English-speaking world through his own Netflix documentary, and rewarded with the backing of the US government.
Hey! This kid is doing really well for himself. He's getting millions of dollars from various political American movements. He was up for the Peace Prize, and has his own Netflix documentary. Pretty good for a a young unemployed Hong Kong millennial. It's nice to see where all our campaign donations and tax dollars goes to.
Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong released from prison, vows to continue actions of violence.
But behind telegenic spokespeople like Wong are more extreme elements such as the Hong Kong National Party, whose members have appeared at protests waving the Stars and Stripes and belting out cacophonous renditions of the Star-Spangled Banner. The leadership of this officially banned party helped popularize the call for the full independence of Hong Kong, a radical goal that is music to the ears of hardliners in Washington.
Xenophobic resentment has defined the sensibility of the protesters, who vow to “retake Hong Kong” from Chinese mainlanders they depict as a horde of locusts.
The demonstrators have even adopted one of the most widely recognized symbols of the alt-right, emblazoning images of Pepe the Frog on their protest literature. While it’s unclear that Hong Kong residents see Pepe the same way American conservatives do, members of the US far-right have embraced the protest movement as their own, and even personally joined their ranks.
Protesters in Hong Kong have adopted the popular “Pepe the Frog” meme as one of their symbols of resistance amid ongoing demonstrations against a proposed extradition bill.
The frog’s familiar face has appeared on signs in various protests calling out violent police crackdowns against demonstrators.
One meme showing Pepe with an injured eye focused on a police assault which left a first responder blind after being shot with a bean bag round at close range.
Which brings us to the second key photo of importance. It is much more important to US citizens. It clearly shows a “Political Counselor” from the US Consulate General in Hong Kong with radical anti-government protestors at the HK Marriot hotel.
The official was formerly a State Dept functionary in the Middle East – in Jerusalem, Riyadh, Beirut, Baghdad and Doha, certainly not an area lacking in imperial intrigues and regime change ops.
People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides!
That photo graphically contradicted the contention that there is no US “black hand,” as China calls it, in the Hong Kong riots.
In fact, here the “black hand” was caught red-handed, leading Chen Weihua, a very perceptive China Daily columnist, to tweet the picture with the comment:
“This is very very embarrassing. … a US diplomat in Hong Kong, was caught meeting HK protest leaders. It would be hard to imagine the US reaction if a Chinese diplomat were meeting leaders of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter or Never Trump protesters.”
And that photo with the protest leaders is just a snap shot of the ample evidence of the hand of the US government and its subsidiaries in the Hong Kong events.
There is substantial and ample evidence that the United States government has been very active in funding, advising and supporting the anti-government protestors in Hong Kong.
Perhaps the best documentation of the US “black hand” is to be found in Dan Cohen’s superb article of August 17 in The Greyzone entitled, “Behind a made-for-TV Hong Kong protest narrative, Washington is backing nativism and mob violence.”
The article by Cohen deserves careful reading; it leaves little doubt that there is a very deep involvement of the US in the Hong Kong riots.
Of special interest is the detailed role and funding, amounting to over $1.3 million, in Hong Kong alone in recent years, of the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), ever on the prowl for new regime change opportunities.
Perhaps most important, the leaders of the “leaderless” protests have met with major US political figures such as John Bolton, Vice President Pence, Secretary Pompeo, Senator Marco Rubio, Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel, Nancy Pelosi and others, all of whom have heartily endorsed their efforts.
This is not to deny that the protests were home grown at the outset in response to what was widely perceived as a legitimate grievance. But it would be equally absurd to deny that the US is fishing in troubled Hong Kong waters to advance its anti-China crusade and regime change ambitions.
People! China is a serious, serious nation. They do not mess around. If you think that they will not take this meddling as some kind of physical attack, then you are living in a fantasy world. They WILL take action. You all just have no idea what it will be.Nor will you know when they will take action.
The people who are activating the events.
As has been demonstrated so far, there are various individuals who are playing the "global high-power" politics role in all this. This includes American Senators, Congressmen, and various American sponsored "freedom" organizations.
But there are also others. Other people who have their own personal interests for "stirring up the pot". Here we look at others, who have a bigger personal stake in all of these protests.
Jimmy Lai
Among the most central influencers of the demonstrations is a local tycoon named Jimmy Lai. The self-described “head of opposition media,” Lai is widely described as the Rupert Murdoch of Asia.
The United States is intimately involved in the HK protests.
For the masses of protesters, Lai is a transcendent figure. They clamor for photos with him and applaud the oligarch wildly when he walks by their encampments.
Lai established his credentials by pouring millions of dollars into the 2014 Occupy Central protest, which is known popularly as the Umbrella Movement. He has since used his massive fortune to fund local anti-China political movers and shakers while injecting the protests with a virulent brand of Sinophobia through his media empire.
Sinophobia - definition of Sinophobia by The Free Dictionary
Sinophobia synonyms, Sinophobia pronunciation, Sinophobia translation, English dictionary definition of Sinophobia. n. 1. Fear of or contempt for China, its people, or its culture. 2. Behavior based on such an attitude or feeling. Si′no·phobe′ n. Si′no·pho′bic adj.
Jimmy Lai (HK billionaire) meets with American VP Mike Pence. Politically he is a progressive leftist who became one of the most powerful men in HK. He desires to leverage his relationship and power to have the USA perform proxy interceptions within China and HK relationships for his own personal benefit.
Though Western media has depicted the
Hong Kong protesters as the voice of an entire people yearning for
freedom, the island is deeply divided. This August, a group of
protesters mobilized outside Jimmy Lai’s house, denouncing him as a
“running dog” of Washington and accusing him of national betrayal by
unleashing chaos on the island.
Days earlier, Lai was in Washington, coordinating with hardline members of Trump’s national security team, including John Bolton. His ties to Washington run deep — and so do those of the front-line protest leaders.
John Bolton
John Bolton – National Security Advisor to Donald Trump.
Jimmy Lai has been working with President Trump's national security advisor John Bolton in how to work with China.
In this relationship, it is obvious that both Jimmy Lai and John Bolton want to take a very hard-line with China. As such, we can well expect John Bolton to sabotage any tariff agreement between Xi Peng and Donald Trump.
Personally, I believe that for there to be any kind of mutually-beneficial trade relationship and agreement between the USA and China, John Bolton would have to step down from being an advisor to Donald Trump.
Millions of dollars have flowed from
US regime-change outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
into civil society and political organizations that form the backbone
of the anti-China mobilization. And Lai has supplemented it with his own
fortune while instructing protesters on tactics through his various
media organs.
With Donald Trump in the White House,
Lai is convinced that his moment may be on the horizon. Trump
“understands the Chinese like no president understood,” the tycoon told the Wall Street Journal. “I think he’s very good at dealing with gangsters.”
Born in the mainland in 1948 to wealthy parents, whose fortune was expropriated by the Communist Party during the revolution the following year, Jimmy Lai began working at 9 years old, carrying bags for train travelers during the hard years of the Great Chinese Famine.
Inspired by the taste of a piece of chocolate gifted to him by a wealthy man, he decided to smuggle himself to Hong Kong to discover a future of wealth and luxury. There, Lai worked his way up the ranks of the garment industry, growing enamored with the libertarian theories of economists Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, the latter of whom became his close friend.
Friedman is famous for developing the neoliberal shock therapy doctrine that the US has imposed on numerous countries, resulting in the excess deaths of millions. For his part, Hayek is the godfather of the Austrian economic school that forms the foundation of libertarian political movements across the West.
Lai built his business empire on Giordano, a garment label that became one of Asia’s most recognizable brands. In 1989, he threw his weight behind the Tiananmen Square protests, hawking t-shirts on the streets of Beijing calling for Deng Xiaoping to “step down.”
It was a year after the Communist Party of China, led by Deng Xiaoping, put forward the policy of reform and opening-up. Under the policy, individuals nationwide were encouraged to run businesses and set up private companies. That meant that family enterprises like the Nian’s sunflower seed business became legal. Deng’s visionary move fueled the growth of private enterprise and set a milestone for China’s market-oriented economy.
In other words, Mr. Deng introduced China to Reganomics. And while President Bush stopped all of the Reaganomics that he started, Mr. Deng continued, creating the China that exists today.
Lai’s actions provoked the Chinese government to ban his company from operating on the mainland.
A year later, he founded Next Weekly magazine, initiating a process that would revolutionize the mediascape in Hong Kong with a blend of smutty tabloid-style journalism, celebrity gossip and a heavy dose of anti-China spin.
The vociferously anti-communist baron soon became Hong Kong’s media kingpin, worth a whopping $660 million in 2009.
Today, Lai is the founder and majority stakeholder of Next Digital, the largest listed media company in Hong Kong, which he uses to agitate for the end of what he calls the Chinese “dictatorship.” His flagship outlet is the popular tabloid Apple Daily, employing the trademark mix of raunchy material with a heavy dose of xenophobic, nativist propaganda.
In 2012, Apple Daily carried a full page advertisement depicting mainland Chinese citizens as invading locusts draining Hong Kong’s resources. The advertisement called for a stop to the “unlimited invasion of mainland pregnant women in Hong Kong.”
(This was a crude reference to the Chinese citizens who had flocked to the island while pregnant to ensure that their children could earn Hong Kong residency, and resembled the resentment among the US right-wing of immigrant “anchor babies.”)
Ad in Lai’s Apple Daily: “That’s enough! Stop unlimited invasion of mainland pregnant women!”
The transformation of Hong Kong’s economy has provided fertile soil for Lai’s brand of demagoguery. As the country’s manufacturing base moved to mainland China after the golden years of the 1980s and ‘90s, the economy was rapidly financialized, enriching oligarchs like Lai.
Left with rising debt and dimming career prospects, Hong Kong’s youth became easy prey to the demagogic politics of nativism.
Many protesters have been seen waving
British Union Jacks in recent weeks, expressing a yearning for an
imaginary past under colonial control which they never personally
Many protesters have been seen waving British Union Jacks in recent weeks, expressing a yearning for an imaginary past under colonial control which they never personally experienced.
In July, protesters vandalized the Hong Kong Liaison Office, spray-painting the word, “Shina” on its facade. This term is a xenophobic slur some in Hong Kong and Taiwan use to refer to mainland China.
The anti-Chinese phenomenon was visible during the 2014 Umbrella movement protests as well, with signs plastered around the city reading, “Hong Kong for Hong Kongers.”
支那(Shina) is Japanese word for China that became derogatory during Sino-Japanese War. Post-War Japan gov ban its use in Kanji form (Chinese characters) in official document. Yet some people in Hong Kong and Taiwan use it to insult people from Chinese mainland. It=“Chink” in Eng https://t.co/Oe8LCXgak8
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) July 22, 2019
This month, protesters turned their fury on the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, spray-painting “rioters” on its office. The attack represented resentment of the left-wing group’s role in a violent 1967 uprising against the British colonial authorities, who are now seen as heroes among many of the anti-Chinese demonstrators.
Edward Leung
Besides Lai, a large part of the
credit for mobilizing latent xenophobia goes to the right-wing Hong Kong
Indigenous party leader Edward Leung. Under the direction of the
28-year-old Leung, his pro-independence party has brandished British
colonial flags and publicly harassed Chinese mainland tourists. In 2016,
Leung was exposed for meeting with US diplomatic officials at a local restaurant.
Edward Leung Tin-kei (Chinese : 梁天琦 ; born 2 June 1991) is a Hong Kong student and activist. He is the former spokesman of Hong Kong Indigenous, a localist group. He took a leading role and was arrested in the 2016 Mong Kok civil unrest.
Though he is currently in jail for leading a 2016 riot where police were bombarded with bricks and pavement – and where he admitted
to attacking an officer – Leung’s rightist politics and his slogan,
“Retake Hong Kong,” have helped define the ongoing protests.
A local legislator and protest leader described Leung to the New York Times as “the Che Guevara of Hong Kong’s revolution,” referring without a hint of irony to the Latin American communist revolutionary killed in a CIA-backed operation. According to the Times, Leung is “the closest thing Hong Kong’s tumultuous and leaderless protest movement has to a guiding light.”
Andy Chan
The xenophobic sensibility of the protesters has provided fertile soil for Hong Kong National Party to recruit. Founded by the pro-independence activist Andy Chan, the officially banned party combines anti-Chinese resentment with calls for the US to intervene.
"I ask President Trump to bring full-scale of sanction on to Hong Kong. The sanctions brought on China must [be] brought on Hong Kong because China can escape sanctions through Hong Kong. I would like to take the chance to reiterate my advocacy again: to revoke the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act passed by the United States Congress. It allows Hong Kong to enjoy a special status apart from China. However, it turns out to be a back door of the free world that could be accessed and manipulated by China. Moreover, over 70% of foreign direct investment goes in to China through Hong Kong. Hong Kong is the main window that China obtains U.S. dollars from. Therefore, shut it down."
-Andy Chan
Images and videos have surfaced of HKNP members waving the flags of the US and UK, singing the Star Spangled Banner, and carrying flags emblazoned with images of Pepe the Frog, the most recognizable symbol of the US alt-right.
It is a very small group. With only a handful of members. While the party lacks a wide base of popular support, it is perhaps the most outspoken within the protest ranks, and has attracted disproportionate international attention as a result.
“I ask President Trump to bring full-scale of sanction on to Hong Kong. The sanctions brought on China must [be] brought on Hong Kong because China can escape sanctions through Hong Kong. I would like to take the chance to reiterate my advocacy again: to revoke the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act passed by the United States Congress.
It allows Hong Kong to enjoy a special status apart from China. However, it turns out to be a back door of the free world that could be accessed and manipulated by China. Moreover, over 70% of foreign direct investment goes in to China through Hong Kong. Hong Kong is the main window that China obtains U.S. dollars from. Therefore, shut it down.”
Chan has called for Trump to escalate the trade war and accused China of carrying out a “national cleansing” against Hong Kong. “We were once colonized by the Brits, and now we are by the Chinese,” he declared.
The risks if this manipulation cannot be constrained.
Such xenophobic propaganda is consistent with the clash of civilizations theory that Jimmy Lai has promulgated through his media empire. It is useful. It has a proven record of success, and is useful to obtain his objectives at this time.
“You have to understand the Hong Kong people – a very tiny 7 million or 0.5 percent of the Chinese population – are very different from the rest of Chinese in China, because we grow up in the Western values, which was the legacy of the British colonial past, which gave us the instinct to revolt once this extradition law was threatening our freedom,” Lai told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. “Even America has to look at the world 20 years from now, whether you want the Chinese dictatorial values to dominate this world, or you want the values that you treasure [to] continue.”
During a panel discussion at the neoconservative Washington-based think tank, the Foundation For Defense of Democracies, Lai told the pro-Israel lobbyist Jonathan Schanzer,
“We need to know that America is behind us. By backing us, America is also sowing to the will of their moral authority because we are the only place in China, a tiny island in China, which is sharing your values, which is fighting the same war you have with China.”
While Lai makes no attempt to conceal
his political agenda, his bankrolling of central figures in the 2014
Occupy Central, or Umbrella movement protests, was not always public.
To find out what is going on here, all you need to do is “follow the money”.
Leaked emails revealed that Lai poured more than $1.2 million to anti-China political parties including $637,000 USD to the Democratic Party and $382,000 USD to the Civic Party. Lai also gave $115,000 USD to the Hong Kong Civic Education Foundation and Hong Kong Democratic Development Network, both of which were co-founded by Reverend Chu Yiu-ming. Lai also spent $446,000 USD on Occupy Central’s 2014 unofficial referendum.
Lai’s US consigliere is a former Navy intelligence analyst who interned with the CIA and leveraged his intelligence connections to build his boss’s business empire.
Named Mark Simon, the veteran spook arranged for former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin to meet with a group in the anti-China camp during a 2009 visit to Hong Kong.
Five years later, Lai paid $75,000 to neoconservative Iraq war author and US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to organize a meeting with top military figures in Myanmar.
US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz believes that supporting the HK protestors will not have any adverse actions and that America will continue to be the most powerful and “free nation” on the planet.
This July, as the Hong Kong protests gathered steam, Lai was junketed to Washington, DC for meetings with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Republican Senators Ted Cruz, Cory Gardner, and Rick Scott.
Bloomberg News correspondent Nicholas Wadhams remarked on Lai’s visit, “Very unusual for a [non-government] visitor to get that kind of access.”
Today: Hong Kong publisher and democracy advocate Jimmy Lai met National Security Adviser John Bolton in DC. After meetings with @SecPompeo and @VP, this is meant to send a signal to Beijing. Very unusual for a nongovt visitor to get that kind of access. pic.twitter.com/6rvqsGJzru
— Nicholas Wadhams (@nwadhams) July 10, 2019
Hong Kong publisher and democracy advocate Jimmy Lai met National Security Adviser John Bolton in DC. After meetings with @SecPompeo and @VP, this is meant to send a signal to Beijing. This continued as the proxy protests continued in HK. In this picture a protestor was arrested trying to sneak into the HK international airport.
One of Lai’s closest allies, Martin
Lee, was also granted an audience with Pompeo, and has held court with
US leaders including Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Joseph Biden.
Among the most prominent figures in Hong Kong’s pro-US political parties, Martin Lee began collaborating with Lai during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.
A recipient of the US government-funded National Endowment for Democracy’s “Democracy Award” in 1997, Lee is the founding chairman of Hong Kong’s Democratic Party, now considered part of the pro-US camp’s old guard.
Policemen arrest a protester during a demonstration at the Airport in Hong Kong, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019. Chaos has broken out at Hong Kong’s airport as riot police moved into the terminal to confront protesters who shut down operations at the busy transport hub for two straight days. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
These latest groups of protests are not about HK law. They are about armed militarized conflicts against the HK government. They choose not to work with the government, instead they want to embrace violence.
After the extradition law was scrapped, the protests moved into a more aggressive phase, launching “hit and run attacks” against government targets, erecting roadblocks, besieging police stations, and generally embracing the extreme modalities put on display during US-backed regime-change operations from Ukraine to Venezuela to Nicaragua.
After the extradition law was scrapped, the protests moved into a more aggressive phase, launching “hit and run attacks” against government targets, erecting roadblocks, besieging police stations, and generally embracing the extreme modalities put on display during US-backed regime-change operations from Ukraine to Venezuela to Nicaragua.
AJE in position to cover HK protesters' "hit and run strategy."
Here's William Engdahl on Otpor!, the CIA-backed Serbian group that trained thousands of youth activists in countries around the world in color revolution swarming tactics: https://t.co/jvCk2QBNhKhttps://t.co/I8oGScbpsSpic.twitter.com/a3JZzGwDb9
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) August 13, 2019
The techniques clearly reflected the
training many activists have received from Western soft-power outfits.
But they also bore the mark of Jimmy Lai’s media operation.
In addition to the vast sums Lai
spent on political parties directly involved in the protests, his media
group created an animated video “showing how to resist police in case
force was used to disperse people in a mass protest.”
In addition to the vast sums Lai spent on political parties directly involved in the protests, his media group created an animated video “showing how to resist police in case force was used to disperse people in a mass protest.”
While dumping money into the Hong Kong’s pro-US political camp in 2013, Lai traveled to Taiwan for a secret roundtable consultation
with Shih Ming-teh, a key figure in Taiwan’s social movement that
forced then-president Chen Shui-bian to resign in 2008. Shih reportedly
instructed Lai on non-violent tactics to bring the government to heel,
emphasizing the importance of a commitment to go to jail.
According to journalist Peter Lee,
“Shih supposedly gave Lai advice on putting students, young girls, and
mothers with children in the vanguard of the street protests, in order
to attract the support of the international community and press, and to
sustain the movement with continual activities to keep it dynamic and
fresh.” Lai reportedly turned off his recording device during multiple
sections of Shih’s tutorial.
“Shih supposedly gave Lai advice on putting students, young girls, and mothers with children in the vanguard of the street protests, in order to attract the support of the international community and press, and to sustain the movement with continual activities to keep it dynamic and fresh.”
One protester explained
to the New York Times how the movement attempted to embrace a strategy
called, “Marginal Violence Theory”: By using “mild force” to provoke
security services into attacking the protesters, the protesters aimed to
shift international sympathy away from the state.
As I have repeated stated in this article, it seems like the protestors want the police and military forces to engage them. Per this quote in the use of "mild force", it seems obvious that this is their strategy.
As the protest movement intensifies, its rank-and-file are doing away with tactical restraint and lashing out at their targets with full fury. They have thrown molotov cocktails into intersections to block traffic; attacked vehicles and their drivers for attempting to break through roadblocks; beaten opponents with truncheons; attacked a wounded man with a US flag; menaced a reporter into deleting her photos; kidnapped and beat a journalist senseless; beat a mainland traveler unconscious and prevented paramedics from reaching the victim; and hurled petrol bombs at police officers.
A Hong Kong protester continued to attack Chinese reporter for @globaltimesnews with American flag even as Paramedics finally freed him from the crowd and tried to rush him to hospital pic.twitter.com/AIULKRW76t
— Carl Zha (@CarlZha) August 13, 2019
The charged atmosphere has provided a
shot in the arm to Lai’s media empire, which had been suffering heavy
losses since the last round of national protests in 2014. After the mass
marches against the extradition bill on June 9, which Lai’s Apple Daily
aggressively promoted, his Next Digital doubled in value, according to Eji Insight.
Meanwhile, the protest leaders show no sign of backing down.
Nathan Law, the youth activist celebrated in Washington and photographed meeting with US officials in Hong Kong, took to Twitter to urge his peers to soldier on: “We have to persist and keep the faith no matter how devastated the reality seems to be,” he wrote.
Meanwhile, the protest leaders show no sign of backing down. Nathan Law, the youth activist celebrated in Washington and photographed meeting with US officials in Hong Kong, took to Twitter to urge his peers to soldier on: “We have to persist and keep the faith no matter how devastated the reality seems to be,” he wrote.
Nathan Law
Law was tweeting from New Haven, Connecticut, where he was enrolled with a full scholarship at Yale University. While the young activist basked in the adulation of his US patrons thousands of miles from the chaos he helped spark, a movement that defined itself as a “leaderless resistance” forged ahead back home.
While there has been growing coverage of the unrest in Hong Kong, there has been minimal coverage of what may lie behind the pro-democracy protests.
As you will see in this posting, it is entirely possible that a
Washington-based and Congressionally funded institution is responsible,
at least in part, for the lack of calmness in Hong Kong.
American involvement in the affairs of other nations is well established. It should come as no surprise to anyone that America would fund and instigate protests and violence in China’s backyard.
American involvement in the affairs of other nations is well established. It should come as no surprise to anyone that America would fund and instigate protests and violence in China’s backyard. For more information, go to this posting on the National Endowment for Democracy or NED, America’s instrument of democratic promotion around the world, that is, democracy American style. NED was founded in 1983 during the Reagan Administration with the following Statement of Principles and Objectives:
“Democracy involves the right of the people freely to determine their own destiny.The exercise of this right requires a system that guarantees freedom of expression, belief and association, free and competitive elections, respect for the inalienable rights of individuals and minorities, free communications media, and the rule of law.“
NED is a unique institution. The Endowment’s nongovernmental character gives it a flexibility that makes it possible to work in some of the world’s most difficult circumstances, and to respond quickly when there is an opportunity for political change.
While NED touts itself as a “private” foundation, in other words, it
is independent of government. That could not be further from the
truth. Here’s what NED has to say about itself that belies its true
“NED is a unique institution. The Endowment’s nongovernmental character gives it a flexibility that makes it possible to work in some of the world’s most difficult circumstances, and to respond quickly when there is an opportunity for political change. NED is dedicated to fostering the growth of a wide range of democratic institutions abroad, including political parties, trade unions, free markets and business organizations, as well as the many elements of a vibrant civil society that ensure human rights, an independent media, and the rule of law.
This well-rounded approach responds to the diverse aspects of democracy and has proved both practical and effective throughout NED’s history. Funded largely by the U.S. Congress, the support NED gives to groups abroad sends an important message of solidarity to many democrats who are working for freedom and human rights, often in obscurity and isolation….
From its beginning, NED has remained steadfastly bipartisan. Created jointly by Republicans and Democrats, NED is governed by a board balanced between both parties and enjoys Congressional support across the political spectrum. NED operates with a high degree of transparency and accountability reflecting our founders’ belief that democracy promotion overseas should be conducted openly.”
NED receives its funding through an annual appropriation from Congress through the Department of State making it little more than another mouthpiece for Washington’s agenda. NED promotes Washington’s global agenda through direct grants to more than 1600 non-governmental groups that are working for “democracy” in more than 90 nations around the world.
Despite its proclamation that it has a “nongovernmental
character”, NED receives its funding through an annual appropriation from Congress through the Department of State making it little more than another mouthpiece for Washington’s agenda. NED promotes Washington’s global agenda through direct grants to more than 1600 non-governmental groups that are working for “democracy” in more than 90 nations around the world.
Let’s look at NED’s activities in Hong Kong for 2018 according to its website. Here are the projects that were funded over the period from 2015 to 2018.
Notice that the 2018 funding to the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs was granted to “facilitate engagement on Hong Kong’s growing threats to guaranteed rights”.
Policemen clash with demonstrators on a street during a protest in Hong Kong, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2019. Hong Kong police have rolled out water cannon trucks for the first time in this summer’s pro-democracy protests. The two trucks moved forward with riot officers Sunday evening as they pushed protesters back along a street in the outlying Tsuen Wan district. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
That certainly sounds like promoting democracy to me. NED spent a total of $1,357,974 on grants to organizations that were promoting freedom, democracy and human rights in Hong Kong over the period from 2015 to 2018.
Unfortunately, we don’t know what NED spent on promoting democracy in Hong Kong in the time frame prior to 2015. While, in the grand scheme of what Washington spends this is not a great deal of money, it is the principle of what Washington is attempting to create in Hong Kong that is of concern.
This is a very clear example of meddling in the internal affairs of China and Hong Kong, actions that will only serve to anger China who is the also the recipient of a great deal of NED’s attention.
Protestors assault an international traveler near the subway in the HK airport.
It is also key to remember that there are likely other taxpayer-funded programs through which Washington is attempting to influence what happens in Hong Kong.
In my opinion, this tweet by the conservative-leaning Washington Examiner is a dead giveaway to the source of the unrest:
Video from Hong Kong shows pro-democracy protesters waving American flags and singing the American National Anthem. Demonstrations have shutdown the city's airport for a second consecutive day and put the entire Chinese city on edge. pic.twitter.com/ZrYE5DzZYU
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 13, 2019
While the ideals of democracy are admirable and desirable, Washington’s version of democracy is tainted by big money and has developed into a system where politicians are for sale to the highest bidder.
Meanwhile, the Chinese themselves are not falling for this (same old, same old) lie…
huaqiao (Expat in China)
The rioters are trying to force the police to act and then certain foreign media will report it as "police brutality" while ignoring the rioters' assault against the police. This is a planned, deliberate act to show the world China's system is not working.
But the fact is China's system is working and is the envy of many nations, but certain "free world" countries cannot accept that. The value of "democracy" is overstated and these rioters show the effect of being overdosed with "democracy" and act senselessly.
While the ideals of democracy are admirable and desirable, Washington’s version of democracy is tainted by big money and has developed into a system where politicians are for sale to the highest bidder.
This is not the democracy that most of the world wants.
Long-term Congressional meddling in other nations internal affairs through its funding of the National Endowment for Democracy is little better than the nation reengineering exercises undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency since the end of the Second World War.
Reactions and serious attempts to control the situation
This situation is in the process of being resolved. Much of what is going on is behind the scenes, but we can get some glimmerings of the various events.
Point One
As of 10 September 2019, the United States president Donald Trump tweets out that he no longer needs the services of John Bolton. John Bolton, the national security adviser.
So, obviously Bolton has been fired. (paraphrasing) “I told Bolton I no longer need his services. I disagreed with many of the suggestions that he has made.”
The president is saying he asked for Bolton’s resignation; it was not Bolton’s idea. So now people are trying to speculate, “What is this about?” He’s the national security adviser, and there are any number of things it could be and there’s no way of knowing. We just have to wait. It will come out at some point.
Oh, I’m sure it will. Though, I’d be really surprised if they would address the truth. Which is the fact that he has been working personally with the key super-billionaire oligarchy opposition forces in Hong Kong against China, and against any resolution to the China – USA trade disputes.
The Friggin' idiot. That's not his job. His job is to assist President Trump, not to oppose his efforts. No matter how impassioned he might feel about Neocon-ism.
Donald Trump fired John Bolton. He obviously felt that John Bolton was not “on the same page” in resolving the issues with China at this time.
As I have previously stated, John Bolton is a war-hawk and a neo-con from the “deep state”. He has opposed every effort that Trump has made to negotiate with China, North Korea, and Iran. In his world view these are all dictatorial nations and America must stand firm in opposing them in every way possible.
Trump loves meeting with these people because he’s got dreams of ending disagreements with these people, bringing peace and tranquility to the humanity of earth. Bolton doesn’t see eye-to-eye with any of that. It could also be about troop withdrawals in Afghanistan. You know, there are factions in the White House that want to get us out of there. It’s been announced that we’re getting out of there. We’ve been over there for I don’t know how many years, and some people say we don’t even know why we are still there.
Trump loves meeting with these people because he’s got dreams of ending disagreements with these people, bringing peace and tranquility to the humanity of earth. Bolton doesn’t see eye-to-eye with any of that.
Bolton would not want to pull out of Afghanistan. Bolton would not want to withdraw from any presence in places like Syria. So it could well be that this is just the culmination of systemic policy differences that have led to this.
Bolton has a reputation as a hardliner, doesn’t take any guff, is not one of these touchy-feely, politically correct guys. He’s a war hawk and fully supports all eight (x8) proxy wars that the United States is currently mired in.
“Let’s try to make ’em like us. Let’s find out why they don’t like us and change.” That’s not Bolton. He don’t care that they don’t like us. We just gotta beat ’em. We gotta pummel ’em.
That might not be appropriate at this time when dealing with China. China is a serious, serious nation that would absolutely take meddling in their own affairs very, very seriously.
Point Two
On Wednesday 4SEP19, President Trump reached out to China’s President Xi in a tweet:
“I know President Xi of China very well. He is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a good man in a ‘tough business.’ I have ZERO doubt that if President Xi wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it. Personal meeting? ”
-Donald Trump
So what is Donald Trump saying?
That’s he’s ready to stop the HK protests if Xi Peng negotiates.
Or, perhaps that China can use their military to enter HK.
Point Three
China has begun arresting American advisors to the protestors and their aides to the protest movements in HK. You see, China does not mess around. They know who all these players are, they know the funding sources, and have surveillance cameras everywhere. If you want to stir up a hornets next, do not allow yourself to get stung.
China has identified all the leadership of these protest groups, and their subordinates. They have since followed them and watched them. They have all been under observation. They have filmed these advisors instructing the protestors in behavior, and strategy.
Then, independently they have targeted these individuals and collected them in public near the protests. It's all on film.
You haven’t heard about this? You mean it’s not reported on the American mainstream media? Imagine that!
Here is a video of a “so called” reporter instructing the HK protestors on how to behave. It’s all on video, and how the HK riot police comes after him and carts him off for “processing”. The video praises the HK riot police for nabbing these “instigators”, and claims that 53 CIA-related advisory staff have been arrested.
They say he’s CIA, but he’s really probably a member of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) or the National Endowment for Democracy’s National Democratic Institute (NDI) . All American front organization that receives Federal Funding for the purposes of disrupting the stability in other nations.
Here’s some of the arrests. The video shows three Americans arrested and being detained. I am sure that there are many more.
The point is that China knows full well what is going on and THEY DO NOT PLAY AROUND. China is a serious nation that does not pretend that everyone is playing on the same playing-field.
The root effects – trade renegotiation with China.
Anonymous (Italy)
This sudden chaos without major motivation is indeed a sign of interference. As a foreigner, I am Italian and married to a local, I do fully support Chinese mainland on this matter. People in Hong Kong that are doing this are ignorant and do not even know their own history.
It began as a promise to the American people. Donald Trump, if elected would renegotiate trade with the Chinese in such a way that it would be a two-way street to mutual respect and fairness.
When things were looking favorable, suddenly everything went to sh@t. There were rumors that some of the negotiators were hard-line deep-state plants that informed the Chinese to wait Donald Trump out. That he would not be reelected.
So the negotiations stalled, and Trump put full pressure on China. Simultaneously when he raised tariffs on Chinese goods 30%, protests broke out in Hong Kong. It appeared that the pressure was enormous on China, and (according to the United States media) China was really suffering.
30% tariffs
HK protests
Banning Huawei
Diplomatic pressure on Europe
But, you know what? It’s all a big lie, or at the very most, an exaggeration. China wasn’t suffering like the American mainstream media reported.
Ah, it’s partially true. But, not as bad as most Americans believed. China’s exports are not 90% to the USA and 10% to the rest of the world. Nope. Its actually 11% to the Untied States. And 89% to the rest of the world. So China has dealt with it.
Meanwhile, the tariffs has pretty much put the global economy into a malaise and it has backfired and hit the American consumer. It will need to be resolved before the 2020 elections or else it is potentially feasible that it will effect the elections.
And China’s reaction?
Nothing. Ride it out. Don’t go on the offensive. Don’t go on the defensive. Let things sizzle for a while and ride it out. They realize that the present Trump strategy is to force China to agree to a range of demands.
Implement “democracy” in China.
Stop the reeducation of radical Muslim separatists.
Allow Tibet independence.
China said no, and won’t do anything. They want favorable trade but not at the risk of their national identity and global sovereignty.
The idea that liberal or Western-style democracy and the country’s long-term stability are incompatible is deeply entrenched in the Chinese mind. Most Chinese believe that the current level of maturity in Chinese society does not allow for a “one man one vote” system. It is broadly accepted that China will disintegrate if it recklessly adopts Western-style democracy.
- The construction of the Singapore Model in Mainland China
How would you feel, if China demanded that;
America implemented Communism?
Integrate Muslim extremists in key leadership roles in government?
Allow California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arazona and Texas to be an independent nation?
It’s all pretty silly. It’s obscene and an insult.
Well, that’s how the Chinese feels. They have plenty of trade relationships with other nations. Contrary to what the mainstream American news say, and they are healthy and chugging away just fine. You see, China realizes that they can under-price any American company on the global stage.
And so, they are just waiting everything out.
Thus the worst effects of the trade war backfired and are now squarely on the shoulders of America. John Bolton, of course is all happy about this. But there are far other considerations than the John Bolton Neocon narrative, and Donald Trump has a nation to take care of.
So, Donald Trump is regrouping and removing the Neocon planks from the trade demands and will continue to work with China on resolving this.
The end results…
The Trade war will end.
The HK protests will end.
Things will continue much as they had, only there would be more favorable trade terms for the United States.
Let’s see how correct my fortune telling ability is, shall we? Maybe I’m right or maybe I’m wrong. We will see. Eh?
Anyways about the video. He's going on in English about the "rule of law" and then switches in Cantonese. Anyways, his goose is cooked.
Once HK passed the insurrection law which permitted the arrest of agitators who forment revolution, regardless of nationality, and extration ot the mainland for lengthy prison sentences and organ harvesting… everything changed.
For months, if not years, the Chinese have documented everyting on video, and then seized the computers and technical data form the foreign newspapers operating inside of HK.
So it's over for this cat. He doesn't have a hope in Hell. In China, there isn't any court negotations between attorneys. Instead, they look over the documentation and evidence and assign punishment(s).
BTW. I don't know if I told you this. But a lot of retired men in HK and China participated in the protests because if they did so, they would get a $200 USD check. Well, of course, they all started to deposit it in their own individual bank accounts. Right? Guess what happened?
Every account that has a $200 USD deposit during a specific time period is assumed to be a paid-for-riot paycheck. So every person who got that money… young and old… suddenly has their social security balance set to zero and frozen for the rest of their life.
Finally, we conclude with a decent editorial
US fooling no one with claims of innocence in HK: Opinion
By Ian Goodrum
For no particular reason I’ve been thinking of Claude Rains in Casablanca
lately. You remember him; the Moroccan police captain who is “shocked,
shocked” to find gambling in Humphrey Bogart’s establishment during a
raid, only to be handed his winnings without missing a beat.
You might wonder at the relevance of that famous movie moment. I’ll explain.
Amid ongoing violence and turmoil in Hong Kong, Chinese media outlets
have brought up a few relevant facts: That “pro-democracy” opposition
heads had met with politicians in the United States, protest leaders had
been in contact with State Department officials and major figures like
Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have issued statements supporting the
demonstrators. With all this in mind, it’s been suggested the US has
been inflaming tensions in the city and encouraging escalation in an
already heated environment.
To wit, the Claude Rains moment: Members of the diplomatic corps were
“shocked, shocked” by this news. Why, it’s unthinkable that the US,
that bastion of democracy and freedom, would ever attempt to interfere
in the affairs of another country! China was called a “thuggish regime”
for even bringing this up — naturally, the “free press” was all crickets
when it came time to do their purported jobs and speak a little truth
to power.
Safe to say none of these faux-outraged government functionaries or
their lapdogs in the media bothered to ask a Libyan what they thought of
the idea. The NATO intervention there in 2014 turned the African
country with the highest standard of living into a disaster zone,
complete with open-air slave markets.
They wouldn’t have asked an Iraqi, either. I’m sure the families of
the million-plus people killed by the US military since 2003 would have a
few things to say about their invaders’ good intentions.
Or a Haitian. Or a Syrian. Or a Venezuelan. Or a Honduran. Or an Iranian. The list goes on.
The truth is US “diplomacy” has never been that innocent, and
everyone knows it. State Department personnel — in league with military
and intelligence agencies — have spearheaded countless interventions
since the turn of the 20th century, destroying countries or political
formations they saw as counter to US interests. After the Russian
Revolution of 1917 and especially after the Cold War began, this meant
subverting communists or socialists and materially supporting
anti-communists and fascists.
Among the best-known examples of this skullduggery are the hundreds
of assassination attempts on Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro —
none successful; he died at 90, probably laughing at the US as he went —
and the overthrow of democratically elected Chilean Marxist Salvador
Allende. The US loved democracy so much in the latter case they replaced
Allende with a military dictator. These and many other interventions
were overseen by the same sort of “diplomats” who now act offended at
the notion they may be doing something untoward in Hong Kong.
But things are a little different now. These clandestine activities
used to be the sole purview of the Central Intelligence Agency, and when
word got out the US’ definition of “liberty” really meant “not being
communists”, quite a few people were furious. So in a long process which
began in the 1970s, the CIA delegated its regime change
responsibilities to a host of organizations, each given a degree of
separation with some legalese and clever accounting.
Though the Agency remains a potent force for subversion — and you
would have to be truly naïve to think their cloak-and-dagger era is over
— the interventional landscape has been somewhat diversified, with a
host of non-governmental organizations taking the place of traditional
spies. The National Endowment for Democracy, the largest among them, has
of course given a great deal of money to “pro-independence” forces in
Hong Kong. Nothing to worry about, I’m sure.
Allan Weinstein, an early leader of one such think tank, admitted it
outright when he said “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25
years ago by the CIA.” While this makes US influence operations easier
to track, it also gives them a veneer of respectability among the
general public. It’s a bigger deal when a government agency is funding
rebellious elements in another country; much less so if it’s some
“non-governmental” cutout with a bit of plausible deniability.
When news of CIA activity broke in the past, it was big news. That
was bad for optics. Somewhere along the way, powerful government figures
and capitalists realized by doing all their influencing in the open —
and with a media that had long since stopped pretending to question
motives — the scandal brought by secrecy would go away. This has worked
wonders on a browbeaten population fed a steady diet of propaganda. It
turns out if you’re told every other country on earth is inferior to
yours, you’ll start thinking intervention is great for everybody else.
Some people normally skeptical of official US narratives look back on
this sordid history and conclude it’s a thing of the past, the stuff of
ancients. But what’s changed between then and now? Why would any empire
stop consolidating its influence if it had the ability to continue? In
fact, the US’ capacity for interference has only grown more
sophisticated since the end of the Soviet Union. With that country’s
dissolution in 1991, the world lost a counterweight against imperialism —
and logic dictates things would get worse rather than better in an era
of unilateral hegemony.
So the question remains: Why would the US’ well-established,
well-funded campaigns of subversion suddenly cease? Well they wouldn’t,
of course. There’s an equally bizarre notion from otherwise
right-thinking people that intervention stops at certain countries’
borders. This is patently ridiculous. If it can happen in Venezuela,
Iran, Libya, Cuba or Syria, it can happen in Hong Kong — a
geographically small Chinese territory with longstanding ties to the
West. It is, in fact, perfectly positioned as a pressure point for the
rest of China.
And it’s not just a question of economic or political systems
anymore. The US doesn’t trust anyone, even its own imperial allies;
recall that the National Security Administration had German Chancellor
Angela Merkel’s phone tapped for years. There’s no telling how they’re
keeping tabs on other NATO members. Because the US has the largest
economy and military many times over, however, leaders who might
otherwise speak out against this treatment stay silent. Yet the idea of
US benevolence still has a hold on the world’s imagination. I encourage
anyone on the fence to think about it this way: If this is how the US
treats its friends, imagine what it tries to do to its enemies.
And make no mistake, the US considers China an enemy. It says so in
official statements and policy briefings, and academics and journalists
uncritically launder these claims for a mass audience on their enormous
platforms. No matter how many times China says it wants peace and to
handle its own affairs, the myth of the “China Threat” persists — stoked
by US “diplomats” and their lackeys in the press.
These inflammatory statements serve a twofold purpose. On a personal
level, they attract attention to the authors’ work and better position
them for career advancement. More broadly, they further US interests and
provide cover for narratives that wouldn’t get consideration by the
public if they came straight from the military-intelligence apparatus.
It’s a win-win for everyone — except the US’ victims.
None of this is to say that things in Hong Kong are perfect, or that
everyone in the city was happy as a clam before the State Department and
NED came along. Severe inequality plagues the city, and must be
addressed for the government to enjoy continued support from the people.
But bad actors take advantage of existing negative sentiments and
amplify them, turning issues that could be handled peacefully into
profound existential crises.
This playbook has worked for decades now, undermining countless
sovereign governments whose existence ran counter to the interests of
the United States; it’s the height of foolishness to think it can’t
happen here.
The author is a copy editor with chinadaily.com.cn.
28NOV20 Update
It is pretty well established that the CIA has been well involved attempting a “color revolution” inside of Hong Kong as part of the Trump Trade Wars of 2017 – 2020. There are all sorts of articles on this subject. Here’s a worthwhile read…
A secret high-level committee of Hong Kong senior activists worked with Western agents from the CIA to coordinate and amplify the leaderless protests against the fugitive law amendment last year, Nury Vittachi claims in his book The Other Side of the Story: A Secret War in Hong Kong.
Vittachi, a veteran journalist and a columnist for The Standard, accused the CIA of funding anti-government activities in the SAR. He said Hong Kong protesters have received practical training in street-protest strategy and media control from members of the professional revolution industry since January 2013.
The book named three US-based groups - the Oslo Freedom Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institute and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - which were directly involved in last year's social unrest.
He added that public records had shown that the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA's regime-change arm, had sent HK$170 million to the mainland or Hong Kong since 2014 to "advance the cause of democracy."
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Some Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While
there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Contrary to what the reader might be aware, “prepping” for a national disaster or upheaval is not a wholly American phenomenon. It is a global one, and it is something that has been practiced by various people time and time again, over the years. Here, in this article, we look at examples of what happened to other “preppers” when their nation underwent a period of upheaval.
Here we discuss how prepping (historically) helped out these people to avoid or reduce the amount of stress and turmoil during national turmoil.
Specifically, we will concentrate on political, social, and genocidal upheavals. Prepping to prepare for natural emergencies is pretty much well understood, and accepted, as a desirable and important part and responsibly of the family elders.
Thus, this article focuses on prepping for societal change.
The classifications of “political” prepping
For our purposes, we will refer to any prepping associated with a government, or a social upheaval as “political prepping”. You can refer to it by other names as you wish. You can call it “prepping as a hedge against an aggressive government outreach”, or perhaps “defensive prepping”.
Which means, in short, that the need to prepare for societal change is directly related your government’s behavior. Or, in other words, to the actions of one’s government or the members in the local society where you may live.
Here, we look at the purposes of prepping in this situation, and what the likelihood of success and survival may be. The purposes, or the reasons why someone may set up a prepper situation can be classified as…
“Buying time” to enable one’s family to escape from a conflict zone. These preppers “bug out” with the objective of moving to a safer place or a safer region. This is also known as a”safe house”. These preppers cling on to the “normalcy” vector. They hope that they can keep working on their day to day lifestyle, without interruption.
“Ride out the storm“. Long duration defense of one’s property and family in a fixed, stable location. This is the “traditional prepper” lifestyle, and the one most people associate with prepping.
“Fluidic survival“. The ability to float with your family in a general region in safety, but not be tied down to any fixed hard defensive location.
“Militia Membership“. Being part of a much larger group that in cooperation, defends a community, farms and region from outsiders.
“Hobbyist prepper” . A person who thinks that they are prepared for a SHTF event solely by reading, setting aside some provisions, and the purchase of some land in an isolated geographic location.
“Life Boat prepper“. This is what I did. Long before the start of any SHTF event, I figured to locating a safe haven way outside the USA. Then I relocated my entire life there. The key here is that this type of prepping occurs long before the rest of society catches on that “storm clouds” might be a brewing.
We will look at each one and compare the historical chances of success and endurance.
Buying Time
Firstly, let's look at the "buying time" option. Here, the prepper waits until the last possible moment and then bugs out.
I argue that if there is any possibility of a SHTF event, then you should immediately scram. Do not wait until your being shot at by some militia in your company parking lot.
workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their
employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his
co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they
were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify
another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only
escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do
not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There
are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack
conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive
Here, the prepper family realizes that SHTF and a situation is taking place. They may or may not have prepared a “safe house” or secure location outside of the conflict zone. What they need to do, and the sole and entire purpose of all their prepping activity is to create a safe avenue for egress outside of the conflict “hot zone”.
Truthfully, their personal use of situational intelligence caused them to be in the “hot seat”. They ignored the signs. They relied on everything continuing to be “normal”, instead of getting ready for abnormal events.
Often the father, or family head, would be slapping his forehead asking “why didn’t I leave earlier, I should have known better”!
Yeah, yeah. But that’s not really true. Genocides, democides and Policides, are always sprung on an unsuspecting populace. There are few things that a person can do to prepare, short of leaving the country and setting up a second home in a peaceful and tranquil country.
The living room with it’s new occupants after the Bosnian war was over. This is what the owners of the house found when they returned after bugging out at the start of the conflict.
These kinds of preppers should have a [1] bug-out bag, [2] a “safe house”, and [3] escape plan to leave their normal home and make it to the safe house in safety, avoiding crowds, the police, and opposition forces.
The "bug out bag" could very well be a backpack, or bag. But, it just as well be a large roomy trunk in a vehicle with extra cans of gasoline. The "bug out bag" must be specifically tailored for the mission; going from point "A" to your "safe house" destination.
They should also have studied the most basic prepping skills.
Not for a nuclear exchange or zombie attack, but for basic survival in a “scram and bug out” situation. Again, you need to be trained and ready to specifically the situation and scenario that you are prepping for.
The lesson: you have more to fear and are more likely to die from common, localized events than massive, spectacular catastrophes. Train and prepare accordingly.
First-aid skills, driving skills, empty hand-based self-defense. Those should be your trifecta starting out, considering you are far more likely to need to heal than harm, you are far more likely to need to dodge a drunk driver than a zombie, and you are far more likely to need to go hands on with someone than shoot them.
- 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started to Prep
The biggest problems that these “bug-out preppers” have to deal with are [1] crowds, [2] lack of reliable routes and transportation, and [3] roving bands of opposition forces. In a social upheaval situation, your biggest problem will be other people.
Also, please note. It is always assumed that they did their proper homework and the “safe house” is truly safe and secure.
During civil wars, and genocides, the local government will go house to house and collect people. They will separate the men from the women, and often they would be taken to bad situations. With rape and sexual slavery for the women, and death for the men. Do not allow yourself to be collected and taken to a “safe area”. Photo is from the Bosnian genocide. Collected men being led to a “holding area”. Most of them died there.
Remember; A "safe area" is one that is "safe" for your captors. Not "safe" for you.
In this prepping scenario, there is a direct link between knowing that the situation is actually SHTF, and when to actually “Bug Out”. The smarter preppers would scram as soon as the “trip wires” of SHTF are activated.
Some “trip wires”;
Roving bands of militia.
Outsiders investigating your property.
Police conducting house to house searches.
The sight of a dead person.
A house or building on fire with no firemen responding to it.
Open looting.
Favorite or often used websites down or seized.
Police standing down, or retreating to defense positions.
Blocked roads – due to accidents, natural events, or erosion.
Blocked roads – due to police check points.
Blocked roads – due to militia or armed groups, or bandits.
Sounds of gun fire, especially full automatic fire.
Bombings of buildings in the local region.
Internet, cell phone, or electricity outages.
Supermarkets and stores running out of food.
Farms not being harvested in time.
Friends, associates, and family all confused.
Local hospitals being short on staff.
Airport closed or protected by armed forces.
Organized convoys of any type.
Advice from loved ones.
Activation of the National Guard.
Close friends and families leaving the area.
Implementation of “special protection measures”, laws, or executive orders.
People in the open carrying firearms.
Groups of roving youth / young adults with firearms.
The sight of someone hung.
A state of “emergency” declared.
Being instructed to move to a FEMA camp.
Rumors of bad things happening.
Phone calls, emails of messages from concerned loved ones.
Everyone is different, and every region and situation is different.
However, the “bug-out prepper” should know what “trip wires” to watch out for, and to pack up and scram when the situation goes “hot”. I would suggest any three within a one week time period and you should recognize that you need to scram big time.
The “bug out prepper” will avoid crowds and main roads. They will take the well planned “safe route” to their destination, the “safe house”.
The “bug out” prepper would take the safe and secure back roads, and avoid people and crowds as much as possible. They would travel in isolation. Hide as much as possible. Keep fires and noise to a minimum. As well as be on the alert to any strangers or situations that they might encounter along the way.
This kind of prepper is one who fully expects to be a refugee.
The only difference between the prepper and the refugee is that the prepper would be far better prepared. They would avoid large groups of people. They wouldn’t trust the government or officials. They would avoid refugee camps, and “safe areas”, and they would have a set destination in mind that they were heading towards.
Refugees fleeing the ISIS in Syria. They gathered up their possessions and flee the battle and conflict zones.
Historically, the well prepared “bug out prepper” is also the successful refugee.
While there are, I am sure, instances of personal catastrophe for these individuals, in general, these preppers have perhaps one of the greatest chances of survival. (Provided they arrive to their “safe house” and not be directed to any FEMA camp or staging area.) Never the less, they do need to constantly be on the alert. Things can go dangerously wrong.
Provided, of course, that their “safe house” is truly out of the conflict zone.
As a quick reminder, whether you are in the rural areas, a small
town, or on the road. Avoid the cities. This is where your enemies want
you to stream towards. It’s a trap. It’s a snare.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can
be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural
areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation
where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
Passport found in the remains of a Bosnian civilian who was trying to escape the genocide, but instead got caught up in a firefight and ended up getting shot and killed. Do not wait until the last minute.
Some lessons from history;
In the 1930's Hitler came to power in Germany.
During that decade he openly and politically declared war on Jews and other "undesirables". Many Jews chose to sit tight. They believed that things would go back to normal... some day. All they needed to do was stay out of the way of the Nazi Germans.
Other Jews; those that I call "bug out prepper" Jews, left Germany. They stayed as long as they could, but at some point in time, the "trip wires" were triggered, and they fled to "safe houses" in neighboring countries. One of which was Poland. There, they were able to live their lives in peace and free from the prosecution by the Nazi Germans.
These "bug out preppers" were successful. All except up to one point. They assumed that their "safe house(s)" would all be safe from the Nazi Germans.
But that is not what happened.
Germany invaded Poland in 1939. And once they obtained control of the nation, they continued their prosecution of the Jews there. Those that bugged-out from Germany discovered that their "safe house(s)" were not really safe at all.
This remained true for all those "bug out prepper" Jews that went elsewhere in Europe. The only ones that were truly safe were those that went to England, the Americas, and Africa.
Of course, it goes without saying that the “bug out prepper” would avoid conflict. They would be the rabbit and run and hide rather than engage any potential enemies or get entwined in any kind of situation. That being said, of course, were the need manifest itself, they would be fully capable of taking on anyone that came their way.
All preppers should be prepared to make the hard decisions if the need manifests to protect themselves and to defend their family.
Ride out the storm
In this scenario, the prepper believes that any SHTF event will be short-lived. Certainly no more than three to four years. They believe that they are isolated enough, equipped enough, and camouflaged enough to avoid the vast bulk of conflict during a SHTF scenario.
They just simply “hunker down” and ride the SHTF storm out.
An isolated cabin in the middle of the woods, and in the mountains. It’s a nice location to bug out to, and better if that is your home, and it is fully stocked with a few years worth of supplies. However, all preppers should realize that there might be strangers of friends that might be desirous of sharing your safe haven with you, uninvited. In fact, your “safe house” might already be on the bug-out list for others. You do need to be aware and secure in your domicile.
This prepper is more often than not, located in a rural or isolated location. Has supplies, a survivalist mindset, and is ready to defend his family aggressively. He does not feel that he would be considered in any way to be a threat to anyone, and so is ready to ride out the SHTF event, and defend his family where necessary.
This kind of prepper is perhaps the best prepared.
They have a lifestyle, and a way of living that is conducive to hiding out and surviving in one place. However, this kind of lifestyle does not happen overnight. Nope. You have to develop it over years.
Depending on the person, and their family, the “ride out the storm” prepper might have anything from a tiny isolated cabin on top of a rocky mountain, to a large farm nestled in an isolated valley. The prepper should keep in mind the importance in simplicity and in self reliance.
Thinking that you can just “jump in” and survive in a cabin that you purchased and stocked up with seeds is unrealistic. You are not prepared to live in that situation. You are not trained. You are not ready, and you are not prepared. You just think you are.
Also take heed. Just because you bought and stocked a home in the middle of the country somewhere does not preclude others from seizing it while you are away. Neglected "bug out safe zones" are always at the risk of use by others.
It would be a grand disappointment to discover that the pristine lake cabin that you bought for a SHTF scenario, and all the effort that you went into the solar cells, and provisioning it, was all for naught when a tribe of 100 Hell's Angels bikers took it over.
In this scenario, “ride out the storm” preppers are ones that not only [1] have an isolated “safe house” in [2] an isolated geographical region, BUT they also [3] have been practicing the “ride out the storm” lifestyle for [4] a minimum of three years or longer. Therefore, just owning property, a storm cellar, and reading a few books will not qualify you as a “ride out the storm” Prepper.
Instead you are a qualified “hobbyist prepper”.
In all cases, the “ride out the storm” prepper should be prepared for visitors, no matter how isolated they are. They should have secret rooms, and hideouts. They should have weapons available and other hidden and buried. They should have food supplies and others well hidden from roving bands of militia and “government” search expeditions.
Door to door searching in America with a blanket “search order” to search everyone, and everything. All “ride out the storm” preppers would expect visits from both government officials, military, as well as roving bands of militia, and opposition forces. These preppers should have a plan(s) on how to deal with each situation as it manifests.
Historically, the “ride out the storm” prepper has a mixed bag of success. It all depends on the type and duration of the societal conflict, as well as how absolutely fanatical the opposition forces are.
At one time Armenia was an independent nation. At that time, Armenia was a Christian majority nation. Then over time, their borders changed, swapped hands, and the majority of Armenians found themselves located within Turkey.
The first widely studied modern democide occurred in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, when the Turkish government decided to eliminate the country’s Christian minority. This group consisted primarily of ethnic Armenians and Greeks.
We do know that Turkey disarmed the populace in 1911, and for around three and a half years went door to door collecting the firearms and ammo from the entire civilian population. Then in 1914, they began rounding up all the disarmed Christians. They tortured them, they abused them, they marched them into the desert where they all died.
I am quite confident that there would be "ride out the storm" preppers who, by geographic location, luck, or fawning being a Muslim managed to escape the democide and purge of Christians. But we will never know how many of these people existed, nor their own individual stories.
What we do know is that Albania went from a 100% Christian majority nation to a 97% Muslim nation in a few very short decades.
"Christianity in Turkey has had a long history dating back to the 1st-century AD. In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20-25 percent in 1914 to 3-5.5 percent in 1927, to 0.3-0.4% today roughly translating to 200,000-320,000 devotees."
While it is indeed possible that "ride out the storm" preppers comprise this tiny, tiny minority, one has to wonder if they truly feel safe living in a nation that exterminated an entire society identical to what they believe in. Or in other words, was it worth it?
and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you
do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is
not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee
camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally,
do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both
with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special
note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have
the lists that your name will be on.
Fluidic Survival
In this prepping scheme, the prepper would not count on any fixed homestead, nor would they plan on “bugging out”. Instead, they would maintain a migratory movement within the hills, countryside and mountains of their familial “stomping ground”.
They would have advantage in knowing the terrain, knowing the people, and at the same time, being mobile.
Being mobile enables the prepper to inherently evade military, militia, and the government. As they rely on fixed homes, roads and geographical landmarks from which to work upon. Mobility is the fluidic preppers most important asset. They rely on isolation, movement and isolation for their protection.
The walking dead has various scenes that are suggestive of Fluidic prepping. In fluidic prepping the person tends to migrate within a specific and fixed geographic area and avoids people at all costs.
This kind of prepping requires a well-established knowledge of local geography. Obviously county-sized. It would require a well-established knowledge of friends, family friends, and relationships. For it to work, the prepper would be elusive and maybe visit friends as needed but tell them nothing.
The prepper would locate stashes of gear, supplies and equipment at various well-hidden locations for their periodic use. They would visit these sites on a rotating basis and would never stay at one for longer than a week at a time.
Christopher Knight was arrested, charged with burglary and theft, and transported to the Kennebec County jail in Augusta, the state capital. For the first time in nearly 10,000 days, he slept indoors.
News of the capture stunned the citizens of North Pond. For decades, they’d felt haunted by…something. It was hard to say what. At first, in the late 1980s, there were strange occurrences. Flashlights were missing their batteries. Steaks disappeared from the fridge. New propane tanks on the grill had been replaced by old ones. "My grandkids thought I was losing my mind," said David Proulx, whose vacation cabin was broken into at least fifty times.
Then people began noticing other things. Wood shavings near window locks; scratches on doorframes. Was it a neighbor? A gang of teenagers? The robberies continued—boat batteries, frying pans, winter jackets. Fear took hold. "We always felt like he was watching us," one resident said.
The police were called, repeatedly, but were unable to help.
Locks were changed, alarm systems installed. Nothing seemed to stop him. Or her. Or them. No one knew. A few desperate residents even left notes on their doors: "Please don’t break in. Tell me what you need and I’ll leave it out for you." There was never a reply.
Incidents mounted, and the phantom morphed into legend. Eventually he was given a name: the North Pond Hermit. At a homeowners’ meeting in 2002, the hundred people present were asked who had suffered break-ins. Seventy-five raised their hands. Campfire hermit stories were swapped. One kid recalled that when he was 10 years old, all his Halloween candy was stolen. That kid is now 34.
Knight’s arrest, rather than eliminating disbelief, only enhanced it. The truth was stranger than the myth. One man had actually lived in the woods of Maine for twenty-seven years, in an unheated nylon tent. Winters in Maine are long and intensely cold: a wet, windy cold, the worst kind of cold. A week of winter camping is an impressive achievement. An entire season is practically unheard of.
Though hermits have been documented for thousands of years, Knight’s feat appears to exist in a category of its own. He engaged in zero communication with the outside world. He never snapped a photo. He did not keep a journal. His camp was undisclosed to everyone.
There may have been others like Knight, whose commitment to isolation was absolute—he planned to live his entire life in secret—but if so, they were never found. Capturing Knight was the human equivalent of netting a giant squid. He was an uncontacted tribe of one.
-The Last True Hermit
“Fluidic prepping” is very similar to living like Christopher Knight. You live “on the move” in an isolated area. You avoid contact with people. You hide and you live like a rabbit.
This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of “Fluidic” prepping.
This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of prepping.
Militia Prepping
In militia prepping you are not prepping alone and for the survival of your family. Instead, you are part of a group that encourages prepping as a group. You share resources, you share defensive strategy, and you share intelligence.
In militia prepping, you join forces with others in your area and form a civilian militia for defensive purposes. You train together. You defend shared resources, and operate as a combat force.
This sort of prepping is the “bedrock” of American society. As such, the progressive liberal Marxists have declared war on these kinds of organizations and their membership.
Former President Obama was very active in having the DHS, the FBI, ATF, IRS, and the DOJ investigate and prosecute these groups and their membership. Often going as far as to spy on them, and consider them threats and arrest them long before they did anything wrong. Sort of like the science fiction movie “The Minority Report”.
The United States Constitution relies on the “citizen soldiers” to defend his local region, his family and his geography. This is the basis of militia prepping. It is a way for locals to defend their families, resources, and life from others.
Members, and the organizations should be expected to “be on the radar screens” of any government and Marxist organization when SHTF events occur. They can expect to have all their electronic media monitored, and to have paid informants within their ranks.
They should expect this.
Local militia defending their village and region from the movie “Blood Diamonds”. When the government broke down in Sierra Leone, it was up to the local villages and towns to defend themselves. This scene depicts one such intervention.
Historically, local militia groups from Syria, Bosnia, to the Ukraine have survived and thwarted combat, social upheavals and genocide. In general, radicalized armed youth riding technicals are loathe to risk organized civilian resistance. They prefer unarmed civilians.
This type of prepping is best suited against thugs, criminals, roving bands of ideologically motivated youth, and techinicals. They are not really all that effective against modern military forces using tanks and APC weaponry. Their strength lies at the local level and as such they can hold off large assaults by organized forces for organized retreats.
Not only were they effective against the British during the American independence in 1776, but against the Nazi Germans in the Ukraine and Poland.
Armed militia in the Bosnian conflict. The news media want to say that the conflict was over religion. That one side was against Muslims. But that is not wholly true. It was complicated. In some ways it was an ideological war, one that pitted the urban areas against the rural areas. A decade long period of ideological rhetoric predated the first attacks, and the mastermind of all the genocide was from an urban area.
While membership in a militia has a much higher incidence of conflict with others, and a higher risk of injury factor, it is also one of the safer options that one can have as a prepper. For in this way, the individual becomes part of a larger and thus stronger group. His support network increases, as does his ability to be fed, and support his family during tense times of crisis.
Hobbyist Prepping
Hobbyist prepping is “wanna-be” prepping. You study, you read, you dream, you purchase things. But, you don’t really prepare yourself for a serious SHTF event. You just simply believe that you are ready. You want to take on some zombies, and are ready to live in a bunker during a nuclear winter.
Many Americans are hobbyist preppers. They watch zombie movies, the read the news, and consume books on prepping, but take no serious actions towards actual prepping.
But it’s all Hollywood inspired dreams.
A true and real SHTF event is one where you are cold, and hungry. You itch, and you have been betrayed, and witnessed friends and family killed. Your world is upside down, and everything that you have of value is gone.
people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously
exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth
armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived
slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to
the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set
up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban
youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into
the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities
were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in
Seriously, if you are not ready to pick up a knife and shove it with all your might into the skull of an enemy, you are not ready for the gritty and harsh reality of a true and real SHTF event. A real SHTF event is one with pools of black congealed blood, flies buzzing and the horrible smell of rotting human flesh. It’s one where you are constantly afraid of everything. Your body is hyper sensitive, and all you want to do is get the fu@k out of there.
Many hobbyists like to imagine a world where they are exploring ruins, and scavenging supplies from the ruins. They imagine themselves shooting others with extreme accuracy using a trusty AK-47 (as if that’s gonna happen), and carrying a large bore .357 magnum revolver on their hip. Yeah. It’s all Hollywood. Hollywood.
People, the bullets won’t magically hit a person. If you cannot aim, you cannot hit. Not only that, but one bullet might not do the job. You might have to open an entire clip into a person, and they will still be lunging towards you. No. Television is not real life.
will start to look something like this once the ideological “hounds of
war”; those armed packs of thugs from the urban strongholds are let
loose on the rural, undefended communities.
In sort, hobbyists concentrate on the tools and not on their abilities during SHTF situations.
Believe me, scavenging in wartime does not look anything like what Hollywood presents. The world is in ruin, and everything of value is gone. People who look like you, speak like you, dress like you, and act like you will turn on you in a heartbeat. They would steal from you, rape your wife and kids, and then kill you as if you were nothing more than an insect.
Rural Bosnia. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly. Note the un-harvested corn going to fallow in the background (to the Right).
Look, it is better to be a hobbyist prepper than a “caught by surprise sheeple”. But not by much.
The good news, is that the jump from hobbyist prepper to serious prepping is not a hard leap. It doesn’t take much. Some some steely resolve and a good hard look at the most likely scenarios that lie before you.
Hobbyist prepping has about the same survival rate as an unarmed civilian with two-days warning of an impending assault. It's not much, but it is an edge. It is up to the person to see how far they can take that edge and make some kind of real advantage out of it.
Lifeboat Prepping
Finally, we hit “lifeboat” prepping. This is what I did.
It is called "lifeboat" prepping because what the individual is actually doing is climbing on a lifeboat and sailing away from a sinking ship. As long as you leave early enough, the chaos and confusion of the final minutes of the ship will be completely avoided.
Lifeboat. Also known as Lifeboat Prepping.
You know that sooner or later there will be a SHTF event. You do not know when it will occur or at what kind of severity it would take on. You do not know it’s duration, or any of the particulars.
You just know that there is a likelihood of some kind of event occurring in the future.
As such you decide, often years in advance, to scram and “bug out” of the potential conflict area(s). You do not want to endure the strife, the horror and all the conflict escalations that goes with a sinking ship.
Many “lifeboat preppers” view the United States as a ship that is seriously in trouble. It is on fire, taking on water and sinking fast. These preppers believe that the most responsible thing that they can do in this situation is to scram and bail on to a lifeboat and row, row, row far away from the sinking American ship.
Of course, you wish that it would not happen. You wish that life would normalize. But, you know that wishful thinking is not going to help you if things go “belly up”. What’s going to help you is having a place to go to outside of the United States.
A big help in this matter is having a second passport.
In my case, I have been watching the encroaching progressive Marxism in the United States for decades. I learned a long time ago that that there is absolutely nothing that I could do to stem the tide and the tidal wave that will eventually engulf the United States.
I did not like it. In fact, I hated it. But, the America I was living in was an inherited one. Other Americans, long before I was born, gave me the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the FDA, and the ATF. And while it was obvious to me that their mere existence was an affront to the fourth, second and ninth amendments, there was nothing I could do about it.
To me, the United States was on an express elevator to Hell. As the situation around me deteriorated, and I began to see how seriously corrupt, inefficient and evil the government was, I realized that I need to bail and scam.
America used to stand for personal liberties, freedom, and self sufficiency. However, there is a very large and powerful group in the United States today that wants to go full-on Pol Pot. The evidence is that the Freedom-Fighter caucus are not fighting back. Therefore, progressive Marxism is destined to become the law of the land.
So I did.
I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone. I just want to live my life in peace. If the vast bulk of Americans want to live in a Marxist oligarchy, it’s not going to be me to dissuade them. It’s their life. Not mine. They can have that life. Not me.
So I bailed.
Being in another country has a lot of trade-offs. One of which is many things that we have taken for granted are no longer available to us. Things that I miss.
A well-made BLT might no longer be available to you.
There are all sort of trade-offs of moving out of the United States in this manner. It’s a new society and a new culture. You need to learn a new language and a new way of doing things. There will be things that you will miss, and new things that you will embrace. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a serious option for those of your preppers that don’t want to wait until the last minute to get out of the line of fire.
The overall success rate for this type of "lifeboat" prepping, is near 100%. But it does come at a cost.
If you are going to something… anything, then it is in your best interests to do it well. Otherwise don’t even bother.
If you believe, seriously believe in your heart that America is up for a major reset, then you need to start taking steps to deal with it. This is known as prepping.
Faced with a chance to move, be first. Nothing is worse than being in line for, well, anything. To avoid the rush, see threats before anyone else and take decisive action. If that means packing up and heading out of town based on knowledge of a specific threat, don’t waste valuable time reconsidering. Start moving.
You can always turn back if information changes. In the meantime, in the event of an actual emergency, being first out means lots of benefits. Stores will still have food, there won’t be lines at the gas station, water is still available.
- George Ure at Urban Survival talks about Continuous Escape Plans.
Depending on you, and your circumstance(s), there are different prepping options open to you. I would suggest that you plan on taking one of the options and prepare for it to the best of your ability. Best Regards.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Other Blogs that you all should visit.
These blogs and sites have better information than I every could
compile. These people are experts in personal survival and preparedness.
I recommend them wholeheartedly.
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Know your history. When you give up your right to self defense, and allow others the ability to take control of your life, the result is never pretty. Take heed.
A very emotional @BenLoyolaVA, born in Havana, talks about Castro’s rise, confiscation of firearms and murder of citizens in Cuba and how thankful he is that his parents were able to make it to America. pic.twitter.com/XODNIyKf9K
— Erik Soderstrom (@soderstrom) January 7, 2020
Here are some pictures of people who obeyed their government when they were ordered to turn in their weapons; the only means of self-defense, and what happened to them. After all, what is a picture without the proper context? Who do you think I am? CNN?
When a government takes away your means for self-defense, and then kills you it is called democide. It is a well-known, extensively studied, and well-documented principle. In general, once a government disarms it’s citizenry, the likelihood of mass genocide against selected minorities within that country increase exponentially.
DemocideisatermproposedbyR. J. Rummelsinceatleast 1994 whodefineditas "theintentionalkillingofanunarmedordisarmedpersonbygovernmentagentsactingintheirauthoritativecapacityandpursuanttogovernmentpolicyorhighcommand". Accordingtohim, thisdefinitioncoversawiderangeofdeaths, includingforcedlaborandconcentrationcampvictims; killingsby "unofficial" privategroups; extrajudicialsummarykillings; andmassdeathsduetothegovernmentalactsofcriminalomissionandneglect, suchasindeliberatefamines, aswellaskillingsbydefactogovernments, i.e. civilwarkillings. Thisdefinitioncoversanymurderofanynumberofpersonsbyanygovernment.
For the last fifty years, the mainstream American media has been on the “war path” about guns, gun control and the disarming of the American people. Every article, every incident, every excuse has been one step closer to the eventual disarmament of the American people. It is so rabid and so frenzied, that one has to wonder about their true motives.
Yes. Just WHY are they so besides themselves in having Americans disarmed?
Here is the first page news from MSN on 6AUG19. They are heavily involved in the progressive disarming of the citizenry.
To justify their rationale, they have used every technique at their disposal. This goes from falsified data, a re-interpretation of history and the Constitution, to radical fanatic liberals creating mass shooting events, to government sponsored false-flag events.
As a bonus, we even had notable Progressive Presidents shed a tear for the television cameras.
A crying Obama. His progressive liberal followers, and the ever fawning mainstream media attributed his tears for an “inability to implement total and complete gun control”. Conservatives however, saw this as his frustration in not being able to disarm and then exterminate conservatives and traditionalists.
They often point to how happy people are when they are disarmed. They use selective examples as “proof” that a true utopia would manifest were Americans to be disarmed. They point to the success in the UK, and use Australia as examples.
I, of course, remain skeptical about all these claims. I just cannot imagine a cat being happy that you de-fanged it, and removed it’s claws. I cannot imagine that everyone in Australia feels like they are living in a wonderful sunny progressive utopia now that they are disarmed. Indeed, these is evidence to the contrary.
This cartoon shows how us “normals” feel about America today. Why in the heck would we ever feel safer when only the government has weapons? It makes absolutely no sense. And you don’t even need to crack open a history book to know the reasons why.
Freedom in America today.
And, contrary to the media narrative, it appears that most New Zealanders did NOT turn in their weapons. This is in defiance and irregardless of the government proclamations.
In America, the progressive government points out the “success” of the disarming of people in the UK, in New Zealand, and in Australia. However, history clearly shows that they are the exception and not the rule.
They are the exceptions.
What they don’t do is use examples that are the RULE not the exception. Here we will do just that. Here we will look at what happens to a people when their government disarms them, and the resultant utopia that they find themselves in.
It’s funny because it is so very true. Girls and guns. So very funny.
Boys and girls, let me introduce you all to the concept of “death by government”, or democide. It’s quite common throughout history. It doesn’t matter what time period, what fashions were in style, what political party was in charge, or what technology was in use. Democide is a constant that ALWAYS comes attached to all governments.
The only difference is WHEN the government decides to implement democide.
Democide is the elimination of a targeted group of people by their government. And, here’s the little secret, it is always preceded by the disarming of the general populace.
Democide Meme. Democide is a common in human history as sex, birth of babies, taxes, and old age. To ignore it’s existence is to facilitate it’s implementation. First comes the disarmament. Then the collection. Then the sorting. Then the torture. Finally, the deaths. Know your history.
It is frighteningly common in human society. As a result there are numerous other terms that are often used. These other terms include genocide, politicide, and other forms of state-sponsored mass murder.
Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people in whole or in part. The hybrid word “genocide” is a combination of the Greek word γένος and the Latin suffix -caedo. The term genocide was coined by Raphael Lemkin in his 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.
Politicide is the deliberate physical destruction or elimination of a group whose members share the main characteristic of belonging to a political movement. It is a type of political repression, and one means of the political cleansing of population, with another being forced migration. It may be compared to genocide or ethnic cleansing, which involve killing people based on membership in a racial or ethnic group rather than holding a political ideology.
The targeted group of people headed for extermination may be defined by religious, racial, political, class, cultural or other attributes.
Schindlers List Meme. Know your history. This will happen to you and to your family if you allow yourself to be disarmed. Historically, within two years after your weapon is collected by the government.
Between 200 and 260 million people were the victims of democide in the 20th century, several times more than were killed in all those international wars that occurred during that same time period.
Democide in Turkey
The first widely studied modern democide occurred in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, when the Turkish government decided to eliminate the country’s Christian minority. This group consisted primarily of ethnic Armenians and Greeks. These people were long duration citizens of Turkey, and had roots extending back to before the Islamic conquest.
Turkey absorbed Armenia, and the residents lived peacefully together for many years. Then, it was decided to kill all the Christians who were, of course, from Armenia. The result is the all-Muslim nation that Turkey is today.
In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the democide of two million Turkish Christians. It wasn’t long after either.
Of course, it was “for the children” and to create a more “prosperous” and “perfect” utopia. It was by a “stroke of a pen.” And suddenly article 166 in the Penal Code was the law of the land.
Then for three and a half years, the police went door to door collecting the weapons, and arresting those for non-compliance. You can well imagine what it was like. In the early morning, all day, going into late at night, a collection of armed police came to your door. They entered, and asked for you to hand your guns over. Then they searched your house to make sure that you weren’t hiding anything.
They did this for three and a half years.
Expert Tip – Never hand in your weapons to the government.
Four years after the bill became law, the disarmed Christians were all collected and rounded up by armed militia, soldiers and local police forces. They were collected in the schools, town centers, and formed into groups.
Then they were either killed outright, or sent on death marches into the hot barren desert.
Four years after the government passed the anti-gun ownership legislation, the Christians were all collected and rounded up by armed militia, soldiers and local police forces. They were collected in the schools, town centers, and formed into groups. Then they were either killed outright, or sent on death marches into the hot barren desert.
Two million Christians were murdered on forced marches into deserts without water or food. They were not told where they were going, when any one asked questions, they were beaten up, and then killed. The guards, of course, had food and water. But not the collected (and demonized) unarmed Christians.
Oh, you can well understand that many of the menfolk being marched off to die of thirst and starvation just wished that they still possessed their shotgun, long rifle or pistol. Heck! They would have been happy to just have a bayonet. But it was too late. Once disarmed, they were immediately earmarked to termination.
For just under a decade, the anti-gun legislation was enforced. Unarmed, with no legal recourse, the Christians were demonized. They became shunned, and two sets of laws were enacted. One for the Muslim majority and another for the Christian minority.
Over time, it became harder to go out in public, and attacks and beatings against Christians became common place. The police turned a “blind eye” to the events, and the Armenians held out for hope. A hope that some day, some how, things would go back to “normal”.
It didn’t.
Once the progressive Marxist philosophy of an “improved” utopia could be implemented, it’s all down-hill from there. No wishing, no hoping, and no political connections will save you.
Turkish military, and government officials proudly standing over the bodies of their dead countrymen and women that they killed. After a decade long period of demonization, the government had no problem treating the disarmed populace as nothing more than cockroaches that needed to be exterminated.
Of course, there were “hold outs”.
These were Christians who lived in isolated towns and rural areas. They still clutched their guns (today the popular term is “bitter clingers“, a term popularized by Hillary Clinton), and resisted the forced collection of their countryman.
They too, falsely hoped that they could “ride out” the “new utopia”, a Marxist Muslim nation, purged free of the dirty Christian influence. But they were wrong. The only thing that they could do was delay their collection and eventual death. They delayed their fate, but for what? Eventual assimilation? Escape via immigration to a neighboring nation?
Today, we would refer to them as “preppers“.
People! You can never win a war fought on the defense. You cannot hunker down and hide and hope to “ride things out” until a point in time when “society comes back to it’s senses”. You just cannot.
Today, Turkey is 99.9% Muslim. Where are all those preppers and their families now?
Don’t allow Muslims to disarm you if you are a Christian. The result will not be good. The pattern in the same throughout the Middle East. From Turkey to Saudi Arabia, to Syria, to Egypt. Christians are first disarmed, and then killed in mass. Do not allow that to happen to you and your family.
This democide occurred in view of Western reporters, who took photographs and posted contemporary wire reports. The fact that the democide was known outside Turkey did not deter the Turkish leaders. They did not care.
Map of Shiite Muslims in the middle east.
They knew that no one would dare risk a war to save a Christian minority. For they were surrounded by fellow Muslim nations.
Democide, as the name implies, does not happen in the dark of night without any awareness of it in the country where it occurs. It happens in the bright sunny daylight. And, everyone knows it is going on, and sits by and watches.
The picture of a gun-free paradise and utopia. This is what it looks like. Women, men and children tortured, brutally beaten up and then killed in the most horrible way. Their bodies left int he sun for vultures and scavengers to seize. For they are demonized to be nothing and not worthy of compassion. A true and real progressive utopia!
They collected the people in large groups in the public open spaces in towns and cities. Then as a group they walked and marched them to collection points and staging areas.
Expert Tip – Avoid large groups of people and crowds.
The Turks knew fully well that the Christians were being mass murdered. In fact they even have a name for it. The Turkish Genocide is often referred to as the “Armenian Genocide”.
The Armenian Genocide, as it has become known, was also widely known outside Turkey. This was the absolute elimination of Christians by the Turkish government. History has shown and proven that the majority Shiite Muslim population supported (or at least passively tolerated) the democide.
The Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of 700,000 to 1.5 million Armenians, mostly citizens of the Ottoman Empire. The starting date is conventionally held to be 24 April 1915, the day that Ottoman authorities rounded up, arrested, and deported from Constantinople.
Indeed, it was impossible to miss the sight of thousands of Christians at a time being rounded up and force-marched through towns and into the burning deserts on one-way trips. Not to mention all the young nude Christian women nailed to the crosses at the side of the major roads and highways. You just couldn’t miss all the atrocities. It was everywhere.
Seriously. How you not notice something like this at the side of the highway…?
1915 Crucifixion Of Armenian Christian Girls. This is what a progressive “gun free” society looks like. This is what a progressive utopia looks like… “For the children”. The genocide of Armenian Christians by the Turkish Ottoman empire on the heels of a devastating defeat they suffered at the hands of Russia has been one of the most brutal and barbaric ever but most disturbingly one that the world has refused to acknowledge. The pic above is from a 1919 film depicting the cruelty metted upon a group of 19 teenage Armenian Christian girls who were gang raped by Muslim soldiers of the Ottoman state.
The movie did not however depict the gruesome killing as even for today’s desensitized world of Internet gore , the gruesome murder of these young girls by Muslim soldiers will make any die hard gore viewer turn away in appalling disgust. The actual narrative goes that these young girls after suffering the most debased form of sexual torture and rape at the hands of Turkish Muslim soldiers where later impaled on a cross and a spike driven into their private parts. Death came slowly but painfully with the Muslim soldiers gleefully laughing at them.
Stalin and Hitler both noticed the lack of world reaction to the democide of Turkish Christians and planned accordingly. For they realized then, that NO NATION would get involved in what they were doing to their very own people. And this, boys and girls, this lack of national intervention is what fed the fires to much greater acts of genocide elsewhere in the progressive 20th century.
The Armenian genocide happened four years after full gun confiscation by the government.
Women and babies were raped. Men were tortured and killed. Everyone eventually died long, slow horrible deaths. It all happened shortly after they were disarmed by the government.
The Armenian genocide happened four years after full gun confiscation by the government. It began as a safety measure to stop “senseless killings” and after a decade, almost all of the Christians in Turkey were killed.
One of the people who paid close attention to what was going on in Turkey was Joseph Stalin.
Russian Democide
It's very difficult to keep up with Stalin. He operated numerous genocides against numerous (and very large) groups of people. It's hard how he kept track of all the wars on civilians that he propagated.
But one thing is constant. He disarmed every single group right before he sent troops to slaughter them.
Most Americans, minus the progressive liberals (of course), know the comic-book outline of Russian Communism.
There is a direct link between gun collection and genocide. It is the historical norm. However, most people are ignorant of history, and others don’t care. They openly want genocide… against their neighbors. They never think that it could be used against them.
In the Soviet Union, Stalin’s henchmen purged millions of “kulaks” (farmers deemed to have too much wealth), intellectuals, businessmen, and anyone who had ever traveled outside the USSR or even had had contact with foreigners.
One day in the summer of 1933, in a village in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, a little boy woke on top of the family stove. He was starving—not just hungry but genuinely starving. ‘Dad, I want to eat! Dad!’ he cried. But the house was cold and from his father there came no answer.
The boy went over to his father, who was apparently still asleep. There was ‘foam under his nose’, he remembered. ‘I touched his head. Cold.’
A little later, a cart arrived laden with bodies ‘lying like sheaves’. Two men came into the house, lifted his father’s body into a sack and threw it onto the cart. Then they were gone.
The boy left home after that. He wandered the empty fields, sleeping in stables, scrabbling for grains, ‘swollen and ragged’. But somehow he survived. Some four million of his fellow Ukrainians were not so lucky.
The famine that struck Ukraine in late 1932 and 1933 was one of the most lethal catastrophes in European history.
In the West, it is nowhere near as well-known as it should be.
In Ukraine itself, however, the Holodmor—literally, ‘hunger extermination’—is often seen as a gigantic, man-made operation to murder millions of people.
Mass murder of targeted regions, groups of people, or occupations were a favorite “hobby” of his.
For instance, Operation Vesna, which mainly was targeted to destroy strong Lithuanian farmers’ families, was implemented in the end of May- when all farmers’ works in the field were finished, (it means- colonists newcomers from Russia will get already prepared land) but it will be too late for deported Lithuanian farmers to garden anything in new, more northern regions, where they were sent.
Destinations for Lithuanians sent in operation Vesna- Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Buryat–Mongol ASSR Soviet deportations from Lithuania was a series of 35 mass deportations carried out in the Lithuanian SSR, an occupied republic (in 1940) of the Soviet Union, in 1941 and 1945–1952.
They key to killing millions of people is to disarm them first. That way they cannot fight back. Then you can do what you wish with them. Stalin had perfected this policy and his strategy worked so well that he operated numerous genocides. He did it so often and with such brazen ability that it seemed like a big game to him.
At least 130,000 people, 70% of them women and children, were
forcibly transported to labor camps and other forced settlements in
remote parts of the Soviet Union, particularly in the Irkutsk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Krai.
These deportations do not include Lithuanian partisans or political
prisoners (approximately 150,000 people) deported to Gulags (labour / concentration camps, prisons)
The easiest way to kill off a people is to send them off to an isolated and barren area, and let them starve. This is what the Muslims did to the Christian Armenians, and what Stalin did to the Ukrainians.
A few people in the queue started crying. ‘Some are getting too sentimental around here,’ the shopkeeper said threateningly. ‘It is easy to spot enemies of the people.’
In another village, a little boy teased other children with jam and a loaf of bread that his family had managed to obtain. The other children began throwing stones at him; they only stopped when he was dead.
Sometimes families turned on themselves. One man was so enraged by the sound of his children crying for food that he smothered his baby in its cradle and killed two other children by smashing their heads against a wall.
In the province of Vinnytsia, a farmer tried to suffocate his starving children by lighting a fire and blocking the chimney. When they screamed for help, he strangled them with his bare hands.
Operation Vesna (Spring) was one of series of 35 mass deportations from Lithuania during occupation. Deported persons mainly came from Lithuanin farmlands. To follow principles of more effective elimination of non-Russian nations, repeatedly occupied by USSR different methods and “tools” were used. The most common method in all mass operations was short, sudden (in some hours) arresting phase of tens of thousand people throughout the selected non-Russian country and immediate (24-48h) transportation them in cattle wagons to different parts of USSR Such method was very effective due people had no possibility to organize any kind of resistance.
All of this is well documented.
It’s one of the things that Marxist love to do. They document, in detail, their victims and their actions. They use interviews, records, and photographs as part of their documentation efforts.
Expert Tip – When you hear that people are going to “police” interviews for information collection, then you know that genocide is in process.
Stalin’s international socialists deported their “class enemies” to Siberia, where they were put to work in Gulag slave-labor camps, with years of torture through cold, malnutrition and brutal working conditions preceding the release of eventual death.
The Ukrainians were too uppity, too different. They insisted on speaking their own language; their peasants were too conservative, holding onto their village traditions; they were insufficiently enthusiastic about the bright new Marxist future their Kremlin masters promised to build.
And then, at the end of the Twenties, came disaster. Determined to consolidate his rule after succeeding Lenin at the top of the Communist system, and increasingly impatient to break peasant resistance and move towards Utopia, Stalin ordered the collectivisation of the entire Soviet countryside.
The word ‘collectivisation’ sounds technical, a little dry, even boring. But the human consequences were profound and dramatic.
The principle was simple. Richer, more successful peasants had to be ‘liquidated’, by starvation, murder or exile. The rest would be herded into vast state-run farms where they would toil ceaselessly for the greater Soviet good, instead of for private profit.
Stalin also devised another means of democide when he ordered the forced starvation of the Ukrainians, and five million more innocent victims were added to his totals.
Holodomor: Stalin’s genocidal famine of 1932-1933 | Infographic 2015/09/15 – 23:02 • History, Infographics, Ukraine [Privacy Badger has replaced this Facebook Like button.] Holodomor (“death by hunger” in Ukrainian) refers to the starvation of at least four million Ukrainians in 1932–33 as a result of Soviet policies. The Holodomor can be seen as the culmination of an assault by the Communist Party and Soviet state on the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted Soviet policies.
This assault occurred in the context of a campaign of intimidation and arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals, writers, artists, religious leaders, and political cadres, who were seen as a threat to Soviet ideological and state-building aspirations.
The Ukrainian peasants were given impossible high quotas of the amount of grain to submit to the Soviet state. Special teams were sent in to search homes and confiscate all produce to the last grain. A particularly brutal law called “5 ears of grain law” was passed, following which starving Ukrainians were shot on the spot for gathering grain that remained on the field after the harvest.
As a result, at least four million people starved to death in Ukraine. At the height of the Holodomor, 28,000 people were dying per day. This number does not include the ethnic Ukrainians outside the Ukrainians SSR who died, the half million people deported from Ukraine during collectivization or the thousands of religious, cultural and political leaders who were destroyed. The USSR attempted to cover up the Holodomor, and Russia continues to deny or diminish it to the very day.
There is no question that he was brutal about it. But, what exactly enabled him to subdue such a populous nation, filled with prideful and serious people armed with weapons? And make no mistake, the DID possess weapons. Many had shotguns, and long rifles. Maybe they weren’t as modern as the sub-machine guns and military rifles that Stalin equipped his policing forces with, but they were effective defensive weapons.
these times and types of conflicts it is NORMAL for women, and girls to
be abducted, raped repeatedly and then killed. This is a historical
This is what enabled him to do what he did. He disarmed the population. In 1929, he passed the full-on anti-gun legislation called code 182 of the Penal Code.
Expert Tip – Collect, store, and hide all firearms and weapons. Tell no one their location. Especially your children.
Once it was passed, the citizens were instructed to turn in their firearms, or face the “ultimate” consequences. The vast bulk of the population obeyed. Shortly afterwards, Stalin started to “cleanse” the nation. He loaded them up into train cars and shipped them far away from their homelands. Much like the American government did to the native American Indians two centuries ago.
He did this by gathering them up and shipping them to staging areas where they could be “processed”.
Expert tip- Do not board the railroad car.
The German-Russian Genocide:Remembrance in the 21st Century. Between 1930 and the beginning of 1937, the Russian Germans lost approximately 300,000 to 350,000 members, one-fourth of their entire group—one out of every four was therefore exterminated through deliberate starvation, deportation, or shooting.
- Germans from Russia Heritage Collection
and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you
do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is
not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee
camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally,
do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both
with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special
note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have
the lists that your name will be on.
Yeah, all those links are for genocides that took place in 1941, and it’s only about 20% down the list. To see the exhaustive list go HERE.
Once the Russian populace was disarmed in 1929, a policy of two decades of forced genocide was inflicted on targeted people, minorities, and classes of people.
The formula is a simple one. Disarm a section of the population. Then, use the military to round them up. Then take them to “safe areas”, where they can be utilized as you desire.
“Safe Areas” like this one…
The Russian Marxist utopia in the Ukraine once the people were disarmed, relocated, and permitted to die of starvation.
Even now, in an age when we are regularly assailed by images of
horror and suffering, the details of the Holodmor are heartbreaking.
Starving children, mass graves, vigilantes, even cannibalism: the famine
saw human nature stripped to the bone.
‘I was so frightened by what had happened that I could not talk for
several days,’ recalled one woman who escaped after her emaciated body
was mistakenly thrown into a mass grave. ‘I saw dead bodies in my
dreams. And I screamed a lot.’
Expert Tip – Genocide happens over an extended period of time. It might start after the citizenry is disarmed, or it might be delayed by a few years. In any event, expect a long-duration event; often many decades in duration.
German Democide
The German genocidal events are well known to most Americans over the age of 40. Not so well known to the younger generations. The Nazi Germans "purged" the German society of "undesirables" which included just about EVERYONE except the "chosen" Arian race.
Hitler gun ban meme.
In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded Hitler’s Holocaust by a decade. The Weimar politicians did not intend for their gun control laws to lead to the slaughter of millions of people, but it is an historical fact that those gun control laws permitted the Nazis to carry out their Holocaust.
How? By making it economically and militarily feasible to round up and mass murder entire towns without any significant resistance.
Germans rounding up civilians after being disarmed. Here it was for their “safety”, and they were being sent to “safe places”, and “safe camps” in the countryside for their “protection”.
In Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe, Hitler proceeded with his own “final solution to the Jewish problem.” Where the German national socialists simply eliminated Jews as quickly as possible in mass graves and gas chambers.
is a picture that was taken during World War II. Location Germany.
Subject; Civilian German woman who were systematically stripped, raped,
and then killed. This is what happens when the Government loses control
of society. This is what big wealthy oligarchs want. They want to
“prune” the Human society for their own personal profit. It is not
The Holocaust, the Nazi-German annihilation of European Jewry during World War II (1939–1945), is unarguably one of the most destructive and murderous events in the history of human civilization.
However, over the last 70 years, genocides and mass killing events have continued to occur and they are not diminishing in frequency. Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, Burundi, Syria, and Myanmar have all experienced large-scale murder operations in the last 25 years, some of which may have been preventable.
Developing a deeper understanding of genocides and mass killing events, including their causes, common characteristics, predictability, and mitigation, is thus considered by some as “the most important goal of social science”. In this respect, lessons learned from the Holocaust continue to play a vital role, and the topic remains as timely as ever.
-Science Advances
Once, the citizenry were disarmed, specific groups were demonized and targeted by a technique known as Symbolization. As an American, you might be aware of this technique. It is one where people are considered to be “deplorable”, have “white privilege”, are a “bitter clinger”, live in “fly-over country” and are considered to be “throw-backs”, racists, and Nazi’s.
Here’s an example of modern contemporaneous symbolization used by the progressive negro-American community;
Example of black hate leading to genocide in America.
Average Germans were fully aware of what was happening to the Jews between 1938 and 1945, and a large majority either actively supported or at least tolerated it. (I strongly recommend reading Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, by Daniel Goldhagen, to fully appreciate the wholehearted German support for the Jewish democide.)
Expert Tip – When others claim that you have “white privilege”, they are setting you (and others like you) for genocide. It is a well documented process known as Genocidal Symbolization.
Operation Reinhard (1942–1943) was the largest single murder campaign of the Holocaust, during which some 1.7 million Jews from German-occupied Poland were murdered by the Nazis. Most perished in gas chambers at the death camps Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.
In fact, the Nazis quickly learned that they needed only a hundred ordinary military policemen to exterminate towns of a thousand Polish Jews in a single day. All you need is to disarm them, and send in a few truck loads of armed military men with police badges.
Contrast that fact with the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. If the Jews had not first been disarmed, using previous gun registration lists as a map for confiscation, the Holocaust would not have been possible.
The National Firearms & Weapons Law of 1928 precipitated the disarming of the German people. Once disarmed, they were collected, rounded up and killed in “safety zones”, “labor farms” and other similar locations. This action is known as “The Holocaust “.
A German citizen rests inside an oven after being disarmed and processed by the government authorities.
Chinese Democide
In Communist China seventy million people were the victims of democide, murdered by overwork in slave-labor camps, by direct execution, and by regional forced starvation.
First came Penal Code 186-7, Article 9. Then the disarming. Finally the collection, and “processing”. Here, let this meme instruct you as to what “processing” means…
Mr Mao Meme on genocide. Genocide is very common and the formula works, and has been proven to work, for centuries. First you disarm the population, then you demonize them, then collect, process, and finally kill them.
Expert Tip – If you need more examples than this to show that there is a connection between disarming a population and killing them, then you are an idiot. The genocide is designed for YOU.
Democide is very common.
On April 5, 1992 war breaks out between on the one side Muslims and Bosnian Croats, who back independence from Yugoslavia, and on the other Bosnian Serbs. Bosnian Serb troops, armed by the Belgrade-controlled federal Yugoslav army, lay siege to the Bosnian capital and by May control two-thirds of the country.
— From April to August more than 6,000 people, mostly Muslims, are shut into detention camps at Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje, known as the “triangle of horror” from which many detainees never reappear.
In August, the first images of skeletal prisoners in these camps awaken the world to the campaign of ethnic cleaning carried out by Serb forces in Bosnia.
- Bosnia: from outbreak of war to Dayton peace accords
In the Soviet Union and in every other case, democide was preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration. It was then followed eventually by gun confiscation and then ultimately by the extermination of a despised minority population.
Civil wars happen when the people are armed. Genocide and democide occurs when they are not.
Oh, it’s not just Russia, Germany and China that have been involved in genocide. Millions more were victims of democide in Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, North Korea, and many other countries.
Man with his hands tied be hind his back found dead at the side of a road during the Bosnia genocide. During genocidal actions, never allow yourself to be handcuffed, or have your limbs immobilized. Typically it means that you are going to be slaughtered.
Here is the real reason why many American gun owners will NEVER turn in their weapons to the Government;
This is the Real Reason So Many Americans Don’t Want More Gun Control.
Plus, of course, we paid attention during history class.
Dead civilian during the Bosnia conflict with his hands tied up. Never allow yourself to have your limbs tied up or restricted. Never permit that to happen.
It’s a New Progressive Global Reality!
Today, we sometimes hear that the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness, that it is a relic of our barbaric past and is no longer needed in the modern era. We are told that it is obsolete. That it is out-moded. That it is a relic. That we don’t need it in our modern progressive society.
The remains of a civilian who was killed during the Bosnian conflict. Animals have scavenged most of his body. All that remains are his trousers, socks and shoes.
Horrific mass shootings by deranged individuals are cited as the primary reason for Americans to surrender their weapons. Not just their most effective firearms, but ALL their weapons, and rely solely on a state monopoly of a domestic police force for their protection.
Hooks found in the ceiling rafters of a torture room within a former farm house garage converted into a militia barracks.
We are told that the true and actual just protection must originate from the government, and ONLY from the government. That we should trust the government, and allow them into our homes, into our lives and trust them. For they would only and absolutely work in our sole best interests.
This government-dependent attitude is shortsighted, historically ignorant, and extremely dangerous.
sex slave at a slave auction in an occupied region of Syria. During
periods of change, the plight of women is always a dangerous one.
In each of the cases cited above, a necessary preliminary step on the road to democide was the confiscation of privately owned firearms. Nothing happens of significance until the people are disarmed. The risks to the police forces, and their political masters are far too great.
Passport found in the remains of a civilian who was trying to escape the genocide, but instead got caught up in a firefight and ended up getting shot and killed. Do not wait until the last minute.
And people, make no mistake on what happens when people are disarmed…
As millions began to die, human feeling perished with them. In one of countless dreadful anecdotes, Applebaum describes how a 15-year-old farm girl was begging beside the queue outside a Communist-run bread shop.
As each person passed, the girl asked for crumbs.
Finally, she asked the shopkeeper, who shouted at her and hit her so she fell to the ground. ‘Get up!’ the shopkeeper said, kicking her. ‘Go home and get to work!’ But she did not move; she was dead.
During the past two centuries, while America has avoided tyranny, Turkey, Germany, Russia and the other nations mentioned above haven’t. They embraced it.
Tyranny, coming soon to your home, and into your living rooms.
Shot up living room.
These other nations have spasmodically lurched between monarchs, democratically elected leaders, and often quite popular dictators. Each time, allowing them frequent opportunities to commit democide against their unwanted minorities.
To me, it seems that the kind of personality that a person has who wants to rule, who wants to be in politics, and who loves the fame and power is exactly the same kind of personality that would conduct genocide in his country.
liberals in the community will report on all goings on. They will
create lists. They will single out people, and they will make the
necessary arrangements for the people to be handed over to the proper
authorities. Authorities that will rape and then torture and kill them.
Know your history. SHTF and CWII are a very real possibility.
The situation is fundamentally different in America, because we have a centuries-old tradition of private firearms ownership guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. At least up until President Wilson became president and started to rewrite the Constitution in his perverted image of a modern progressive utopia.
The Second Amendment does not “grant” us this right; it puts into writing our God-given natural right to effective self-defense, including armed defense against tyranny.
a political ideology takes power, they are ruthless in their treatment
of opposition. They will kill you, and if you are a woman, they will
rape you and then kill you. There will not be any mercy. It is better to
die fighting when they come to your house, than to accept the lies that
they will put you into “protection” for your own best interests.
Just as a refresher…
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
-Preamble to the Bill of Rights
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
-The Second Amendment
People, when talking about the second amendment, you should ALWAYS associate it with the preamble to the Bill of Rights. For it clearly states that the amendments are there to prevent the abuse of Constitutional powers by the government.
Republic vs a Democracy
“Pure democracy” has been described as two wolves and a sheep voting on their dinner plans. The two wolves might see this election as an expression of their highest democratic values, but for the outnumbered sheep, pure democracy is highly problematic.
and then killed. This is the fate for most targeted women from the ages
of 10 to 40. Those outside will probably just be killed. Do not allow
yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
On the other hand, a republic has been described as two wolves and a well-armed sheep voting on dinner plans. The well-armed sheep can veto the outcome of the dinner election simply by brandishing its firearm.
About all she has left is her name, which she prefers to keep to herself, and the shocking memories of last July. That's when Serbian troops stormed the northwest Bosnian village of Rizvanovici, and S., a 20-year-old Muslim woman with a ponytail, was rounded up with 400 other women in the yard of a neighbor's house.
Two soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and Serbian crosses around their necks, picked S. and her friend I. out of the crowd. "They brought us to an empty house and there they did what they wanted to do," says S. dully. "First we had to excite them and then we had to satisfy them."
Afterward the Serbs traded partners. The girls had been virgins. "They were laughing at us," S. recalls. "They said we were pretty girls and [that] we saved ourselves for them."
Her ordeal didn't end there. After being raped and dumped at the yard, one of the soldiers came back to bring S. to his commander. "He told me to take off my clothes and to lie down on the bed," she says. "Then he did the same thing. He started to kiss and to caress me. He saw that I didn't feel anything.
I looked into his eyes and asked him if he had a wife. He said no. I asked him if he had a sister. He said he had one. Then I said, 'How would your sister feel if somebody did the same thing to her that you are doing to me?' Then he jumped up and told me to get dressed and leave."
S., who now lives in a refugee center in northern Croatia, is a survivor of what may be the most sadistic violence to haunt Europe since the Nazi campaigns: "ethnic cleansing."
Now, on top of documented cases of systematic torture and murder in Bosnia, come charges of a new Serb atrocity-mass rape. No one knows how many victims there are, though estimates range from 30,000 to 50,000 women, most of them Muslim.
In the last few months, a torrent of wrenching first-person testimonies from refugees has emerged, suggesting widespread sexual abuse by Serb forces.
They tell of repeated rapes of girls as young as 6 and 7; violations by neighbors and strangers alike; gang rapes so brutal their victims die; rape camps where Serbs routinely abused and murdered Muslim and Croat women; rapes of young girls performed in front of fathers, mothers, siblings and children; rapes committed explicitly to impregnate Muslim women and hold them captive until they give birth to wanted Serbian babies.
You do not want to be an unarmed sheep.
“On December 14, we marched from the city to the banks of the Yangtze River … all we could see on the river’s 2,000 or more meter-wide surface was the bodies of men, women, and children, slowly floating like rafts. Looking upriver, more corpses, like mountains, moved toward us in what seemed an endless stream. There must have been at least 50,000. The Yangtze River had become a river of corpses.” This account was given by Japanese veteran Akahoshi Yoshio, from Weeping Yangtze River, a memoir collection by veterans published in Japan.
“In the square about 100 people sat, hands tied behind their backs. In front of them were two freshly dug pits, about five meters square and three meters deep… the soldiers carrying out the executions appeared agitated, their faces manically contorted.” Former military correspondent Sato Shinju so recounted in his book March as Military Correspondent.
-The Rape of Nanking, China Today
The sheep has inherent rights as a sovereign individual, including the right to self-defense, a right that cannot be stripped away by a simple majority vote.
Poland, once the Germans captured the areas, they rounded up the
population. They singled out the women, and raped those that they chose,
and killed the rest. The remains were often not buried. Just left above
the ground for the animals to scavenge.
Progressive Presidents in America
So, when a democratically elected American president speaks of “fundamentally transforming” his country, and of his need to act outside the constitutional framework, thepopulation should be on guard.
Obama trying to disarm Americans.
When that leader begins to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be on high alert.
“Abou Jihad” is a French Islamic State (or ISIL or ISIS) fighter in
Syria who is one of the main disseminators of IS materials in French.
He is stating openly what mainstream Western media outlets, the United
Nations, and the Islamic State itself have now confirmed, namely, that
the Islamic State is practicing the sexual enslavement of Yazidi and
other non-Muslim women and girls.
Once captured, they can be
raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as
needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if
you want.” was the going rate as of 2014. Two years later, when
Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support
and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization
collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS
activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the
United States.
Most men are killed. This is the historical norm. As is the systematic rape of women.
Serbian military policy has mandated the systematic gang-rape of Muslim and Croatian women and girls, their imprisonment in schools, factories, motels, arenas and concentration camps for ongoing serial rape, rape followed by murder, sexual torture and sexual slavery.
In addition to the estimated 90 concentration camps set up throughout Bosnia, there are more than 20 rape/death camps. Some hold 15 to 25 women and look like brothels; others hold more than 1,000. More than 7,000 women were held as prisoners in a Serbian-run prison-brothel near Brcko in northern Bosnia, and Muslim women are reportedly held in sexual slavery in the Sarajevo suburb of Grbavica. Young girls just reaching puberty appear to be specially designated targets for gang-rape.
-LA Times
The plight of the women and children was often years of rape, sexual
slavery and a life of servitude. Eventually leading to death.
Obama in a speech demanding that Americans be disarmed… “for the children.”
Can any glib politician, pundit or ivory tower academic give us an ironclad guarantee that tyranny will never arise in the United States? Can they? And even if they promised with their hand on their heart, with tears in their eyes, would we… should we… believe them?
Remains of a Bosnian farmer and his son found at the back of his farmhouse. They were shot and dragged into the back yard bushes together while others could enjoy their home, their kitchen and sleep in their beds. The whereabouts of his wife and two teenage daughters are unknown.
Not even a popular tyranny, like those of Ataturk, Stalin, Hitler or Mao? Can anyone assure us that today’s “commonsense” gun registration lists will not be used for future gun confiscation? Of course not.
Stripped nude. Raped, and then killed. This photo was taken the moment the officer shot the woman holding her child.
Gun Toting Citizens
The future may be unknowable, but history is well understood, and American gun owners know and understand the history of democide in the 20th century.
That is why they will never accede to what is currently portrayed in the predominantly left-wing mainstream media as “commonsense and reasonable” new gun control laws. There is NO SUCH THING as reasonable “gun control”. Disarming a person, a family, a people, is an affront to everything that a human being stands for. Do not allow it to happen to you.
The progressive Marxists have no idea what kind of a shit storm they are stirring up. We read the history books, and NO! We do not want to board the trains, and enter the ovens. We know all about the genocidal dreams of the urban progressives.
While American gun owners lament and regret the inescapable fact that deranged individuals in a free country may on rare occasions murder a dozen or a score of unarmed victims, they also understand that government democide murders by the million.
It’s always wholesale slaughter of a hated group of unarmed civilians. What ever you do, do not allow yourself to get caught up in conflicts related to this.
And in every case, tyrants can conduct these democides only after disarming their unwanted minorities, rendering them helpless to resist murderous government pogroms.
...But there does seem to be a widespread pattern of on-the-ground commanders encouraging-or even ordering-their men to rape. The testimonies of so many victims and witnesses, and of some captured Serb perpetrators, have a consistency that cannot be accidental.
"It's hard to believe that all these Serbian men, no matter how animalistic you think human nature is, would suddenly get it in their heads to find a 7-year-old girl and rape her," says the lead State Department researcher.
Rape is an integral part of ethnic cleansing, of eradicating entire areas of their historic Muslim populations through brutal intimidation, expulsion and outright murder. In such Bosnian towns as Brcko, Bjeljina, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Kotor Varos, Zvornik, leading citizens-anyone who owned a business, participated in the Party of Democratic Action, held a university degree-were hunted down and liquidated.
The rest of the male population was packed off to prison camps.
Rape clearly was the coup de grace delivered to tens of mortally wounded towns, a way of ensuring that women would never want to return to their homes.
For 12-year-old Vasvija, the terror began after she was evicted from her village of Jelec in August. During her first night in Partizan Hall, a Serb-run detention camp in the nearby eastern Bosnian town of Foca, two soldiers picked her from among the 70 detainees, all women, children and elderly civilians.
"They brought me to a flat, an empty flat," she says, a single tear running down an otherwise passive face. "They raped me." Both soldiers? "Both."
Over nine consecutive nights, Vasvija endured the same hideous treatment at the hands of different men. Once she was taken out with her mother and another inmate.
They were all raped by the same Serbian soldier. Exchanged on Sept. 17 for Serb prisoners, Vasvija, her siblings and her mother now live in a refugee center near Sarajevo. No one has heard from her father, who was beaten and dragged off to a different prison camp when the Serbs overran Jelec.
All the unarmed civilians could do was hide, surrender, or run. (As a kind reminder, please take note. The civilian population were disarmed within a year of the Bosnian genocide. Once disarmed, there was nothing preventing the military and militia to do with the civilian population as they wished.)
American gun owners will never permit this historical pattern to be repeated in their country, because they understand that the government’s heavy hand will be kept in check only as long as they are armed.
is an ISIS truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be
either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as
slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over
to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them
and set them off to the market for their future roles within the
community; sex slaves.
Ask yourself: Were the Armenians, the Jews or the kulaks treated better, or worse, after they were disarmed and rendered helpless by their oppressors, who thereafter held an absolute government monopoly on armed violence?
The answer is too obvious to require elaboration.
rounded up in Syria by the occupation forces. The parents gave them up
because the new government promised to protect them and keep them out
of harm’s way while the war raged. As a result they were sold and
abused. Many died. The “new government” lied.
Low Information Citizens – Sheep
Naive utopians and other “low-information voters” might not understand the historical pattern, and we don’t expect them to bother to learn it. We no longer care about others think. The situation in the United States has become way too dire, and the situation is approaching survival-level seriousness.
The RINO and Washington DC folk, and the Marxists that saturate every governmental and corporate entity in the United States have absolutely no idea what kind of a shit storm will occur if they keep pushing forward on their progressive dream of disarming the “deplorables” in the hinterlands.
We know what happens. We study history.
The body of a Bosnian citizen found in the woods off a side country road. His hands were bound, there is evidence that he was tortured and beaten, and suffered through it all until he was killed.
As recently as ten years ago, the ISIS would employ foot soldiers to go house by house, room by room to collect the civilians for the ISIS to do with them as they pleased. And, they DID do what they pleased. This is what happens in every war, and most especially in every genocide.
...military leaders of the Bosnian Serbs-with low ranking henchmen like Borislav Herak. A 21-year-old Serb laborer from Sarajevo, Herak admits to raping seven Muslim women and to killing two of his victims in addition to the 18 murders to which he has already confessed.
"We were ordered to rape so that our morale would be higher," he says from a military prison in the Bosnian capital. "We were told we would fight better if we raped the women."
He claims that he and fellow soldiers frequented the Sonja Cafe-one of several alleged "rape camps" outside Sarajevo-which maintained a population of 70 Muslim women and girls; those who were killed were quickly replaced.
Entire villages, such as Miljevina in eastern Bosnia, may have been converted to rape camps.
About 100 people, "all young Muslim women and girls, were raped," says a 20-year-old named Aida. Her attacker was Dragan J., a Serb policeman and neighbor, who excused his behavior, she says, on the ground that "'It is war, you can't resist, there is no law and order'."
Rasema, a 33-year-old mother, offers a similar account. She claims that her assailants raped her in front of her two girls. When she resisted, they threatened, "We will cut out your teeth! Do you want us to slaughter your children, to watch us cutting them into pieces, piece after piece?" In his own defense, one attacker told Rasema, "I have to do it, otherwise they will kill me."
They would search out specific people and took special note to those
which might be armed, or have a high risk of opposition. They would use
lists obtained, compiled and given to them by local people friendly to
their cause.
Usually educated people, business leaders, outspoken independent people, and people who were the victim of petty grudges would be on the list. There would be other, of course. People with a NRA sticker on their car, people who drive pickup trucks. Those whom wear MAGA hats. Those whom eat pork.
Imagine what the list would look like if a feminist millennial were
to compile the list of everyone in the local town where she lived. Who
would be on it? Would you?
American mainstream media telling us “normals” what they fully intend to do with us once they reacquire the reins of power.
Two young Serb deserters, Slobodan Panic and Cvijetin Maksimovic, now being held in a prison in Orasje, Bosnia, told NEWSWEEK they were ordered to rape and murder for the amusement of their commander in Brcko, in northeastern Bosnia, last May.
Panic says he balked when two battered women, each about 18, were brought to him in a room in a warehouse where 500 to 600 civilians were imprisoned. Serb soldiers "Said they'd kill me if I didn't" rape them, he recalls, insisting that he "only did a little" to his screaming victims, not consummating the act.
Three other women were dragged out for the same humiliating display. During these episodes, Panic says, soldiers stood around in a circle and laughed.
Then they hauled two badly beaten Muslim prisoners before Panic and handed him a gun. "I said, 'I can't, they've never done anything to me'," he remembers. "'You have to or else we'll kill you'," Panic says he was told. He shot each man in the chest. Two more male prisoners appeared.
A soldier handed Panic a knife. "Butcher them," he commanded. When Panic protested, the soldier replied, "I'll show you how it's done." Then, holding Panic's hand around the knife handle, he seized the man by the hair, jerked back his head and cut his throat.
Death, at least, brings an end to suffering. Rape victims who became pregnant relive their horror every day. Sofija, a 30-year-old Muslim, was released from a school turned prison camp in the village of Parzevic in mid-September, after being raped every night for six months by five or six different Serb soldiers.
Now she is hiding from her family in a cold Sarajevan hospital, tormented by the thought of the unwanted child growing inside her. "I do not want to see the baby," the mother of two says without emotion. "I will not feed it. I do not want anything to do with it."
Her roommate says that Sofija talks in her sleep every night, debating whether to kill the baby when it arrives in mid-January. Somewhere in Sarajevo are 12 other pregnant women and girls from the same village as Sofija who were similarly raped and held until long past the time for a safe abortion.
Earlier release doesn't guarantee relief: a 1978 Yugoslav law allows gynecologists to perform abortions only up to the 10th week of pregnancy; thereafter, cases are referred to a hospital ethics commission which, in Roman Catholic Croatia, home to 400,000 Bosnian refugees, may be more inclined to put the babies up for adoption.
Rape is the ultimate act in the Serbs' program of annihilation. They have robbed countless civilians of their possessions, their land, their lives and their dignity. Bosnia will be haunted by hundreds, if not thousands, of Serbian children forced on unwilling Muslim mothers.
The Evil Progressive Cabal
Cynical and dishonest “progressives” who do understand the historical pattern cannot yet reveal their ultimate goal of creating a disarmed and helpless American citizenry.
Nevertheless, millions of Americans understand their hidden aim with crystal clarity, seeing through the false sincerity of power-hungry leftist politicians who are actually Marxist wolves dressed in Democrat sheep’s clothing – for now.
motivated progressive democrat Marxists, mostly from the urban areas
will be armed via prepared caches of weapons, and trained to terrorize
the surrounding communities; to create strife and discord. They will
continue to play “wack a mole” only with your life.
In August 1992 I went to Croatia, which was as close as I could get to Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was there that I met Mirsada, a sixteen year old girl who had been raped.
I will try to keep her in my mind, because I liked her from the moment I met her and I tried to help her, trying not to act pitifully towards her. She had been detained in a concentration camp near Teslic for 4 months with her mother and sister. She was raped approximately 80 times per day.
At the time I met her, she was heavily pregnant (in her sixth month). After she gave birth to a baby girl, she gave it up for adoption and left for Denmark. She never saw her daughter. I never asked her to talk to me about this as I was afraid my interest would appear disrespectful and that it might hurt her.
But once, when we were just sitting and talking, she told me that when she was in the concentration camp she was not allowed to sleep because the soldiers would constantly come for her, never giving her the time or space to sleep. This was the first time that the situation in which this girl and many other women found themselves really became clear and close to me.
rapes. I guess that this would NEVER happen in the USA. After all,
there are elected representatives that have the best interests of
Americans at heart. </sarcasm> Listen to me. Really. Honestly.
Listen to me. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself
to be disarmed.
But unless and until these secret Stalinists and sundry other “progressives” can figure out a way to disarm Americans, they cannot execute their historically standard final solution to the “reactionaries-standing-in-the-way-of-utopia” problem.
Indeed, this is a thorny problem for them, because tens of millions of Americans, disbelieving their deceitful bromides, will stick to their guns no matter what.
Killed, and chopped up. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never
allow yourself to be disarmed. Please take notice that every one has
their hands tied behind their backs. Do not allow this to happen to you.
When America was first founded NO ONE allowed the British Red Coats and
their LOYALISTs to tie their hands behind their backs.
Unlike the Armenians, Jews, kulaks and other exterminated peoples, Americans who support the Second Amendment will never be disarmed quietly by government edict prior to meekly boarding a train to a socialist “reeducation” camp.
They will not be taken at government gunpoint on a one-way forced march into a desert or a Zyklon-B “delousing shower,” simply because they foolishly agreed to be disarmed by their future oppressors in the dubious name of “public safety.”
a progressive liberal socialist government takes control, one of the
first things that they do is silence all the opposition. They do so
If American “progressives” truly intend to disarm the American people, they will have to do it the hard way, by taking their bullets first, one at a time.
Because we know what you will do to us. You tell us this all the time. We are not asleep, we are listening, and we are taking your threats against us, our families, and our society very, very seriously.
see this image before? Why not? This is the face of war! And people,
America has been at war with a minimum of at least one nation per year.
Today it is fighting eight wars. Well, this is what happens during war.
It is not pretty. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow
yourself to be disarmed.
What Can We Do To Stop Democide?
The most practical thing that we can each do is promote the importance of individual freedoms. Most importantly the Right of self-defense. In America this means the second amendment to the Constitution that is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
"... The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution expressed a desire in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. "
-Preamble to the Bill of Rights
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
-The 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights
When humans have rights that are associated with those freedoms, it begins to take the power and control away from the governments and put it into the hands of the people being governed.
As it was the original intention of the United States Constitution before it was “improved” by rich bankers, and idealistic progressives.
Not… not…
Anything resembling what the progressive Marxist socialists have planned… and which CLEARLY looks like it is heading our way now.
It is going to get a lot worse, and serious action steps must be taken to avoid the train wreck that is destined to occur.
of the last jew in a German city. Once the progressive socialists start
to demonize another group or people, they will not stop until EVERY ONE
IS DEAD. they will not stop. They will not stop. They will not stop.
They will not stop.
What if we disarm, what then?
Well… for one thing, don’t get caught up in the normalcy bias.
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a belief people hold when considering the possibility of a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned.
This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare themselves for disasters, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias in disasters.[1]
The very moment that Americans are disarmed will be the beginning of mass genocide of the White population.
After all, this is America. No one is going to initiate genocide in America. It’s a free land of happiness and contentment. Right?
know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be
collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men
will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated
area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a
bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.
Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin appeared on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Sunday and said that not only does Trump have to lose in 2020, but there must be a purging of "survivors" who still support the commander-in-chief.
"It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose," she said. "We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party."
"We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again."
- Nick Givas at Fox News, about the 2020 national election
Your freedom, if you wait, will be short lived.
Progressive Marxist plans for when they obtain the reins of power. Only this time, it will be forever.
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Other Blogs that you all should visit.
These blogs and sites have better information than I every could
compile. These people are experts in personal survival and preparedness.
I recommend them wholeheartedly.
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This post looks into the role that (so called) “technicals” play in national upheavals. A “technical” is a pickup truck that has been modified into a mobile heavy weapons platform. These machines have been commonly used in just about every national conflict over the last two decades. Here, we look at the role that they have, and why there are used. As opposed to other vehicles constrained for other purposes.
There are many uses for a pickup truck armed with heavy arms. These uses can vary from a personnel supporting role to that of an anti-aircraft platform.
outcome of all state-sponsored genocide against a certain group of
people is well recorded and predictable. Here is a photo from the Sierra
Leone Civil War.
That being stated, over the last two decades the primary purpose of these “technicals” has been to collect, round-up, and secure unarmed civilians so that they can be easily herded into “Safe Areas” controlled by the insurgents employing the vehicles.
Important note. In order to illustrate some points, I have liberally sprinkled historical antidotes from various conflicts around the world and from different historical periods. When discussing Syria in 2014, for instance, please don’t get confused when a quote appears about what the Japanese did to the Chinese in Nanchang in the 1930’s. The point is that the events are similar independent of geography or historical episode.
A Personal Interest.
Personally, I was unaware of the term “technical” up until a few years ago. When suddenly I started seeing pictures of the ISIS in Syria riding in brand (spanking) new Toyota pickup trucks with heavy weapons attached. To me it seemed eerily familiar to other events which unfolded in Africa, Bosnia, and South America.
soldiers in Sierra Leone. Note how well armed they are. Government
forces working secretively set aside caches of weapons and ammunition
for use by ideologically motivated “regulars”. Who then sprung forth
when the time was right. They will be better armed than you. You had
best be better trained.
For me, I wondered three things. Firstly [1] WHY were these civilian vehicles pressed into military service? Secondly and [2] HOW did the ISIS (a radical outlier) manage to obtain all these new trucks? And finally, [3] HOW were they being used?
Well, it turns out that I wasn’t the only one wondering about these things. Others, many who were much smarter than myself pondered these questions, and after some “investigative journalism” came up with some answers.
The ISIS was a creation of Barrack Obama.
It turned out that the Toyota trucks were supplied by the United States State Department, and pressed into service by the CIA. This was under the watchful eyes of then-President Barrack Obama.
President Obama represented the Global Interests of a global socialistic community. He did not care for local Americans, as he viewed them as a part of an “old order” that must be discarded in favor of a new, more “enlightened” progressive way of doing things.
The ISIS was a front organization for the CIA who wanted to manufacture a very powerful trans-national force in the Middle East. We know this is true because of the financial paper trail that remains.
The architects of this scheme were President Obama, the Saudi Government, and elements within Iran. (Yeah, what a bunch of strange bed-fellows.) But there you have it.
Globalists just think differently than us “normals”. I attribute it to massive amounts of mind-altering chemicals, and a life of ease without punishment. You do know, after all, that Mr. Obama never had a “boss” that he ever reported to, signed a W-2 form, or went through the dress-down experience of a layoff. It’s a groomed life that he lived. Perfect for being a figurehead… or a puppet.
Personally, I believe that hardship and toil makes us better, stronger and more sympathetic people. It’s a shared human experience that you cannot isolate yourself from. People who never had these typical American experiences, end up living a life with the mentality of a ten year old.
Anyways, here’s the “smoking gun”. (Not that you would ever see this reported on the mainstream American media.)
Allocation of American taxation to fund the procurement of vehicles to be used by the ISIS. Looks so nice. Give to “Syria”. Except that the recipient was not the Syrian government, but rather the ISIS group within the Syrian government.
Who was affected by this “stoke of the pen” by Obama…
The people who paid for this were the American people through taxation.
The people who suffered for this were the Syrian citizenry, who found their homes, lifestyle, and culture obliterated.
The people who authored this, are now safe in their mansions. They are still partying, drinking chardonnay, and having a merry old time. (Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the various Middle Eastern interests.)
Moneys were diverted from the Afghanistan allocations toward the ISIS insurgents. This money was used to buy up equipment, weapons, and ammo to be used against the Syrian people in order to fun a new progressive wonderful all-Islamic national unity.
Let’s start with how I got interested in this scheme of things. Let’s look at Syria and the ISIS insurgency. In the process, let’s look at their use of technicals and how they obtained them.
The ISIS in Syria
I always thought of a pickup truck as something that you could fill up with a cord of wood, or transport a refrigerator in. Using it as mobile heavy machine gun platform seemed a little silly. For certainly the wheels would be shot out, and the engine destroyed within months of use. It is, after all an unarmored vehicle.
Out of the blue sometime during the Bush Presidency, the world became aware of the ISIS. It was never a serious threat, mostly constrained to being an outlier in that contentious region of hate, dust, and searing heat.
The ISIS mission was founded in 2004 to create a hard-line Islamic state crossing over the borders of Syria and Iraq. In the ideal manifestation, it would entail a huge swath of land including Iraq and Syria with political ties to Iran.
The objective of the ISS was to create a powerful national state that occupied the territories of Syria and Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has emerged from radical Sunni jihadists in Iraq who fought under the banner “al-Qaeda in Iraq”. Their goal since being founded in 2004 is to create a hard-line Islamic state crossing over the borders of Syria and Iraq.
Were they to achieve their aim, the new state would be a caliphate led by a supreme religious leader called a “caliph”.
The nations that would belong to the Caliphate are predominantly Sunni Muslim. Yet Iran--which sees the so-called Arab Spring as a divine signal from Allah that the Caliphate, to be led by Iran, is on the horizon and that the Mahdi is near--is overwhelmingly Shia.
- Would Muslims Accept Iran as the Leader of a New Caliphate
In order to capture and subdue large sections of flat desert land, and to subjugate the people there, the ISIS adopted a system of convoys of armed technicals.
The technicals would be used in such a way as to cut off egress out from a targeted city or town, and allow foot soldiers to go house to house and room to room capturing and seizing civilians.
Thus the role of the technical was strictly defined. Firstly, to transport elements to a targeted area. Then, seize strategic portions which would in effect, surround the target, and finally to cut off egress or escape from the enclosed area through use of their mounted weapons.
ISS technicals armed with anti-aircraft weapons. Toyota-made pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles have been featured prominently in a number of ISIS propaganda videos used in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, according to ABC. Vehicles shown include the Hilux and the Land Cruiser. The weaponry appears to be Russian made L-70 or ZU-23-2B air defense systems.
Caliph means successor in Arabic, and a cleric with this title is
regarded by Sunni followers as an Iman chosen by Allah from the Family
of the House, direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.
One map (drawn up by ISIS as early as 2006) shows a region which includes much of north-east Syria and northern Iraq. The area, roughly the size of Belgium, contains many, many oil wells.
Obviously aside from all the religious attire, the purpose of this organization is to control access to oil and minerals in the region for personal profit. For a more pedestrian person such as my self, it seems like the motive is related to personal greed.
Yet, you just cannot draw lines on a map and make claim to them. You need to control and subjugate the people that live in those areas.
Control of a region for profit
ISS technicals used for personal transport, and fielding light machine gun weaponry. ISIS has used these vehicles in order to engage in military-type activities, terror activities, and the like, but in nearly every ISIS video, they show a fleet – a convoy of Toyota vehicles.
The Islamic world is complex, and in the political-religious sphere there were two groups at distinctly different objectives and behaviors.
Iraqi Shias (Conservative Muslim Nationalists.)
Iraqi Sunnis (The progressive ISIS fighters.)
The single most important factor in ISIS’s activities is the conflict between Iraqi Shias and Iraqi Sunnis. ISIS fighters themselves are Sunnis, and the tension between the two groups is a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS. Yet, let is be well known that they are a minority who wishes to become the majority.
The majority of Iraqis – between 60% and 70% – are Shias.
In order for a minority to become a majority in a given fixed reason, the civilian population must be purged. They must either be chased away, converted, or killed off. This, my friends, is known as genocide.
Genocide can occur when powerful people, often in leadership roles, and who contains the major media are able to convince the minority that they “deserve” to be the majority. In the case of Iraq, it was ex-dictator Saddam Hussein who was a Sunni and the absolute power of his Ba’ath party gave Sunnis the belief that they are the real majority and legitimate rulers.
The difference between the two largest Muslim groups originated a long, long time ago. It began with a controversy over who got to take power after the Prophet Muhammad’s death in 632AD. They have been fighting, killing, torturing, and raping ever since.
They have been fighting over this issue for 140 centuries.
There doesn’t seem to be any resolution of this issue in the near future. And for reasons, that I have difficulty in fathoming, then President Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, felt it was the business of the United States to get involved in this conflict.
ISS technicals mounted with heavy machine guns. The heavy machine gun appears to be a DShK 1938 Soviet heavy machine gun. The vehicles shown in the ISIS videos are older Toyota models, according to ABC.Hyundais, Mitsubishis, and Isuzus are also depicted, though to a lesser extent. It’s possible some of the Toyota vehicles are being smuggled into the region, an Iraqi military spokesman told ABC.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can
be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural
areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation
where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
About 500-thousand residents in Iraq's second biggest city of Mosul have fled after Islamist militants overran much of the city.
ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, an offshoot of al-Qaida, launched the attack on the city today, seizing the governor's headquarters and rampaging through police stations.
Hundreds of detainees are reported to have been set free.
Roads across the city are now packed with cars as thousands of residents make their way to border crossings into the autonomous Kurdish province of Irbil.
There are no immediate estimates on how many people were killed in the assault.
- Thousands Flee Mosul after Militants Seize City
It will be a snare. It will be crowds of people trapped between tall stone walls with machine gun armed technicals at both ends of the street.
People will be collected, processed and used or killed. They will use lists.
Here is an ISIS truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them and set them off to the market for their future roles within the community; sex slaves.
ISIS Leadership under the employ of the CIA.
US troops and allied Sunni militias defeated al-Qaeda in Iraq during the post-2006 troop surge, however the surge did not destroy its fighters completely. Peace was not obtained, no matter what the American media had to say about it in their “reports”.
In 2010, the US commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, described the group as “fundamentally the same.” In 2011, senior ISIS members regrouped following the freeing of high-profile members held by the Iraqi Government.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was in custody at a US detention facility in Iraq until 2009 when he was handed over to the Iraqi authorities. As he left Camp Bucca, near Iraq’s southern border with Kuwait, he told his captors: “I’ll see you guys in New York.”
He then disappeared from custody. The video cameras were turned off. The guards asleep. The watch lists missing.
ISS Technical with a platform mounted heavy machine gun. The weapon appears to be a Russian made 12.7mm NSV heavy machine gun. US itself has played a key role in arming, funding, and intentionally perpetuating the ISS terrorist army across Syria and Iraq. In 2014 it was reported that the US State Department had been sending in fleets of specifically Toyota-brand trucks into Syria to whom they claimed was the “Free Syrian Army.” But, who really were representatives of the ISS, and who immediately pressed the equipment into service for their cause.
And he was correct.
The CIA, under the direction of President Barrack Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, shuffled him off to a “safe haven”, and there he rested and recouped.
It has been claimed that al-Baghdadi, who uses a variety of aliases, was only radicalized while in US custody. Imagine that.
According to his story, he was a simple farmer wrongly swept up and became a follower of bin Laden at Camp Bucca. However, it is more likely al-Baghdadi was an Islamic fundamentalist long before the US and Britain invaded Iraq.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the nom de guerre of an individual who has had various names and epithets attributed to him, including Abu Du’a (أبو دعاء ʾabū duʿāʾ), Al-Shabah (the phantom or ghost), and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (أبو بكر البغدادي الحسيني الهاشمي القرشي, )
There are only two known photos of the 43-year-old al-Baghdadi, who Iraqi military officials believe was hiding somewhere in Iraq’s eastern Diyala province.
In any event, he returned back to Iraq, and under the support of President Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton he was able to consolidate and recruit armed forces, receive CIA training and weapons, and amass a large enough military force to seize huge sections of Syria.
And yes. The key to the seizure of land was through the use of armed technicals.
Seizing sections of Syria.
ISS truck with a RPG crew for specialized assault tasks. Specific equipment like the Toyota Hiluxes are what is referred to as “force enablers” for the moderate opposition forces on the ground,. Oubai Shahbander said the US-supplied pickups were officially intended to be delivering troops and supplies into battle. Though he grudgingly acknowledged that some of the vehicle fleet might become battlefield weapons. And so they were. No surprise there.
In order to secure large sections of Syrian territory, the ISS utilized “technicals”; fast-moving civilian pick-up trucks with mounted heavy weapons. They would ride the trucks and surround a targeted town. Then ground forces would go house to house…
... Xia Shuqin, now 86, telling what happened to her on December 13, 1937. She lived at No. 5, Xinlukou Street, east of Zhonghuamen, one of the main gates to the inner city.
On that day, Japanese soldiers burst into her house and killed seven members of her family: her grandparents, parents, and three of her sisters.
Soldiers raped and then killed her mother and two elder sisters. She was stabbed three times and passed out. Of the entire family, only Xia and her four-year-old sister survived.
-What happens when military troops enter your town and go house to house. China Today.
You know, that I know, that it is difficult to visualize this. Syria is harsh rocky desert. It doesn’t look anything at all like the United States. But you know what? The utility and the strategy is absolutely portable. Whether it is in Iraq, Bosnia, Sierra Leone, China, or Tennessee.
Consider the United States.
How technicals would be used to seize points of egress from a town as it is under assault from foot-soldiers moving in from the West. For illustration purposes, the small town of Milford, Massachusetts is used in this example.
In operation, units would form into convoys. These units would then surround a targeted town or city. Technicals would be set up at all the cross roads, thus preventing egress via vehicles, or pedestrians who utilize roads for travel.
Trucks would then collect soldiers who would then move into the town on foot. They would be in groups of 8 to 10 and form into small squads.
The only way that a small town, or folk in the rural sections could oppose this encirclement assault is to delay the movement of the technicals. This would be through road blocks, and sniper attacks. Thus providing a window of opportunity for others to escape.
people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously
exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth
armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived
slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to
the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set
up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban
youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into
the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities
were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in
Each squad would proceed to a specific target area and objectives. They would move house to house and collect the civilians there.
The ISIS would then separate the women and children from the men and the boys.
Children rounded up in Syria by the occupation forces. The parents gave them up because the new government promised to protect them and keep them out of harm’s way while the war raged. As a result they were sold and abused. Many died. The “new government” lied.
Young women, young female children, and some young boys were set apart and taken to holding areas. Often these were secured warehouses, schools, jails or other buildings that were easy to secure and “lock down”.
Once trapped, they must deal with the life as it is. They survive. But only just barely, as many of the women that they share their imprisoned state end up dying.
About all she has left is her name, which she prefers to keep to herself, and the shocking memories of last July. That's when Serbian troops stormed the northwest Bosnian village of Rizvanovici, and S., a 20-year-old Muslim woman with a ponytail, was rounded up with 400 other women in the yard of a neighbor's house.
Two soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and Serbian crosses around their necks, picked S. and her friend I. out of the crowd. "They brought us to an empty house and there they did what they wanted to do," says S. dully. "First we had to excite them and then we had to satisfy them."
Afterward the Serbs traded partners. The girls had been virgins. "They were laughing at us," S. recalls. "They said we were pretty girls and [that] we saved ourselves for them."
Her ordeal didn't end there. After being raped and dumped at the yard, one of the soldiers came back to bring S. to his commander. "He told me to take off my clothes and to lie down on the bed," she says. "Then he did the same thing. He started to kiss and to caress me. He saw that I didn't feel anything.
I looked into his eyes and asked him if he had a wife. He said no. I asked him if he had a sister. He said he had one. Then I said, 'How would your sister feel if somebody did the same thing to her that you are doing to me?' Then he jumped up and told me to get dressed and leave."
S., who now lives in a refugee center in northern Croatia, is a survivor of what may be the most sadistic violence to haunt Europe since the Nazi campaigns: "ethnic cleansing."
Now, on top of documented cases of systematic torture and murder in Bosnia, come charges of a new Serb atrocity-mass rape. No one knows how many victims there are, though estimates range from 30,000 to 50,000 women, most of them Muslim.
In the last few months, a torrent of wrenching first-person testimonies from refugees has emerged, suggesting widespread sexual abuse by Serb forces.
They tell of repeated rapes of girls as young as 6 and 7; violations by neighbors and strangers alike; gang rapes so brutal their victims die; rape camps where Serbs routinely abused and murdered Muslim and Croat women; rapes of young girls performed in front of fathers, mothers, siblings and children; rapes committed explicitly to impregnate Muslim women and hold them captive until they give birth to wanted Serbian babies.
The men and boys were then scrutinized as a threat. They are separated and often tortured, then killed outright.
“On December 14, we marched from the city to the banks of the Yangtze River … all we could see on the river’s 2,000 or more meter-wide surface was the bodies of men, women, and children, slowly floating like rafts. Looking upriver, more corpses, like mountains, moved toward us in what seemed an endless stream. There must have been at least 50,000. The Yangtze River had become a river of corpses.” This account was given by Japanese veteran Akahoshi Yoshio, from Weeping Yangtze River, a memoir collection by veterans published in Japan.
“In the square about 100 people sat, hands tied behind their backs. In front of them were two freshly dug pits, about five meters square and three meters deep… the soldiers carrying out the executions appeared agitated, their faces manically contorted.” Former military correspondent Sato Shinju so recounted in his book March as Military Correspondent.
-The Rape of Nanking, China Today
Those judged as a threat were killed outright. The rest were either recruited for the ISS, or were left alone.
“Abou Jihad” is a French Islamic State (or ISIL or ISIS) fighter in Syria who is one of the main disseminators of IS materials in French. He is stating openly what mainstream Western media outlets, the United Nations, and the Islamic State itself have now confirmed, namely, that the Islamic State is practicing the sexual enslavement of Yazidi and other non-Muslim women and girls.
Once captured, they can be raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want.” was the going rate as of 2014. Two years later, when Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the United States.
Most men are killed. This is the historical norm. As is the systematic rape of women.
Serbian military policy has mandated the systematic gang-rape of Muslim and Croatian women and girls, their imprisonment in schools, factories, motels, arenas and concentration camps for ongoing serial rape, rape followed by murder, sexual torture and sexual slavery.
In addition to the estimated 90 concentration camps set up throughout Bosnia, there are more than 20 rape/death camps. Some hold 15 to 25 women and look like brothels; others hold more than 1,000. More than 7,000 women were held as prisoners in a Serbian-run prison-brothel near Brcko in northern Bosnia, and Muslim women are reportedly held in sexual slavery in the Sarajevo suburb of Grbavica. Young girls just reaching puberty appear to be specially designated targets for gang-rape.
-LA Times
The plight of the women and children was often years of rape, sexual slavery and a life of servitude. Eventually leading to death.
In general, the technicals played a major role in rapid control of key strategic points for tactical control. Their armament would be very effective against civilian vehicles and could lay down suppressive fire to scare the Dejesus out of any civilian who dared try to get around the road-block.
Routes of escape were blocked, this included rail, roads, boats and by air. To escape a town or village under siege, you need to avoid the HMG mounted on technicals and avoid all crowds.
They played a role that effectively removed all means of escape from the civilians trapped within a town or targeted region.
...But there does seem to be a widespread pattern of on-the-ground commanders encouraging-or even ordering-their men to rape. The testimonies of so many victims and witnesses, and of some captured Serb perpetrators, have a consistency that cannot be accidental.
"It's hard to believe that all these Serbian men, no matter how animalistic you think human nature is, would suddenly get it in their heads to find a 7-year-old girl and rape her," says the lead State Department researcher.
Rape is an integral part of ethnic cleansing, of eradicating entire areas of their historic Muslim populations through brutal intimidation, expulsion and outright murder. In such Bosnian towns as Brcko, Bjeljina, Kljuc, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Kotor Varos, Zvornik, leading citizens-anyone who owned a business, participated in the Party of Democratic Action, held a university degree-were hunted down and liquidated.
The rest of the male population was packed off to prison camps.
Rape clearly was the coup de grace delivered to tens of mortally wounded towns, a way of ensuring that women would never want to return to their homes.
For 12-year-old Vasvija, the terror began after she was evicted from her village of Jelec in August. During her first night in Partizan Hall, a Serb-run detention camp in the nearby eastern Bosnian town of Foca, two soldiers picked her from among the 70 detainees, all women, children and elderly civilians.
"They brought me to a flat, an empty flat," she says, a single tear running down an otherwise passive face. "They raped me." Both soldiers? "Both."
Over nine consecutive nights, Vasvija endured the same hideous treatment at the hands of different men. Once she was taken out with her mother and another inmate.
They were all raped by the same Serbian soldier. Exchanged on Sept. 17 for Serb prisoners, Vasvija, her siblings and her mother now live in a refugee center near Sarajevo. No one has heard from her father, who was beaten and dragged off to a different prison camp when the Serbs overran Jelec.
All the unarmed civilians could do was hide, surrender, or run. (As a kind reminder, please take note. The civilian population were disarmed within a year of the genocide. Once disarmed, there was nothing preventing the military and militia to do with the civilian population as they wished.)
Once the population was disarmed, only the Serbian military and the opposition forces had weapons. This made sense, as the government needed the population to be disarmed in order to round them up and kill them so that a minority could come to power.
Sierra Leone has suffered terrible social and economic costs as a result of its civil war and fight over diamond control.
Under the cover of warfare the rebels committed heinous crimes against humanity in the form of murder, rape, and mutilation.
The war between 1991 and 1999 claimed over 75,000 lives, caused 500,000 Sierra Leoneans to become refugees, and displaced half of the countries 4.5 million people[6]. Also during this period, the Sierra Leone economy was being cheated out of millions of dollars in the form of illegal diamonds.
Rape of women and girls was widespread and systematic during Sierra Leone's conflict through most of the 1990s, and is reportedly continuing on a smaller scale in areas still controlled by rebels in the north and east of the country.
Members of the RUF primarily perpetrated this brutal tactic as a tool of war to terrorize the civilian population into submission and break-apart families and communities.
In addition, to the thousands of women who were raped, thousands more women and girls were abducted and taken into the bush to travel with the rebels and to act as domestic sex slaves to the fighters. .
In many cases the abducted were gang raped, beaten, starved, tortured, forced to walk long distances carrying heavy loads, and told they would be killed if they tried to escape.
The rebels have been reluctant to turn over children in spite of their obligation to do so under the Lome Peace Accord and have been particularly slow to hand over girls.
Girls and young women who managed to escape from the rebels or who were released, suffer a variety of consequences such as sexually transmitted infections. These include HIV/AIDS, trauma and post traumatic stress disorder, extreme anxiety and alienation by their communities and families.
Numerous women also were left with scarring and serious gynecological problems, such as damaged uteruses and bladders. A high percentage of the survivors are pregnant or are now single mothers of so-called "rebel babies."
The Rebels also terrorize citizens with the systemic mutilation of men, women, and children.
The rebels had teams dedicated to capturing citizens and mutating them. Often times they cut off both the victims’ hands and put the hands in a rice bag and took it back to their commanders.
Such behavior is not an isolated event or the product of undisciplined soldiers, it is the rebels gruesome strategy and can be traced back to the leaders of the RUF.
As a result of these acts, the thousands of surviving amputees in Sierra Leone were forced in to refugee camps. Many of these people are illiterate and support themselves by farming the land, and they are left futureless as a result of their needless amputations.
-Blood Diamonds
This technique was used in other nations such as Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Sierra Leone and South Africa with great success. They would form a convoy and race to the targeted region or town. Then they would surround the town, and use the technicals to secure the exits so that no one could leave.
Parade of ISS technicals showing an array of mounted equipment, and personnel. The mystery of how hundreds of identical, brand-new ISIS-owned Toyota trucks have made it into Syria is solved. Not only has the US and British government admitted in the past to supplying them, their military forces and intelligence agencies ply the borders of Turkey, Jordan, and even Iraq where these fleets of trucks must have surely passed on their way to Syria – even if other regional actors supplied them.
Then, they would employ foot soldiers to go house by house, room by room to collect the civilians for the ISS to do with them as they pleased. And, they DID do what they pleased. This is what happens in every war, and most especially in every genocide.
...military leaders of the Bosnian Serbs-with low ranking henchmen like Borislav Herak. A 21-year-old Serb laborer from Sarajevo, Herak admits to raping seven Muslim women and to killing two of his victims in addition to the 18 murders to which he has already confessed.
"We were ordered to rape so that our morale would be higher," he says from a military prison in the Bosnian capital. "We were told we would fight better if we raped the women."
He claims that he and fellow soldiers frequented the Sonja Cafe-one of several alleged "rape camps" outside Sarajevo-which maintained a population of 70 Muslim women and girls; those who were killed were quickly replaced.
Entire villages, such as Miljevina in eastern Bosnia, may have been converted to rape camps.
About 100 people, "all young Muslim women and girls, were raped," says a 20-year-old named Aida. Her attacker was Dragan J., a Serb policeman and neighbor, who excused his behavior, she says, on the ground that "'It is war, you can't resist, there is no law and order'."
Rasema, a 33-year-old mother, offers a similar account. She claims that her assailants raped her in front of her two girls. When she resisted, they threatened, "We will cut out your teeth! Do you want us to slaughter your children, to watch us cutting them into pieces, piece after piece?" In his own defense, one attacker told Rasema, "I have to do it, otherwise they will kill me."
They would search out specific people and took special note to those which might be armed, or have a high risk of opposition. They would use lists obtained, compiled and given to them by local people friendly to their cause.
Usually educated people, business leaders, outspoken independent people, and people who were the victim of petty grudges would be on the list.
Imagine what the list would look like if a feminist millennial were to compile the list of everyone in the local town where she lived. Who would be on it? Would you?
American mainstream media telling us “normals” what they fully intend to do with us once they reacquire the reins of power.
Two young Serb deserters, Slobodan Panic and Cvijetin Maksimovic, now being held in a prison in Orasje, Bosnia, told NEWSWEEK they were ordered to rape and murder for the amusement of their commander in Brcko, in northeastern Bosnia, last May.
Panic says he balked when two battered women, each about 18, were brought to him in a room in a warehouse where 500 to 600 civilians were imprisoned. Serb soldiers "Said they'd kill me if I didn't" rape them, he recalls, insisting that he "only did a little" to his screaming victims, not consummating the act.
Three other women were dragged out for the same humiliating display. During these episodes, Panic says, soldiers stood around in a circle and laughed.
Then they hauled two badly beaten Muslim prisoners before Panic and handed him a gun. "I said, 'I can't, they've never done anything to me'," he remembers. "'You have to or else we'll kill you'," Panic says he was told. He shot each man in the chest. Two more male prisoners appeared.
A soldier handed Panic a knife. "Butcher them," he commanded. When Panic protested, the soldier replied, "I'll show you how it's done." Then, holding Panic's hand around the knife handle, he seized the man by the hair, jerked back his head and cut his throat.
Death, at least, brings an end to suffering. Rape victims who became pregnant relive their horror every day. Sofija, a 30-year-old Muslim, was released from a school turned prison camp in the village of Parzevic in mid-September, after being raped every night for six months by five or six different Serb soldiers.
Now she is hiding from her family in a cold Sarajevan hospital, tormented by the thought of the unwanted child growing inside her. "I do not want to see the baby," the mother of two says without emotion. "I will not feed it. I do not want anything to do with it."
Her roommate says that Sofija talks in her sleep every night, debating whether to kill the baby when it arrives in mid-January. Somewhere in Sarajevo are 12 other pregnant women and girls from the same village as Sofija who were similarly raped and held until long past the time for a safe abortion.
Earlier release doesn't guarantee relief: a 1978 Yugoslav law allows gynecologists to perform abortions only up to the 10th week of pregnancy; thereafter, cases are referred to a hospital ethics commission which, in Roman Catholic Croatia, home to 400,000 Bosnian refugees, may be more inclined to put the babies up for adoption.
Rape is the ultimate act in the Serbs' program of annihilation. They have robbed countless civilians of their possessions, their land, their lives and their dignity. Bosnia will be haunted by hundreds, if not thousands, of Serbian children forced on unwilling Muslim mothers.
Former American truck, utilized by the ISS in Syria, showing a mounted AA gun. A Mr. Mark Oberholtzer sold the truck to AutoNation Ford back in October 2013. From there the truck was sold at auction and somehow made its way to Turkey. It then crossed the nearby boarder to Syria and was converted into a technical mounting an anti-aircraft dual barrelled weapon. Unfortunately for Mark Oberholtzer, the CIA which handled the transaction to the ISS (for the State Department under Hillary Clinton) did not remove the decals. Thus, despite being assured the decals would be removed, they remained in tact and contained his business name and phone number.
Once the ISS / ISIS took control of a town they were able to exert control over large geographical areas. This enabled them to control access to the natural resources, the people and their labors, the women and children, and obtain international status.
The control of geographical regions was important in order to seize control of the people.
ISS Convoy with American supplied Toyota technicals mounted with heavy weapons in Syria. The British government has also admittedly supplied a number of vehicles to terrorists fighting inside of Syria. The British Independent’s 2013 article titled, “Revealed: What the West has given Syria’s rebels,” reported that:
“So far the UK has sent around £8m of “non-lethal” aid, according to official papers seen by The Independent, comprising five 4×4 vehicles with ballistic protection; 20 sets of body armour; four trucks (three 25 tonne, one 20 tonne); six 4×4 SUVs; five non-armoured pick-ups; one recovery vehicle; four fork-lifts; three advanced “resilience kits” for region hubs, designed to rescue people in emergencies; 130 solar powered batteries; around 400 radios; water purification and rubbish collection kits; laptops; VSATs (small satellite systems for data communications) and printers.”
It’s fair to say that whatever pipeline the US State Department and the British government used to supply terrorists in Syria with these trucks was likely used to send additional vehicles before and after these reports were made public.
To many Americans, this is all specialized history. Who cares about history, they argue? When there are much more important things to worry about. They argue that war and house to house fighting would never happen in America.
It would NEVER happen here.
Why get all “hot and bothered”?
Ah, that “it would never happen here” excuse. After all, America is the “freest nation” in the world, and everyone is flocking to America. There is nothing to worry about.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that there is a connection between the ISIS, and the Antifa. The ISIS have been training American Antifa members on small arms tactics as well as the use of technicals to secure rural towns and villages.
American Antifa obtaining training from the ISIS and American CIA “advisors” while President Obama was in office, and under the watchful eyes of the State Department under Hillary Clinton.
As such you can rest assured that the local Antifa would employ technicals in a manner similar to how they were employed in Iraq and Syria. They would utilize young males, often from racially cultivated urban areas to man these technicals, and they would seek out anyone who would be an enemy to their cause.
I will not spend too much on this subject. Just recognize that there is a connection between the American progressive activist movements such as Antifa, BLM and other SJW folk, and the CIA sponsored (and trained) military groups ISIS, and others.
If you want to go down this deep rabbit hole be my guest. I find it over kill. All that one needs to know is that the CIA is active in funding and training the progressive Antifa and BLM movements.
If you have any questions about this, you can address them to either Barrack Obama, or Hillary Clinton.
There is a very strong connection between the ISIS and the American Antifa and BLM movements. This should not be ignored, nor discounted.Once
the enemies are identified, “tiger teams” of lightly trained militia
go forth into the undefended rural areas and small towns attacking
everyone on the lists that they were given. It never is random. They
have lists of people to target and places to go. Do not expect it to be
unplanned or random. Picture from the Sierra Leone conflict.
Professional Use of Technicals
Russia, Britain, and the United States have all utilized technicals to achieve their various mission parameters. They are most effective against militia, lightly armed foot soldiers, civilian vehicles, homes and buildings, and civilians.
Russian Defense Ministry has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot trucks equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to Syria.
In the late 1960s during Vietnam War the US Armed Forces adopted an Mk.19 40-mm automatic grenade launcher. This powerful weapon recommended itself well during the War in Vietnam. Soon after the Soviet Union adopted a similar 30-mm automatic grenade launcher. It is known as the AGS-17 Plamya. It was developed in the late 1960s by the KBP design bureau and adopted by the Soviet Army in 1971. It has been widely exported and has fought in numerous wars, earning for itself the reputation of being a reliable, effective weapon. The AGS-17 is still in production today.
The AGS stands for Avtomatischeskyi Granatmyot Stankovyi (which is Russian for automatic grenade launcher mounted). This weapon is capable of quickly firing large numbers of grenades.
The AGS-17 is a blowback-operated belt-fed weapon with a removable rifled barrel 29 centimeters in length. This weapon is fired from an open bolt. Iron sights, adjustably sighted out to 800 meters, come as standard, although optical 2.5x magnification sights are generally used. Maximum sighting range with optical sight is 1 700 m.
The AGS-17 Plamya is normally deployed on a foldable tripod with a range fire for both direct and indirect fire. The AGS-17 is fired using dual grips.
This automatic grenade launcher can fire two types of 30x120 mm grenades - the VOG-17M high-explosive fragmentation round and the improved VOG-30. The VOG-17 grenade has a claimed kill radius of 7 m. The grenades are fed in 29-round belts housed in a circular detachable magazine, commonly referred as the "snail". Each AGS-17 grenade launcher is equipped with 3 magazines.
Since it entered service the AGS-17 has proved its worth in a number of conflicts, including the War in Afghanistan, Chechen Wars, and Syrian Civil War. It still serves in over 15 countries and is licensed produced by Bulgaria, China, Cuba, and Iraq.
-Military Today
The weapons can be mounted aboard a rotary turret, allowing the user to instantaneously change his arc of fire. Additionally, if necessary, the vehicle can be equipped with Konkurs or Kornet anti-tank missiles, capable of hitting enemy targets at distances of up to 5 km.
Russian Defense Ministry has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot trucks equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to Syria. The gas-powered vehicles will possibly be used to protect humanitarian convoys. The firepower in the back of the vehicles will enable their operators to suppress enemy fire in a radius of up to 2 km.
It can also be fitted with with a 120 mm mortar with an effective range of 9 km.
The new military-use technicals, the UAZ Patriots, were first demonstrated to President Putin in the Spring of 2016. In the summer, they were shown at a closed pavilion for specialists at the Army-2016 Military-Technical Forum.
The vehicles feature upgraded all-terrain capabilities, a one ton carrying capacity, and armor protection. They also feature power plugs for night vision, special tents for protection against shrapnel, and storage for ammunition.
The latest vehicles may replace or complement the UAZ-3132 Gusar, already engaged in Syria and used for operations by Russian special forces, experts said.
In 2014, soon after Daesh (ISIS) made itself globally known by capturing large swathes of Syria and Iraq, world media reported on the terrorist group's successful use of large numbers of Toyota pickup trucks for their operations. Now, finally, the terrorists seem to have met their match.
- Russia's Answer to Daesh Jihad-Mobiles: Deadly UAZ Patriot Jeeps
We can well expect that the technicals, when employed in the United States, would be armed in much the same way that they were armed in Libya.
As well as taking on the same roles.
thugs armed with weapons during the Liberian civil war. They terrorized
everyone that they could. The people ran from them into “protective”
enclaves. There, they were pawns to be used by the oligarchy for what
ever purposes they wanted.
Other conflicts use of Technicals
Here’s a selection of the more advanced weaponry that can be found on technicals. Many come from the resourceful Libyans, but photos include images from all over the world. These larger weapons would be employed to fight the more modern advanced weaponry that a modern army might have. Such as tanks, APC’s and artillery.
Libya missile launcher of some unknown type mounted upon a technical. It appears to be a 3 x 5 quad tube rocket launcher on a manual turret.
The Libyans have been very resourceful. One can only imagine what kind of home-made defense technicals traditional conservative Americans might cook up in their home workshops and garages.
The Libyans would take apart captured tanks, vehicles, helicopters, and aircraft. They would seize hard heavy earth moving equipment, and scavenge everything that they can. As a result, the people of Libya have ended up with a “Mad Max” assortment of strange and unusual technicals.
A “Transitional gun” mounted on a pickup truck in Libya.
The goal has been to convert old weapons, mainly Chinese and Russian air-to-air rockets and ground-to-air missiles, into mobile weapon platforms.
These platforms can then be used against the better trained and equipped of Libyan armed forces.
Some civilian light jeeps are fitted with small unguided UB-32 rockets pod from captured combat helicopters. In those cases they are often mounted at the rear of the vehicle. The helicopter UB32 pods can fire 32 S-5 57 mm unguided air-to-ground rockets
In the final years of the war in Sierra Leone, I returned to the country of my father, where I had spent part of my childhood. Like many returnees, I had come to help members of my family caught up in the fighting, which by then had lasted more than a decade.
The village where my family lived had been behind enemy lines.
To reach them I needed to rent a car, preferably a four-wheel drive, but available vehicles were scarce. Eventually I secured one: a black Toyota 4×4 with tinted windows. We departed Freetown at dawn, drove along and around roads cratered by shellfire.
In the late afternoon, we had reached the dirt track to the village. What struck me most was the emptiness, the absence of people.
Occasionally in the distance we saw men repairing damaged roofs, but along roads where I was used to seeing schoolchildren, women toting loads, men on bicycles–we did not pass a soul. Then, rounding a corner: a small group of women carrying firewood.
We slowed for them, but instead of waving and greeting us, they dropped their loads and ran into the bush.
We laughed. We thought we had merely surprised them. Then the same thing happened again. And then again. Women saw our approaching vehicle and fled in silence. We looked at ourselves through their eyes: deep throated engine, darkened windows, alloy wheels. The kind of vehicle a rap artist might drive. The kind of vehicle the rebel militia might drive.
The women had been running for their lives.
-Design and Violence
Some captured anti-aircraft guns (such as the ZSU-23-4 Shilka) was also converted to be used as anti-tank combat vehicle.
Russian heavy machine-gun mounted on a Technical.
In these cases, sometimes additional armor plates were fitted around the vehicle, and the radar is replaced with two batteries of 32 unguided missiles.
Some light civilian pickup trucks are fitted with between two and four launcher tubes of 122 mm Grad artillery rockets. They are also mounted at the rear of the vehicle. Normally this weapon system is fitted to the Russian made BM-21 MRLS multiple rocket launcher system truck.
A technical armed with a GRAD missile launcher.
The 122 mm rocket, Russian designation 9M22, is a High-Explosive Fragmentation (HE frag) fin-stabilized unguided rocket with a steel-tube body. It has an HE frag warhead in the pointed nose section and an electrically-ignited rocket motor in the tail.
Stabilization during flight is provided by four spring-out stabilizer vanes at the tail, mounted at an angle of 1° to the longitudinal.
Libyan rebel technical. A vehicle equipped with a 122 mm GRAD rocket in a quad array fitted on a light jeep.
Other types of warhead can be installed in place of the HE frag, including chemical (VX or GB nerve agent) HE-Incendiary and Smoke. The 9M22 rocket has a maximum range of about 20,750 m.
It was not until the early 1990s, however, that such hacked vehicles earned their current name, “technicals.” During the Somali Civil War, organizations like the United Nations were unable to bring their own protection and hired guards and drivers on the ground, dubbed “technical assistants.”
Over time, the term evolved to signify the vehicles owned by these guard companies, and later to reference vehicles with heavy weaponry mounted on the back.
Now found in war- and guerrilla-torn areas throughout the world, technicals are a significant symbol of power, popular for their speed, durability, and efficiency at moving both men and weapons in unison. In the early 2000s, technicals again gained attention when they were recognized as the vehicles of choice for leaders of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
From the civil war in Sierra Leone to the Iraq ISIS conflict, these vehicles remain an integral design in the arsenal of conflict.
-Design and Violence
To increase the fire power and the mobility of Libyan rebel
fighters, many types of machine guns and light heavy weapons were mounted at
the rear of light pickup. These were the ZPU-1,
and ZU-23-2
light anti-aircraft guns.
All these light anti-aircraft guns use the Russian made 14.5
mm Vladimirova KPV (Krubnokalibernyj Pulemet Vladimirova) heavy machine gun
(HMG), which has a quick-change barrel.
Libyan technical with an unknown mounted weapon. The Libyan war was a war between Gaddafi army and Libya’s Transitional National Council army with air support from NATO started on the 17 March 2011
Some of Libyan rebels light jeeps are also equipped with
Chinese made Type 63 107 mm multiple rocket launcher system.
The Type 63 is a towed, 12-tube, 107-mm multiple rocket launcher system produced in China in the early 1960s, based on the Soviet BM-12 MRS and using similar rockets. Type 63 MRS was developed in the late 1950s as the replacement for the 102 mm (6-round) Type 427 and Type 488 multiple rocket systems which were withdrawn from front-line service with the People's Liberation Army many years ago.
Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets on technicals.
The Libyan rebels also used old stocks of weapons and
ammunition which were captured in old government military bases. Many members
of the Libyan rebel army need to work on the captured weapons in order to
repair them and to place them in operational capability.
Hilux. Hi-lux. High as in “high riding.” “Lux” meaning luxury. “The vehicular equivalent of the AK47,” a former U.S. army ranger told Time magazine.
A rigid steel frame construction with a cab and body fitted on the top. Beloved of farmers, construction crews, rebel armies, warlords, Somali pirates, and Afghan insurgents.
Good for moving workers, good for moving contingents of men. Mount a machine gun on a tripod on the back and you have a gunship. The design of the Hilux on the battlefield has proved a perfect and unintended synthesis of form and function.
Fast. Maneuverable. High ground clearance. Light enough to cross minefields without detonating mines, it’s said. So popular they even named a war after it: the Libya-Chad “Toyota War” of the 1980s was fought with cavalries of Hiluxes.
-Design and Violence
Although improvised systems firing air-to-surface rockets had become commonplace in some armed conflicts of the 1990s and early 2000s, it was only during the civil war in Libya in 2011 that these weapons became one of the primary systems used in many of a conflict’s land battles. S-5 rockets, among others, were used with a variety of improvised systems, ranging from single-barrel man-portable rocket launchers to UB-32-57 rocket pods mounted on pickup trucks.
Anti-tank rockets are also transformed to increase their power and efficiency against the Kaddafi forces tanks and armored vehicles. For instance, an aluminum ring is added to standard RPG rocket-propelled grenades and refitted with high explosives.
Explosive elements of old anti-tank and anti-personnel are extracted to create homemade bombs or IED (Improvised Explosive Devices), which was used against the pro-Kaddafi forces.
A Humvee technical armed with a massive cannon.
A “Home Grown” Technical
A Syrian technical armed with a 120mm “sniper cannon”.
The Free Syrian Army announced a technical called the Sniper Cannon (in Arabic; al-madfa’a al-qannas المدفع القناص) of their own design and from their own manufacturing shops. It’s a local made 120mm cannon mounted on a vehicle and the reason behind that name is the precise shots that the cannon can perform.
A Syrian technical armed with a 120mm “sniper cannon”. The Free Syrian Army announced a technical called the Sniper Cannon (in Arabic; al-madfa’a al-qannas المدفع القناص) from their own manufacturing. It’s a local made 120mm cannon mounted on a vehicle and the reason behind that name is the precise shots that cannon can perform.
People the photo above, and the text comes straight from the firearms blog. They cover it in great detail and show how American handy-men can create their very own high-powered technicals using the means at hand. It is well… well worth the read. Please give Marawan Maklad every credit for the fine, well written piece.
Please note that despite the fact that it’s locally made with poor tools and equipment, the guys behind the gun were clearly both skilled and devoted in building it, taking care of every aspect they can add with available resources available to them.
The cannon is breech-loading, using the standard or locally made 120mm mortar shells.
It has the capability to shoot indirectly like a mortar or directly like an Anti-Tank gun (one of the reasons for calling it a sniper cannon).
It is also equipped with a huge flash suppressor that has the same design style as a Barrett M107 .50BMG (but in a larger scale to fit a 120mm barrel).
That muzzle brake decreases the sound about 50% (according to FSA; which is very unlikely) and hides the muzzle flash efficiently during night shooting. This is much more important as the flash can reveal their position, and which leads to a counter strike done by Al-Assad’s forces either by air or artillery.
Mobility is another reason for mounting the gun on a vehicle; to be able to hit and evacuate which is a well-known guerilla tactic.
When I was writing about Croatia, a friend—a war correspondent who had reported the conflict in the former Yugoslavia—pointed out something which later seemed so obvious I wondered how I could have missed it.
“The reason that war kicked off so fast,” he said, “was because they were a nation of hunters. Every man had a gun and knew how to use it.”
When people go to war they fight with whatever comes to hand. In Sierra Leone every man was a farmer, every man owned a cutlass or a machete. In Sierra Leone before the war if you saw a gang of men in the back of a Toyota Hilux carrying machetes, you’d think they were farm workers on their way to clear the bush.
A few years later, you’d be running for your life.
-Design and Violence
Other Technical Designs
In a war torn nation, there are all kinds of destroyed and disabled military vehicles and equipment. Often people will salvage what they can, which for the most part, means the working small arms, machine guns, and ammo. However, a resourceful person, with the help of an oxygen acetylene torch kit, can remove armor, skirting, and large weapon clusters with ease and a little bit of elbow grease.
It was not enough for the Free Syrian Army to improvise small arms and remote control weapon stations, but they developed a number of modifications for vehicles as well. They have not only repaired damaged tanks and put them back in service, but they have also used pick-up trucks to which they mounted different types of armament, so they could compete on a more even footing against Al-Assad’s Forces. Here are some pickup trucks upgraded to mount a modified BMP-1 Turrets with 73mm guns.
Often these components would be mounted onto technicals. The armor providing protection, and the weapons providing firepower. However, the overall appearance is anything but pretty. As some of these pictures can show.
Fully armored technical with armor removed from battle damaged tanks and factory buildings.
Roundups and Genocide
The thing about technicals is that they are the perfect machines to use against unarmed, or lightly armed civilians. As such, convoys of such vehicles are sent out to surround a targeted town or community. The technicals secure the area, and the foot soldiers collect the people.
The foot soldiers are government employees who are armed and who are tasked with collecting unarmed civilians and to take them to “safe areas”.
The government only wants their soldiers to have weapons. Not the civilians. That way they can do what they like without fear of an uprising. As their abuses in office get more and more pronounced, the clamor for gun control and confiscation becomes louder and louder. Eventually it happens. Generally (though there are exceptions) genocide happens within a two year period afterwards.
Once the collect the people, they go through a sorting process. They find out the “us vs them” people. They identify them. They call them out, and they make it plain as day that “real” progressive socialists won’t have anything to do with these “enemies of the people”.
Today in America, these are the enemies…
White people.
Anyone who is friends with white people.
Climate change deniers.
Traditionally-minded people.
Gun owners.
People from a predominantly “red” state.
Religious people (with the exception of Muslims).
Heterosexual people and traditional marriages.
Anyone or anything associated with traditional America
In America, it is “White Privilege”.
Everyone knows who the targets of hate actually and really are. You have to be either fully immersed in PC culture and blind to reality, or a friggin’ moron not to realize this.
Political Correctness is a blanket term that today is used to demonize and isolate.
If you’re talking about going and taking people’s guns away from them, there’s going to be a lot of violence.
- Meghan McCain
It goes by other names in other nations. But by whatever name is of
no consequence. What is important is how it is used, and what it’s
purpose is. For it prevents a person from saying what they truly
History is full of reminders in how to use terminology like this.
comes the us-vs-them propaganda. Then the disarming. Then the gathering
of people. Finally comes the killings. Every time you hear the term
“white privilege” on the media, this is what that announcer wants to do
to your family and YOU.
The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries is
always used in the preparation and justification for mass murder. This
came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French
Revolution. As well as other “revolutions”, “civil wars”, or
“conflicts”. They are almost always genocidal events initiated by the
richest people in the nation.
these events, people are pitted against each other. Often by the most
trivial of reasons. Their “armies” are mob-manipulated youth driven into
crazed behaviors by decades of non-stop propaganda. We we have some
urban youth, provided with drugs and military weapons to terrorize the
The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times.
each time it is a new and different term; a new name. Yet, each insult
is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a
group of people.
These are the people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.
Progressive liberal militia in Berkeley, California getting ready to fight against “White privilege” , deplorables, and racists. They are willing to kill anyone whom they deem a threat to their vision of a Marxist utopia. Please take a special note that the Marxist militia is totally fine with having “large capacity” magazines, while the law is in place to collect them from local conservatives and moderates. It doesn’t seem fair does it?
The insults and attacks serve a purpose to strengthen the ideology of
young easily manipulated people who can be the disposable “soldiers”
of the cause. This always happens.
It is predictable.
using emotion-driven political speech, you can demonize a class or a
group of people. Then you can take another group of people, manipulate
them through alcohol, drugs and sex and unleash them on the people that
you demonize. This is a historically proven method.
There was a reason that the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Constitution. The mere attempt to
regulate it, minimize it, restrict it or impede in the free exercise of
it, is a FULL-ON screeching alert that tyranny is present.
And no. I am not talking about the latest encroachments. I am talking
about the first encroachments back in the early 1900’s. I am also
talking about the FAILURE of our elected officials in allowing all this
the Constitution was being followed as intended, every person in the
USA would have access to fully automatic Stoner weapons. Were this to be
the case today, there would be ZERO threat of oligarchy initiated
genocide in the United States.
Never travel alone or in groups that were too big — always two to three men. All armed, travel swift, in the shadows, cross streets through ruins, not along open streets.There were many gangs 10 to 15 men strong, some as large as 50 men. But there were also many normal men, like you and me, fathers and grandfathers, who killed and robbed. There were no “good” and “bad” men. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst...
-Commonsense Show
My point is that we can expect it to happen here, in the United States within a decade. You all had best be ready for it. No one will be able to skate by safely.
That includes all you “Preppers” out there. No one ever wins a defensive war. The only way that wars are won is through offensive action.
You can prep and hide, but eventually you will lose as the conflict becomes increasingly drawn out. The ONLY way to secure the area where you and your society lives is through offensive operations. Operations that, instead of targeting the forces, target the leadership and their logistic means of support.
Look, I know that many of you do not want to see what happens when opposition forces, riding technicals invade your town, and start collecting people. You don’t want to see what happens once you are disarmed, and the progressive opposition have all the guns.
The decapitated head of Bosnian Serb farmer Pero Makic, who was executed by Bosnian Muslim/Croat forces in the northeastern Bosnian city of Brcko on June 22, 1992. His head was placed on a pitch-fork and a cigarette was placed in his mouth. One of the forks of the pitch-fork was stabbed in his eye. This is a photo that was censored and suppressed in the West and the US. How many farmers in your area have a hunting rifle, a shotgun, and a twenty two caliber handgun?
Well face the ugly truth! This is an article you MUST take a good long hard look at. Read it. And remember what will happen to you and your family once a great many of you are disarmed. Read it before the progressive thought police censors it from you.
What ever happens, do not allow yourself or your family to be rounded up and collected. Historically, you will not leave alive.
In Bosnia, women and children are 75% of the more than 2.5 million people driven from their homes–not by the random violence of war but by forced expulsion and mass killings–in the Serbian military effort called “ciscenje prostora,” or what Americans have learned to call “ethnic cleansing.” Ethnic cleansing, enunciated as policy by Serbian political and military leaders at the highest levels of authority, is genocide. It requires the removal or killing of all non-Serbs from the new republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, both formerly part of Yugoslavia.
Two Opinions (x2)
I have placed two opinions from people who do not see the value in fighting for your Rights. I want to place them here to illustrate just how out of touch they are with the knowledge of history. They seem to think that collection of guns is just that. Maybe a restriction on freedom. Nothing much more.
They are wrong.
First they come for the guns, and then they FUCKING kill you, rape your six year old daughter repeatedly, and salt the earth that you lived on. KNOW YOUR FUCKING HISTORY! Gosh darn it!
These jokers, obviously don’t.
What the heck you these idiots think is going to happen once Americans are disarmed? A life in a utopia? NOPE! It’s going to a a continuation and acceleration of a progressive push for a Marxist utopia. One that does NOT include you or your family.
You are standing the way of that.
The two opinions, from conservative blogs (for Pete’s sakes!) are worth a read and please when you read them, keep in mind the historical precedents that I have placed in the article about technicals, the collection of civilians and what happens afterwards.
Here’s another opinion. From the Daily Reckoning. It was written in February 20, 2014 . Long before the Antifa, BLM and SJW war on conservatives. It was written before “Red Flag Laws’ and the election of Donald Trump.
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
"A recent survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in China shows that 41% of the respondents considered relocating or had relocated manufacturing facilities outside of China, but only 6% were considering moving back to the United States. Southeast Asia was the top destination. "
This is an overview of the complexities and issues that a company must deal with in order to relocate their factory out of China and place it back in the United States. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and we discuss the issues involved independently outside of the contentious American political scene.
We discuss the functional and practical issues with relocating a factory back to the United States from China. Not, the political issues, nor the need for America to reclaim it's manufacturing base. Those are other issues that will not be addressed here.
Though, let it be clearly understood, that I stand with Donald Trump in that there is a serious need to restart the American industrial machine and fire it up back to a level of productivity in order for the USA to maintain a global leadership role.
This entire issue came to a head when President Trump “ordered” American factories currently in China to “uproot” and Return back to the United States. It made all the headlines, don’t ya know?
However, the truth is that is it is extraordinarily difficult thing to do. And no, as much as I would like all of youse guys to hire me, you just can’t hire an “expert” to handle things and expect them to be done to your satisfaction. It doesn’t work that way.
While there are ways to accomplish this task, there will be a hit in quality, price, and delivery time. All of these issues will affect the market share of the companies that agree to relocate. This damage to the market share for the companies involved should not be discounted. For many, it will manifest as a dance with death.
Here we discuss the most important issues that a company CEO, or owner would need to consider when contemplating relocating his company out of China.
Full Disclosure
For starters, I must make the full disclosure. Please take note that I was one of those “evil” Americans who relocated factories out of America and placed them in China. It was my job and maintained this role for a solid fifteen years if not longer.
Call me an a$$hole if you like.
It’s difficult being the person that everyone hates.
It’s not like I wanted to do it, so much as starving in a food-stamp line really sucked. I followed the money. You take what work is available and you do not question the person cutting you a paycheck. Sure beats scrubbing toilets, hauling manure, or judging the sex of chickens. Truth this.
It was difficult scraping by in Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. I was just happy to get a job any job when unemployment (actual) was in the double figures.
For decades, people like Trump’s trade director Peter Navarro have warned us that something like this would happen someday. But we were condescendingly told, This is capital seeking the most efficient market! And, anyway, if China screws with us, we’ll just make it ourselves.
Really? With broken-down buildings, a dispossessed workforce and no machinery? Unfashionable working-class people in the industrial Midwest were discarded long ago. They may as well have had “obsolete” stamped on their foreheads.
-Ann Coulter
Ah. Maybe you the reader are unaware of the existence of the “rust belt” and us sorry sacks that lived there.
Unemployment line. In this June 23, 2014 photo, people wait in line to meet with recruiters during a job fair in Philadelphia. The Labor Department reports on the number of people who applied for unemployment benefits last week on Thursday, Aug. 21, 2014. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
I was hired for that task and did it to the best of my ability for numerous companies throughout the late 1980’s into the new century. Once Bill Clinton came to office, it just seemed like the “flood gates” opened up and just about everyone wanted to uproot and move their operations to China.
So, I do know what I am talking about.
A map showing the location of United States manufacturing plants in China as of 2008. As today is 2019, you can well appreciate that all these plants are joint-ventures, and not organized as WOFE and thus the American ownership of these companies are at 49% or less, with the Chinese partner owning a 51% controlling stake in the factory.
And no, moving American factories back to America from China is not as simple as Donald Trump, Fox news, CNN, WaPo and the Drudge Report makes it out to be. It’s complicated. If handled poorly the entire American industry segment can be wiped out completely (rather than just simply outsourced).
Listen up!
Let it also be clearly understood that it was much easier to relocate a factory to China than it would be to reverse the effort, and relocate it to the United States. Yes. It’s like eating a delicious pizza. Once you eat it, you cannot regurgitate it up and present the vomit for resale. Now, can you? Nope you cannot.
We will cover some of these points in this article.
China makes everything
Most Americans are under the impression that the only things that China makes is cheap and useless junk. That is because of three things. [1] Ego, [2] Mainstream American media, and [3] Walmart.
The truth is that China is the manufacturer for the world.
Most computers are made in China.
Most clothes washers are made in China.
Most cell phones are made in China.
Most automobile engines are made in China.
Most transmissions are made in China.
Most tires are made in China.
So do not be under the erroneous assumption that it’s easy to relocate a factory back to the USA. These are, for the most part, not low-technology factories. (The low-technology factories have long since moved to even cheaper nations with less regulation, like Vietnam and Cambodia.)
Today, most American owned factories in China are much more advanced, than what is assumed. They are far more automated than the American mainstream news media lets on.
Take a look at what these factories make…
Trade between the USA and China.
ACME Widget Technology Inc.
To better help understand the issues involved, we will use a fictitious American company. This company is based on a number of actual companies that I worked at where I relocated the factories to China. It is an amalgamation of numerous actual companies that I am sorry that I'd rather not announce publicly. As I did sign NDA's at all the companies.
This fictitious company is called ACME Widget Technology Inc. This company was a very prosperous consumer appliance company that was established in the 1950’s and was a major player in the consumer market during the 1960’s into the 1970’s.
They manufactured a wide selection of consumer appliances ranging from “white goods” (washing machines, stoves, and other large appliances), to “kitchen appliances” (microwave ovens, toasters, coffee makers) to “Lawn and Garden” appliances (weed-wackers, lawn-mowers and chainsaws).
White goods and other large appliances on display in a well known appliance store.
At their peak they employed over 10,000 American workers.
They operated numerous individual specialized factories, each one customized for a specific product line. As such there was one factory for personal scales, a different factory for heated cooking appliances, a factory for outdoor grills, and another one for washing machines. For all the various product lines, there was, perhaps, 30 to 45 factories at the middle of the 1990’s.
Most of these factories were in the Southern states, with the bulk of the factories in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee.
(They were initially in the North in the Great Lakes region, but relocated during the 1970's to the South East. They did so for lower wages (1/4 the rate) and the ability to skirt the onerous regulatory and union requirements.)
The ACME Catalog.
While the factories were in the Southern states to take advantage of the low labor rates, and “friendly” (at that time) business climate, the corporate offices were elsewhere. Marketing, Sales and the Commercial management offices were located in a suburb of Chicago. Perhaps you heard of it, Schaumburg Illinois?
While Engineering, Quality, Tooling and Test facilities were located within a days drive of any of the specialized factories in the deep South. Their offices were in the town center of one of the many numerous small Southern towns. Hattiesburg, Mississippi, perhaps you have heard of it?
Local engineering and related quality offices in small town America in the Deep South.
A 1980’s Hostile Takeover
In the 1980’s a group of investors seized control of the company. It was hostile, and thus the term “hostile takeover” become commonly used. (Remember the movies “The secret of my success”, and “Other people’s money”.) They laid off a significant percentage of the workers, shut down and sold off various factories and divisions (Remember the movie “Pretty Woman”?) and “Chainsaw” Al Dunlap?
It was a “bloodbath”.
Their goal was to strip-mine the company for personal profit. They felt that they could do with the company as they wished as they held controlling interest in it. And, since no one was doing anything to stop them from this (terribly unethical) activity, they were correct.
Without enforcement of the laws, or the selective application of laws... they functionally do not exist.
Given the crimes of the Washington oligarchy, this should be painfully obvious to everyone in America today.
After laying off thousands of people, Al Dunlap retired to a life of luxury and ease, playing golf and smoking cigars. Meanwhile the workers that he laid off ended up destitute, many lost their homes, and went into bankruptcy. Today, many live in mobile homes, and are employed in low-paying unskilled labor employment.
I was hired to move companies to China.
Within this contentious environment, where the wealthy and successful were guzzling XO and cavorting with high-paid hookers, (while us working “normals” were discarded as “useless riff raff”), they hired me to do three things;
Relocate specific factories to China
Create Joint Ventures with existing Chinese factories
“Farm out” specific product lines to existing Chinese factories and create a partnership whereas we would purchase complete products from them though our Purchasing organization.
They wanted to move the plants to China for the simple reason that the wages were far less, the rate of exchange USD to Yuan was in the favor of the United States ownership, and that regulations, laws, and controls were lax, or in many cases, not present at all.
The operational costs American facility vs Chinese facility + Logistics costs were like "night and day". It was absolutely mind blowing how much cheaper it was to manufacture products in China compared to the USA.
Not to mention, of course, that the Chinese were actively courting American businessmen to “sell their soul”, “sell out their countrymen”, for a life of ease, prostitutes and a never-ending supply of recreational drugs.
First, they hired slick American marketing firms and convinced giant U.S. companies to relocate manufacturing to China by providing $1 leases for comparable plants and abundant cheap labor. Wall Street fell for it.
Secondly, state-subsidized Chinese companies flooded U.S. markets with products at one-third the prevailing price. The result: In short order, most American manufacturers had to file for bankruptcy. Then, these same Chinese firms shamelessly swept in and bought up our manufacturers’ now-unused equipment for pennies on the dollar.We were asleep. Sure, it cost China some money in the early stages, but per their long-term plan, China became the world’s top manufacturer and resource for such fire-sale buy-outs at the same time. The plan was masterful, the U.S. and American stakeholders fell for it hook, line and sinker.
I personally observed this wholesale takeover up close from 1990 to 2010.
Note on the quote above: No American citizen can lease under the terms mentioned in the quote. Only the Chinese partner can take advantage of that lease arrangement. While the quote is a good one, it is very deceptive.
But moving into China was not as straight forward as it appeared. You just don’t hop on a plane with a suitcase full of cash, point to a factory and say “I want that one”. To operate in China (up until around 2008 or so) you needed to create a joint-venture partnership with an existing Chinese factory. So that is what ACME did. They partnered up with existing Chinese factories.
The primary advantages in having a joint venture in china was labor rates, regulations, and favorable trade terms. Anything else is speculative.
A comparison in hourly wages for manufacturing workers in the United States as compared to China.
The Dismantling of American Industry
These actions took place throughout the 1990’s and by the tail end of the decade, almost the entire product line for ACME was manufactured in China.
All in all, it took nearly a decade to move operations off shore without seriously affecting market share and the confidence of our customers. Our name brands remained intact. Commercial campaigns for the sales of ACME products were given top spots on television and through newspapers.
The Design, and Quality staff remained in the United States.
However, that too began to be outsourced as well. With Engineers from India, and China working alongside American Engineers. Eventually, the complete Engineering and Quality groups were wholly outsourced to China.
None remained in America.
Customer Service Staff at a CS operations room in India.
Customer Service activity was outsourced to India. None remained in America.
This remained true even after a flood of complaints about the quality of the customer service. They worked for a fraction of the cost of Americans, and with that pittance lived a upper-middle class lifestyle in India. The company savings went directly into the pockets of the owners of ACME.
Thus the resultant reorganization of the company resulted in very competitive prices that appealed to the major retailers. Walmart, Target, Sears, Home Depot, Walgreens and others all placed ACME Widget products in key SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) locations in their stores.
In other words, displayed predominantly, at eye-level on shelves, and in high visibility locations within stores.
A graph of the decline in American manufacturing employment (and conversely ability) in order to meet the profit targets of Wall Street, the globalist cabal that runs Washington, DC, and the progressive political leadership in America.
Product Placement in Stores
The complexity of product placement in stores is unknown to most Americans, but it shouldn’t be. The largest profits from the sale of ACME products went to the “Box Retailers”, not to the manufacturer. They made a profit margin of around 30% on each appliance, compared to the paltry 2-3% that the factory earned for making it.
JC Penny
Additionally, these stores placed pricing pressure on ACME to lower the price every year. Walmart had a policy of price reduction that equated to 1.5% off each model, each year.
Now this price reduction was not passed on to the consumers. Nope. The store kept the savings.
Though the price to the “Box Store” would decrease, the sales price would not. Thus resulting in a net gain in profits for the local stores of 1.5% each year for each existing product. This was important, as Walmart maintained a solid 30% mark-up over the factory cost. (The the factory cost mark-up was rarely more than 3%.)
That $100 vacuum cleaner cost $67 to make and ship. The store that you bought it from made $30, the factory made $3.
Globalism was fantastic for the wealthy. Their profits were never larger.
Though, not so good for the local, “Joe Blow” who had a family and needed to work to earn enough to meet the basics of a roof from the rain, cheap food to feed the family, and some beer to dull the senses.
Power Tool Isle in Home Depot in the United States. All of which are made in China and rebranded with American-friendly names.
As such, the profits were enormous for the company, and the owners (the ones that conducted the “hostile takeover”) rolled in the cash in mind-boggling amounts.
The amounts of profits were truly mind-boggling.
They used that money to “diversify” their company portfolio. They bought hotels, cruise liners, travel agencies, and were getting involved in Savings and Loan banking. Such was the high-flying life in the 1990’s. (Anyone remember the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”.)
President Obama represented the Global Interests of a global socialistic community. He did not care for local Americans, as he viewed them as a part of an “old order” that must be discarded in favor of a new, more “enlightened” progressive way of doing things.
Unfortunately, many of these side ventures failed. Thus additional rounds of layoffs, and downsizing’s continued a pace.
This continued to be the story throughout the industry as the competition to ACME also implemented their modus operandi.
Then came the election of Donald Trump.
President Trump starts a “Trade War”
Donald Trump and Xi Peng.
In 2016 though 2019 he raised tariffs on Chinese made products. With the percentage of tariffs constantly increasing. This continued until late Summer of 2019 when he demanded that American companies working and trading with China return their operations back to America.
It most certainly shook the will of most nations around the world.
I know it shook Wall Street, and afterwards, globally all consumers and manufacturers started to slow down operations to take a slower more conservative bent on the matters at hand. They slowed everything way… way down.
It started in 2016, and over the next three years, the global economy started to slow down and cool off. Orders out of America limped forward hesitantly, while orders from Europe kept pace, but were more cautious than before.
Nothing “crashed” as predicted by the “screeching heads” on the “blue panel” debates on television. (All actors reading scripts, and playing roles, don’t ya know.) But things slowed down. Things cooled off. Investors became cautious.
I get a phone call.
Walking the dog on the beach.
In September 2019, I was walking my dog along the beach near my house when my cell phone rang.
I normally don't keep my cell phone with me. But, for reasons related to habit, I had it in my satchel with me.
An old boss of mine, from my ACME days, tracked me down (How he was able to do so, I do not know.) and wanted to know if I would be willing to help them sort out the issues related to relocating their factories back to the United States.
I should have said no.
After all, our history was contentious. For, as soon as I completed my tasks with ACME, they immediately fired me, and made me sign a NDA in order to guarantee that I could get food stamps. No back pay, no severance package nothing. I couldn’t even go back to my office to get my personal effects. Pretty harsh, especially when you consider my very own personal situation…
… I had a wife with a very serious mental illness. And I was splitting my time between dealing with insanity of work issues and visiting her at the hospital. The layoff, at a time when my wife was suicidal, was a severe hardship. Well, for me at least.
Maybe you can handle an hysterical deranged wife painting the bathroom mirror with fingernail polish, while you are trying to “hit the streets” looking for new employment. I could not.
But that’s life. No one gives a rat’s ass about you.
Dilbert comic. It’s so funny because it is (sort of) true. LOL
It’s (as they say in America) “just business”. It’s the “American Way”, don’t you know. And you, as an American, should know. This is the truth, and this is the way it is. This is the real deal.
In America… it’s “just” business.
Being laid off without notice, or severance really blows. But that’s the story of being an American worker during the last three decades. It’s the American way.
As was true through most of the 1990’s, treating employees as disposable paper cups often resulted in some bloody events.
But, in this case I said “yes” to my old boss. I asked a (relatively) enormous sum of money (expecting them to decline), and they agreed. Imagine that! I guess they were desperate.
After about two weeks of sorting out my personal affairs, we had a meeting in the conference room in one of their plush offices. It was on the 16th floor in this really nice (curtain wall) glass and steel structure that resided in Florida. What a life. They had really been doing well. Everything was new, and polished. It was a big change from the “hand me down” desks and cubicle walls that I dealt with back in the 1990’s.
Yeah. It looked something a little like this…
Corporate Headquarters
After the initial pleasantries and handshakes (You know, how was the flight, and did I like the hotel, etc.) , they asked me what was involved in moving the factories back to the United States, and so I put together some bullet points and made a PPT presentation to the upper management.
Making a PPT presentation.
Capital Expenditures
The first point raised, of course, was costs. If you are going to move operations from one physical location to another, you will incur costs. What would those costs be?
The costs incurred would fall under numerous general categories;
Relocating heavy machinery and equipment (or the purchase of the replacements thereof).
Rules, fees, taxes and the costs associated with agency regulations that one must pay in the United States to operate a factory there. Do not be under the impression that you can just cut down a tree, install a power line, pave a road, and start putting up a pole building without having American government regulation at all levels involved.
Fees, charges, and associated bribes that you must pay when you are dealing with local American government. Make no mistake this is a very real issue and one that is kept quite hidden. After all it is quite illegal, and you all don’t want the pristine agencies of the FBI and DOJ putting their retainers on your efforts.
Rent or construction of new facilities.
The hiring of new staff to replace the Chinese staff. This will include all benefits as well as the various associated taxes, fees and social security benefits.
Associated relocation costs.
Associated tariffs in moving product inventory, and equipment from China to the USA.
It’s not so simple.
If you want to do something, it will cost money. Imagine that you are moving your house from Illinois to Los Angles. There will be costs. There will be the costs for the movers, the gas, the rental of the vehicle and the employment of the moving crew. The same is true for a business. There will be costs.
Some Key Points
Now, I would like to make some relatively important key points regarding moving a factory to China as compared to moving it back to China.
Firstly, consider what ACME did when the relocated the factory from America to China.
In the mid 1990’s, ACME formed a joint partnership / joint-venture with a Chinese company. ACME would take 70% of the profits, and the Chinese partner would take 30% of the profits.
ACME then shipped all their heavy manufacturing equipment from America to China. They physically removed it from the American factories, and shipped it to China. Then at the factory, they utilized both American and Chinese labor to set the equipment up, debug it, and shim the mechanisms into working condition.
However, it was well understood that once you set up a factory within China, you MUST have partial Chinese ownership. You absolutely cannot operate any factory in China without significant Chinese ownership. At that, let it be well understood that the Chinese co-owners MUST have at least 51% ownership in the company. The American owners will NEVER have more than 49% ownership of anything that they own and bring to China. It is Chinese Law (at least back in the 1990’s it was).
Also, let it be well understood that the upper management at ACME knew full well that this was the case. But they did not care.
Their focus was on the short term profits, as was their charge. They fully expected that the company would eventually collapse long before there would ever be the need to relocate the factories back to the United States.
Semi-automated production line typically used in the appliance assembly. Picture is of a Bosch line prior to export to a Chinese assembly line.
Thus, any equipment brought into China will now require the co-owner’s (Chinese national) approval to remove from the Chinese factory and ship elsewhere.
In practice, this is often a big “NO!” There are some cases where the Chinese owner will permit the removal of old or antiquated equipment at a price. Often the price will be at market value or higher.
So, when ACME moved the equipment into China it was very simple. They moved it, and used their inherent labor to set it up and debug.
Yes, so when ACME relocated entire factories to China, it was a simple matter of firing all the American employees, boxing up the equipment, and handing it over to a Chinese partner. They, in turn, would own the equipment, train and staff the Chinese workers to use the equipment and ship the products back to America.
It was a model that worked well from the 1990’s up to around 2019. Everyone was doing it. American industry, as was Wall-Street, were all focused on quarterly profits. They could not see further than a few years in the future. The Chinese, on the other hand, think in terms of centuries.
However, to remove the equipment, they will NOW need the Chinese co-owner’s approval. This will often not be easy and it will come at a price. For they will be asking permission from their (now wealthy) Chinese partner to give up all of the capital equipment that resides in his factory. (And make no mistake, at 51% ownership, it is his factory.)
Please keep in mind that the cost of these manufacturing and assembly machinery are in the millions of dollars. As an example, an automated “brake” used to cut and bend aluminum sheet will equal the cost of a Lamborghini. Now, figure that each factory might have ten such machines at minimum. That is a lot of money.
Factories utilize so many different types of automation, that it is difficult to quantify exactly which ones are critical to the production end line goal, and which ones can be replaced by American manual labor. Photo is of an actual American joint-venture factory within China.
In short, what all this means is that American ownership of a Chinese factory is, at best, at 49%. As such removal of the equipment to America is problematic and will probably NOT occur. The Chinese business partner would keep the equipment, dissolve the partnership once the sales dissolve (easy enough under Chinese law) and end up owning the complete factory himself.
Thus the American partner is then forced to purchase all brand new assembly equipment from scratch and start off all over again. Only this time, due to the ravaging effects of inflation, the cost of the equipment is much more expensive than the initial purchase in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Thus capital equipment expenditures would seriously end up in the hundreds of millions of dollars alone.
Relocating a factory from China back to the United States is a prohibitively expensive exercise that costs an enormous amount of money. The only way around these costs are to employ Americans in an entirely manual assembly role and cut out all automation, quality checks and basic assembly standards.
Quick summary;
American manufacturing capital equipment is 100% American company owned when shipped to China.
American manufacturing capital equipment is only 49% American owned when shipping out of China.
The difference in ownership will result in serious costs regarding the purchase of new capital equipment equipment for use within a factory in the United States.
If the American management wants to go the legal route to resolve any issues with the Chinese partner, the Chinese legal system will rule in favor of the Chinese national. They ALWAYS rule in favor of the Chinese national. This is the way it works.
To put this in another way; to purchase new automation equipment for an American factory will entail enormous costs.
The only way that a business can purchase replacement capital equipment is with favorable banking and loan arrangements, but even with that, the amortization costs on most typical appliances will be on the order of an increase in 30% to 55% increase in the costs of the appliance.
Bill Clinton was quite satisfied with the trade arrangements with China, and supported it whole heartedly.
Is it fair? No. But that is the situation that President’s Clinton, Bush and Obama were all quite satisfied with.
Technically Skilled Leadership
Another issue is the technical staff.
This is something that is given quite a bit of “lip service” in the industry, but is actually just a big smoke screen. If talented technical staff were actually important they would never be laid off. Right?
Like I said. It’s a lot of words with no substance.
How to fire someone in America. Soften the blow so they don’t go postal on you.
Well, that is all just fine and day, except when you are talking about relocating a factory.
For you NEED these people, and you NEED their expertise. Otherwise, you will have all sorts of problems in production, resulting in quality disasters, and severe production delays.
Production Engineers are critical to the smooth operation of the production lines in a factory.
No we are not talking about line supervisors, and accounting clerks. We are talking about the engineers that maintain and operate the complex automated machinery. We are talking about the design, industrial, manufacturing, and mechanical engineers that make the production lines hum efficiently.
Oh, yeah.
They used to be plentiful in the United States, but over the last three decades they have become a dying breed. Most, once laid off, could not find other similar work and so they migrated into other occupations.
When our nation’s coal miners found themselves out of work, the left-media gleefully told them that they need to “learn to code.” After all, they were dinosaurs working, literally, with dinosaur fuels and needed to be reeducated for the global, technological economy.
The condescending chant that rained down from the privileged ivory towers of the leftist elite: Learn. To. Code.
-Legal Insurrection
Some became bakers, while other ended up delivering mail for the Post Office. Some became teachers, while others became Bus Drivers. Maybe some even “learned to code”, as the Mainstream News Media laughingly taunted the unemployed professionals.
Design, production, manufacturing, industrial, quality and maintenance engineers are key talents that all factories require. Though over the last three decades, most of them have been Chinese, not American.
They, like myself, were forced to migrate to where the work is. If you are lucky, you never need to change and swap jobs. But during the 1990’s this was a near impossibility.
There are very few active technical factory experts in the United States today that are able and willing to relocate to a new post-China startup. They exist, but are decidedly no longer as plentiful as they once were. As such, once you find them, you will need to pay them a premium salary for their knowledge and experience.
Manufacturing engineers make sure that the process is set in place and the the workers can best manufacture complex and high quality products. Without them, the factory will be plagued with all sort of quality problems, arguments, failures and delays.
Now, that does not mean that they cannot be found.
They exist and are available in America. However you will need to pay them American salaries, and American benefits. Often with a benefit package that is ten times that of what the companies have been accustomed to paying their Chinese technical staff.
Process Engineers have an important role in the successful operation of any factory, especially those involving chemical and treatment processes.
So ,yes there are technical staff that can be hired within America to work and maintain the factories. However, the cost to employ them will require a budget at lest ten times larger than the budget that is already allocated for the staff at a comparative Chinese factory. This cost will be added on to the cost of the product manufactured at the factory.
Training of staff
Compared to the two previous issues, this one is not as serious. It simply means that all those American workers that ACME must hire to work in the newly relocated factory must be trained. You would think that it wouldn’t be too much of an issue. We have been training workers to work in factories in America for many, many decades.
Only one problem though.
Factory manufacturing techniques have changed drastically since the mid 1990s. The Chinese staff will need to train unskilled American workers to operate the relocated equipment, and learn the process parameters.
The people who know how to make the specialized products that ACME makes no longer exist in the USA. The Americans that used to know are all gone. Either they found new work when they were fired back in the 1990’s, or are now retired.
The ones that know how to operate the (new and improved) machinery, check the quality of the product, and are knowledgeable to quickly debug the process when things go wrong are all Chinese.
Which means, of course, to train your new workers, you must use existing skilled Chinese workers to do so.
Chinese supervisory staff training an American worker on site in America.
You have two options;
Obtain a H1-B visa for the Chinese staff and use them to train and supervise the new American workers.
Ship all the new American workers to China for hands-on training at the Chinese factory prior to shipping the equipment back to the United States.
Both options have been used by various companies over the last few years. Each option has some pros and cons associated with it.
Chinese management training Americans on site in the factory inside China.
However, the reader should note that due to the availability of the H1-B visa in the United States, the ACME leadership discovered that they would have to wait a year to apply for new visas, as all the existing visas were taken by software engineers out of India. Thus forcing the more expensive route to ship Americans to China to train how to use the equipment.
Training of Americans to work in the returned factory from China will necessitate the training by Chinese nationals. This will be conducted either in China or in the United States depending on the availability of visa access.
Breakup of Global Relationships
Of course, in order to return an American factory out of China and back to the United States, there will have to be a period of contentious negotiation between the owners.
PPT on the key points in negotiating with the Chinese.
After all, and I hope that I made this clear, an “American” company residing in China is NOT 100% American owned. No. Instead it is a joint venture / partnership with the Chinese partner owning controlling interest of the entire factory, technical skills, intellectual property and capital equipment.
For any American company to do this will create a period of discomfort and strife, as most Chinese owners will not want to relinquish any controlling interest, nor deplete their internal resource pool. He would fight, aggressively, any attempts to dissolve the relationship, ship components back to the United States and have access to stock and supplier interests.
Trade negotiations between Xi Peng and Donald Trump. The Chinese are tough negotiators. Do not think for a minute that they will not take full advantage of any situation.
This entire matter would be contentious. As a result, most American corporate executives would refer the entire matter to their American legal branch to handle. But, and you all should know and realize this, American law has no jurisdiction in China. Chinese law is what is followed, and the courts will almost always rule in favor of the Chinese nationals.
The Chinese legal system will ALWAYS rule in favor of the Chinese national.
When ACME tried to dissolve their partnership with the joint venture, and went the Chinese legal route, the courts ruled that not only did the American firm not have any legal standing, but they then awarded the American 49% legal controlling interest to the Chinese factory owner as punitive punishment.
Thus as a result, the ACME American company ended up with 0% ownership of the company, with their Chinese partner ended up with 100% ownership.
China is a serious, serious nation. They do not fool around, and they have laws that protect Chinese nationals. Americans should realize this and consider alternative solutions to any legal issues instead of going through the “proper” legal avenues.
Loss of Market Share in China
How things have changed. I’ve since returned to China many times, and I’ve watched its economy grow to become the second-largest in the world.
Based on purchasing power parity (PPP), it’s the largest. And according to Credit Suisse, the size of China’s middle class has for the first time overtaken the U.S. to become the world’s most populous—109 million Chinese compared to 92 million Americans.
-Frank Talk
It might surprise many typical Americans, but China is a POTENTIALLY much larger consumer market than America is.
Presently the United States is the world leader in consumer product purchases, but that will change in the future. Most projections place China in the leadership role in the early to middle 2030’s.
China is growing, and the amount of growth just boggles the mind, and Americans are absolutely oblivious to this fact.
Thus, if you want to have a global “slice of the pie” for what ever products you make, you will need to sell them in China.
Now, in order to sell products in China, you will need a Chinese “presence”. This can be a regional headquarters, a partner factory, or some other kind of legal entity to “open the door” for your products to be sold in China.
China is a huge market that can be exploited by American factories and businesses. However, they must be free to be able to sell their products to Chinese consumers. Were China to implement Trump-style tariffs, this will not occur, and Germany, Japan and Korea will capture those markets.
Do not be under the erroneous assumption that you can just carry some of your products to China and then just sell them openly. Nope.
All products must meet Chinese regulatory requirements.
It is similar to that in the USA. (Remember the Billionaire Boys Club where they were having a difficult time importing Mercedes Benz automobiles into the USA because they would not meet the emissions requirements?)
Now, it is far, far easier to sell American made, or American sourced (out of a Chinese joint-venture, or a WOFE) than trying to exporting the product directly to China. There is already a legal presence within China.
An opportunity exists for American companies to sell to China. However, they must do so carefully and maintain their name recognition.
Corporate Identity
What ever you do, you must maintain your logo and trademark or else you would no longer have any kind of “product identity” associated with your products. However, if you have partnered with a Chinese factory to make your products, then THEY, not you, own the registration and trademarks within China.
By relocating the “American” factory to America out of China, ACME ran the risk of totally closing off the Chinese Market. This is because their Chinese partner OWNED all royalties, Logos, Copyright, and trademarks for the ACME brand. Under Chinese law, as practiced, the Chinese person who first manufactures a logo, or uses a symbol automatically owns the rights to it. Once ACME leaves, they can never return back to China and use their brand. If they did so they would be in violation of Chinese law.
Long Term Consequences
I long ago concluded that the world will eventually essentially divide into two spheres: China and the United States. But what I have not been able to figure out is what that will mean overall nor what that will mean for particular regions and countries. In particular, I get stuck when trying to figure out which countries will go to which side.
I have always believed some countries will essentially be required to choose between the United States and China, some countries will want to choose between the United States and China, and some countries will want to straddle between the United States and China.
-China Law Blog
China is growing and it appears that the United States does not appreciate competition. The USA wants to maintain it’s role as a global superpower, fighting and policing the globe by taxation of it’s citizenry. While China is looking for economic dominance through cooperation with national partnerships.
You know, you do not need to relocate the factory back to America. you can relocate it to another nation with similar conditions to China. Here, you can make a joint venture partnership between the Chinese factory and a local factory, say in Cambodia, Vietnam, or Laos.
There are work-arounds. Products made in China, can be shipped to a nation that does not have Trump-level tariffs against it. The shipping container would then go to this second “pass through” nation, the documents would then specify that it was made and originated out of the third nation. Then shipped to the United States.
Of course, it is possible that the economic pain China is feeling from the trade war has been mitigated by some businesses trying to “work around” the tariffs. This is typically done by exporting to an unsanctioned country where some “value added” is created before being shipped onto the final destination – thus avoiding the tariff.
This is a tried and tested formula with one of the more extreme examples being Russia. It takes time to find alternative suppliers from different countries or to develop domestic ones. When sanctions were first imposed on imports from the EU, Russia companies used business relationships to import EU products via 3rd party countries, including Belarus. This put up costs, but ensured supply chains could continue functioning until alternatives were found.
If that has indeed been happening as a result of the US-China stand-off, the most likely avenue is Vietnam. While US imports from Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan have certainly increased, it is from Vietnam that they have surged. ...
... It is difficult for an economy to build extra production capacity and related supply chains in a short period of time to substitute even part of the production from China. Vietnam’s manufacturing production growth was quite flat at around 10% year-on-year in 2019. It was even slower in 2018. It is hard to believe that the surge in Vietnam’s exports to the US (in US dollar terms, remember) has all come from production within Vietnam.
The obvious response is that it hasn't. Chinese exports to Vietnam have displayed a strong upward growth trend in 2019, which is in contrast to the slowdown in 2018, and also in contrast to the moderately flattish growth of Vietnam’s production.
This is a mature solution. Many of the products that American believe are made in Germany, Japan and Korea are actually made in China. They are made in China and then shipped and stored in the respective warehouses for later shipment to the United States.
Pass-through trade option.
This option might increase the price of the products from 1% to 5%. This is a viable solution as opposed to the 30% to 40% tariffs that Donald Trump is talking about.
"The Trump administration made a very serious miscalculation in launching the ‘trade war’ with China. It believed that either, or both, the leadership of China would submit to the Trump administrations threats or the Chinese population would not be prepared for a serious struggle with the US. Both calculations have proved entirely wrong. China’s leadership did not surrender to but hit back against the US attacks. Furthermore anyone who follows China’s domestic discussion, on what is now by far the world’s largest internet community, knows that this line was strongly supported by the Chinese population."
- China prepares for economic ‘prolonged war’ with Trump
There are many considerations that a company must take into account when faced with a Presidential decree that the company relocate from China to the United States. It’s a complex issue with many facets.
When discussing relocation of American factories back to America you must also include the contentious corporate history over the last four decades that led up to the situation that exists today. Nothing happens in isolation. It is all the result of society, and corporate behaviors that are nurtured by the political class in Washington D.C..
In any event, it is up to each individual company to determine what actions would be in their own corporate interests. I would advise obtaining knowledgeable legal representation, and employment of experienced “old hand” expats residing in China, rather than some “expert” out of an “ivory tower” in Los Angles.
Other great articles
Here’s some articles by others in the business. They pretty much say the same things as what I am presenting here. Only they are better written. LOL.
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Some Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While
there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
This is a fine short science fiction story that I have never forgotten. I must have read it when I was in my middle teenage years. When I ran across it the other day, I felt that I just had to include it in my internet collection here. There’s nothing really special or noteworthy about this story, except that it is unique and a fun read.
Please enjoy.
The greatest scientist the world has ever had has invented a extraordinary new means of exploring the world of the infinitely small, and sends his devoted assistant - notwithstanding his objections to the scheme - on a mind-boggling series of adventures exploring the infinite series of concentric universes contained within the most minute particle (!!), thus providing the scope and scale of one of the most ambitious and wide-ranging and thought-provoking science-fiction stories ever.
This powerful saga was first published in the August 1936 issue of Amazing Stories.
He Who Shrank
YEARS, centuries, aeons, have fled past me in endless parade, leaving me unscathed: for I am deathless, and in all the universe alone of my kind. Universe? Strange how that convenient word leaps instantly to my mind from force of old habit. Universe? The merest expression of a puny idea in the minds of those who cannot possibly conceive whereof they speak. The word is a mockery. Yet how glibly men utter it! How little do they realize the artificiality of the word!
That night when the Professor called me to him he was standing close to the curved transparent wall of the astrono-laboratory looking out into the blackness. He heard me enter, but did not look around as he spoke. I do not know whether he was addressing me or not.
"They call me the greatest scientist the world has had in all time."
I had been his only assistant for years, and was accustomed to his moods, so I did not speak. Neither did he for several moments and then he continued:
"Only a half year ago I discovered a principle that will be the means of utterly annihilating every kind of disease germ. And only recently I turned over to others the principles of a new toxin which stimulates the worn-out protoplasmic life-cells, causing almost complete rejuvenation. The combined results should nearly double the ordinary life span. Yet these two things are only incidental in the long list of discoveries I have made to the great benefit of the race."
He turned then and faced me, and I was surprised at a new peculiar glow that lurked deep in his eyes.
"And for these things they call me great! For these puny discoveries they heap honors on me and call me the benefactor of the race. They disgust me, the fools! Do they think I did it for them? Do they think I care about the race, what it does or what happens to it or how long it lives? They do not suspect that all the things I have given them were but accidental discoveries on my part—to which I gave hardly a thought. Oh, you seem amazed. Yet not even you, who have assisted me here for ten years, ever suspected that all my labors and experiments were pointed toward one end, and one end alone."
He went over to a locked compartment which in earlier years I had wondered about and then ceased to wonder about, as I became engrossed in my work. The professor opened it now, and I glimpsed but the usual array of bottles and test-tubes and vials. One of these vials he lifted gingerly from a rack.
"And at last I have attained the end," he almost whispered, holding the tube aloft. A pale liquid scintillated eerily against the artificial light in the ceiling. "Thirty years, long years, of ceaseless experimenting, and now, here in my hand—success!"
The Professor’s manner, the glow deep in his dark eyes, the submerged enthusiasm that seemed at every instant about to leap out, all served to impress me deeply. It must indeed be an immense thing he had done, and I ventured to say as much.
"Immense!" he exclaimed. "Immense! Why—why it’s so immense that—. But wait. Wait. You shall see for yourself."
At that time how little did I suspect the significance of his words. I was indeed to see for myself.
Carefully he replaced the vial, then walked over to the transparent wall again.
"Look!" he gestured toward the night sky. "The unknown! Does it not fascinate you? The other fools dream of some day travelling out there among the stars. They think they will go out there and learn the secret of the universe. But as yet they have been baffled by the problem of a sufficiently powerful fuel or force for their ships. And they are blind. Within a month I could solve the puny difficulty that confronts them; could, but I won’t. Let them search, let them experiment, let them waste their lives away, what do I care about them?"
I wondered what he was driving at, but realized that he would come to the point in his own way. He went on:
"And suppose they do solve the problem, suppose they do leave the planet, go to other worlds in their hollow ships, what will it profit them? Suppose that they travel with the speed of light for their own life time, and then land on a star at that point, the farthest point away from here that is possible for them? They would no doubt say: ’We can now realize as never before the truly staggering expanse of the universe. It is indeed a great structure, the universe. We have traveled a far distance; we must be on the fringe of it.’
"Thus they would believe. Only I would know how wrong they were, for I can sit here and look through this telescope and see stars that are fifty and sixty times as distant as that upon which they landed. Comparatively, their star would be infinitely close to us. The poor deluded fools and their dreams of space travel!"
“But, Professor,” I interposed, “just think—”
"Wait! Now listen. I, too, have long desired to fathom the universe, to determine what it is, the manner and the purpose and the secret of its creation. Have you ever stopped to wonder what the universe is? For thirty years I have worked for the answer to those questions. Unknowing, you helped me with your efficiency on the strange experiments I assigned to you at various times. Now I have the answer in that vial, and you shall be the only one to share the secret with me."
Incredulous, I again tried to interrupt.
"Wait!" he said. "Let me finish. There was the time when I also looked to the stars for the answer. I built my telescope, on a new principle of my own. I searched the depths of the void. I made vast calculations. And I proved conclusively to my own mind what had theretofore been only a theory. I know now without doubt that this our planet, and other planets revolving about the sun, are but electrons of an atom, of which the sun is the nucleus. And our sun is but one of millions of others, each with its allotted number of planets, each system being an atom just as our own is in reality.
"And all these millions of solar systems, or atoms, taken together in one group, form a galaxy. As you know, there are countless numbers of these galaxies throughout space, with tremendous stretches of space between them. And what are these galaxies? Molecules! They extend through space even beyond the farthest range of my telescope! But having penetrated that far, it is not difficult to make the final step.
"All of these far-flung galaxies, or molecules, taken together as a whole, form—what? Some indeterminable element or substance on a great, ultramacrocosmic world! Perhaps a minute drop of water, or a grain of sand, or wisp of smoke, or—good God!—an eyelash of some creature living on that world!"
I could not speak. I felt myself grow faint at the thought he had propounded. I tried to think it could not be—yet what did I or anyone know about the infinite stretches of space that must exist beyond the ranges of our most powerful telescope?
“It can’t be!” I burst out. “It’s incredible, it’s—monstrous!”
"Monstrous? Carry it a step further. May not that ultra-world also be an electron whirling around the nucleus of an atom? And that atom only one of millions forming a molecule? And that molecule only one of millions forming—"
“For God’s sake, stop!” I cried. “I refuse to believe that such a thing can be! Where would it all lead? Where would it end? It might go on—forever! And besides,” I added lamely, “what has all this to do with—your discovery, the fluid you showed me?”
"Just this. I soon learned that it was useless to look to the infinitely large; so I turned to the infinitely small. For does it not follow that if such a state of creation exists in the stars above us, it must exist identically in the atoms below us?"
I saw his line of reasoning, but still did not understand. His next words fully enlightened me, but made me suspect that I was facing one who had gone insane from his theorizing. He went on eagerly, his voice the voice of a fanatic:
"If I could not pierce the stars above, that were so far, then I would pierce the atoms below, that were so near. They are everywhere. In every object I touch and in the very air I breathe. But they are minute, and to reach them I must find a way to make myself as minute as they are, and more so! This I have done. The solution I showed you will cause every individual atom in my body to contract, but each electron and proton will also decrease in size, or diameter, in direct proportion to my own shrinkage! Thus will I not only be able to become the size of an atom, but can go down, down into infinite smallness!"
When he had stopped speaking I said calmly: “You are mad.”
He was imperturbed.
"I expected you to say that," he answered. "It is only natural that that should be your reaction to all that I have said. But no, I am not mad, it is merely that you are unacquainted with the marvelous propensities of `Shrinx.’ But I promised that you should see for yourself, and that you shall. You shall be the first to go down into the atomic universe."
My original opinion in regard to his state of mind remained unshaken.
“I am sure you mean well, Professor,” I said, “but I must decline your offer.”
He went on as though I hadn’t spoken:
"There are several reasons why I want to send you before I myself make the trip. In the first place, once you make the trip there can be no returning, and there are a number of points I want to be quite clear on. You will serve as my advance guard, so to speak."
“Professor, listen. I do not doubt that the stuff you call ’Shrinx’ has very remarkable properties. I will even admit that it will do all you say it will do. But for the past month you have worked day and night, with scarcely enough time out for food and hardly any sleep at all. You should take a rest, get away from the laboratory for awhile.”
"I shall keep in contact with your consciousness," he said, "through a very ingenious device I have perfected. I will explain it to you later. The `Shrinx’ is introduced directly into the blood stream. Shortly thereafter your shrinkage should begin, and continue at moderate speed, never diminishing in the least degree so long as the blood continues to flow in your body. At least, I hope it never diminishes. Should it, I shall have to make the necessary alterations in the formula. All this is theoretical of course, but I am sure it will all work according to schedule, and quite without harm."
I had now lost all patience. “See here, Professor,” I said crossly, “I refuse to be the object of any of your wild-sounding experiments. You should realize that what you propose to do is scientifically impossible. Go home and rest—or go away for a while—”
Without the slightest warning he leaped at me, snatching an object from the table. Before I could take a backward step I felt a needle plunge deep into my arm, and cried out with the pain of it. Things became hazy, distorted. A wave of vertigo swept over me. Then it passed, and my vision cleared. The Professor stood leering before me.
"Yes, I’ve worked hard and I’m tired. I’ve worked thirty years, but I’m not tired enough nor fool enough to quit this thing now, right on the verge of the climax!"
His leer of triumph gave way to an expression almost of sympathy.
"I am sorry it had to come about this way," he said, "but I saw that you would never submit otherwise. I really am ashamed of you. I didn’t think you would doubt the truth of my statements to the extent of really believing me insane. But to be safe I prepared your allotment of the `Shrinx’ in advance, and had it ready; it is now coursing through your veins, and it should be but a short time before we observe the effects. What you saw in the vial is for myself when I am ready to make the trip. Forgive me for having to administer yours in such an undignified manner."
So angered was I at the utter disregard he had shown for my personal feelings, that I hardly heard his words. My arm throbbed fiercely where the needle had plunged in. I tried to take a step toward him, but not a muscle would move. I struggled hard to break the paralysis that was upon me, but could not move a fraction of an inch from where I stood.
The professor seemed surprised too, and alarmed.
"What, paralysis? That is an unforeseen circumstance! You see, it is even as I said: the properties of `Shrinx’ are marvelous and many."
He came close and peered intently into my eyes, and seemed relieved.
"However, the effect is only temporary," he assured me. Then added: "But you will likely be a bit smaller when the use of your muscles returns, for your shrinkage should begin very shortly now. I must hurry to prepare for the final step."
He walked past me, and I heard him open his private cupboard again. I could not speak, much less move, and I was indeed in a most uncomfortable, not to mention undignified, position. All I could do was to glare at him when he came around in front of me again. He carried a curious kind of helmet with ear-pieces and goggles attached, and a number of wires running from it. This he placed upon the table and connected the wires to a small flat box there.
All the while I watched him closely. I hadn’t the least idea what he was going to do with me, but never for a moment did I believe that I would shrink into an atomic universe; that was altogether too fantastic for my conception.
As though reading my thought the Professor turned and faced me. He looked me over casually for a moment and then said:
"I believe it has begun already. Yes, I am sure of it. Tell me, do you not feel it? Do not things appear a trifle larger to you, a trifle taller? Ah, I forgot that the paralyzing effect does not permit you to answer. But look at me—do I not seem taller?"
I looked at him. Was it my imagination, or some kind of hypnosis he was asserting on me, that made me think he was growing slightly, ever so slightly, upward even as I looked?
"Ah!" he said triumphantly. "You have noticed. I can tell it by your eyes. However, it is not I who am growing taller, but you who are shrinking."
He grasped me by the arms and turned me about to face the wall.
"I can see that you doubt," he said, "so look! The border on the wall. If you remember, it used to be about even with your eyes. Now it is fully three inches higher."
It was true! And I could now feel a tingling in my veins, and a slight dizziness.
"Your shrinkage has not quite reached the maximum speed," he went on. "When it does, it will remain constant. I could not stop it now even if I wanted to, for I have nothing to counteract it. Listen closely now, for I have several things to tell you.
"When you have become small enough I am going to lift you up and place you on this block of Rehyllium-X here on the table. You will become smaller and smaller, and eventually should enter an alien universe consisting of billions and billions of star groups, or galaxies, which are only the molecules in this Rehyllium-X. When you burst through, your size in comparison with this new universe should be gigantic. However, you will constantly diminish, and will be enabled to alight on any one of the spheres of your own choosing. And—after alighting—you will continue—always down!"
At the concept I thought I would go mad. Already I had become fully a foot shorter, and still the paralysis gripped me. Could I have moved I would have torn the Professor limb from limb in my impotent rage—though if what he said was true, I was already doomed.
Again it seemed as though he read my mind.
"Do not think too harshly of me," he said. "You should be very grateful for this opportunity, for you are going on a marvelous venture, into a marvelous realm.
Indeed, I am almost jealous that you should be the first. But with this," he indicated the helmet and box on the table, "I shall keep contact with you no matter how far you go. Ah, I see by your eyes that you wonder how such a thing could be possible. Well, the principle of this device is really very simple.
Just as light is a form of energy, so is thought. And just as light travels through an ’ether’ in the form of waves, so does thought. But the thought waves are much more intangible—in fact, invisible. Nevertheless the waves are there, and the coils in this box are so sensitized as to receive and amplify them a million times, much as sound waves might be amplified.
Through this helmet I will receive but two of your six sensations: those of sound,and sight. They are the two major ones, and will be sufficient for my purpose. Every sight and sound that you encounter, no matter how minute, reaches your brain and displaces tiny molecules there that go out in the form of thought waves and finally reach here and are amplified.
Thus my brain receives every impression of sight and sound that your brain sends out."
I did not doubt now that his marvelous “Shrinx” would do everything he said it would do. Already I was but one-third of my original size. Still the paralysis showed no sign of releasing me, and I hoped that the Professor knew whereof he spoke when he said the effect would be but temporary. My anger had subsided somewhat, and I think I began to wonder what I would find in that other universe.
Then a terrifying thought assailed me—a thought that left me cold with apprehension. If, as the Professor had said, the atomic universe was but a tiny replica of the universe we knew, would I not find myself in the vast empty spaces between the galaxies with no air to breathe? In all the vast calculations the Professor had made, could he have overlooked such an obvious point?
Now I was very close to the floor, scarcely a foot high. Everything about me—the Professor, the tables, the walls—were gigantically out of proportion to myself.
The Professor reached down then, and swung me up on the table top amidst the litter of wires and apparatus. He began speaking again, and to my tiny ears his voice sounded a deeper note.
"Here is the block of Rehyllium-X containing the universe you soon will fathom," he said, placing on the table beside me the square piece of metal, which was nearly half as tall as I was.
"As you know, Rehyllium-X is the densest of all known metals, so the universe awaiting you should be a comparatively dense one—though you will not think so, with the thousands of light-years of space between stars. Of course I know no more about this universe than you do, but I would advise you to avoid the very bright stars and approach only the dimmer ones.
Well, this is good-by, then. We shall never see each other again. Even should I follow you—as I certainly shall as soon as I have learned through you what alterations I should make in the formula—it is impossible that I could exactly trace your course down through all the spheres that you will have traversed.
One thing already I have learned: the rate of shrinkage is too rapid; you will be able to stay on a world for only a few hours. But perhaps that is best, after all. This is good-by for all time."
He picked me up and placed me upon the smooth surface of the Rehyllium-X. I judged that I must be about four inches tall then. It was with immeasurable relief that I finally felt the paralysis going away. The power of my voice returned first, and expanding my lungs I shouted with all by might.
“Professor!” I shouted. “Professor!”
He bent down over me. To him my voice must have sounded ridiculously high pitched.
“What about the empty regions of space I will find myself in?” I asked a bit tremulously, my mouth close to his ear. “I would last but a few minutes. My life will surely be snuffed out.”
"No, that will not happen," he answered.
His voice beat upon my ear-drums like thunder, and I placed my hands over my ears.
He understood, and spoke more softly.
"You will be quite safe in airless space," he went on. "In the thirty years I have worked on the problem, I would not be likely to overlook that point—though I will admit it gave me much trouble. But as I said, `Shrinx’ is all the more marvelous in the fact that its qualities are many. After many difficulties and failures, I managed to instill in it a certain potency by which it supplies sufficient oxygen for your need, distributed through the blood stream. It also irradiates a certain amount of heat; and, inasmuch as I consider the supposed sub-zero temperature of space as being somewhat exaggerated, I don’t think you need worry about any discomfort in open space."
I was scarcely over an inch in height now. I could walk about, though my limbs tingled fiercely as the paralysis left. I could beat my arms against my sides and swung them about to speed the circulation. The Professor must have thought I was waving good-by. His hand reached out and he lifted me up. Though he tried to handle me gently, the pressure of his fingers bruised. He held me in his open hand and raised me up to the level of his eyes. He looked at me for a long moment and then I saw his lips form the words “good-by.” I was terribly afraid he would drop me to the floor a dizzy distance below, and I was relieved when he lowered me again and I slid off his hand to the block of Rehyllium-X.
The Professor now appeared as a giant towering hundreds of feet into the air, and beyond him, seemingly miles away, the walls of the room extended to unimaginable heights. The ceiling above seemed as far away and expansive as the dome of the sky I had formerly known. I ran to the edge of the block and peered down. It was as though I stood at the top of a high cliff. The face of it was black and smooth, absolutely perpendicular. I stepped back apace lest I lose my footing and fall to my death. Far below extended the vast smooth plain of the table top.
I walked back to the center of the block, for I was afraid of the edge; I might be easily shaken off if the Professor were to accidentally jar the table. I had no idea of my size now, for there was nothing with which I could compare it. For all I knew I might be entirely invisible to the Professor. He was now but an indistinguishable blur, like a far-off mountain seen through a haze.
I now began to notice that the surface of the Rehyllium-X block was not as smooth as it had been. As far as I could see were shallow ravines, extending in every direction. I realized that these must be tiny surface scratches that had been invisible before.
I was standing on the edge of one of these ravines, and I clambered down the side and began to walk along it. It was as straight as though laid by a ruler. Occasionally I came to intersecting ravines, and turned to the left or right. Before long, due to my continued shrinkage, the walls of these ravines towered higher than my head, and it was as though I walked along a narrow path between two cliffs.
Then I received the shock of my life, and my adventure came near to ending right there. I approached one of the intersections. I turned the sharp corner to the right. I came face to face with the How-Shall I-Describe-It.
It was a sickly bluish white in color. Its body was disc-shaped, with a long double row of appendages—legs—on the under side. Hundreds of ugly-looking spikes rimmed the disc body on the outer and upper edges. There was no head and apparently no organ of sight, but dozens of snake-like protuberances waved in my face as I nearly crashed into it. One of them touched me and the creature backed swiftly away, the spikes springing stiffly erect in formidable array.
This impression of the creature flashed upon my mind in the merest fraction of time, for you may be sure that I didn’t linger there to take stock of its pedigree. No indeed. My heart choked me in my fright, I whirled and sped down the opposite ravine. The sound of the thing’s pursuit lent wings to my feet, and I ran as I had never run before. Up one ravine and down another I sped, doubling to right and left in my effort to lose my pursuer. The irony of being pursued by a germ occurred to me, but the matter was too serious to be funny. I ran until I was out of breath, but no matter which way I turned and doubled the germ was always a hundred paces behind me. Its organ of sound must have been highly sensitive. At last I could run no more, and I darted around the next corner and stopped, gasping for breath.
The germ rushed a short distance past me and stopped, having lost the sound of my running. Its dozens of tentacular sound organs waved in all directions. Then it came unhesitatingly toward me, and again I ran. Apparently it had caught the sound of my heavy breathing. Again I dashed around the next corner, and as I heard the germ approach I held my breath until I thought my lungs would burst. It stopped again, waved its tentacles in the air and then ambled on down the ravine. Silently I sneaked a hasty retreat.
Now the walls of these ravines (invisible scratches on a piece of metal!) towered very high above me as I continued to shrink. Now too I noticed narrow chasms and pits all around me, in both the walls at the sides and the surface on which I walked. All of these seemed very deep, and some were so wide that I had to leap across them.
At first I was unable to account for these spaces that were opening all about me, and then I realized with a sort of shock that the Rehyllium-X was becoming porous, so small was I in size! Although it was the densest of all known metals, no substance whatsoever could be so dense as to be an absolute solid.
I began to find it increasingly difficult to progress; I had to get back and make running jumps across the spaces. Finally I sat down and laughed as I realized the futility and stupidity of this. Why was I risking my life by jumping across these spaces that were becoming wider as I became smaller, when I had no particular destination anyway—except down. So I may as well stay in one spot.
No sooner had I made this decision, however, than something changed my mind.
It was the germ again.
I saw it far down the ravine, heading straight for me. It might have been the same one I had encountered before, or its twin brother. But now I had become so small that it was fully fifteen times my own size, and the very sight of the huge beast ambling toward me inspired terror into my heart. Once more I ran, praying that it wouldn’t hear the sound of my flight because of my small size.
Before I had gone a hundred yards I stopped in dismay. Before me yawned a space so wide that I couldn’t have leaped half the distance. There was escape on neither side, for the chasm extended up both the walls. I looked back. The germ had stopped. Its mass of tentacles was waving close to the ground.
Then it came on, not at an amble now but at a much faster rate. Whether it had heard me or had sensed my presence in some other manner, I did not know. Only one thing was apparent: I had but a few split seconds in which to act. I threw myself down flat, slid backward into the chasm, and hung there by my hands.
And I was just in time. A huge shape rushed overhead as I looked up. So big was the germ that the chasm which had appeared so wide to me, was inconsequential to it; it ran over the space as though it weren’t there. I saw the double row of the creature’s limbs as they flashed overhead. Each one was twice the size of my body.
Then happened what I had feared. One of the huge claw-like limbs came down hard on my hand, and a sharp spur raked across it. I could feel the pain all through my arm. The anguish was insufferable. I tried to get a better grip but couldn’t. My hold loosened. I dropped down—down—
“This is the end.”
Such was my thought in that last awful moment as I slipped away into space. Involuntarily I shut my eyes, and I expected at any moment to crash into oblivion.
But nothing happened.
There was not even the usual sickening sensation that accompanies acceleration. I opened my eyes to a Stygian darkness, and put out an exploring hand. It encountered a rough wall which was flashing upward past my face. I was falling, then; but at no such speed as would have been the case under ordinary circumstances. This was rather as if I were floating downward. Or was it downward? I had lost all sense of up or down or sideways. I doubled my limbs under me and kicked out hard against the wall, shoving myself far away from it.
How long I remained falling—or drifting—there in that darkness I have no way of knowing. But it must have been minutes, and every minute I was necessarily growing smaller.
For some time I had been aware of immense masses all around me. They pressed upon me from every side, and from them came a very faint radiance. They were of all sizes, some no larger than myself and some looming up large as mountains. I tried to steer clear of the large ones, for I had no desire to be crushed between two of them. But there was little chance of that. Although we all drifted slowly along through space together, I soon observed that none of these masses ever approached each other or deviated the least bit from their paths.
As I continued to shrink, these masses seemed to spread out, away from me; and as they spread, the light which they exuded became brighter. They ceased to be masses, and became swirling, expanding, individual stretches of mist, milky white.
They were nebulae! Millions of miles of space must stretch between each of them! The gigantic mass I had clung to, drawn there by its gravity, also underwent this nebulosity, and now I was floating in the midst of an individual nebula. It spread out as I became smaller, and as it thinned and expanded, what had seemed mist now appeared as trillions and trillions of tiny spheres in intricate patterns.
I was in the very midst of these spheres! They were all around my feet, my arms, my head! They extended farther than I could reach, farther than I could see. I could have reached out and gathered thousands of them in my hand. I could have stirred and kicked my feet and scattered them in chaotic confusion about me. But I did not indulge in such reckless and unnecessary destruction of worlds. Doubtless my presence here had already done damage enough, displacing millions of them.
I scarcely dared to move a muscle for fear of disrupting the orbits of some of the spheres or wreaking havoc among some solar systems or star groups. I seemed to be hanging motionless among them; or if I were moving in any direction, the motion was too slight to be noticeable. I didn’t even know if I were horizontal or vertical, as those two terms had lost all meaning.
As I became smaller, of course the spheres became larger and the space between them expanded, so that the bewildering maze thinned somewhat and gave me more freedom of movement. I took more cognizance now of the beauty around me. I remembered what the Professor had said about receiving my thought waves, and I hoped he was tuned in now, for I wouldn’t have had him miss it for anything.
Every hue I had ever known was represented there among the suns and encircling planets: dazzling whites, reds, yellows, blues, greens, violets, and every intermediate shade. I glimpsed also the barren blackness of suns that had burnt out; but these were infrequent, as this seemed to be a very young universe.
There were single suns with the orbital planets varying in number from two to twenty. There were double suns that revolved slowly about each other as on an invisible axis. There were triple suns that revolved slowly about one another—strange as it may seem—in perfect trihedral symmetry. I saw one quadruple sun: a dazzling white, a blue, a green, and a deep orange. The white and the blue circled each other on the horizontal plane while the green and the orange circled on the vertical plane, thus forming a perfect interlocking system. Around these four suns, in circular orbits, sped sixteen planets of varying size, the smallest on the inner orbits and the largest on the outer. The effect was a spinning, concave disc with the white-blue-green-orange rotating hub in the center. The rays from these four suns, as they bathed the rolling planets and were reflected back into space in many-hued magnificence, presented a sight both beautiful and weird. I determined to alight on one of the planets of this quadruple sun as soon as my size permitted. I did not find it hard to maneuver to a certain extent; and eventually, when I had become much smaller, I stretched alongside this solar system, my length being as great as the diameter of the orbit of the outermost planet! Still I dared not come too close, for fear the gravity of my bulk would cause some tension in the orbital field.
I caught glimpses of the surface of the outer, or sixteenth planet, as it swung past me. Through rifts in the great billowing clouds I saw vast expanses of water, but no land; and then the planet was moving away from me, on its long journey around to the other side of the suns. I did not doubt that by the time it returned to my side I would be very much smaller, so I decided to move in a little closer and try to get a look at the fifteenth planet which was then on the opposite side but swinging around in my direction.
I had discovered that if I doubled up my limbs and thrust out violently in a direction opposite that in which I wished to move, I could make fairly good progress, though the effort was somewhat strenuous. In this manner I moved inward toward the sun-cluster, and by the time I had reached the approximate orbit of the fifteenth planet I had become much smaller—was scarcely one-third as long as the diameter of its orbit! The distance between the orbits of the sixteenth and fifteenth planets must have been about 2,500,000,000 miles, according to the old standards I had known; but to me the distance had seemed but a few hundred yards.
I waited there, and finally the planet hove into view from out of the glorious aurora of the suns. Nearer and nearer it swung in its circle, and as it approached I saw that its atmosphere was very clear, a deep saffron-color. It passed me a scant few yards away, turning lazily on its axis opposite the direction of flight. Here, too, as on planet sixteen, I saw a vast world of water. There was only one fairly large island and many scattered small ones, but I judged that fully nine-tenths of the surface area was ocean. I moved on in to planet fourteen, which I had noticed was a beautiful golden-green color.
By the time I had maneuvered to the approximate fourteenth orbit I had become so small that the light of the central suns pained my eyes. When the planet came in sight I could easily see several large continents on the lighted side; and as the dark side turned to the suns, several more continents became visible. As it swung past me I made comparisons and observed that I was now about five times as large as the planet. When it came around again I would try to effect a landing. To attempt a contact with it now would likely prove disastrous to both it and myself.
As I waited there and became smaller my thoughts turned to the Professor. If his amazing theory of an infinite number of sub-universes was true, then my adventure had hardly begun; wouldn’t begin until I alighted on the planet. “What would I find there? I did not doubt that the Professor, receiving my thought waves, was just as curious as I. Suppose there was life on this world—hostile life? I would face the dangers while the Professor sat in his laboratory far away. This was the first time that aspect of it occurred to me; it had probably never occurred to the Professor. Strange, too, how I thought of him as “far away.” Why, he could merely have reached out his hand and moved me, universe and all, on his laboratory table!
Another curious thought struck me: here I was waiting for a planet to complete its circle around the suns. To any beings who might exist on it, the elapsed time would represent a year; but to me it would only be a number of minutes.
At that, it returned sooner than I expected it, curving around to meet me. Its orbit, of course, was much smaller than those of the two outer planets. More minutes passed as it came closer and larger. As nearly as I could judge I was about one-fifth its size now. It skimmed past me, so closely that I could have reached out and brushed its atmosphere. And as it moved away I could feel its steady tugging, much as if I were a piece of metal being attracted to a magnet. Its speed did not decelerate in the least, but now I was moving along close behind it. It had “captured” me, just as I had hoped it would. I shoved in closer, and the gravity became a steady and stronger pull. I was “falling” toward it. I swung around so that my feet were closest to it, and they entered the atmosphere, where the golden-green touched the blackness of space. They swung down in a long arc and touched something solid. My “fall” toward the planet ceased. I was standing on one of the continents of this world.
So tall was I that the greatest part of my body still extended out into the blackness of space. In spite of the fact that the four suns were the distance of thirteen orbits away, they were of such intense brilliance now that to look directly at them would surely have blinded me. I looked far down my tapering length at the continent on which I stood. Even the multi-colored light reflected from the surface was dazzling to the eye. Too late I remembered the Professor’s warning to avoid the brighter suns. Close to the surface a few fleeting wisps of cloud drifted about my limbs.
As the planet turned slowly on its axis I of course moved with it, and shortly I found myself on the side away from the suns, in the planet’s shadow. I was thankful for this relief—but it was only temporary. Soon I swung around into the blinding light again. Then into the shadow, and again into the light. How many times this happened I do not know, but at last I was entirely within the planet’s atmosphere; here the rays of the sun were diffused, and the light less intense.
Miles below I could see but a vast expanse of yellow surface, stretching unbroken in every direction. As I looked far behind the curving horizon it seemed that I caught a momentary glimpse of tall, silvery towers of some far-off city; but I could not be sure, and when I looked again it had vanished.
I kept my eyes on that horizon, however, and soon two tiny red specks became visible against the yellow of the plain. Evidently they were moving toward me very rapidly, for even as I looked they became larger, and soon took shape as two blood-red spheres. Immediately I visioned them as some terrible weapons of warfare or destruction.
But as they came close to me and swerved up to where I towered high in the thin atmosphere, I could see that they were not solid at all, as I had supposed, but were gaseous, and translucent to a certain extent. Furthermore, they behaved in a manner that hinted strongly of intelligence. Without visible means of propulsion they swooped and circled about my head, to my utter discomfiture. When they came dangerously close to my eyes I raised my hand to sweep them away, but they darted quickly out of reach.
They did not approach me again, but remained there close together, pulsating in mid air. This queer pulsating of their tenuous substance gave me the impression that they were conferring together; and of course I was the object of their conference. Then they darted away in the direction whence they had come.
My curiosity was as great as theirs had seemed to be, and without hesitation I set out in the same direction. I must have covered nearly a mile at each step, but even so, these gaseous entities easily out-distanced me and were soon out of sight. I had no doubt that their destination was the city—if indeed it were a city I had glimpsed. The horizon was closer now and less curved, due to my decrease in height: I judged that I was barely five or six hundred feet tall now.
I had taken but a few hundred steps in the direction the two spheres had gone, when to my great surprise I saw them coming toward me again, this time accompanied by a score of—companions. I stopped in my tracks, and soon they came close and circled about my head. They were all about five feet in diameter, and of the same dark red color. For a minute they darted about as though studying me from every angle; then they systematically arranged themselves in a perfect circle around me. Thin streamers emanated from them, and merged, linking them together and closing the circle. Then other streamers reached slowly out toward me, wavering, cautious.
This, their manner of investigation, did not appeal to me in the least, and I swept my arms around furiously. Instantly all was wild confusion. The circle broke and scattered, the streamers snapped back and they were spheres again. They gathered in a group a short distance away and seemed to consider.
One, whose color had changed to a bright orange, darted apart from them and pulsated rapidly. As clearly as though words had been spoken, I comprehended. The bright orange color signified anger, and he was rebuking the others for their cowardice.
Led by the orange sphere they again moved closer to me, this time they had a surprise for me. A score of streamers flashed out quick as lightning, and cold blue flames spluttered where they touched me. Electric shocks ran through my arms, rendering them numb and helpless. Again they formed their circle around me, again the streamers emerged and completed the circle, and other streamers reached out caressingly. For a moment they flickered about my head, then merged, enveloping it in a cold red radiance. I felt no sensation at all at the touch, except that of cold.
The spheres began to pulsate again in the manner I had observed before, and immediately this pulsating began I felt tiny needlepoints of ice pierce my brain. A question became impinged upon my consciousness more clearly than would have been possible by spoken word:
"Where do you come from?"
I was familiar with thought transference, had even practiced it to a certain extent, very often with astonishing success. When I heard —or received—that question, I tried hard to bring every atom of my consciousness to bear upon the circumstances that were the cause of my being there. When I had finished my mental narration and my mind relaxed from the tension I had put upon it, I received, the following impressions:
"We receive no answer; your mind remains blank. You are alien, we have never encountered another of your organism here. A most peculiar organism indeed is one that becomes steadily smaller without apparent reason. Why are you here, and where do you come from?"
The icy fingers probed deeper and deeper into my brain, seeming to tear it tissue from tissue.
Again I tried, my mind focusing with the utmost clearness upon every detail, picturing my course from the very minute I entered the Professor’s laboratory to the present time. When I finished I was exhausted from the effort.
Again I received the impression: "You cannot bring your mind sufficiently into focus; we receive only fleeting shadows."
One of the spheres again changed to a bright color, and broke from the circle. I could almost imagine an angry shrug. The streamers relaxed their hold on my brain and began to withdraw—but not before I caught the fleeting impression from the orange one, who was apparently addressing the others:
"—very low mentality."
“You’re not so much yourself!” I said aloud. But of course such a crude method as speech did not register upon them. I wondered at my inability to establish thought communication with these beings. Either my brain was of such a size as to prevent them from receiving the impression (remember I was still a four or five hundred foot giant on this world), or their state of mentality was indeed so much higher than mine, that I was, to them, lower than the lowest savage. Possibly both, more probably the latter.
But they were determined to solve the mystery of my presence before I passed from their world, as I would surely do in a few hours at my rate of shrinkage. Their next move was to place themselves on each side of me in vertical rows extending from far down near the ground up to my shoulders. Again the luminous ribbons reached out and touched me at the various points. Then as at a given signal they rose high into the air, lifting me lightly as a feather! In perfect unison they sped towards their city beyond the horizon, carrying me perpendicularly with them! I marveled at the manner in which such gaseous entities as these could lift and propel such a material giant as myself. Their speed must have exceeded by far that of sound—though on all this planet there was no sound except the sound of my body swishing through the air.
In a very few minutes I sighted the city, which must have covered an area of a hundred miles square near the edge of a rolling green ocean. I was placed lightly on my feet at the very edge of the city, and once more the circle of spheres formed around my head and once more the cold tendrils of light probed my brain.
"You may walk at will about the city," came the thought, "accompanied by a few of us. You are to touch nothing whatever, or the penalty will be extreme; your tremendous size makes your presence here among us somewhat hazardous. When you have become much smaller we shall again explore your mind, with somewhat different method, and learn your origin and purpose. We realize that the great size of your brain was somewhat of a handicap to us in our first attempt. We go now to prepare. We have awaited your coming for years."
Leaving only a few there as my escort—or guard—the rest of the spheres sped toward a great domed building that rose from a vast plaza in the center of the city.
I was very much puzzled as to their last statement. For a moment I stood there wondering what they could have meant—”we have awaited your coming for years.” Then trusting that this and other things would be answered in the due course of their investigation, I entered the city.
It was not a strange city in so far as architecture was concerned, but it was a beautiful one. I marveled that it could have been conceived and constructed by these confluent globules of gas who at first glance seemed anything but intelligent, reasoning beings.
Tall as I was, the buildings towered up to four and five times my height, invariably ending in domed roofs. There was no sign of a spire or angle as far as my eye could see; apparently they grated harshly on the senses of these beings. The entire plan of the city was of vast sweeping curves and circular patterns, and the effect was striking. There were no preconceived streets or highways, nor connecting spans between buildings, for there was no need of them. The air was the natural habitable element of this race, and I did not see a one of them ever touch the ground or any surface.
They even came to rest in mid air, with a slow spinning motion. Everywhere I passed among them they paused, spinning, to observe me in apparent curiosity, then went on about their business, whatever it was. None ever approached me except my guards.
For several hours I wandered about in this manner, and finally when I was much smaller I was bade to walk towards the central plaza.
In the circular domed building the others awaited my coming, gathered about a dais surmounted by a huge oval transparent screen of glass or some similar substance. This time only one of the spheres made contact with my brain, and I received the following thought:
The screen became opaque, and a vast field of white came into view.
"The great nebula in which this planet is but an infinitesimal speck," came the thought.
The mass drifted almost imperceptibly across the screen, and the thought continued:
"As you see it now, so it appeared to us through our telescopes centuries ago. Of course the drifting motion of the nebula as a whole was not perceptible, and what you see is a chemically recorded reproduction of the view, which has been speeded up to make the motion visible on the screen. Watch closely now."
The great mass of the nebula had been quiescent, but as I watched, it began to stir and swirl in a huge spiral motion, and a vast dark shadow was thrown across the whole scene. The shadow seemed to recede—no, grew smaller—and I could see that it was not a shadow but a huge bulk. This bulk was entering the nebula, causing it to swirl and expand as millions of stars were displaced and shoved outward.
The thought came again: "The scene has been speeded up a million-fold. The things you see taking place actually transpired over a great number of years; our scientists watched the phenomenon in great wonder, and many were the theories as to the cause of it. You are viewing yourself as you entered our nebula."
I watched in a few minutes the scene before me, as these sphere creatures had watched it over a period of years; saw myself grow smaller, gradually approach the system of the four suns and finally the gold-green planet itself. Abruptly the screen cleared.
"So we watched and waited your coming for years, not knowing what you were or whence you came. We are still very much puzzled. You become steadily smaller, and that we cannot understand. We must hurry. Relax. Do not interfere with our process by trying to think back to the beginning, as you did before; it is all laid bare to us in the recesses of your brain. Simply relax, think of nothing at all, watch the screen."
I tried to do as he said, again I felt the cold probing tendrils in my brain, and a lethargy came over my mind. Shadows flashed across the screen, then suddenly a familiar scene leaped into view: the Professor’s laboratory as I had last seen it, on the night of my departure. No sooner had this scene cleared than I entered the room, exactly as I had on that night. I saw myself approach the table close behind the Professor, saw him standing as he had stood, staring out at the night sky; saw his lips move.
The spheres about me crowded close to the screen, seemed to hang intent on every motion that passed upon it, and I sensed great excitement among them. I judged that the one who was exploring my mind, if not all of them, were somehow cognizant not only of the words the Professor and I spoke in those scenes, but of their meaning as well.
I could almost read the Professor’s lips as he spoke. I saw the utter amazement, then incredulity, then disbelief, on my features as he propounded his theory of macrocosmic worlds and still greater macrocosmic worlds. I saw our parley of words, and finally his lunge toward me and felt again the plunge of the needle into my arm.
As this happened the spheres around me stirred excitedly.
I saw myself become smaller, smaller, to be finally lifted onto the block of Rehyllium-X where I became still smaller and disappeared. I saw my meeting with the germ, and my wild flight; my plunge into the abyss, and my flight down through the darkness, during which time the entire screen before me became black. The screen was slightly illuminated again as I traveled along with the great masses all around me, and then gradually across the screen spread the huge nebula, the same one these sphere creatures had seen through their telescopes centuries ago.
Again the screen cleared abruptly, became transparent.
"The rest we know," came the thought of the one who had searched my brain. "The rest the screen has already shown. He—the one who invented the—what he called ’Shrinx’—he is a very great man. Yours has indeed been a marvelous experience, and one which has hardly begun. We envy you, lucky being; and at the same time we are sorry for you. Anyway, it is fortunate for us that you chose our planet on which to alight, but soon you will pass away even as you came, and that we cannot, and would not, prevent. In a very few minutes you will once more become of infinitesimal size and pass into a still smaller universe. We have microscopes powerful enough to permit us to barely glimpse this smaller atomic universe, and we shall watch your further progress into the unknown until you are gone from our sight forever."
I had been so interested in the familiar scenes on the screen that I had lost all conception of my steady shrinkage. I was now very much smaller than those spheres around me.
I was as interested in them as they were in me, and I tried to flash the following thought:
"You say that you envy me, and are sorry for me. Why should that be?"
The thought came back immediately:
"We cannot answer that. But it is true; wonderful as are the things you will see in realms yet to come, nevertheless you are to be pitied. You cannot understand at present, but some day you will."
I flashed another thought:
"Your organism, which is known to me as gaseous, seems as strange to me as mine, a solid, must seem to you. You have mentioned both telescopes and microscopes, and I cannot conceive how beings such as yourselves, without organs of sight, can number astronomy and microscopy among the sciences."
"Your own organs of sight," came back the answer, "which you call ’eyes,’ are not only superfluous, but are very crude sources of perception. I think you will grant that loss of them would be a terrible and permanent handicap. Our own source of perception is not confined to any such conspicuous organs, but envelops the entire outer surface of our bodies. We have never had organs and appendages such as those with which you are endowed so profusely, for we are of different substance; we merely extend any part of our bodies in any direction at will. But from close study of your structure, we conclude that your various organs and appendages are very crude. I predict that by slow evolution of your own race, such frailties will disappear entirely."
"Tell me more about your own race," I went on eagerly.
"To tell everything there is to tell," came the answer, "would take much time; and there is little time left. We have a very high sociological system, but one which is not without its faults, of course. We have delved deep into the sciences and gone far along the lines of fine arts—but all of our accomplishments along these lines would no doubt appear very strange to you. You have seen our city. It is by no means the largest, nor the most important, on the planet. When you alighted comparatively near, reports were sent out and all of our important scientists hurried here. We were not afraid because of your presence, but rather, were cautious, for we did not know what manner of being you were. The two whom you first saw, were sent to observe you. They had both been guilty of a crime against the community, and were given the choice of the punishment they deserved, or of going out to investigate the huge creature that had dropped from the sky. They accepted the latter course, and for their bravery—for it was bravery—they have been exonerated."
I would have liked greatly to ask more questions, for there were many phases that puzzled me; but I was becoming so very small that further communication was impossible. I was taken to a laboratory and placed upon the slide of a microscope of strange and intricate construction and my progress continued unabated down into a still smaller atomic universe.
The method was the same as before. The substance became open and porous, spread out into open space dotted with the huge masses which in turn became porous and resolved into far flung nebulae.
I entered one of the nebulae and once more star-systems swung all around me. This time I approached a single sun of bright yellow hue, around which swung eight planets. I maneuvered to the outermost one, and when my size permitted, made contact with it.
I was now standing on an electron, one of billions forming a microscopic slide that existed in a world which was in turn only an electron in a block of metal on a laboratory table!
Soon I reached the atmosphere, and miles below me I could see only wide patches of yellow and green. But as I came nearer to the surface more of the details became discernible. Almost at my feet a wide yellow river wound sluggishly over a vast plateau which fell suddenly away into a long line of steep precipices. At the foot of these precipices stretched a great green expanse of steaming jungle, and farther beyond a great ocean, smooth as green glass, curved to the horizon. A prehistoric world of jungles and great fern-like growths and sweltering swamps and cliffs. Not a breeze stirred and nowhere was there sight of any living thing. I was standing in the jungle close to the towering cliffs, and for a half mile in every direction the trees and vegetation were trampled into the soil where my feet had swung down and contacted.
Now I could see a long row of caves just above a ledge half way up the side of the cliff. And I did not doubt that in each cave some being was peering furtively out at me. Even as I watched I saw a tiny figure emerge and walk out on the ledge. He was very cautious, ready to dash back into the cave at any sign of hostility on my part, and his eyes never left me. Seeing that nothing happened, others took heart and came out, and soon the ledge was lined with tiny figures who talked excitedly among themselves and gesticulated wildly in my direction. My coming must surely have aroused all their superstitious fears—a giant descending out of the skies to land at their very feet.
I must have been nearly a mile from the cliff, but even at that distance I could see that the figures were barbarians, squat and thick muscled, and covered with hair; they were four limbed and stood erect, and all carried crude weapons.
One of them raised a bow as tall as himself and let fly a shaft at me—evidently as an expression of contempt or bravado, for he must have known that the shaft couldn’t reach half the distance. Immediately one who seemed a leader among them felled the miscreant with a single blow. This amused me. Evidently their creed was to leave well enough alone.
Experimentally I took a step toward them, and immediately a long line of bows sprang erect and scores of tiny shafts arched high in my direction to fall into the jungle far in front of me. A warning to keep my distance.
I could have strode forward and swept the lot of them from the ledge; but wishing to show them that my intentions were quite peaceful, I raised my hands and took several backward steps. Another futile volley of arrows. I was puzzled, and stood still; and as long as I did not move neither did they.
The one who had seemed the leader threw himself down flat and, shielding his eyes from the sun, scanned the expanse of jungle below. Then they seemed to talk among themselves again, and gestured not at me, but at the jungle. Then I comprehended. Evidently a hunting party was somewhere in that jungle which spread out around my feet—probably returning to the caves, for already it was nearing dusk, the sun casting weird conflicting streaks across the horizon. These people of the caves were in fear that I would move around too freely and perhaps trample the returning party under foot.
So thinking, I stood quietly in the great barren patch I had levelled, and sought to peer into the dank growth below me. This was nearly impossible, however, for clouds of steam hung low over the tops of the trees.
But presently my ears caught a faint sound, as of shouting, far below me, and then I glimpsed a long single file of the barbarian hunters running at full speed along a well beaten game path. They burst into the very clearing in which I stood, and stopped short in surprise, evidently aware for the first time of my gigantic presence on their world. They let fall the poles upon which were strung the carcasses of the day’s hunt, cast but one fearful look up to where I towered, then as one man fell flat upon the ground in abject terror.
All except one. I doubt if the one, who burst from the tangle of trees last of all, even saw me, so intent was he in glancing back into the darkness from which he fled. At any rate he aroused his companions with a few angry, guttural syllables, and pointed back along the path.
At that moment there floated up to me a roar that lingered loud and shuddering in my ears. At quick instructions from their leader the hunters picked up their weapons and formed a wide semi-circle before the path where they had emerged. The limb of a large tree overhung the path at this point, and the leader clambered up some overhanging vines and was soon crouched upon it. One of the warriors fastened a vine to a large clumsy looking weapon, and the one in the tree drew it up to him. The weapon consisted merely of a large pointed stake some eight feet long, with two heavy stones fastened securely to it at the half way point. The one in the tree carefully balanced this weapon on the limb, directly over the path, point downward. The semicircle of hunters crouched behind stout lances set at an angle in the ground.
Another shuddering roar floated up to me, and then the beast appeared. As I caught sight of it I marvelled all the more at the courage of these puny barbarians. From ground to shoulder the beast must have measured seven feet tall, and was fully twenty feet long. Each of its six legs ended in a wide, horny claw that could have ripped any of the hunters from top to bottom. Its long tapering tail was horny too, giving me the impression that the thing was at least partly reptilian; curved fangs fully two feet long, in a decidedly animal head, offset that impression, however.
For a long moment the monstrosity stood there, tail switching ceaselessly, glaring in puzzlement out upon the circle of puny beings who dared to confront it. Then, as its tail ceased switching and it tensed for the spring, the warrior on the limb above launched his weapon—launched it and came hurtling down with it, feet pressed hard against the heavy stone balance!
Whether the beast below heard some sound or whether a sixth sense warned it, I do not know; but just in time it leaped to one side with an agility belied by its great bulk, and the pointed stake drove deep into the ground, leaving the one who had ridden it lying there stunned.
The beast uttered a snarl of rage; its six legs sprawled outward, its great belly touched the ground. Then it sprang out upon the circle of crouching hunters. Lances snapped at the impact, and the circle broke and fled for the trees. But two of them never rose from the ground, and the lashing homed tail flattened another before he had taken four steps.
The scene took place in a matter of seconds as I towered there looking down upon it, fascinated. The beast whirled toward the fleeing ones and in another moment the destruction would have been terrible, for they could not possibly have reached safety..
Breaking the spell that was on me I swung my hand down in a huge arc even as the beast sprang for a second time. I slapped it in mid air, flattening it against the ground as I would have flattened a bothersome insect. It did not twitch a muscle, and a dark red stain seeped outward from where it lay.
The natives stopped in their flight, for the sound of my hand when I slapped the huge animal had been loud. They jabbered noisily among themselves, but fearfully kept their distance, when they saw me crouched there over the flattened enemy who had been about to wreak destruction among them.
Only one had seen the entire happening. He who had plunged downward from the tree was only momentarily stunned; he had risen dizzily to his feet as the animal charged out among his companions, and had been witness to the whole thing.
Glancing half contemptuously at the others, he now approached me. It must have taken a great deal of courage on his part, for, crouched down as I was, I still towered above the tallest trees. He looked for a moment at the dead beast, then gazed up at me in reverent awe. Falling prone, he beat his head upon the ground several times, and the others followed his example.
Then they all came forward to look at the huge animal.
From their talk and gestures, I gathered that they wanted to take it to the caves; but it would take ten of the strongest of them to even lift it, and there was still a mile stretch of jungle between them and the cliffs.
I decided that I would take it there for them if that was their want. Reaching out, I picked up the leader, the brave one, very gently. Placing him in the cupped hollow of my hand, I swung him far up to the level of my eyes. I pointed at the animal I had slain, then pointed toward the cliffs. But his eyes were closed tightly as if his last moment had come, and he trembled in every limb. He was a brave hunter, but this experience was too much. I lowered him to the ground unharmed, and the others crowded around him excitedly. He would soon recover from his fright, and no doubt some night around the camp fires he would relate this wonderful experience to a bunch of skeptical grandchildren.
Picking the animal up by its tapering tail I strode through the jungle with it, flattening trees at every step and leaving a wide path behind me. I neared the cliffs in a few steps, and those upon the ledge fled into the caves. I placed the huge carcass on the ledge, which was scarcely as high as my shoulders, then turned and strode away to the right, intending to explore the terrain beyond.
For an hour, I walked, passing other tribes of cliff dwellers who fled at my approach. Then the jungle ended in a point by the sea and the line of cliffs melted down into a rocky coast.
It had become quite dark now, there were no moons and the stars seemed dim and far away. Strange night cries came from the jungle, and to my left stretched wide, tangled marshes through which floated vague phosphorescent shapes. Behind me tiny fires sprang up on the face of the cliffs, a welcome sight, and I turned back toward them. I was now so much smaller that I felt extremely uneasy at being alone and unarmed at night on a strange planet abounding in monstrosities.
I had taken only a few steps when I felt, rather than heard, a rush of wings above and behind me. I threw myself flat upon the ground, and just in time, for the great shadowy shape of some huge night-creature swept down and sharp talons raked my back. I arose with apprehension after a few moments, and saw the creature winging its way back low over the marshes. Its wing spread must have been forty feet. I reached the shelter of the cliffs and stayed close to them thereafter.
I came to the first of the shelving ledges where the fires burned, but it was far above me now. I was a tiny being crouched at the base of the cliffs. I, an alien on this world, yet a million years ahead of these barbarians in evolution, peered furtively out into the darkness where glowing eyes and half-seen shapes moved on the edge of the encroaching jungle; and safe in their caves high above me were those so low in the state of evolution that had only the rudiments of a spoken language and were only beginning to learn the value of fire. In another million years perhaps a great civilization would cover this entire globe: a civilization rising by slow degrees from the mire and the mistakes and the myths of the dawn of time. And doubtlessly one of the myths would concern a great god-like figure that descended from the skies, leveled great trees in its stride, saved a famous tribe from destruction by slaying huge enemy beasts, and then disappeared forever during the night. And great men, great thinkers, of that future civilization would say:
"Fie! Preposterous! A stupid myth."
But at the present time the godlike figure which slew enemy beasts by a slap of the hand was scarcely a foot high, and sought a place where he might be safe from a possible attack by those same beasts. At last I found a small crevice, which I squeezed into and felt much safer than I had out in the open.
And very soon I was so small that I would have been unnoticed by any of the huge animals that might venture my way.
At last I stood on a single grain of sand, and other grains towered up like smooth mountains all around me. And in the next few minutes I experienced the change for the third time—the change from microscopic being on a gigantic world to a gigantic being floating amid an endless universe of galaxies. I became smaller, the distance between galaxies widened, solar systems approached and neared the orbit of the outermost planet, I received a very unexpected, but very pleasant, surprise. Instead of myself landing upon one of the planets —and while I was yet far too large to do so—the inhabitants of this system were coming out to land on me! There was no doubt about it. From the direction of the inner planets a tapering silvery projectile moved toward me with the speed of light. This was indeed interesting, and I halted my inward progress to await developments.
In a few minutes the space rocketship was very close. It circled about me once, then with a great rush of flame and gases from the prow to break the fall, it swooped in a long curve and landed gracefully on my chest! I felt no more jar than if a fly had alighted on me. As I watched it, a square section swung outward from the hull and a number of things emerged. I say “things” because they were in no manner human, although they were so tiny that I could barely distinguish them as minute dots of gold. A dozen of them gathered in a group a short distance away from the space-ship.
After a few moments, to my surprise, they spread huge golden wings, and I gasped at the glistening beauty of them. They scattered in various directions, flying low over the surface of my body. From this I reasoned that I must be enveloped in a thin layer of atmosphere, as were the planets. These bird creatures were an exploring party sent out from one of the inner planets to investigate the new large world which had entered their system and was approaching dangerously close to their own planet.
But, on second thought, they must have been aware—or soon would be—that I was not a world at all, but a living, sentient being. My longitudinal shape should make that apparent, besides the movements of my limbs. At any rate they displayed unprecedented daring by coming out to land on me. I could have crushed their frail ship at the slightest touch or flung it far out into the void beyond their reach.
I wished I could see one of the winged creatures at closer range, but none landed on me again; having traversed and circled me in every direction they returned to the space-ship and entered it.
The section swung closed, gases roared from the stern tubes and the ship swooped out into space again and back toward the sun.
What tiding would they bear to their planet? Doubtless they would describe me as an inconceivably huge monstrosity of outer space. Their scientists would wonder whence I came; might even guess at the truth. They would observe me anxiously through their telescopes. Very likely they would be in fear that I would invade or wreck their world, and would make preparations to repulse me if I came too near.
In spite of these probabilities I continued my slow progress toward the inner planets, determined to see and if possible land upon the planet of the bird creatures. A civilization that had achieved space travel must be a marvelous civilization indeed.
As I made my way through space between the planets by means of my grotesque exertions, I reflected upon another phase. By the time I reached the inner planets I would be so much smaller that I could not determine which of the planets was the one I sought, unless I saw more of the space ships and could follow their direction. Another interesting thought was that the inner planets would have sped around the green sun innumerable times, and years would have passed before I reached there. They would have ample time to prepare for my coming, and might give me a fierce reception if they had many more of the space ships such as the one I had seen.
And they did indeed have many more of them, as I discovered after an interminable length of time during which I had moved ever closer to the sun. A red-tinged planet swung in a wide curve from behind the blazing green of the sun, and I awaited its approach. After a few minutes it was so close that I could see a moon encircling the planet, and as it came still nearer I saw the rocket ships.
This, then, was the planet I sought. But I was puzzled. They surely could not have failed to notice my approach, and I had expected to see a host of ships lined up in formidable array. I saw a host of them all right, hundreds of them, but they were not pointed in my direction at all; indeed, they seemed not to heed me in the least, although I must have loomed large as their planet came nearer.
Perhaps they had decided, after all, that I was harmless.
But what seemed more likely to me was that they were confronted with an issue of vastly more importance than my close proximity. For as I viewed the space ships they were leaving the atmosphere of their planet, and were pointing toward the single satellite. Row upon row, mass upon endless mass they moved outward, hundreds, thousands of them. It seemed as though the entire population was moving en masse to the satellite!
My curiosity was immediately aroused. ’What circumstances or condition would cause a highly civilized race to abandon their planet and flee to the satellite? Perhaps, if I learned, I would not want to alight on that planet. . . .
Impatiently I awaited its return as it moved away from me on its circuit around the sun. The minutes seemed long, but at last it approached again from the opposite direction, and I marvelled at the relativity of size and space and time. A year had passed on that planet and satellite, and many things might have transpired since I had last seen them.
The satellite swung between the planet and myself, and even from my point of disadvantage I could see that many things had indeed transpired. The bird people were building a protective shell around the satellite! Protection—from what? The shell seemed to be of dull gray metal, and already covered half the globe. On the uncovered side I saw land and rolling oceans. Surely, I thought, they must have the means of producing artificial light; but somehow it seemed blasphemous to forever bar the surface from the fresh pure light of the green sun. In a manner I felt sorry for them in their circumstances. But they had their space ships, and in time could move to the vast unexplored fields that the heavens offered.
More than ever I was consumed with curiosity, but was still too large to attempt a contact with the planet, and I let it pass me for a second time. I judged that when it came around again I would be sufficiently small for its gravity to “capture” me and sufficiently large that the “fall” to the surface would in no means be dangerous; and I was determined to alight.
Another wait of minutes, more minutes this time because I was smaller and time for me was correspondingly longer. When the two spheres hove into view again I saw that the smaller one was now entirely clad in its metal jacket, and the smooth unbroken surface shimmered boldly in the green glare of the sun. Beneath that barren metal shell were the bird people with their glorious golden wings, their space ships, their artificial light, and atmosphere, and civilization. I had but a glance for the satellite, however; my attention was for the planet rushing ever closer to me.
Everything passed smoothly and without mishap. I was becoming an experienced “planet hopper.” Its gravity caught me in an unrelenting grip, and I let my limbs rush downward first in their long curve, to land with a slight jar on solid earth far below.
Bending low, I sought to peer into the murky atmosphere and see something of the nature of this world. For a minute my sight could not pierce the half gloom, but gradually the surface became visible. First, I followed my tapering limbs to where they had contacted. As nearly as I could ascertain from my height, I was standing in the midst of what seemed to be a huge mass of crushed and twisted metal!
Now, I thought to myself, I have done it. I have let myself in for it now. I have wrecked something, some great piece of machinery it seems, and the inhabitants will not take the matter lightly. Then I thought: the inhabitants? Who? Not the bird people, for they have fled, have barricaded themselves on the satellite.
Again I sought to pierce the gloom of the atmosphere, and by slow degrees more details became visible. At first my gaze only encompassed a few miles, then more, and more, until at last the view extended from horizon to horizon and included nearly an entire hemisphere.
Slowly the view cleared and slowly comprehension came; and as full realization dawned upon me, I became momentarily panic stricken. I thought insanely of leaping outward into space again, away from the planet, breaking the gravity that held me; but the opposite force of my spring could likely send the planet careening out of its orbit and it and all the other planets and myself might go plunging toward the sun. No, I had put my feet on this planet and I was here to stay.
But I did not feel like staying, for what a sight I had glimpsed! As far as I could see in every direction were huge, grotesque metal structures and strange mechanical contrivances. The thing that terrified me was that these machines were scurrying about the surface all in apparent confusion, seemed to cover the entire globe, seemed to have a complete civilization of their own, and nowhere was there the slightest evidence of any human occupancy, no controlling force, no intelligence, nothing save the machines. And I could not bring myself to believe that they were possessed of intelligence!
Yet as I descended ever closer to the surface I could see that there was no confusion at all as it had seemed at first glance, but rather was there a simple, efficient, systematic order of things. Even as I watched, two strange mechanisms strode toward me on great jointed tripods, and stopped at my very feet. Long, jointed metal arms, with claw-like fixtures at the ends, reached out with uncanny accuracy and precision and began to clear away the twisted debris around my feet. As I watched them I admired the efficiency of their construction. No needless intricacies, no superfluous parts, only the tripods for movement and the arms for clearing. When they had finished they went away, and other machines came on wheels, the debris was lifted by means of cranes and hauled away.
I watched in stupefaction the uncanny activities below and around me. There was no hurry, no rush, but every machine from the tiniest to the largest, from the simplest to the most complicated, had a certain task to perform, and performed it directly and completely, accurately and precisely. There were machines on wheels, on treads, on tracks, on huge multi-jointed tripods, winged machines that flew clumsily through the air, and machines of a thousand other kinds and variations.
Endless chains of machines delved deep into the earth, to emerge with loads of ore which they deposited, to descend again.
Huge hauling machines came and transported the ore to roaring mills.
Inside the mills machines melted the ore, rolled and cut and fashioned the steel.
Other machines builded and assembled and adjusted intricate parts, and when the long process was completed the result was—more machines! They rolled or ambled or flew or walked or rattled away under their own power, as the case might be.
Some went to assist in the building of huge bridges across rivers and ravines.
Diggers went to level down forests and obstructing hills, or went away to the mines.
Others built adjoining mills and factories.
Still others erected strange, complicated towers thousands of feet high, and the purpose of these skeleton skyscrapers I could not determine. Even as I watched, the supporting base of one of them weakened and buckled, and the entire huge edifice careened at a perilous angle. Immediately a host of tiny machines rushed to the scene. Sharp white flames cut through the metal in a few seconds, and the tower toppled with a thunderous crash to the ground.
Again the white-flame machines went to work and cut the metal into removable sections, and hoisters and haulers came and removed them. Within fifteen minutes another building was being erected on the exact spot.
Occasionally something would go wrong—some worn-out part ceased to function and a machine would stop in the middle of its task. Then it would be hauled away to repair shops, where it would eventually emerge good as new.
I saw two of the winged machines collide in mid air, and metal rained from the sky. A half dozen of the tripod clearing machines came from a half dozen directions and the metal was raked into huge piles; then came the cranes and hauling machines.
A great vertical wheel with slanting blades on the rim spun swiftly on a shaft that was borne forward on treads. The blades cut through trees and soil and stone as it bore onward toward the near-by mountains. It slowed down, but did not stop, and at length a straight wide path connected the opposite valley. Behind the wheel came the tripods, clearing the way of all debris, and behind them came machines that laid down long strips of metal, completing the perfect road.
Everywhere small lubricating machines moved about, periodically supplying the others with the necessary oil that insured smooth movement.
Gradually the region surrounding me was being levelled and cleared, and a vast city was rising—a city of meaningless, towering, ugly metal—a city covering hundreds of miles between the mountains and sea—a city of machines—ungainly, lifeless—yet purposeful—for what? What?
In the bay, a line of towers rose from the water like fingers pointing at the sky. Beyond the bay and into the open sea they extended. Now the machines were connecting the towers with wide network and spans. A bridge! They were spanning the ocean, connecting the continents—a prodigious engineering feat. If there were not already machines on the other side, there soon would be. No, not soon. The task was gigantic, fraught with failures, almost impossible. Almost? A world of machines could know no almost. Perhaps other machines did occupy the other side, had started the bridge from there, and they would meet in the middle. And for what purpose?
A great wide river came out of the mountains and went winding toward the sea. For some reason a wall was being constructed diagonally across the river and beyond, to change its course. For some reason—or unreason.
Unreason! That was it! Why, why, why, I cried aloud in an anguish that was real; why all of this? ’What purpose, what meaning, what benefit? A city, a continent, a world, a civilization of machines!
Somewhere on this world there must be the one who caused all this, the one intelligence, human or unhuman, who controls it. My time here is limited, but I have time to seek him out, and if I find him I shall drag him out and feed him to his own machines and put a stop to this diabolism for all time!
I strode along the edge of the sea for five hundred miles, and rounding a sharp point of land, stopped abruptly. There before me stretched a city, a towering city of smooth white stone and architectural beauty. Spacious parks were dotted with winged colonnades and statues, and the buildings were so designed that everything pointed upward, seemed poised for flight.
That was one half of the city.
The other half was a ruinous heap of shattered white stone, of buildings levelled to the ground by the machines, which were even then intent on reducing the entire city to a like state.
As I watched I saw scores of the flame-machines cutting deep into the stone and steel supporting base of one of the tallest buildings. Two of the ponderous air machines, trailing a wide mesh-metal network between them, rose clumsily from the ground on the outskirts of the city. Straight at the building they flew, and passed one on each side of it. The metal netting struck, jerked the machines backward, and the tangled mass of them plunged to the ground far below. But the building, already weakened at the base, swayed far forward, then back, hung poised for a long shuddering moment and then toppled to the ground with a thunderous crash amid a cloud of dust and debris and tangled framework.
The flame-machines moved on to another building, and on a slope near the outskirts two more of the air machines waited. .
Sickened at the purposeless vandalism of it all, I turned inland; and everywhere I strode were the machines, destroying and building, leveling to the ground the deserted cities of the bird people and building up their own meaningless civilization of metal.
At last I came to a long range of mountains which towered up past the level of my eyes as I stood before them. In two steps I stood on the top of these mountains and looked out upon a vast plain dotted everywhere with the grotesque machine-made cities. The machines had made good progress. About two hundred miles to the left a great metal dome rose from the level of the plain, and I made my way toward it, striding unconcerned and recklessly amidst the machines that moved everywhere around my feet.
As I neared the domed structure a row of formidable-looking mechanisms, armed with long spikes, rose up to bar my path. I kicked out viciously at them and in a few minutes they were reduced to tangled scrap, though I received a number of minor scratches in the skirmish. Others of the spiked machines rose up to confront me with each step I took, but I strode through them, kicking them to one side, and at last I stood before an entrance-way in the side of the huge dome. Stooping, I entered, and once inside my head almost touched the roof.
I had hoped to find here what I sought, and I was not disappointed. There in the center of the single spacious room was The Machine of all Machines; the Cause of it All; the Central Force, the Ruler, the Controlling Power of all the diabolism running riot over the face of the planet. It was roughly circular, large and ponderous. It was bewilderingly complicated, a maze of gears, wheels, switchboards, lights, levers, buttons, tubing, and intricacies beyond my comprehension. There were circular tiers, and on each tier smaller separate units moved, performing various tasks, attending switchboards, pressing buttons, pulling levers. The result was a throbbing, rhythmic, purposeful unit. I could imagine invisible waves going out in every direction.
I wondered what part of this great machine was vulnerable. Silly thought. No part. Only it—itself. It was The Brain.
The Brain. The Intelligence. I had searched for it, and I had found it. There it was before me. Well, I was going to smash it. I looked around for some kind of weapon, but finding none, I strode forward bare-handed.
Immediately a square panel lighted up with a green glow, and I knew that The Brain was aware of my intent. I stopped. An odd sensation swept over me, a feeling of hate, of menace. It came from the machine, pervaded the air in invisible waves.
“Nonsense,” I thought; “it is but a machine after all. A very complicated one, yes, perhaps even possessed of intelligence; but it only has control over other machines, it cannot harm me.”
Again I took a resolute step forward.
The feeling of menace became stronger, but I fought back my apprehension and advanced recklessly. I had almost reached the machine when a wall of crackling blue flame leaped from floor to roof. If I had taken one more step I would have been caught in it.
The menace, and hate, and imagined rage at my escape, rolled out from the machine in ponderous, almost tangible waves, engulfing me, and I retreated hastily.
I walked back toward the mountains. After all, this was not my world—not my universe. I would soon be so small that my presence amid the machines would be extremely dangerous, and the tops of the mountains was the only safe place. I would have liked to smash The Brain and put an end to it all, but anyway, I thought, the bird people were now safe on the satellite, so why not leave this lifeless world to the machines?
It was twilight when I reached the mountains, and from a high grassy slope—the only peaceful place on the entire planet, I imagined—I looked out upon the plain. Tiny lights appeared as the machines moved about, carrying on their work, never resting. The clattering and clanking of them floated faintly up to me and made me glad that I was a safe distance from it all.
As I stood out toward the dome that housed The Brain, I saw what I had failed to see before. A large globe rested there on a frame-work, and there seemed to be unusual activity around it.
A vague apprehension tightened around my brain as I saw machines enter this globe, and I was half prepared for what happened next. The globe rose lightly as a feather, sped upward with increasing speed, out of the atmosphere and into space, where, as a tiny speck, it darted and maneuvered with perfect ease. Soon it reappeared, floated gracefully down upon the framework again, and the machines that had mechanically directed its flight disembarked from it.
The machines had achieved space travel! My heart sickened with sudden realization of what that meant. They would build others—were already building them. They would go to other worlds, and the nearest one was the satellite . . . . encased in its protective metal shell . . . .
But then I thought of the white-flame machines that I had seen cut through stone and metal in a few seconds . . . .
The bird people would no doubt put up a valiant fight. But as I compared their rocket projectiles against the efficiency of the globe I had just seen, I had little doubt as to the outcome. They would eventually be driven out into space again to seek a new world, and the machines would take over the satellite, running riot as they had done here. They would remain there just as long as The Brain so desired, or until there was no more land for conquest. Already this planet was over-run, so they were preparing to leave.
The Brain. An intricate, intelligent mechanical brain, glorying in its power, drunk with conquest. Where had it originated? The bird people must have been the indirect cause, and no doubt they were beginning to realize the terrible menace they had loosed on the universe.
I tried to picture their civilization as it had been long ago before this thing had come about. I pictured a civilization in which machinery played a very important part. I pictured the development of this machinery until the time when it relieved them of many tasks. I imagined how they must have designed their machines with more and more intricacy, more and more finesse, until only a few persons were needed in control. And then the great day would come, the supreme day, when mechanical parts would take the place of those few.
That must have indeed been a day of triumph. Machines supplying their every necessity, attending to their every want, obeying their every whim at the touch of a button. That must have been Utopia achieved!
But it had proven to be a bitter Utopia. They had gone forward blindly and recklessly to achieve it, and unknowingly they had gone a step too far. Somewhere, amid the machines they supposed they had under their control, they were imbued with a spark of intelligence. One of the machines added unto itself—perhaps secretly; built and evolved itself into a terribly efficient unit of inspired intelligence. And guided by that intelligence, other machines were built and came under its control. The rest must have been a matter of course. Revolt and easy victory.
So I pictured the evolution of the mechanical brain that even now was directing activities from down there under its metal dome.
And the metal shell around the satellite—did not that mean that the bird people were expecting an invasion? Perhaps, after all, this was not the original planet of the bird people; perhaps space travel was not an innovation among the machines. Perhaps it was on one of the far inner planets near the sun that the bird people had achieved the Utopia that proved to be such a terrible nemesis; perhaps they had moved to the next planet, never dreaming that the machines could follow; but the machines had followed after a number of years, the bird people being always driven outward, the machines always following at leisure in search of new spheres of conquest. And finally the bird people had fled to this planet, and from it to the satellite; and realizing that in a few years the machines would come again in all their invincibility, they had then ensconced themselves beneath the shell of metal.
At any rate: they did not flee to a far-away safe spot in the universe as they could have very easily done. Instead, they stayed; always one sphere ahead of the marauding machines, they must always be planning a means of wiping out the spreading evil they had loosed.
It might be that the shell around the satellite was in some way a clever trap! But so thinking, I remembered again the white-flame machines and the deadly efficiency of the globe I had seen, and then my hopes faded away.
Perhaps some day they would eventually find a way to check the spreading menace. But on the other extreme, the machines might spread out to other solar systems, other galaxies, until some day, a billion years hence, they would occupy every sphere in this universe . . . .
Such were my thoughts as I lay prone there upon the grassy slope and looked down into the plain, down upon the ceaseless clatter and the ceaseless moving of lights in the dark. I was very small now; soon, very soon, I would leave this world.
My last impression was of a number of the space globes, barely discernible in the dusk below; and among them towering up high and round, was one much larger than the others, and I could guess which machine would occupy that globe.
And my last thought was a regret that I hadn’t made a more determined effort to destroy that malicious mechanism, The Brain. So I passed from this world of machines—the world that was an electron on a grain of sand that existed on a prehistoric world that was but an electron on a microscope-slide that existed on a world that was but an electron in a piece of Rehyllium-X on the Professor’s laboratory table.
It is useless to go on. I have neither the time nor the desire to relate in detail all the adventures that have befallen me, the universes I have passed into, the things I have seen and experienced and learned on all the worlds since I left the planet of the machines.
Ever smaller cycles . . . . infinite universes . . . . never ending . . . . each presenting something new . . . . some queer variation of life or intelligence . . . . Life? Intelligence? Terms I once associated with things animate, things protoplasmic and understandable. I find it hard to apply them to all the divergencies of shape and form and construction I have encountered . . . .
Worlds young . . . . warm . . . . volcanic and steaming . . . . the single cell emerging from the slime of warm oceans to propagate on primordial continents . . . . other worlds, innumerable . . . . life divergent in all branches from the single cell . . . . amorphous globules . . . . amphibian . . . . crustacean . . . . reptilian . . . . plant . . . . insect . . . . bird . . . . mammal . . . . all possible variations of combinations . . . . biological monstrosities indescribable . . . .
Other forms beyond any attempt at classification . . . . beyond all reason or comprehension of my puny mind . . . . essences of pure flame . . . . others gaseous, incandescent and quiescent alike . . . . plant forms encompassing an entire globe . . . . crystalline beings sentient and reasoning . . . great shimmering columnar forms, seemingly liquid, defying gravity by some strange power of cohesion . . . . a world of sound-vibrations, throbbing, expanding, reverberating in unbroken echoes that nearly drove me crazy . . . . globular brain-like masses utterly dissociated from any material substance . . . . intra-dimensional beings, all shapes and shapeless . . . . entities utterly incapable of registration upon any of my senses except the sixth, that of instinct . . . .
Suns dying .. . . planets cold and dark and airless . . . . last vestiges of once proud races struggling for a few more meager years of sustenance . . . . great cavities . . . . beds of evaporated seas . . . . small furry animals scurrying to cover at my approach . . . . desolation. . . . ruins crumbling surely into the sands of barren deserts, the last mute evidence of vanished civilizations . . . . Other worlds . . . . a-flourished with life . . . . blessed with light and heat . . . . staggering cities . . . . vast populations . . . . ships plying the surface of oceans, and others in the air . . . . huge observatories . . . . tremendous strides in the sciences . . . .
Space flight . . . . battles for the supremacy of worlds . . . . blasting rays of super-destruction . . . . collision of planets . . . . disruption of solar systems . . . cosmic annihilation . . . .
Light space . . . . a universe with a tenuous, filmy something around it, which I burst through . . . . all around me not the customary blackness of outer space I had known, but light . . . . filled with tiny dots that were globes of darkness . . . . that were burnt-out suns and lifeless planets . . . . nowhere a shimmering planet, nowhere a flaming sun . . . . only remote specks of black amid the light-satiated emptiness . . . .
How many of the infinitely smaller atomic cycles I have passed into, I do not know. I tried to keep count of them at first, but somewhere between twenty and thirty I gave it up; and that was long ago.
Each time I would think: “This cannot go on forever—it cannot; surely this next time I must reach the end.”
But I have not reached the end.
Good God—how can there be an end? Worlds composed of atoms . . . . each atom similarly composed . . . . The end would have to be an indestructible solid, and that cannot be; all matter divisible into smaller matter . . . .
What keeps me from going insane? I want to go insane!
I am tired . . . . a strange tiredness neither of mind nor body. Death would be a welcome release from the endless fate that is mine.
But even death is denied me. I have sought it . . . . I have prayed for it and begged for it . . . . but it is not to be.
On all the countless worlds I have contacted, the inhabitants were of two distinctions: they were either so low in the state of intelligence that they fled and barricaded themselves against me in superstitious terror—or were so highly intellectual that they recognized me for what I was and welcomed me among them. On all but a few worlds the latter was the case, and it is on these types that I will dwell briefly.
These beings—or shapes or monstrosities or essences—were in every case mentally and scientifically far above me. In most cases they had observed me for years as a dark shadow looming beyond the farthest stars, blotting out certain star-fields and nebulae . . . . and always when I came to their world they welcomed me with scientific enthusiasm.
Always they were puzzled as to my steady shrinking, and always when they learned of my origin and the manner of my being there, they were surprised and excited.
In most cases gratification was apparent when they learned definitely that there were indeed great ultramacrocosmic universes. It seemed that all of them had long held the theory that such was the case.
On most of the worlds, too, the beings—or entities—or whatever the case might be—were surprised that the Professor, one of my fellow creatures, had invented such a marvelous vitalized element as “Shrinx.”
"Almost unbelievable," was the general consensus of opinion; "scientifically he must be centuries ahead of the time on his own planet, if we are to judge the majority of the race by this creature here"—meaning me.
In spite of the fact that on nearly every world I was looked upon as mentally inferior, they conversed with me and I with them, by various of their methods, in most cases different variations of telepathy. They learned in minute detail and with much interest all of my past experiences in other universes. They answered all of my questions and explained many things besides, about their own universe and world and civilization and scientific achievements, most of which were completely beyond my comprehension, so alien were they in nature.
And of all the intra-universal beings I have had converse with, the strangest were those essences who dwelt in outer space as well as on various planets; identifiable to me only as vague blots of emptiness, total absences of light or color or substance; who impressed upon me the fact that they were Pure Intelligences, far above and superior to any material plane; but who professed an interest in me, bearing me with them to various planets, revealing many things and treating me very kindly. During my sojourn with them I learned from experience the total subservience of matter to influences of mind. On a giant mountainous world I stepped out upon a thin beam of light stretched between two crags, and willed with all my consciousness that I would not fall. And I did not.
I have learned many things. I know that my mind is much sharper, more penetrative, more grasping, than ever before. And vast fields of wonder and knowledge lie before me in other universes yet to come.
But in spite of this, I am ready for it all to end. This strange tiredness that is upon me—I cannot understand it. Perhaps some invisible radiation in empty space is satiating me with this tiredness.
Perhaps it is only that I am very lonely. How very far away I am from my own tiny sphere! Millions upon millions . . . . trillions upon trillions . . . . of light-years . . . . Light years! Light cannot measure the distance. And yet it is no distance: I am in a block of metal on the Professor’s laboratory table . . . .
Yet how far away into space and time I have gone! Years have passed, years far beyond my normal span of life. I am eternal. Yes, eternal life . . . . that men have dreamed of . . . . prayed for . . . . sought after . . . . is mine—and I dream and pray and seek for death!
Death. All the strange beings I have seen and conversed with, have denied it. I have implored many of them to release me painlessly and for all time—but to no avail. Many of them were possessed of the scientific means to stop my steady shrinkage—but they would not stop it. None of them would hinder me, none of them would tamper with the things that were. Why? Always I asked them why, and they would not answer.
But I need no answer. I think I understand. These beings of science realized that such an entity as myself should never be . . . . that I am a blasphemy upon all creation and beyond all reason . . . . they realized that eternal life is a terrible thing . . . . a thing not to be desired . . . . and as punishment for delving into secrets never meant to be revealed, none of them will release me from my fate . . . .
Perhaps they are right, but oh, it is cruel! Cruel! The fault is not mine, I am here against my own will.
And so I continue ever down, alone and lonely, yearning for others of my kind. Always hopeful—and always disappointed.
So it was that I departed from a certain world of highly intelligent gaseous beings; a world that was in itself composed of a highly rarefied substance bordering on nebulosity. So it was that I became even smaller, was lifted up in a whirling, expanding vortex of the dense atmosphere, and entered the universe which it composed.
Why I was attracted by that tiny, far away speck of yellow, I do not know. It was near the center of the nebula I had entered. There were other suns far brighter, far more attractive, very much nearer. This minute yellow sun was dwarfed by other suns and sun-clusters around it—seemed insignificant and lost among them. And why I was drawn to it, so far away, I cannot explain.
But mere distance, even space distance, was nothing to me now. I had long since learned from the Pure Intelligence the secret of propulsion by mind influence, and by this means I propelled myself through space at any desired speed not exceeding that of light; as my mind was incapable of imagining speed faster than light, I of course could not cause my material body to exceed it.
So I neared the yellow sun in a few minutes, and observed that it had twelve planets. And as I was far too large to yet land on any sphere, I wandered far among other suns, observing the haphazard construction of this universe, but never losing sight of the small yellow sun that had so intrigued me. And at last, much smaller, I returned to it.
And of all the twelve planets, one was particularly attractive to me. It was a tiny blue one. It made not much difference where I landed, so why should I have picked it from among the others? Perhaps only a whim—but I think the true reason was because of its constant pale blue twinkling, as though it were beckoning to me, inviting me to come to it. It was an unexplainable phenomenon; none of the others did that. So I moved closer to the orbit of the blue planet, and landed upon it.
As usual I didn’t move from where I stood for a time, until I could view the surrounding terrain; and then I observed that I had landed in a great lake—a chain of lakes. A short distance to my left was a city miles wide, a great part of which was inundated by the flood I had caused.
Very carefully, so as not to cause further tidal waves, I stepped from the lake to solid ground, and the waters receded somewhat. Soon I saw a group of five machines flying toward me; each of them had two wings held stiffly at right angles to the body. Looking around me I saw others of these machines winging toward me from every direction, always in groups of five, in V formation. When they had come very close they began to dart and swoop in a most peculiar manner, from them came sharp staccato sounds, and I felt the impact of many tiny pellets upon my skin! These beings were very warlike, I thought, or else very excitable.
Their bombardment continued for some time, and I began to find it most irritating; these tiny pellets could not harm me seriously, could not even pierce my skin, but the impact of them stung. I could not account for their attack upon me, unless it be that they were angry at the flood I had caused by my landing. If that were the case they were very unreasonable, I thought; any damage I had done was purely unintentional, and they should realize that. But I was soon to learn that these creatures were very foolish in many of their actions and manners; they were to prove puzzling to me in more ways than one.
I waved my arms around, and presently they ceased their futile bombardment, but continued to fly around me.
I wished I could see what manner of beings flew these machines. They were continually landing and rising again from a wide level field below.
For several hours they buzzed all around while I became steadily smaller. Below me I could now see long ribbons of white that I guessed were roads. Along these roads crawled tiny vehicles, which soon became so numerous that all movement came to a standstill, so congested were they. In the fields a large part of the populace had gathered, and was being constantly augmented by others.
At last I was sufficiently small so that I could make out closer details, and I looked more intently at the beings who inhabited this world. My heart gave a quick leap then, for they somewhat resembled myself in structure. They were four-limbed and stood erect, their method of locomotion consisting of short jerky hops, very different from the smooth gliding movement of my own race. Their general features were somewhat different too—seemed grotesque to me—but the only main difference between them and myself was that their bodies were somewhat more columnar, roughly oval in shape and very thin, I would say almost frail.
Among the thousands gathered there were perhaps a score who seemed in authority. They rode upon the backs of clumsy looking, four-footed animals, and seemed to have difficulty in keeping the excited crowd under control. I, of course, was the center of their excitement; my presence seemed to have caused more consternation here than upon any other world.
Eventually a way was made through the crowd and one of the ponderous four-wheeled vehicles was brought along the road opposite to where I stood. I supposed they wanted me to enter the rough boxlike affair, so I did so, and was hauled with many bumps and jolts over the rough road toward the city I had seen to the left. I could have rebelled at this barbarous treatment, but I reflected that I was still very large and this was probably the only way they had of transporting me to wherever I was going.
It had become quite dark, and the city was aglow with thousands of lights. I was taken into a certain building, and at once many important looking persons came to observe me.
I have stated that my mind had become much more penetrative than ever before, so I was not surprised to learn that I could read many of the thoughts of these persons without much difficulty. I learned that these were scientists who had come here from other immediate cities as quickly as possible—most of them in the winged machines, which they called “planes”—when they had learned of my landing here. For many months they had been certain that I would land. They had observed me through their telescopes, and their period of waiting had been a speculative one. And I could now see that they were greatly puzzled, filled with much wonderment, and no more enlightenment about me than they had been possessed of before.
Though still very large, I was becoming surely smaller, and it was this aspect that puzzled them most, just as it had on all the other worlds. Secondly in their speculations was the matter of where I had come from.
Many were the theories that passed among them. Certain they were that I had come a far distance. Uranus? Neptune? Pluto? I learned that these were the names of the outmost planets of this system. No, they decided; I must have come a much farther distance than that. Perhaps from another far-away galaxy of this universe! Their minds were staggered at that thought. Yet how very far away they were from the truth.
They addressed me in their own language, and seemed to realize that it was futile. Although I understood everything they said and everything that was in their minds, they could not know that I did, for I could not answer them. Their minds seemed utterly closed to all my attempts at thought communication, so I gave it up.
They conversed then among themselves, and I could read the hopelessness in their minds. I could see, too, as they discussed me, that they looked upon me as being abhorrent, a monstrosity. And as I searched the recesses of their minds, I found many things.
I found that it was the inherent instinct of this race to look upon all unnatural occurrences and phenomena with suspicion and disbelief and prejudiced mind.
I found that they had great pride for their accomplishments in the way of scientific and inventive progress. Their astronomers had delved a short distance into outer space, but considered it a very great distance; and having failed to find signs of intelligent life upon any immediate sphere, they leaped blindly and fondly to the conclusion that their own species of life was the dominant one in this solar system and perhaps—it was a reluctant perhaps—in the entire universe.
Their conception of a universe was a puny one. True, at the present time there was extant a theory of an expanding universe, and in that theory at least they were correct, I knew, remembering the former world I had left—the swirling, expanding wisp of gaseous atmosphere of which this tiny blue sphere was an electron. Yes, their “expanding universe” theory was indeed correct. But very few of their thinkers went beyond their own immediate universe—went deeply enough to even remotely glimpse the vast truth.
They had vast cities, yes. I had seen many of them from my height as I towered above their world. A great civilization, I had thought then. But now I know that great cities do not make great civilizations. I am disappointed at what I have found here, and cannot even understand why I should be disappointed, for this blue sphere is nothing to me and soon I will be gone on my eternal journey downward . . . .
Many things I read in these scientists’ minds—things clear and concise, things dim and remote; but they would never know.
And then in the mind of one of the persons, I read an idea. He went away, and returned shortly with an apparatus consisting of wires, a headphone, and a flat revolving disc. He spoke into an instrument, a sort of amplifier. Then a few minutes later he touched a sharp pointed instrument to the rotating disc, and I heard the identical sounds reproduced which he had spoken. A very crude method, but effective in a certain way. They wanted to register my speech so that they would have at least something to work on when I had gone.
I tried to speak some of my old language into the instrument. I had thought I was beyond all surprises, but I was surprised at what happened. For nothing happened. I could not speak. Neither in the old familiar language I had known so long ago, nor in any kind of sound. I had communicated so entirely by thought transference on so many of the other worlds, that now my power of vocal utterance was gone.
They were disappointed. I was not sorry, for they could not have deciphered any language so utterly alien as mine was.
Then they resorted to the mathematics by which this universe and all universes are controlled; into which mathematical mold the eternal All was cast at the beginning and has moved errorlessly since. They produced a great chart which showed the conglomerated masses of this and other galaxies. Then upon a black panel set in the wall, was drawn a circle—understandable in any universe—and around it ten smaller circles. This was evidently their solar system, though I could not understand why they drew but ten circles when I had seen twelve planets from outer space. Then a tiny spot was designated on the chart, the position of this system in its particular galaxy. Then they handed the chart to me.
It was useless. Utterly impossible. How could I ever indicate my own universe, much less my galaxy and solar system, by such puny methods as these? How could I make them know that my own universe and planet were so infinitely large in the scheme of things that theirs were practically non-existent? How could I make them know that their universe was not outside my own, but on my planet?—superimposed in a block of metal on a laboratory table, in a grain of sand, in the atoms of glass in a microscopic slide, in a drop of water, in a blade of grass, in a bit of cold flame, in a thousand other variations of elements and substances all of which I had passed down into and beyond, and finally in a wisp of gas that was the cause of their “expanding universe.” Even could I have conversed with them in their own language I could not have made them grasp the vastness of all those substances existing on worlds each of which was but an electron of an atom in one of trillions upon trillions of molecules of an infinitely larger world! Such a conception would have shattered their minds.
It was very evident that they would never be able to establish communication with me even remotely, nor I with them; and I was becoming very impatient. I wanted to be out of the stifling building, out under the night sky, free and unhampered in the vast space which was my abode.
Upon seeing that I made no move to indicate on the chart which part of their puny universe I came from, the scientists around me again conversed among themselves; and this time I was amazed at the trend of their thoughts.
For the conclusion which they had reached was that I was some freak of outer space which had somehow wandered here, and that my place in the scale of evolution was too far below their own for them to establish ideas with me either by spoken language (of which they concluded I had none) or by signs (which I was apparently too barbaric to understand)!! This—this was their unanimous conclusion! This, because I had not uttered any language for them to record, and because the chart of their universe was utterly insignificant to me! Never did it occur to them that the opposite might be true—that I might converse with them but for the fact that their minds were too weak to register my thoughts!
Disgust was my reaction to these short-sighted conclusions of their unimaginable minds—disgust which gave way to an old emotion, that of anger.
And as that one impulsive, rising burst of anger flooded my mind, a strange thing happened:
Every one of the scientists before me dropped to the floor in a state of unconsciousness.
My mind had, indeed, become much more penetrative than ever before. No doubt my surge of anger had sent out intangible waves which had struck upon their centers of consciousness with sufficient force to render them insensible.
I was glad to be done with them. I left the four walls of the building, emerged into the glorious expansive night under the stars and set out along the street in a direction that I believed would lead me away from the city. I wanted to get away from it, away from this world and the people who inhabited it.
As I advanced along the streets all who saw me recognized me at once and most of them fled unreasonably for safety. A group of persons in one of the vehicles tried to bar my progress, but I exercised my power of anger upon them; they drooped senselessly and their vehicle crashed into a building and was demolished.
In a few minutes the city was behind me and I was striding down one of the roads, destination unknown; nor did it matter, except that now I was free and alone as it should be. I had but a few more hours on this world.
And then it was that the feeling came upon me again, the strange feeling that I had experienced twice before: once when I had selected the tiny orange sun from among the millions of others, and again when I had chosen this tiny blue planet. Now I felt it for a third time, more strongly than ever, and now I knew that this feeling had some very definite purpose for being. It was as though something, some power beyond question, drew me irresistibly to it; I could not resist, nor did I want to. This time it was very strong and very near.
Peering into the darkness along the road, I saw a light some distance ahead and to the left, and I knew that I must go to that light.
When I had come nearer I could see that it emanated from a house set far back in a grove of trees, and I approached it without hesitation. The night was warm, and a pair of double windows opened upon a well-lighted room. In this room was a man.
I stepped inside and stood motionless, not yet knowing why I should have been drawn there.
The man’s back was toward me. He was seated before a square dialed instrument, and seemed to be listening intently to some report coming from it. The sounds from the box were unintelligible to me, so I turned my attention to reading the man’s mind as he listened, and was not surprised to learn that the reports concerned myself.
“—casualties somewhat exaggerated, though the property damage has reached millions of dollars,” came the news from the box. “Cleveland was of course hardest hit, though not unexpectedly, astronomical computators having estimated with fair accuracy the radius of danger. The creature landed in Lake Erie only a few miles east of the city. At the contact the waters rose over the breakwater with a rush and inundated nearly one-third of the city before receding, and it was well that the greater part of the populace had heeded the advance warnings and fled . . . . all lake towns in the vicinity have reported heavy property damage, and cities as far east as Erie, and as far west as Toledo, have reported high flood waters . . . . all available Government combat planes were rushed to the scene in case the creature should show signs of hostility . . . . scientific men who have awaited the thing’s landing for months immediately chartered planes for Cleveland . . . . despite the elaborate cordons of police and militiamen, the crowds broke through and entered the area, and within an hour after the landing roads in every direction were congested with traffic . . . . for several hours scientists circled and examined the creature in planes, while its unbelievable shrinkage continued . . . . the only report we have from them is that, aside from the contour of its great bell-shaped torso, the creature is quite amazingly correct anatomically . . . . an unofficial statement from Dr. Hilton U. Cogsworthy of the Alleghany Biological Society, is to the effect that such a creature isn’t. That it cannot possibly exist. That the whole thing is the result of some kind of mass hypnotism on a gigantic scale. This, of course, in lieu of some reasonable explanation. . . . many persons would like to believe the ’mass hypnotism’ theory, and many always will; but those who have seen it and taken photographs of it from every angle know that it does exist and that its steady shrinking goes on . . . . Professor James L. Harvey of Miami University has suffered a stroke of temporary insanity and is under the care of physicians. The habitual curiosity seekers who flocked to the scene are apparently more hardened . . . . the latest report is that the creature, still very large, has been transported under heavy guard to the Cleveland Institute of Scientific Research, where is gathered every scientist of note east of the Mississippi . . . . stand by for further news flashes . . . . “
The voice from the box ceased, and as I continued to read the mind of the man whose back was toward me, I saw that he was deeply absorbed in the news he had heard. And the mind of this person was something of a puzzle to me. He was above the average intelligence of those on this world, and was possessed of a certain amount of fundamental scientific knowledge; but I could see immediately that his was not a scientifically trained mind. By profession he was a writer—one who recorded fictitious “happenings” in the written language, so that others might absorb and enjoy them.
And as I probed into his mind I was amazed at the depth of imagination there, a trait almost wholly lacking in those others I had encountered, the scientists. And I knew that at last here was one with whose mind I might contact . . . . here was one who was different from the others . . . . who went deeper . . . . who seemed on the very edge of the truth. Here was one who thought: “—this strange creature, which has landed here . . . . alien to anything we have ever known . . . . might it not be alien even to our universe? . . . . the strange shrinking . . . . from that phenomenon alone we might conclude that it has come an inconceivable distance . . . . its shrinking may have begun hundreds, thousands of years ago . . . . and if we could but communicate with it, before it passes from Earth forever, what strange things might it not tell us!”
The voice came from the box again, interrupting these thoughts in his mind.
“Attention! Flash! The report comes that the alien space-creature, which was taken to the Scientific Research Institute for observation by scientists, has escaped, after projecting a kind of invisible mind force which rendered unconscious all those within reach. The creature was reported seen by a number of persons, after it left the building. A police squad car was wrecked as a direct result of the creature’s “mind force,” and three policemen were injured, none seriously. It was last seen leaving the city by the north-east, and all persons are ordered to be on the lookout and to report immediately if it is sighted.”
Again the report from the box ceased, and again I probed into the man’s mind, this time deeper, hoping to establish a contact with it which would allow for thought-communication.
I must have at least aroused some hidden mind-instinct, for he whirled to face me, overturning his chair. Surprise was on his face, and something in his eyes that must have been fear.
"Do not be alarmed," I flashed. "Be seated again."
I could see that his mind had not received my thought. But he must have known from my manner that I meant no harm, for he resumed his seat. I advanced further into the room, standing before him. The fear had gone out of his eyes and he only sat tensely staring at me, his hands gripping the arms of the chair.
"I know that you would like to learn things about myself," I telepathed; "things which those others—your scientists—would have liked to know."
Reading his mind I could see that he had not received the thought, so I probed even deeper and again flashed the same thought. This time he did receive it, and there was an answering light in his eyes.
He said “Yes,” aloud.
"Those others, your scientists," I went on, "would never have believed nor even understood my story, even if their minds were of the type to receive my thoughts, which they are not."
He received and comprehended that thought, too, but I could see that this was a great strain on his mind and could not go on for long.
"Yours is the only mind I have encountered here with which I could establish thought," I continued, "but even now it is becoming weakened under the unaccustomed strain. I wish to leave my record and story with you, but it cannot be by this means. I can put your mind under a hypnotic influence and impress my thoughts upon your subconscious mind, if you have some means of recording them. But you must hurry; I have only a few more hours here at the most, and in your entire lifetime it would be impossible for you to record all that I could tell."
I could read doubt in his mind. But only for one instant did he hesitate. Then he rose and went to a table where there was a pile of smooth white paper and a sharp pointed instrument—pen—for recording my thoughts in words of his own language.
"I am ready," was the thought in his mind.
So I have told my story. Why? I do not know, except that I wanted to. Of all the universes I have passed into, only on this blue sphere have I found creatures even remotely resembling myself. And they are a disappointment; and now I know that I shall never find others of my kind. Never, unless—
I have a theory. Where is the beginning or the end of the eternal All I have been traversing? Suppose there is none? Suppose that, after traversing a few more atomic cycles, I should enter a universe which seemed somehow familiar to me; and that I should enter a certain familiar galaxy, and approach a certain sun, a certain planet—and find that I was back where I started from so long ago: back on my own planet, where I should find the Professor in the laboratory still receiving my sound and sight impressions!! An insane theory; an impossible one. It shall never be.
Well, then, suppose that after leaving this sphere—after descending into another atomic universe—I should choose not to alight on any planet? Suppose I should remain in empty space, my size constantly diminishing? That would be one way of ending it all, I suppose. Or would it? Is not my body matter, and is not matter infinite, limitless, eternal? How then could I ever reach a “nothingness?” It is hopeless. I am eternal. My mind too must be eternal or it would surely have snapped long ago at such concepts.
I am so very small that my mind is losing contact with the mind of him who sits here before me writing these thoughts in words of his own language, though his mind is under the hypnotic spell of my own and he is oblivious to the words he writes. I have clambered upon the top of the table beside the pile of pages he has written, to bring my mind closer to his. But why should I want to continue the thought-contact for another instant? My story is finished, there is nothing more to tell.
I shall never find others of my kind . . . I am alone . . . . I think that soon, in some manner, I shall try to put an end to it . . . .
I am very small now . . . . the hypnosis is passing from his mind . . . . I can no longer control it . . . . the thought-contact is slipping . . . .
National Press-Radio Service, Sept. 29, 1937 (through Cleveland Daily Clarion) :—Exactly one year ago today was a day never to be forgotten in the history of this planet. On that day a strange visitor arrived—and departed.
On September 29, 1936, at 3:31 P.M., that thing from outer space known henceforth only as “The Alien” landed in Lake Erie near Cleveland, causing not so much destruction and terror as great bewilderment and awe, scientists being baffled in their attempts to determine whence it came and the secret of its strange steady shrinking.
Now, on the anniversary of that memorable day, we are presenting to the public a most unusual and interesting document purported to be a true account and history of that strange being, The Alien. This document was presented to us only a few days ago by Stanton Cobb Lentz, renowned author of “The Answer to the Ages” and other serious books, as well as of scores of short stories and books of the widely popular type of literature known as science-fiction.
You have read the above document. While our opinion as to its authenticity is frankly skeptical, we shall print Mr. Lentz’s comment and let you, the reader, judge for yourself whether the story was related to Mr. Lentz by The Alien in the manner described, or whether it is only a product of Mr. Lentz’s most fertile imagination.
“On the afternoon of September 29 a year ago,” states Mr. Lentz, “I fled the city as did many others, heeding the warning of a possible tidal wave, should The Alien land in the lake. Thousands of persons had gathered five or six miles to the south, and from there we watched the huge shape overhead, so expansive that it blotted out the sunlight and plunged that section of the country into a partial eclipse. It seemed to draw nearer by slow degrees until, about 3:30 o’clock, it began its downward rush. The sound of contact as it struck the lake was audible for miles, but it was not until later that we learned the extent of the flood. After the landing all was confusion and excitement as combat planes arrived and very foolishly began to bombard the creature and crowds began to advance upon the scene. The entire countryside being in such crowded turmoil, it took me several difficult hours to return to my home. There I listened to the varied reports of the happenings of the past several hours.
“When I had that strange feeling that someone was behind me, and when I whirled to see The Alien standing there in the room, I do not presume to say that I was not scared. I was. I was very much scared. I had seen The Alien when it was five or six hundred feet tall —but that had been from afar. Now it was only ten or eleven feet tall, but was standing right before me. But my scaredness was only momentary, for something seemed to enter and calm my mind.
“Then, although there was no audible sound, I became aware of the thought: ’I know that you would like to learn things about myself, things which those others—your scientists—would have liked to know.’
“This was mental telepathy! I had often used the theory in my stories, but never had I dreamed that I would experience such a medium of thought in real fact. But here it was.
” ’Those others, your scientists,’ came the next thought, ’would never have believed nor even understood my story, even if their minds were of the type to receive my thoughts, which they are not.’ And then I began to feel a strain upon my mind, and knew that I could not stand much more of it.
“Then came the thought that he would relate his story through my sub-conscious mind if I had some means of recording it in my own language. For an instant I hesitated; and then I realized that time was fleeing and never again would I have such an opportunity as this. I went to my desk, where only that morning I had been working on a manuscript. There was paper and ink in plenty.
“My last impression was of some force seeming to spread over my mind; then a terrific dizziness, and the ceiling seemed to crash upon me.
“No time at all had seemed to elapse, when my mind regained its normal faculties; but before me on the desk was a pile of manuscript paper closely written in my own longhand. And—what many persons will find it hard to believe—standing upon that pile of written paper upon my desk top, was The Alien—now scarcely two inches in height—and steadily and surely diminishing! In utter fascination I watched the transformation that was taking place before my eyes—watched until The Alien had become entirely invisible, had descended down into the topmost sheet of paper there on my desk . . . .
“Now I realize that the foregoing document and my explanation of it will be received in many ways. I have waited a full year before making it public. Accept it now as fiction if you wish. There may be some few who will see the truth of it, or at least the possibility; but the vast majority will leap at once to the conclusion that the whole thing is a concoction of my own imagination; that, taking advantage of The Alien’s landing on this planet, I wrote the story to fit the occasion, very appropriately using The Alien as the main theme. To many this will seem all the more to be true, in face of the fact that in most of my science-fiction stories I have poked ridicule and derision and satire at mankind and all its high vaunted science and civilization and achievements—always more or less with my tongue in my cheek however, as the expression has it. And then along comes this Alien, takes a look at us and concludes that he is very disappointed, not to mention disgusted. “However, I wish to present a few facts to help substantiate the authenticity of the script. Firstly: for some time after awakening from my hypnosis I was beset by a curious dizziness, though my mind was quite clear. Shortly after The Alien had disappeared I called my physician, Dr. C. M. Rollins. After an examination and a few mental tests he was greatly puzzled. He could not diagnose my case; my dizziness was the after effect of a hypnosis of a type he had never before encountered. I offered no explanation except to say that I had not been feeling well for the past several days.
“Secondly: the muscles of my right hand were so cramped from the long period of steady writing that I could not open my fingers. As an explanation I said that I had been writing for hours on the final chapters of my latest book, and Dr. Rollins said: ’Man, you must be crazy.’ The process of relaxing the muscles was painful. “Upon my request Dr. Rollins will vouch for the truth of the above statements.
“Thirdly: when I read the manuscript the writing was easily recognizable as my own free, swinging longhand up to the last few paragraphs, when the writing became shaky, the last few words terminating in an almost undecipherable scrawl as the Alien’s contact with my mind slipped away.
“Fourthly: I presented the manuscript to Mr. Howard A. Byerson, fiction editor of the National Newspaper Syndicate Service, and at once he misunderstood the entire idea. ’I have read your story, Mr. Lentz,’ he said a few days later, ’and it certainly comes at an appropriate time, right on the anniversary of The Alien’s landing. A neat idea about the origin of The Alien, but a bit farfetched. Now, let’s see, about the price; of course we shall syndicate your story through our National Newspaper chain, and—’
” ’You have the wrong idea,’ I said. ’It is not a story, but a true history of The Alien as related to me by The Alien, and I wish that fact emphasized; if necessary I will write a letter of explanation to be published with the manuscript. And I am not selling you the publication rights, I am merely giving you the document as the quickest and surest way of presenting it to the public.’
” ’But surely you are not serious? An appropriate story by Stanton Cobb Lentz, on the eve of the anniversary of The Alien’s landing, is a scoop; and you—’
” ’I do not ask and will not take a cent for the document,’ I said;
‘you have it now, it is yours, so do with it as you see fit.’
“A memory that will live with me always is the sight of The Alien as last seen by me—as last seen on this earth—as it disappeared into infinite smallness there upon my desk—waving two arms upward as if in farewell . .
“And whether the above true account and history of The Alien be received as such, or as fiction, there can be no doubt that on a not far off September, a thing from some infinite sphere above landed on this earth—and departed.”
The End
Fictional Story Related Index
This is an index of full text reprints of stories that I have
read that influenced me when I was young. They are rather difficult to
come by today, as where I live they are nearly impossible to find. Yes,
you can find them on the internet, behind paywalls. Ah, that’s why all
those software engineers in California make all that money. Well, here
they are FOR FREE. Enjoy reading them.
Movies that Inspired Me
Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
My Poetry
Art that Moves Me
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Well, it’s been (almost) three solid years into the Donald Trump Presidency and not one treasonous criminal action has been punished. Not one. ZERO. Zilch. Na-da.
Take for example when Hillary Clinton literally laughed out loud at a question about her email investigation — had to wipe her eyes, she laughed so hard. She laughed at us, at America, for being so clueless as to think she’d ever answer to our laws.
And she’s still laughing, because she’s right: she’s untouchable. The consensus is that even though we know that the first email investigation was rigged by the FBI to clear Hillary, no one will reopen the case.
-Cold Fury at hold your breath.
Nope. All we (the people) have are promises. Promises that someday, at some time, all the 5d machinations of the DOJ will “get to the bottom” of things. They’re “experts” don’t ya know. Don’t ya know.
You know, like all those promises that the government has given us year, after year. Year after year. Promising to make changes. Promising to fix potholes. Promising to do things. But doing nothing.
Same old. Same old.
Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger.
His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.
Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.
Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?
My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.
-Michael Goodwin
Meanwhile, those who have committed the most blatant abuses of their offices in the history of the world, are walking free in their mansions, and enjoying the “good life”. They are still on the media networks. They are still cavorting with “our betters”. They are still eating expensive steaks and drinking high-end Chardonnay. They are still cavorting with the rich and famous. They are still behaving like they always have.
They are rubbing their privilege in our faces.
Real privilege is begin able to avoid getting arrested when you break laws. Real privilege is knowing that you are immune from the Justice system, and that you can do what ever you want in life and no one will lift a finger against you.
Real privilege is killing a threat in public. While in Federal custody, and having all the guards asleep, the cameras turned off, and the documents erased.
Real privilege is doing it blatantly, in an "in your face" assault, with zero consequences.
The pure audacity and brazenness of these crimes are mind blowing and staggering in their audaciousness.
They are doing so because they know there isn’t a FU@KING THING that we can do about it. We are powerless, and our illustrious president; Donald Trump is actually powerless to stop them.
Real privilege is operating in the open, in public, where everyone knows that you have this privilege.
Full of hot air.
Every day, it seems more and more likely that Donald Trump is just a clown to entertain us "normal's" with the hope for change, when in all actuality, nothing substantive is getting resolved.
I give you my word!
Now, do not misunderstand.
Oh, for certain, he has done some good works. Yes he has. Yes, he is miles ahead of any other Republican President, including Ronald Reagan.
It’s all fun and games. The expression on all those “Holier than thou” smug (in your face) progressive Marxists is precious. And, yes, I do enjoy sitting down with a big bowl of popcorn and watch their heads explode.
But Trump is NOT doing the dirty and nasty work that he needs to do…
Getting us out of the eight wars (x8) that we are currently fighting. There is no reason at all for us to be fighting and dying in Yemen. None.
Elimination of those progressively-armed Federal Agencies; IRS, ATF, FDA, EPA, and for certain FBI and the DOJ. They are now armed military forces with their own law-making branches, their own judicial branches, and their own processes. All of which lie OUTSIDE our elected Congressional representatives. They police, and enforce, the two-tiered justice system.
Arresting and trials, with death sentences for treasonous activity…
It’s a treasonous bunch for certain, but nothing is getting done.
It appears, by all substantive measure, that AG Barr is just as ineffective as AG Sessions was. "Ineffective" is a polite word for "corrupt".
Ah. The Progressive globalist oligarch cabal.
Their crimes vary from committing outright treason, stealing and embezzling millions (if not billions) of dollars, and cover-ups at an extraordinary scale. All these people should have been left hanging from a scaffolding with back hoods over their heads.
Yet nothing has happened.
As much as I admire Trump for taking on the wild beast that the United States has become, the fact remains that serious action MUST occur to slay the lawless oligarchy that rules our nation. Unless that is taken cared of, everything will subside and revert back to the gallop of rampant progressive Marxism.
Our patience has worn thin. We are no longer the hopeful, wide eyed people we once were. We can see the evil straight up. We know the score, and no media spin, or RINO-conservative article is going to change our assessment.
Comey got the last laugh. He is above the law. He earned that by keeping the Clintons above the law.
- From Don Surber
How about greed for personal gain. How about treason for personal gain. How about murder for personal gain. How about coverup for personal gain.
One quibble: I met Randy Weaver at a Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot one year, and spent about an hour hanging out and casually conversing with him. At NO point did he strike me as an “outspoken white separatist”; white separatist he may have been, which is not a crime (yet).
But he wasn’t an “outspoken” anything at all. He was instead very quiet and humble—almost diffident, really. The one thing that stood out most about him was how deeply he was still haunted by FBI scumwad Horiuchi’s wanton, vicious murder of his entire family.
Weaver’s grief over their execution by federal death-squad was still as raw and agonizing as if it had been fresh, several years after his own despotic government inflicted it on him.
I hadn’t known of Barr’s sordid history before, but it does clearly establish one thing: the very idea of him ever ensuring justice against Deep State coup d’état plotters is no better than wholly ludicrous.
That Barr would defend such an outrage against all decency and humanity as the FUSA government’s murder of unarmed and innocent civilians at Ruby Ridge—a youth shot in the back as he fled the monstrous agents of a monstrous tyranny; his dog killed for no purpose other than to terrorize him; his mother sniped from hiding as she committed the heinous crime of standing in the doorway of her own home with her infant child in her arms—puts paid to that nonsense.
-Cold Fury. Put no faith in the stalwart AG Barr. He's a deep swamp plant.
They should have been arrested, incarcerated, and hung until dead. That didn’t happen, and now it seems that Barr is just another Sessions. It’s all a dog-and-pony show,
This "investigation" into the treason of the Deep State is proving to be the equivalent of a 25-month pregnancy, and counting.
- From Col. B. Bunny at Liberty's Torch
It’s all a fraud
One of the features of the current year is the regular reminder that western style democracy is a complete fraud. According to the political class, democracy allows for public policy to reflect the will of the people. The parties put forward candidates offering various policy proposals and the public signals their preferences by voting for one or the other candidates. The winners then set about trying to implement the policies they proposed. That’s how we’re told representative democracy works.
In reality, nothing like this happens. Instead, the parties put on a show for the voters, rarely intending to actually do what they claim. Instead, they manufacture differences between one another, so they can pretend the choice before the voters is stark. Once the election is over, the politicians go back to living their lives of leisure, waiting for instructions from the people who actually run things. The politicians are like robot actors, brought out for elections, then put back in storage.
The obvious example of this is the most recent American presidential election in which Donald Trump scored a stunning upset on the promise to reduce immigration, crackdown in illegal immigration and address the gross inequality resulting from globalization. So far, none of that has been done. Instead, he spent most of his presidency fighting a seditious coup to get him out of office. In fact, Trump’s three years are pretty much what Jeb Bush promised when he was running in the 2016 primary.
-The Z man Blog
Russian oligarchy prior to the 1916 October revolution. Most, if not all, of the people in this photograph were killed, or fled the country to safe havens elsewhere.
know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be
collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men
will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated
area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a
bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.
Well, were the criminals arrested?
But, that didn’t happen did it? Nope. Instead what did we get? We got a media onslaught of a “Russian Narrative”. We got trade wars that increased the prices of our purchases, and we got a promise with more wars “down the pipe”. The latest being with Iran.
Meanwhile in America, in the “heartland”, we are arrested and incarcerated for the slightest offense. It’s really sad and alarming to the most wide-eyed believer.
This is what is called a “two-tied” ,”unequal“, or “Medieval” Justice system. Hell would freeze over before the likes of Louis Learner would be arrested for anything resembling jaywalking.
The Joke Police are looking to strip Dave Chappelle of his speech rights, which once again proves we are coming to a decision point in this country. That’s what this whole godforsaken Woke Crusade boils down to — a choice, and the choice is this: Are we going to allow ourselves to become second class citizens in our own country? Are we going to allow far-left activists and their allies in the media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood to bully us into creating a two-tiered class system?
- Great little slice of outrage from John Nolte.
Two-tiered Justice System.
Heck! Hillary Clinton could be filmed stabbing an illegal migrant to death in the town square with hundreds of onlookers, and the news media would report that Donald Trump did it.
What we get is “bread crumbs”. A monthly feed of hope…
But, people… Hope is not actionable by itself.
People, a two tiered justice system is not sustainable.
Two Tiered Justice
If you have one set of laws for the members of the government and another set for everyone else, you are not being governed, you are being ruled.
- SteveF, comment at Daily Pundit, via Cold Fury
And this quote…
“How do I recognize that the SHTF is very close?”
One of as closest answers possible to give there is this: “You know it is close when people stop worrying about repercussions (punishment from the law and the system).”
-Organic Prepper
Yeah, and this…
Then as now, the pleasant skin of “Yay, democracy!” has been sloughed off to reveal the naked sinews of power and wealth and violence beneath. There’s no crisis like there was in 2008. The world isn’t ending like it was in 2008. But I’m telling you that it feels the same to me.
They’re. Not. Even. Pretending. Anymore.
-Epsilon Theory
Give him some time…
The conservative argument is always “give it some time”. “It’s a big mess and Donald Trump is only one lone man.”
Yes. I get that.
But we don’t have all day. We do not have an unlimited amount of time. We have THIS window. Maybe another four years. Maybe…
Yes, there are things that need to be put into place. I get that…
Prerequisites for draining the swamp.
The thing is that there just isn’t a lot of time.
There really isn’t.
You either do things NOW, or accept the fact that they will never get done.
Don’t believe me? Well then do some comparisons…
Obama implementation of ACA ObamaCARE … months.
Obama giving 7 billion dollars to South Africa … weeks.
Wilson in the formation of the Federal Reserve … months.
Arrest, trial, sentencing and execution for Lincoln’s death … months.
Arrest, trial, sentencing for contemporaneous treason … years
Don’t you all see that there is something seriously wrong here? Don’t you see that time IS AN ISSUE?
Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it is raining.
Lewis Powell Payne 2. A UNIQUE INSIGHT into the Civil War Confederates has been brought to light in the form of rare photographs that have been enriched with colour. The authentically colourised pictures depict the tragic circumstances of the war with two dead men lying on the ground in Maryland, USA; a confederate buried and a federal unburied. Other photos include a portrait of American confederate soldier and commander of the Confederates States of America, Robert Edward Lee, and Lewis Powell Payne, who conspired with John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, leaning against a wall. Further images expose the aftermath of the war with a confederate soldier in Petersburg, Virginia, lying lifelessly on the ground with blood on his face. The vintage photographs were carefully colourised by CEO, Mads Madsen (23), from Horsens, Denmark, who spent between 12 to 14 hours to colourise the pictures of the dead men at Dunker Church and Antietam alone. Mads Madsen / mediadrumworld.com
Yeah. Meanwhile, it’s the same old. Same old.
It’s nearing the next election cycle. They know how to predict our behavior. They know how to manipulate us. They know what buttons to push.
They are following the same old tired formula. They are expecting us to react in the same old tired manner.
Who cares what conservatives do, say, or think anymore? They didn't conserve America. They didn't conserve the ladies room. They couldn't even conserve the two human sexes!
- Vox Day at Vox Popoli
They are expecting to move us “normals” to pull the lever to whomever they want us to.
You know strike at the curtain, not at the man behind the curtain. Fight and get all worked up with the political hot-button items of the day. From “Red Flag” laws, to “global warming”, to LGBT bathrooms.
Vote to make a difference.
No one, of course, no one is talking about the REAL issues.
That is the sustainability of an oligarchy under the guise of a democracy / partial republic. No one is talking about this. For they, the Kingly rulers, believe that they have sufficiently dumbed down the populace to a point where we are unaware of their crimes and their manipulations.
They are chomping at the bit, as all this has been in the works for a century at least and it is just about ready for fruition. All they need is to disarm a large enough segment of the population. If they can’t do it overtly, they will do it covertly though “red flag” laws, and when that happens, it will just be a matter of months before they can exert full dictatorial control.
As if they don't have it already.
People, if you can get arrested in your own yard for making and selling lemonade, you ARE living in a dictatorship. If you have to pee in a cup to get a job, you are living in a dictatorship. If you need to undress to your underwear to board a plane, take a train, or travel you are living in a dictatorship.
It’s just a matter of months.
Elections provide the illusion of control.
However, every study conducted on this issue has proven that the issues that matter to the voting public are not what the fellows in Washington DC promote. They have a totally different agenda.
Americans in America today. Many on drugs. Many unemployed or underemployed. Many getting their information from questionable sources.
It is a globalist agenda and they follow the money path and directions from the global oligarchy.
Today, we are fighting PROXY wars in the Middle East. Not because mainstream Americans demand that we fight Yemen to protect our "interests", but rather because it is what the donors to our political class desire.
Sometimes, in a once in a century event, a candidate will be elected (like Donald Trump) that will try to do the “right thing”, and who will make the hard and the difficult choices.
But, what if all the people that he has to work with are corrupt? What if they do not answer to their constituents simply because they are not beholding to them. What if they don’t need to try?
What then?
Broken electoral system.
Knowledge is power
It should be clear enough for everyone that the “Deep State” is far larger and far more powerful than any citizen voted initiative, even when it is the President of the United States. There is nothing that we can do about it. We can only react to it. There are three options.
Except accept our fate, fight back, or flee.
We crossed the Rubicon.
We must now accept our fate. As well as how it will develop in the next few years, or…
We need to jump ship. Escape while it is still possible. Just like the multimillionaire software oligarchs are doing. Or…
We need to fight and take back what is ours.
Face the facts. Face it. Our nation is a full-on oligarchy, run like the most evil and corrupt mob organization ever conceived.
Meanwhile, us citizens are treated like dirt. We are the money-cows that have zero rights and are ear-marked for the gulag as soon as a Progressive Democrat gets control of the armed forces. You know this is true, or do I need to provide links and data to convince you all?
They have already nullified key sections of the Bill of Rights. Since when can any Congress make any law infringing upon any of the Rights within the Bill of Rights? Or, do you think that everything will magically reverse and go away?
Read this letter…
They have already nullified key sections of the Bill of Rights. Since when can any Congress make any law infringing upon any of the Rights within the Bill of Rights? Or, do you think that everything will magically reverse and go away? Negating the Bill of Rights.
Be Sensible
Here is my attempt to talk you, the reader, out of dangerous violent action.
Most conservatives are sitting tight and looking around trying to see what other conservatives are doing. Then, they plan to take action themselves. No one wants to make the first move. They are waiting on the mainstream American news media to somehow report on other traditional conservatives taking action…
The thing is that the American mainstream media controls information dissemination.
American mainstream media controls information dissemination.
There is no way to know positively if other conservatives are taking hard action. Thus, as a result you risk becoming the lone “gun man” who is disturbing the tranquility of “our republic”.
Listen to me.
War is ugly.
People die. Including you, your friends, your family and your loved ones.
It should be avoided at all costs.
People get tortured, and sadness abounds.
Dying ain’t much of a living.
If you are truly unhappy with the way things are today, then leave the United States.
If you are unhappy, but do not want to hurt anyone, just lie low and hunker down. Go with the flow. Do what everyone else is doing. Accept things as they are, and hope that your children will turn things around.
Violence is a last resort item that will probably get YOU KILLED. Heed my words.
Let’s take a breather and look at our options. There are three, and only three options.
[1] – Protect your own.
Option one. You can, if you wish, to accept servitude and slavery. There is no shame in that. As the saying goes in North Korea…
"It's better to be miserable than dead."
That’s fine. I’m sure that is your deep desire. Let it all blow over, and some day everything will change. Most (so called) Conservatives will accept this reality. My guess is that 94% will.
Pretend that some day it will all go away.
Think about other things. Think about your family. Think about your career. Think about your favorite sport team.
It was the summer of 1996, early June, and I was teaching a course at Simmons College in Boston to make some extra dough. Jennifer was clerking for a lawfirm down in Dallas, pregnant with our first child.
My dad called. He and my mom were in London, where they had rented a small flat for a month. Did I want to come over and stay for a few days?
As it happened, I had five days free, perfect for a long weekend trip. I walked down to a cheapo travel agency on Boylston (yes, a physical travel agency), and found a ticket for $600 or thereabouts.
Seemed like a lot. I could have afforded it, by which I mean there was room on my credit card to buy it, not that I could really afford it. $600 was a lot of money to me.
That said, I hadn’t seen my parents since Christmas, and my dad sounded so … happy. This was a special trip for them, a chance to LIVE in a city that my father LOVED, and this was my chance to share it with them. But $600. I dunno.
I called my father and told him that I just couldn’t swing it. He understood. He was a very practical guy. The call lasted all of 20 seconds. You know, international long distance being so expensive and all.
I never saw my father again. He died a few weeks after he and my mother got home.
You must make the choices in life that mean a lot to you.
My cat taught me this trick; “Life is hard. Then you nap.”
Up until now, this has been the status quo for most of America and most certainly for most Conservatives, and “normals”. We have accepted our lot. We don’t like it, but we accept it.
We pay our taxes.
We don’t protest when the government is out of control.
We accept the fact that we must undress to travel.
We shrug off the latest restrictions on our freedom.
We have adapted to the chains around our wrists, and the shackles on our legs.
The spunk is beaten out of us.
This is true though many do not want to admit it. Listen up! Here is the harsh truth…
Let me tell you that it’s only going to get worse. It’s going to get a whole lot worse. But maybe you can survive. Ride the waves, so to speak.
There are a lot of sick and perverse people around us. We are simply not seeing them. They are waiting for the SHTF.
- Selco at Organic Prepper
Ride the waves.
Accept your place in the world.
American mainstream media telling us “normals” what they fully intend to do with us once they reacquire the reins of power.
This is what the United States government wants you to do.
It is what the progressive liberals want you to do.
This is what the American mainstream media wants you to do.
This is what the “deep state” wants you to do.
This is what the “swamp in Washington DC” wants you to do.
This is also probably what your friends and family want you to do as well. It’s a female trait; safety over freedom. Even if that safety is probably going to be short lived.
Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin appeared on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Sunday and said that not only does Trump have to lose in 2020, but there must be a purging of "survivors" who still support the commander-in-chief.
"It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose," she said. "We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party."
"We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again."
- Nick Givas at Fox News, about the 2020 national election
Your freedom, if you wait, will be short lived.
Progressive Marxist plans for when they obtain the reins of power. Only this time, it will be forever.
Option two. Alternatively, you can do what I did. Leave. My guess that a small minority will join me, but you all had best consider this option. Time is fleeting and the window of opportunity is closing.
It’s not a comfortable option. You must discard most of your belongings. Move away from all you know and love. Lose your support network, your friends and your family.
You will need to embrace a new place, a new culture, a new society and a new way of doing things and living life. You might need to learn a new language, take up a new occupation, and live at a standard of life that you are not accustomed to. Are you up to it?
That’s right. You can leave.
Leave America.
Doug Casey quote.
It’s no longer my business who gets rich and who suffers in the USA. It’s one big enormous cluster f@ck and I want no part of it. Not at all. I really do not want to get embroiled in any kind of spitting match between progressive and traditional nationalists.
When you get older in life, you learn that there are some things worth fighting for, and other things that are important to you. You learn to pick and choose your battles selectively. You know what is important, and what hasn’t a hope in Hell in occurring.
So you make decisions based on YOUR own personal circumstances.
In my case, for me, it’s one of moving to a freer nation. One where I can live life on my very own terms. And let others battle the mess that the United States is today.
Maybe I cannot get a bagel or an authentic NY Style slice of pizza, but I sure can get other things just as wonderful.
For those of you who would prefer to live to a grand old age, and have no desire to observe blood spilled, I would advise you to leave America. I would advise you all taking some immediate actions to secure a safe-haven and protect you and yours from the encroaching darkness.
Life is far too short to get killed, watch your family suffer through hardship or endure a life crippled.
Do what I did, and flee.
Spicoli telling it like it is. Wars and strife are for younger idealistic mean to deal with. Old grizzly coots like myself would rather stay far from all the strife and life the rest of our life in peace. While it is impossible to find the best island to hide upon, we can make reasonable choices and hunker down for the protracted shit-storm that is about to be unleashed.
That's what many Jews did in the 1930's when Hitler rose to power. Some made it to the USA, but only a few. Some made it to Shanghai, and there they huddled in their enclaves while the war waged around them. While others went next door to Poland. But that didn't help them at all.
Call me a coward, if you will.
While the USA goes through the “big reset”, I will be out here, minding my own business. I will not need to fight, or witness atrocities. And I will be safe.
The days of the United States fighting a three or four year long war are long over. Today, the United States fights long-duration decade-long wars that never end.
Instead of the second American Civil War (CWII) being over in a short period of time (like the first American Civil War), it might be prolonged for decades.
Decades, or even longer. Maybe something resembling the Palestine vs. Israel conflict. The "forever" war.
Are you willing to permit you and your family to endure that?
Instead, I will be surrounded by people who will not be affected by anything going on in the USA. Just like youse guys aren’t affected by anything going on in Lusaka, Zambia. Just like your family is not affected by what is going on in Spain right now. Or Singapore. Or Taipei.
When you live in another nation, it’s a different world, and I’m doing just fine, thank you.
Outside of the USA, everything is just fine.
Call me what ever names you want. I just do not want to be either a slave or embroiled in the SHTF CWII, Fourth Turning that is gathering momentum in America today.
And, make no mistake, it is gathering momentum.
While I had hope that the election of Donald Trump would reverse and undo the damage of progressive Marxism, he has not.
He has failed.
Hey! Instead of tweeting about buying Greenland, how about shutting down the ATF, or at least downsizing it... severely.
Outside the United States, everything is just fine.
Yes. Donald Trump.
He’s done some nice things, and he’s a hoot to listen to, but he’s not doing the real hard and uncomfortable things that need to be tasked.
It's as if the United States is a big car wreck. With broken windows, flat tires, a fire in the engine, with wounded and dying people inside. And Donald Trump, is well, washing the rear view mirror instead of tending to the damage and the destruction that urgently needs his attention.
A great example of that is former AG Jeff Sessions and his war on medical marijuana instead of prosecuting for treason. It's the same thing. Just different personalities.
Donald Trump has failed to reverse the century of Progressive ideology and oligarchy control. He has not undone the mistakes of Wilson, and FDR. Nor has he taken affirmative action to restore liberty crashed by Bush, Clinton and Obama. America is just treading water.
Realize that, and take appropriate action.
[3] – Go on the offensive.
Option three. The “into the black” option.
I’m not moping around waiting to die. I’m not lazing around eating bonbons. The present is for DOING. The present is FLEETING. I’ve got something to SAY before I go. I’ve got a future to SECURE for my children, because in them I can still see future’s promise and not just future’s threat.
-Epsilon Theory
Do not misunderstand. Just because I am quiet and kind, does not mean that I am incapable of being entirely and dangerously violent.
It is natural to fight for freedom and liberty. That being said, it is ugly, ugly business and should only be undertaken as a last resort. You should not go about it cavalierly. You need to plan and strike with maximum effectiveness at the root causes, the generals and the masterminds of those who are sealing your freedom.
You can, if you wish to stay, go on the offensive and fight back. (As the saying goes; Be a man gosh-darn it!) Though, you must realize that you are taking a big and dangerous risk. Be careful.
The Stoner 63. This was exactly the kinds of weapons that the founders intended the people to arm themselves with. Not single-shot .22 round BB pellets.
You are only a single person and the problems going on in America are far to large and deep for a single person to handle. You know this, right?
However, regionally, YOU can make a difference.
Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don’t you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can’t think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you’re supposed to read? Do you think everything you’re supposed to think? Buy what you’re told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you’re alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.
- Chuck Palahniuk, “Fight Club” (1996)
Regionally… locally… YOU can make a difference.
Contrary to the Mainstream media narrative, conservatives, and traditional patriots do not strike out at innocents. We are not progressives who want to shoot up a elementary school, run down people on a sidewalk, or shoot up a Walmart. Nope.
We only fight as a last resort.
However, when we fight, we aim at the target, and we do our best to hit that target. And we do not care how we do it.
You will know when real conservatives are taking action. It won’t be a school full of innocents shot up. No. It will be a counsel member, a congressman, or a labor leader strung up and lynched. It could be a university professor, a member of the mainstream media management, or a software mogul.
We study. We prepare. We plan. Then, we hit where it matters the most. When playing chess, we go after the King and The Queen. We don’t bother with the pawns.
We go after leadership.
Make sure that your entire family is properly trained in the use of firearms.
The progressive liberal cabal, and their RINO enablers, treat Americans as animals. Like cattle and that they can ratchet up the intensity of their progressive agenda slowly without worry of a backlash. They view this entire matter; the adjustment towards progressive Marxism as a giant rheostat.
However traditional conservatives do not look at things that way. We look at it as an on/off switch. We are petrified that it might go to on. But if it does, we will NOT have any mercy. It will be a real bloody nightmare.
The conservative populace will target the progressive leadership in precise surgical attacks. Avoid the innocent. Hit those singular individuals that run the oligarchy in your region. Do not waste your time on the little guys. Target those in charge. Then go down the list and hit their enablers.
Ai! And it’s certainly a target-rich environment.
Target Rich environment.
Operational Zone
In the map below you can easily identify where you live and what social-geographic region that you inhabit. That is your operational zone.
Select your operational zone.
Compile a target list.
Plan each one thoroughly.
America’s cultural enclaves. America is not a homogeneous society. It is a collection of social-economic regions. America’s cultural enclaves. (Image Source)
You need to [1] identify the progressives that live within that area, you need to [2] identify the enclaves of the wealthy and [3] their points of egress, such as small regional airports. You need to identify [4] bridges and [5] choke-points and [6] you need to target those enemies of Liberty…
The Marxist cabal.
Operational Plans
Go after the key and central figures that are running the Marxist plan and take them down. (One George Soros is equivalent to 10,000 social justice warriors. ) Do not waste your time on the enablers, and the vast bulk of society. Do not hurt innocents, or the misinformed. Protect where possible, but stick to your mission parameters.
A word of caution.
If this is your preferred avenue of approach, and I have been unable to talk you out of it, then take the necessary precautions.
1. Go "X-ray" leading up to any action. Zero internet. Zero cell phone. Zero electronics. Communicate face to face or not at all. There is an over-reliance on electronic communication monitoring systems. In war, you go full X-ray.
2. Tell no one what your plans are. No one. Not even your dog. Missions are secret, for a reason.
3. Leave no records, or justification of your actions. They should speak for themselves. You do not need to hope for death and leave some kind of manifesto to prove yourself. You are not some ego deprived, basket head-case. You do not need to justify your actions.
4. If you want to target a person, consider other means aside from (noisy and easy to trace) firearms. For "surgical" strikes, nothing beats poison, radiation or "accidents". Remember Antonin Scalia. It's worked great for the progressive cabal. Adopt their strategy.
5. Any target worth your effort will be protected. Either by personal surveillance, guards, or other means. If not, then they are just plain foolish in their arrogance.
6. Threaten no one. Avoid arguments. Be as low-key and innocuous as possible. Be the Scarlet Pimpernel.
With that understood by most of the readers here, I’m sure you can all see how these RFL (Red Flag Laws) may eventually become the confiscation we’ve been warned about all along. RFL allow the state to use almost any reason they desire to go to your home, enter it and take your firearms away from you. All they have to do is justify it to themselves.
Make an angry, politically-charged Facebook post? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
Make a Twitter post that “authorities” interpret as being Islamophohic? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
You get in an argument with your woman and piss her off? A RFL can be used to confiscate your guns. It has happened.
Spare me the talking points on the legal limits of RFL at the present time. All they needed to do for now is get the laws into place. Rest assured they will be administratively and bureaucratically tweaked and adjusted so that it gets EASIER for the boys wearing the Oakleys to kick your door in, and those bureaucratic and administrative tweaks will make it harder and more expensive for you to get your guns back. Assuming that you ever get them back at all.
RFL are the tool that willll be used to get guns away from anyone and everyone that those in charge don’t want to have them.
All the talk that’s been had in your group about being quiet about your guns… Put that into action now. Ditch the NRA stickers, stop the good old boys gun discussions down at the local watering hole, remove the vanity pics from Facebook (why do you still have FB?). No one needs to know about your guns if they don’t live in your house. It won’t be easy to change those habits, but it’s time now.
The legal framework for taking your guns away simply for being a wrong-thinker is in place. The local Kommissar has his eyes open and the police will follow their orders to knock on your door when they get the order.
-American Partisan
Study Materials
Anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you are going to sit and stay put and be passive, then put on the “neutral” camouflage and go with the flow. If you are going to flee, then prep and make the leap. And, of course, if you are going to strike against the progressive cabal study.
If you are desirous of taking matters into your own hands, be realistic about it. It will not be like any television show, or movie that you have watched. It will be up front and personal. It will NOT go the way you planned, and it will NOT be pleasant.
Think. Think very carefully if you really want to do this. Bugging out and high-tailing it to a foreign land is a much easier and less risky thing to do.
In the early stages of SHTF, the government will still be functional and they will have the resources to track you down and kill you dead. Realize this. They will protect their elite members and protected classes of people and will strike back harshly at you and yours… their inferiors.
Realize it, and take the appropriate measures.
Advantage lies in secrecy, surprise, planning, and backup plans. Trust no one. Plan on the worst possible outcome, and keep frosty and alert.
War is not like a video game. It is up front, in your face and personal. You had best steel yourself for this reality if you are even going to contemplate fighting and hurting others. It’s nasty, nasty business. It really is.
If you are not ready to kill someone with a knife, up close and personal, then you are not ready to do anything. Option three is not for you. You should reconsider options one or two.
Life isn’t fair. Deal with it.
When one anonymous phone call can cause police to descend on your house, seize your firearms, and shoot you if you resist, then you no longer live in a nation of laws.
- Staff at Amerika
I have a friend here in China named Ronald. He’s from South Africa.
He fled his home nation when the social Marxists came to power and started to implement their war on “white people”. (Within months of Barrack Obama giving 7 billion dollars to South Africa to “improve their energy grid”. Who’d have thought?)
He lost just about everything that he owned. But… he’s alive. He has a roof over his head and trying to make it at 65 years old in a strange land with strange customs.
But at least he doesn’t have to worry about gangs of black urban youth riding technicals, crashing through his doorway and abusing his family and friends.
His point of view is that while things are a real struggle for him at this time, it is far better for him now in China that were he to have stayed in South Africa. He’s a lucky man and has his nut.
The holy grail of nuts.
Don’t put too much faith in Donald Trump and the Republican crew to reverse centuries of progressive Marxism. They are floundering. They are not doing anything. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they do not have that ability.
As a result all this is just leading youse guys along.
As Bill Barr slowly and efficiently covers up the seditious plot and other crimes committed by the FBI and DOJ during the Obama years, it is not unreasonable to wonder how far down the scale this moves the political center. Twenty-five years ago, most dissidents would have thought this level of corruption was improbable, if not entirely impossible. The typical normie was still sure the next election would bring reformers, who would chase off the crooks and clean up the system...
One thing we know is that dissident ranks are growing. Even the Left is admitting it. The popularity of dissident sites, podcasts and video shows are at record highs. More important, the general sense within dissident ranks is that reform is impossible...
Whatever you may think of Trump, the result of the last three years is proof that elections don’t matter. This shameless refusal by public officials to apply the law to Washington insiders makes a mockery of the rule of law. Throw in the stunning dishonesty of the mass media and the metastasizing surveillance state and it is impossible for even the most gullible to remain a civic nationalist.
-Z man blog via Remus
Do not be caught off guard. You are a man and have responsibilities.
Newsflash: Red Flag Laws are already being enforced across the country, even in some die hard Red States.
My advice to Armed Patriots is still the same:
DUMP ALL Social Media
Do NOT advertise anything about Firearms on your vehicle or person
Keep your Personal Business to yourself
NEVER willingly install Listening Devices in your House such as SIRI and ALEXA
Big Brother is listening and watching 24/7.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
-The Tactical Hermit
Take your responsibilities seriously and make the hard and difficult choices.
Choose one of the following three options and go full blast at it. You do not have forever. Now is the time. You are the person. Be smart. Be frosty. Be serious.
Stay and accept a life as a serf in a two-tiered society.
Flee for greener pastures.
Fight the bastards, but be smart about it.
The BIG GAME is coming.
" this past weekend i was at the local having a pint. out of no where there was a commotion by the pool tables behind me. i looked and there stood a kid 17-18ish, yelling at a guy standing with his hair in a ponytail.
he had a slight smirk on his face. he never said a word, he just stood staring back with a shit eating grin.
eventually the manager walked over, and ended up kicking the kid out.
the manager came back sat next to me and the bartender walked over. i looked at the manager and said, “that kid was gonna get pounded if it went to blows.” the bartender (an Irish guy and former hell raiser) nodded and the manager quickly agreed. “OH YEAH!!!!” manager spent a year in prison for involuntary man slaughter. guy pulled a gun on him, he took the gun and he shot the man in the face, point blank.
when he told me the story he did it in the most chilling voice i’d ever heard from his mouth.
guys that fight, NEVER talk shit. there’s a disagreement and either a fight begins or does not. when a fist lands on your face, that’s the primary sign you are in a fight. there’s a certain way i fight if i KNOW it’s gonna down. don’t ask, i ain’t telling.
“when you are short on everything but the enemy, you are in combat.” -murphey’s laws of combat.
guy ended up coming up to the bar to get a drink. i looked over at him and said, “god dammit i was hoping you were gonna unload on him.” he smiled and said, “nah, i only fight men.” i told the bartender i was covering his beer. he shook my hand, thanked me and i asked his name.
“Mike, you.”
i answered, “Danny. nice to meet you. stay the fuck up Dude.”
he turned and walked back to his game of pool.
stay up.
- ITLR: The Barking Doggy
“… if Barr & Durham fail to deliver a bale of indictments, they will be putting a bullet in the head of this republic. There will be no hope of restoring trust in the system …” There’s more.
“What is most perilous for our country now, would be to journey through
a second epic crisis of authority in recent times without anybody
facing the consequences of crimes they might have committed. The result
will be a people turned utterly cynical, with no faith in their
institutions or the rule of law, and no way to imagine a restoration of
their lost faith within the bounds of law”.
The first epic crisis was the finance debacle of 2008,
“… fraudsters and swindlers in that orgy of banking malfeasance were never marched into a courtroom, never had to answer for their depredations, and remained at their desks in the C-suites collecting extravagant bonuses”.
The FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FISA
Court, the Department of State, et al, originated and assisted this
clunky coup attempt and continue to cover up the misdeeds of their
participants. Piles of actionable evidence have been part of the public
record for some time now, yet we still await reason to believe the Barr
and Durham investigations are being conducted in good faith. Given
events thus far an objective observer would bet the other way.
As Mr. Kunstler points out, trust, perhaps
legitimacy itself, is slipping away from DC. Consider their serial
crimes, not merely unpunished but flouted as insider jokes. Consider
the malicious partisanship and sponsored assaults by DC’s core agencies,
openly applauded in DC as brave and heroic. Consider past and ongoing
“legislating from the bench” specifically intended to undo the express
will of the people. The emerging message is plain enough now to be
unmistakable. Our votes don’t count. Because we don’t count.
Most SHTF and Prepper articles concentrate on self-preservation. Now, Self-preservation is important, but it will not take our Republic back. Always remember that. Fighting a Defensive war is a losing proposition.
NO ONE ever wins a war fought on the Defensive.
Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain.
1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR, each victim’s identity card was both part of the initial targeting and the final “production record”.
2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they will be coming for you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where they know you work and live. Act early if you want to maximize your chances. You and your family will die if you are at your government-approved address.
3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors:The most disturbing moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution or interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through the excellent exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after “liberation” by the Soviets in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of whom were subsequently executed or starved or died of exposure and disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB by their neighbors.
4) “Fascism” is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the real enemy is collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one could tell the provenance of any signage by its reference to “fascism”. Mostly, such markings were from the Soviet era, during which — not coincidentally — many more millions of innocent human beings were killed by the “enlightened” Communists than had been slaughtered by the Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to expect the Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-minded folks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to the mass grave.
5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to folks who do.
6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address in order to live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does not make.
7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used to the idea. Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try to avoid jeopardizing your allies to the extent possible, but know that they too will be swept into the whirlwind.
8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family
members:Sippenhaft ain’t just a chapter in Vanderboegh’s long-awaited novel. The KGB museum was filled with execution orders with notations indicating that not only had the subject been killed per order of the Party, but that “special measures” had or would be taken against the victim’s family.
9) You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods, you are there for the duration. The Baltic “forest brothers”stayed out until they were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report.
10) If you think it can’t happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and Lithuanian Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppenthought the same thing. So did the Lithuanians who couldn’t believe that the Communists under Stalin and subsequent regimes would hold their passionate patriotism against them.
Almost all of those folks who believed “it couldn’t happen” died.
A few survived by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the brutal realities of the Gulag, year after year after year.
Each of them knows the single biggest lesson from Lithuania: naked, brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of kin and country, and simple human decency — often for decades or more.
Lose your illusions.
While there is still time.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
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